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Seemingly the arsehole who was pictured flying the flag with IRA on it is the boyfriend of Gordon Strachan :), by all accounts the Daily Retard is running the story on the front page tomorrow

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Celtic condone this sort of behaviour week in, week out. That's why it usually wouldn't get a mention.


We have the usual Tom Williams CSC, the starry plough flags, their "Some men fight for silver" banner, their "oh, ah, up the...." banner, all officially condoned at Parkhead.


The fans are consistently allowed to show their support for a sectarian terrorist organisation and nothing is done.

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They talk about being an inclusive club one minute then release new 'international' strips with free republican t-shirts the next...


Sectarianism and racism is alive and well at Celtic Park.




Just when i thought they could stoop no lower they pull it out of the bag

these people want the world to love their pathetic excuse for an organisation

they are bitter and bigotted and anti British to the core ,


How these people can sleep at night in this country and get up and look themselves in the broken mirror going about there daily signing on duties knowing that they openly support terrorist activity against the country they live in is beyond me , they should be rounded up at dawn and frogmarched back to where they supposedly came from.


Go Home.

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Add this to their recent refusal t have the returning British soldiers, many of them Celtic fans, to appear at their stadium.


A pattern is beginning to form and this is encourgaed by the Celtic directors. Their club is rotten to the core.

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Add this to their recent refusal t have the returning British soldiers, many of them Celtic fans, to appear at their stadium.


A pattern is beginning to form and this is encourgaed by the Celtic directors. Their club is rotten to the core.


One of my best friends is in the Army and is a Celtic fan and he would be totally gutted by this but it would open his eyes to the bile and Bigoted attitude of his beloved Celtic.


But as the rest do . he will take recidency on Planet Tim and brush it under the carpet , Planet Tim were White is Green and Black is a Minging shade of Grey.

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Maybe Chesney will have a quiet word with him and tell him not to do it again! ;)


Something was mentioned in the papers yesterday about Liewell banning the guy for life from CP if he's a ST holder. Woopty dooo!! How exactly will that work?


My mate is banned from Fir Park but constantly goes to watch them week in wek out. Things like banning them from stadiums doesn't work.

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