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Motherwell win Europa League spot

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When this was first suggested as a possibility I thought it would be good for Scottish football.


But will it?


Is the country's contribution to our co-efficient not calculated by all co-efficient points earned by the teams from that country, divided by the number of teams from that country competing in Europe.


So if Well do what most teams do and add about 1 point to that co-efficient and we get anywhere from 8 to say 17. (Not unreasonable). The fact that Motherwell are in Europe may very well bring down the country contribution to our sides co-efficients for seeding.


Hope that makes sense, I think it will to anyone who has been on Bert Kassie's site before.

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I think its good to see 6 Scottish clubs in europe but i dont agree with how this works. Its almost like hand picking a team from the bottom half of the SPL. The place should go to the highest team in the league who havent qualified for Europe.


You should only qualify for europe on some sort of merit on performances not due to having the least players booked.


But in that case it would put Levein in Europe so no..:flipa:

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