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It appears you need to do some reading on the subject to educate yourself Craig. :rolleyes:



I guess so...... it would appear his support is only for the political wing.... but would that not have been Sinn Fein ?

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I think he is trying to make out that his flag is in support of the IRA that existed between 1916-1923 and took part in the Easter uprising.


However that's certainly not clear from his flag and any reasonable person would assume that he's showing support for the sectarian terrorist organisation that considers itself a direct continuation of the original one.

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It's good to finally see this issue being given some proper attention and shown to be exactly what it is - public displays of support for a terrorist organisation, which actually IS against the law....apparently.


Obviously the media (no matter how biased they are) couldn't ignore a story like this. Had there been no connection to Strachan, I doubt it would have been given any coverage whatsoever, but hopefully this will lead to the bigger debate that has been skipped over for far too long as far as sectarianism and the OF are concerned.

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What is largely being ignored are the pro-IRA songs that were being sung, both inside the ground and outside, as they walked past the police.


The "Oh, ah, up the RA" seemed to be shouted by the whole stand, not just one "idiot".

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Our fans weren't much better during Simply the Best, though... FTIRA is not an issue but the Pope bit should be dropped.


Tbh I don't see why. Quite a few unsavoury opinions from him and his religion. Telling someone who is contributing to the spread of aids in Africa or who thinks everyone who doesn''t share his beliefs to fuck off is not the same as supporting a terrorist organisation.


It quite astonishing that we have allowed our society to brain wash everyone into thinking the former is totally unacceptable whilst giving the latter tacit approval.

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Our fans weren't much better during Simply the Best, though... FTIRA is not an issue but the Pope bit should be dropped.


I'd agree. The F.T.P was the loudest it's been since its reintroduction. Time for the song to be binned for this and another reason. It's part of an era that's been and gone and we should get another anthem for the team to come on to.


S_A, there's a difference between coming up with an argument as to why the Pope's policies are evil (both theologically and morally) and therefore telling him what you think, and a gratuitous F.T.P which smacks of bigotry.


I'm sure there are creative ways that people could come up with to slag off the pope through songs, but the F.T.P during STB or at the end of the Sash aren't that in any way, and should be binned instantly.

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Nothing to do with a Rangers fan, don't particularly associate with the protestant faith or even unionism (I don't even know if that is the correct term) or anything like that.


In a debate completely removed from what football team I support I find a lot of the opinions the catholic religion and therefore the nonsense that comes from its head spokesperson quite unpalatable.


I know in today's society we all have to buy into this mock offence of things that really aren't that important. Sectarianism and the battle with bigotry is just a way of McConnel's government and now his succesors to deflect from all the major failings of the way they run the government. It allows them to get a lot of good press from various vocal sources and prevents out press from taking a look at the real issues with our government and our society. In short it's a fucking nonsense.


As I say, who cares if people say ***. There's a lot related to this man and his religion's public image and statements that people should rightly deride.


The fact that a football ground is not the right place for this, and the motives of those doing it is questionable, does not detract from the fact that this is all part of the government's great plan to deflect from real issues and helps the media sell papers, gain viewers and listeners and generally helps them increase their exposure. It has fuck all to do with battling bigotry. If this was evidence of an underlying current of sectarianism and bigotry in society, and the motives of the politicians and the media were true then people might take it seriously. In truth these issues are not that widely spread in society. Most people in society mingle with those of other faiths and football teams without issue or even caring about it.


Quite why so much money, time and energy is ploughed into a complete non-problem is baffling and how this fact is not more widely challenged I do not know.


Just my opinion and I'm sure many will pick holes in my opinions and arguements. I do however beleive for the most part i'm right.


Frankly if a few people decide to shout distasteful comments whilst consumed with the mob mentality of being within a large sports crowd really isn't worthy of so much scrutiny, money, time and effort and merely detracts from the real causes and reasons for what is a fairly small society wide problem.


The war on sectarianism is a money wasting sham

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