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I don't hate them, but i do think they think they are better than they are.


Like so many years ago with Notts Forrest, they thought they were too good to go down, but NOBODY is. Even Man Utd were relegated albeit 38 odd years ago.


Newcastle are in so much deep shit now it's unreal. They apparantly have 15 players on 50k a week with NO relegation clause in their contracts. That alone just shows that the heirachy NEVER thought this would happen to them.


They now face a long hard slug out of the Championship, which is such a hard, hard league to get out of. Just ask Leicester, Leeds, Coventry, Forrest, Reading, Sheff Utd, who all have suffered the same fate as the Geordies today.


However, i do feel that although it is such a bad situation, that over the coming weeks, the wounds will heel slightly, they will regroup and get on with the challenge ahead.


I don't think though that Shearer is the man to take them through that slog ahead. He doesnt know anything about that league, and if anything Ian Dowie would be better suited to it. If not, then they have to go and get someone who has done it before like a Phil Brown, Mick McCarthy(very unlikely given their Sunderland allegiences though).


One guy i think would be perfect for them would be Tony Pulis. He knows how to get a team fighting and even took Stoke up through automatic promotion! They have the cash still to tempt him too.

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I thought they would somehow get out of it but they are absolutely rank and deserve to go down.


Their players are just finished:

Owen - been past it for years now.

Viduka - Overweight, overpaid, useless lump

Duff - Has never been the same player since going there

Smith - That leg break finished him

Barton - Idiot

Butt - Past it

Nolan - had one good season at Bolton, well out his depth at NUFC


As John says their wage bill is ridiculous and they will have to sell off half the squad and replace with cheaper players.


The Championship is going to be tough for them to get out of. They are the biggest team to go down since Leeds and West Ham. Leeds went into free fall and are still in league one while West Ham went about it the right way and 2 seasons out the top flight has done them wonders.


Again, agree with John that Shearer isnt the man to lead them. He has all the passion and knows his football but I dont think he is ready to be a top manager. They need a full overhaul at that club from top to bottom. Ive no idea who would be the right man to take them forward.

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