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But it's impossible for Mowbray to have won the same amount of trophies as Smith as he's only been a manager for about 4 seasons.


When Mowbray has been a manager for 18ish seasons then come back and compare them.


Maybe just compare Mowbray's first 4 seasons with Walter's first 4 seasons...


Walter - 4 SPL titles, 2 Scottish Cups, 2 Scottish League cups plus the first British manager to get to the group stage of the Champions league, first to get to the last 8 - and finished pretty much 3rd despite some dodgy goings on by Marseilles.


Mowbray - 1 Championship title and ... err...

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While it looks almost certain that the Pork Pie (melton Mowbry, geddit!!) will take over at the piggery (pork pies, pigs, surely it is fated) wouldn't it be funny that after taking a week to agree to a non-negotiable release clause with WBA, that Mowbry asks for too much money to improve the side and the talks break down, leaving the scum to go for their 5th choice manager, and still have the balls to tell everyone they got their preferred choice.

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The material Mowbray has had is nothing like he will get at parkhead. Let us not push our ego's so far up our backsides that it comes out our ears. O'Neil and Strachen had also won nothing but went on to win titles with the unwashed.

Rangers have to move forward if we don't Fred Flintstone could possibly win them the league.

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Tony Mowbray is quite a dignified, decent kind of guy. Give him a couple of months in that seething cesspit of hate and see how his demeanour changes.


Oh, and let's see where his "pyoor Sellik-mindedness n at" gets him with TGFITW when he's 10 points behind at Christmas.


Rather you than me Tony bhoy.

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Good point Norris.


I always found Mowbray to be a decent sort who knows the game and is not afraid to say "we werent good enough" without sugar-coating it.


Also a fair point pete - but the only way we can make comparisons is with the info we have. The only ones we can make are 1st 4 seasons (like for like).


I do agree that he will have better players at Celtic than he had at Hibs- he also had them playing decent football....... but so too did Tommy Burns and how many titles did he deliver to the Tims ?

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I dont think they can be compared too easily even if you take the first 4 years and WS inherited a good team and had an open cheque book at a huge club. Mowbray took a small team like Hibs to playing good football but didnt win anything.


How about if you compare what they both did in the EPL...that makes more sense.


WS (cant remember where he took Everton - maybe 15th, 17th and mid table??) v Mowbray 1 relegation and 1 promotion. So WS wins there.


However Ive got a feeling Mowbray wont do that well and I think WS will wipe the floor with him next season. As Norris says he seems a decent bloke who is level headed but i think WS's experience will shine through.

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