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I dont misunderstand you at all John. Look at Beckham, he does the exact same thing. He basically runs away from the direction he wants to strike the ball, it allows him to wrap his foot round it better. It isnt uncommon, they are basically running toward their own goal, then wrap foot around ball in the direction of the opponents goal.


I agree it looks peculiar but, as I say, I have seen it done that way many many times now.


We are discussing semantics anyway ;)


Ha Ha. Indeed.


Well, just to finish and be incredibly pedantic then.

I see what your getting at with Beckham, and when i envisage his runs in my minds eye i can see him doing as you say.


But, his run isn't as arched as Smiths was today, and it was the acuteness of his angle to run and strike it that struck me.


Therefore, i had it in my mind to bring it up on this forum later to see if anyone had seen such a peculiar shape to set yourself at.


Now you have brought my attention to Beckhams run, i can also remember Johnny Wilkinson doing it for England in the Rugby Union too and more recently, like Beckhams run, Ronaldo has been going more and more acute before he strikes it.


I would like to think it was to get an incredible bend on the ball with them all, but with Smith i wonder if its not just that he is Left footed on the Right side taking it.


But, i agree wholeheartedly about your Beckham point Craig.:cheers:

Edited by John Barr
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