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Cheque's in the mail (aye right :P).


Cheers mate.


So we were still forking out more on wages than them until 2003. I'm assuming that means up until end of season 02/03 when Eck won the title on the last day.


I can't quite remember the precise details of cost cutting but assume it really began in earnest for McLeish after that season.


Since which Celtic have enjoyed somewhat greater title success.


We have shown though that it is not all about the wages and titles can be won wasting considerably less on the wages of the like of Balde and Donati.


We all now about our more precarious financial position, but if we play it smart over the summer and the next couple of years we could put Celtic in serious financial stress as their wages and finances do not match their successes on the field.

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I only charge �£50. :whistle:


Rangers Celtic

�£m �£m


1999 31 15

2000 34 20

2001 33 26

2002 37 33

2003 35 33

2004 30 41

2005 27 37

2006 28 32

2007 24 36

2008 34 39


Very interesting reading that. It just shows you how important cash is. Look how much more we were spending than Celtic in 1999 and 2000 and think back to how good we were and how shit they were. Then you can see us cut back during the McLeish years and Celtic's spending rocket. That's a pretty huge jump in wage bill between 2007 and 2008 from us as well.

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Yeah, if you adjust our 2008 figures for the �£7m European bonus we paid, it appears that we have a lower wage than them at the moment.


Are you saying our spending on wages was approx 27 before the Euro bonus (34-7)?


If so, discounting the figure of �£34mil as it takes into account exceptional figures for bonuses we are unlikely to see in the coming seasons, is it really sustainable for Celtic to be spending in the high �£30 odd millions compared to us spending circa �£25-30 mil? :confused:

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Are you saying our spending on wages was approx 27 before the Euro bonus (34-7)?


If so, discounting the figure of �£34mil as it takes into account exceptional figures for bonuses we are unlikely to see in the coming seasons, is it really sustainable for Celtic to be spending in the high �£30 odd millions compared to us spending circa �£25-30 mil? :confused:


Yes, that is what I'm saying. we should see a drop this year. the SPL bonuses paid should be nowhere near the bonuses last year (I hope!).


Celtic's wage bill has been higher, funded in part with the additional �£5m income from season tickets, and the CL income which has allowed to break even. However no CL income and a fall in season tickets could see it become unmanagable. Some of it may be supplemented by selling the likes of Boruc, and possibly McGeady.

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Yes, that is what I'm saying. we should see a drop this year. the SPL bonuses paid should be nowhere near the bonuses last year (I hope!).


Celtic's wage bill has been higher, funded in part with the additional �£5m income from season tickets, and the CL income which has allowed to break even. However no CL income and a fall in season tickets could see it become unmanagable. Some of it may be supplemented by selling the likes of Boruc, and possibly McGeady.




So if we can hopefully win a couple of league titles in a row and keep them out of the CL money it could really set them back. :D

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So if we can hopefully win a couple of league titles in a row and keep them out of the CL money it could really set them back. :D


Rather than looking at it setting them back (which it could) the better way to look at it is that it could set us on an even keel financially ourselves.


They will likely have to spend in the summer so they will probably be looking at debt (unless they sell to compensate for purchases) - and I dont believe half of these inflated prices being thrown around for their players (Brown isnt even worth the 4.4 they paid for him and I saw on a rumour site that Boruc would be sold for.....wait for it..... 22 million (where is that ROFL smilie when you need it ?)).


But if you assume that their spending is offset by their income and if you assume that we will actually reduce our playing staff, thereby reducing our wages and, possibly, seeing some transfer income, then we will be in a much better position ourselves for next season and with a lower base wage than them (although we too have less income).


But a couple of SPL wins will see us get closer to them financially IF we are prudently managing the finances of the club.


By the way, paying 7 million in bonuses for the European run is absolutely incredulous in my opinion. Yes, players should be rewarded, but to the tune of 7 million (25% of their base wage ??). Surely we could have handed out bonuses much lower than that (even 3.5 mill would be reasonable).


These guys get paid well and I doubt they would refuse to play for us if they didnt get a huge Euro bonus. Plus, they should have enough professional pride to want to do well on the European stage without the lure of significant bonuses.

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I think there were comments at the time that the European bonuses were grossly inflated. Basically wiped out any profit gained from the run.


I know people get a bit arsey when we appear to focus on them. But realistically it is only the two clubs competing for the league and the CL riches so anything that strengthens us whislt simultaneously weakening them is to be welcomed.


Success on the field and finances are too finely entangled for the Old Firm to not consider the imlications on our opponents of our success and the chances of continued success.

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Dont disagree S_A and part of the reason Celtic are financially ahead of us is because of their participation in the CL over the last few years.


It is a double-whammy if we make the CL and they dont and even though we shouldnt focus on that we should very much welcome and embrace it, which we do !

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