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English duo retain Adam interest

Guest Jum Spence

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I'd be looking for far more than the reputed �£500k for an international who has scored 15 goals from midfield in a single season, brings a set peice threat and has good European experience at the highest level; Champions League and the now rebranded UEFA cup. Especially for a player who was mooted as a player of the year whilst on loan to a team for only half a season.


He's young, naturally gifted in terms of technical ability and has an eye for the spectacular. See goals on his recent loan spell.


Sure he looks heavy and lacks a yard of pace but off-set that against all hsi attributes and �£500k is an absolute steal/farce.


If his parent club was from England, his loan performances would see him being touted for a several million pound move.

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It always seems our incompetant CEO is the easiest to barter with in the enitre footballing world.


The length of messed up deals is staggering.


Sad to say I would have expected the scum to have sold Adam from a similar position for at least �£2M plus add ons.

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I think Adam should get another chance,for me he still has a lot to offer,excuse me while I get my hard hat on and take cover!!!!, but seriously I think the guy has talent and is young enough to improve, I don't know what kind of wages he is on but surely he is worth another chance especially after doing well when out on loan ?

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