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  gersfem said:
Also there was a thread last night on FF with a link to the BBC website forum saying 'the bouncy' is a disgusting song as it is about a young irish lad getting his head stamped on!!!


Is this true? not as far as i'm aware


Nope, more lies peddled by the greatest liars in the world - they can't even agree what (unfortunate) murder this relates to. Some say it was started by loyalists who celebrated a murder in Londonderry by doing the bouncy - the murder took place in 1994 - I remember doing the boucy at Tynecastle in the 80's.


Other say it is done to celebrate the death of a Craptic fan in Glasgow but both are wrong. The Bouncey was started one freezzing cold game at Tynecastle (or it could have been Tannidice) in the early / mid 80's where, to keep warm, Rangers fans began bouncing up and down to keep warm - it spread right around the away end and was even mentioned on the radio at the time. It then started to appear in the East Enclosure at home games and soon the words 'If You Cannae Do The Bouncy' were added.


This is just another myth thought up by Timmy to get at us - imagine using the death of one of your own, just to get at Rangers fans - lowest of the low - it ranks up ther with the red tops of our socks symbolising being up to our knees in ****** blood.


Cammy F

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They are unbelievable...its true that they hate us more than they love their own club...some other dhim tried to tell me that 'we are the people' was copied from a nuremburg rally chant by the nazis...i would say that you couldnt make it up...but they can

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  calscot said:
I'm pretty sure that if the Tims repeatedly report us for these kinds of songs, the UEFA investigations at Ibrox will definitely stop. It's a very good example of crying wolf.


Only if our club defend us - if Timmy complain to UEFA regarding the bouncey and the club tell them the real stroy behind it, then yes, UEFA will stop taking them seriously and tell them to get a life.


However, if our custodian and our club turn round and say - oh its about a murder is it, OK we'll tell them to stop singing it' then we are back to square one.


This is the time to draw the line in the sand - that message must come from the club - they must say publically that once we are rid of *** and TBB's its time for UEFA to move on and find itself another club to pester - and one that isn't that far from ours.


Cammy F

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  CammyF said:
Only if our club defend us - if Timmy complain to UEFA regarding the bouncey and the club tell them the real stroy behind it, then yes, UEFA will stop taking them seriously and tell them to get a life.


However, if our custodian and our club turn round and say - oh its about a murder is it, OK we'll tell them to stop singing it' then we are back to square one.

Cammy F


I know you don't think DM defends our club in public, but I'm pretty sure he put up a very strong defence in the UEFA investigation and produced a hell of a lot of evidence. That's why it was originally thrown out.


UEFA didn't have the resources or knowlege to properly answer our defence and so threw their hands up and said "not our problem". Then the official who didn't attend the hearing pushed them into a rethink and so, to not look so weak, they decided to pick on a song that is reasonably hard to defend.


They will not pick on Wolverhampton town or the Bouncy as it would leave them open to ridicule and label them as farcical and they would have to apply the same rules to every team. It would ruin their whole campagne to get rid of racism etc from their competitions.

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I think we are underestimating Timmy, their lapdogs in the media and UEFA here. UEFA have already stated that they have to investigate any complaints they receive. Why do you think they investigated us in the first place? Did they stick a pin in the map of Europe and it landed on Ibrox?


They recevied complaints from Timmy and from sections of our unbiased and impartial media (thy know who they are) and UEFA set up an investigation. The bus window getting smashed was just the 'icing on the cake'.


This is why the CLUB or maybe their new PR gurus must publically defend us now. This is why we have to say, yeah, we hold our hands up, we are getting rid of *** and TBB's, but that is it - no further - take a look at other clubs (Lazio and their Nazi connections, Basque clubs not signing anyone from outwith that region etc, clubs singing IRA songs etc).


We (the club) have to be pro-active instead of rushing thro defences if and when UEFA come knocking again.


Cammy F

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Cammy is spot on!


We DO have problems, there ARE songs and chants we need to cut out, but we need to do that and like cammy says, draw a line and say 'no more' and start getting tough with these idiots who are shopping us for things that are so trivial and non-offensive, with 'journalists' who are comparing us to nazi rallies, and we need to make it clear to UEFA that maybe they should be investigating the smokescreen being set up by the people who are actually reporting us ..... what has Timmy got to hide (we all bloody well know!!!)


Enough is enough .... give us time to sort out our problems, but take no more pish from the mhedia in this country!!!!

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I also think our new PR team need to make it clear to UEFA that although we WILL be trying to rid ibrox of the songs in question, we will NOT be accepting stands closing or points docking, as to be honest, i think UEFA would have a fight in court for such action considering what goes on elsewhere in Europe


i.e. we need to get TOUGH!!!

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