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An addition to the Mr Men

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Is that off the legends of football website?


The guy who sells t-shirts on Edmiston Drive at Copland Road has a right good few crackin' t-shirts for sale.




Aye, it is! I posted a topic on this guys shops / website the other week!


He also has another addition to the Mr Men family - Mr Bluenose but I don't think there is a picture of Mr Bluenose on his site as yet.


The guys t-shirts / products are first class and I'd urge anyone looking for something different (even to give as a present) to give the guy a visit - all the t-shirts I have bought from the guy are brilliant quality. BTW, you are cheaper buying them at Ibrox - �£10 t-shirt!


Cammy F

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Aye, it is! I posted a topic on this guys shops / website the other week!


He also has another addition to the Mr Men family - Mr Bluenose but I don't think there is a picture of Mr Bluenose on his site as yet.


The guys t-shirts / products are first class and I'd urge anyone looking for something different (even to give as a present) to give the guy a visit - all the t-shirts I have bought from the guy are brilliant quality. BTW, you are cheaper buying them at Ibrox - �£10 t-shirt!


Cammy F


Yip, you're getting �£5 off on most t-shirts if you buy off the street vendor at Ibrox. My mate bought a Gattuso one at the Motherwell home game. The quality of material used by these people usually puts me off buying from them but the quality used by this guy/company is excellent as Cammy mentioned.


I noticed the Mr Bluenose one while my mate was buying the Gattuso but couldn't buy it cause I was Keith Flint at the time. I'll get it next time. :D

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Kris Boyd.








That t-shirt looks very similar to the type of thing on display in the window of the Legends shop in Stockwell Street. I have seen the Mr Bluenose one in the window display. The guy pairs t-shirts with the appropriate kilt, I wonder if he does, 'a right lazy bastard tartan'?


It's a good sales pitch, buy a t-shirt for several quid, shell out a couple of hundred quid for the matching plaid.

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