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Can't and wouldn't want PLG to change a formation that won him titles, European success and plaudits with Lyon, just because we draw with DUFC and only being two games into the season.


We created untold chances yesterday and probably should have had the game won by half-time, 6-1 wouldn't have been an unfair scoreline at half-time.


I think we need to give PLG time to get the correct players slotted into his favoured system.


For what it is worth, I can see Dado and Adam dropping to the bench on Sunday with Boyd and Sebo/Burke taking their places. When Fergie is fit, he will take Hendami's place in the team.


If we continue to play football the way we have for the majority of the last 2 games, I don't think it'll take long for the players to settle into the formation and for his to click and enjoy the rewards.


Cammy F

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I agree. I wouldn't be disappointed to see the same team and formation next week. We're playing fantastic football, creating a barrel-load of chances that could win a dozen games - and that's only two matches into the new regime...


You could say we missed a fair few chances but the saves were top quality and you don't expect a team to save three shots off the line. The goals will come with time - they are inevitable, and when they do we'll give someone a complete hiding.


As for the defence, it's too early to make judgements and I think Svensson will come good. However, we definitely need more options there, but it's obvious Le Guen knows this. If Fanfan goes, I'm sure we'll be right in the market for another defender.


If we get Barry back soon, Hemdani can be cover for that area.


I'm entirely happy with the way things are going and see no need to change much at all. We're not going to win every game, but if we play like that every week, I won't complain too much about the odd draw or unlucky loss.

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BTW, Hutton was arguably our best defender on Saturday. His clearance off the line was incredible and he played pretty well overall. He certainly needs more confidence and could improve his distribution but before he broke his leg he was a good, strong defender. He can regain that form with our support.


Agreed Frankie. I couldn't believe the level of criticism that he came in for on Saturday - one guy where I was in the west enclosure was giving him pelters for the full game - couldn't help but tell him he obviously knew nothing about football.


Hutton for me was our best defender on Saturday (coin flip though with Stevie Smith) - Svensson never won a high ball, J-Rod didn't win many either and his distribution was poor whilst Hutton helped get forard on the right hand side, delivered some decent crosses (only fault is quite a few were from deep positions) and his goal-lin clearance was quality.


The only complaint I had about Hutton on Saturday was that he allowed his opponent far too much space to turn (as an ex-full back I never allowed space to turn and forced the forward to do his work with back to goal - but that is personal preference).


I couldn't believe that Hutton was getting pelters on Saturday after his FIRST touch of the game - talk about giving a player confidence ;)


And BTW Gribz..... I think it is far too early to look at changing formation. The chances we are creating is VERY encouraging and I think that a back 4 as opposed to 3 SHOULD work, IMO we just need a stronger centre half that wins aerial battles (big Marv ??). Mav is not the answer I know but had he played on Sat Utd wouldn't have won nearly as many aerial balls.....


And calscot - you are right about Hemdani - he seemed, to me at least, that he played behind J-Rod as a sweeper and that worked as any flick-on were mopped up easily by him.

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And BTW Gribz..... I think it is far too early to look at changing formation. The chances we are creating is VERY encouraging and I think that a back 4 as opposed to 3 SHOULD work, IMO we just need a stronger centre half that wins aerial battles (big Marv ??). Mav is not the answer I know but had he played on Sat Utd wouldn't have won nearly as many aerial balls.....


Have a look a what i said later on in the thread - I wouldnt change it, its far too early. ;)


As i said before my post was just a question to see opinions etc :)

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Have a look a what i said later on in the thread - I wouldnt change it, its far too early. ;)


As i said before my post was just a question to see opinions etc :)


Geez a break man - am at the outlaws and they are bugging the shit out of me - so am scan reading. Sorry my man.

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No wonder your on Gersnet :D;)




Nae kidding - looking forward to getting back to Bermuda for ome reality - but I have these muppets to contend with till Sunday.


And whilst I was pampering myself at the spa yesterday the bastards (sorry for the language) bought him the Hibs strip and clothed him in it - me thinks it could get lost very soon !!

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