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SPL seeks new television contract

Guest Jum Spence

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Can't remember the last time I woke up at 11am with 2 daughters under the age of 2... ;)


As for the wife giving me an all-day pub pass every other week, there is no chance mate...! :D :D


I am the same Frankie i was only dreaming.:)

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The Sunday 6pm kick-offs were the demise of my supporters club. Very few of us wanted to go up to Aberdeen and Dundee on a Sunday night and back late when you have to be up early for work the next day. It was one of the main reasons why the club folded.

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I would hope the 6pm Sunday ko are dead and buried.


Since losing the SPL contract, Sky have not shown any UK football at that time.


There are enough slots between Sat 1230, Sat 1730, Sun 1230, Sun 1400, Sun 1600, Mon 2000 for Sky to fit in SPL football. They could screen our games when ESPN are showing their EPL 4th and 5th choice games, and would not be too much of an inconvenience to supporters that go to the games.


Of course if it goes to ESPN, as is rumoured by some, we can go straight in on Sunday afternoons against SKY's EPL coverage and retain the 1400 Sunday KO.

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You know of course that whoever takes over from the discredited and incompetant Irish broadcaster will be on the lookout for Scottish presenters, and just like when Crocker jumped from Sky to Scumtanta, and Delac*nt jumped from STV , we can probably expect the old bhoys network to be in full flow and some familiar faces to appear to bore those of us unlucky enough to have to depend on the live tv action to follow our club, to some of the same old same old.


Hopefully, wether it be Sky or ESPN, a new approach is taken with some new talent. I like Jim White of course, but hopefully with new commentators, pundits and reporters.


ESPN might be a decent shout, they definately will want to be seen as different from Scumtanta, and should go into it with a neutral perspective. It will probably depend on who they hire to oversee the SPL stuff should they buy it.

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ESPN might be a decent shout, they definately will want to be seen as different from Scumtanta, and should go into it with a neutral perspective. It will probably depend on who they hire to oversee the SPL stuff should they buy it.


Dont be so sure about that. ESPN used to broadcast over here and they used Tommy "he put it in the old onion bag" Smyth. OF games and he was so incredibly biased toward the Tims. It was nauseating - even when we were quite obviously the better team he would do nothing but shout up Celtic.


Hopefully they would get less biased commentators for the UK though.

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