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Gers don't merit title - Samaras

Guest Jum Spence

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A great incentive was handed to us yesterday as one of sellik's headless chicken occasional forwards announces that " Rangers are not worthy to be champions " like wot they are.

This must be seen as great news in the incentive department.

I'd love to see the look on wee jimi kranki's coupon as he reads that this morning, comedy gold !

C'mon Walter, have Murray Park decorated with the news.

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Post from elsewhere:


Don't deserve it?


1. Beaten Celtc on two occasions in the league this season, to their one.


2. Better record since the turn of the year.


3. Top goalscorer at our club.


4. Won more games than them in the league.


5. Lost the same.


6. Drawn less than them.


7. Best defence in the league.


8. 16 points from our last 18 - Celtc have taken 11 over the same period.


9. Same number of clean sheets.


10. Better home and away record.


Who the fuck is Samaras trying to kid?


Another reason to go out, and, take Dundee United apart on Sunday!

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And that's not to mention having mostly hindrance from officials while they've had plenty of help. On a level playing field or using TV technology, we'd be about 10 points ahead at least.


Celtic to me have also had most of the luck demonstrated by loads of winners in the last five minutes.


I don't know how worthy we are in absolute terms but relatively we're the most worthy team in the league by a long way - and that's even if we don't win it.

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this should be pinned up on the dressing room walls but hopefully the players should already be up for the biggest game of their careers but if they are not geed up enough maybe this will help!!


samaras has just made a total arse of himself saying what he has, it doesn't make one bit of sense apart from being totally biased :wanker:

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That's our teamtalk sorted for Sunday.


Yup. Strachan must be going off his head at that one.


Thankfully our players have been very quiet. Long may that continue. (McCulloch, don't say anything!!!)

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