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I don't know about the rest of you but I reckon tomorrow nights game is now bigger than the OF game on Saturday. We're now top of the table but there's a good chance Celtic regain top spot with a home win over Dundee United tonight which means we NEED to beat the Hibees tomorrow night. Anything less and I reckon it's over for another year!


I hate ging to Easter Road, I'm never confident of getting a victory there even though we've done it twice already this season.


Anyway, nerves are kicking in big time for me!

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The next game is bigger every time we get nearer to the finish line, I'm confident as the team have shown me enough bottle on this unbeaten run that they are up for it, of course it will be nervy, confident all the same

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Im the opposite, I feel very confident in the team at the moment. Thats what 6 wins on the trot??


No coincidence since BF has gone out the team and Weir made captain either. I dont think thats a knock at Fergusons ability but he wasnt running games at all and i feel he was keeping a few in their shells. Boyd seems to have been another who as improved at the same time.


I think we have got the bit between the tooth and we will win at Hibs. In fact i think this could be our easiest game in the run-in. Aberdeen and Dundee Utd will put out all the stops to stop us win the league plus they could be playing for 3rd place.

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The most important game since last Saturday and until this Saturday. Like Frankie, I don't think this title is over yet, but a win tomorrow would be a major, major step towards it.


I'll take squeaky bum 2009 over 2001, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2007 any day.

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Aye, rather nervous now...


Still not overly confident of winning the title so that is helping me somewhat as my expectations are low.


I am exactly the same. I don't know if it is an inherent belief that we won't win the league or deliberately setting myself up for the fall now that we are so close.


WS, AM and KM should be hammering it home to these guys that 270 minutes defines our season and they should be leaving NOTHING on the pitch in that time.

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3 games after how far they've come this year. I would be hammering that into the players. Leave nothing out on the field after each game. Give everything you can give in each of the games and the league is ours.

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We have 3 hard games but so do Celtic , if Dundee Utd take an early lead tonight the fans will turn on the team and on the manager like they always do , the true colours of the celtic support shine for all to see when the shit is hitting the fan and it affects the players too.


So i will be watching tonights game hoping they drop points but i am more concerned about taking 9/9 in the next 3 games we are more than capable of doing this , the media want us to fail again but like Big Marv always says Keep Believing and we will do it.



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