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Mowbray, compensation and their transfer funds

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Compensation fee for Mowbray has been met, thought to be �£2million. Also need to pay for Grant and the other guy (name escapes me at the minute).


Bobo's reputed loyalty bonus of �£1million to be considered too.


With no guaranteed CL football and the bounty that brings (they are not expected to qualify going on seedings) will Celtic have any kind of transfer budget before selling players?

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The other guy is Mark Venus, no ?


That is a hefty amount to pay for Mowbray. And then the Balde loyalty bonus. So 3 mill out the door and no guaranteed CL football.


The advantage they have over us is that their debt levels are much more manageable than ours. They "could" likely spend more than us and still be in a better position - however, the probability is that they won't.


If they spend perhaps 5 million on players that is almost 8 million additional expenditure and, with ST's not going well, you have to assume that it would be added to their debt, which would bring their debt up to, I think, about 10 mill (think they currently only have 3 mill in debt).


So they would have 3 mill in debt.


If we can assume that we will operate within our income levels (only spending on players if we get rid of players) and given our HUGE squad last year the wages will reduce so we should be able to do this (yes, we all want new players, but I want them within the current financial restrictions i.e. transfers in from fees of outgoing players and wages of outgoing players) then we should hopefully see the CL cash being set against the debt of the club.


This would take our debt down to about 20 mill (assuming it is at the rumoured level of 30 mill right now).


Now lets see just what CL money does for one half of the OF if the other isnt there.


Last year - Celtic 3 mill debt, Rangers 30 mill (they had won the title 3 consecutive and we failed to make CL last year)


This year (possible) - Celtic 10 mill debt, Rangers 20 mill.


The differential would go from 27 mill to 10 mill, simply because we get CL entry and they possibly do not.


This, for me, is the major reason why I would happily forego an extended run in the CL for a few years so long as we win the title for those same few years. The money that the CL brings is vital to BOTH sides of the OF.


But because it is vital it also makes it crucial that our custodian and those managing the club look for alternative revenue streams because to rely on CL money which is variable and not even close to guaranteed is a very precarious position to put yourself in.

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Correct Craig, it is more Mark Venus. Cheers.


Anyone have any ideas of the compensation needed for his coaching staff then?


There are a lot of intertwined issues relating to their finances it's hard to sum it all up in one post and ascertain the impact of each of the different facets.


1) New management compensation.

2) Potentially no CL football.

3) Increasing debt?

4) First team/squad players need replacing; Hartley, Nakamura, Venegoor of Hesselink for starters.

5) Dimishing season ticket sales.

6) Balde's �£1million bonus.


Probably some other factors i've over looked too.


Going to be a very interesting summer at Torbett Towers. If they get it wrong we could be looking at 2iar, more guaranteed CL football and perpetual cycle of success for us on the field and on the balancee sheet with the reverse true for Celtic unless they change from their stratgey of financial prudence and gamble with a large outlay in transfer funds to attain on field success and get their finances back on track.

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