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Fergie & McGregor available for selection again

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Guest ewan mcteagle

The era when Gazza and the Goalie misbehaved and were forgiven is gone so the comparisons don't stand up, nor do the booze filled bonding sessions apparently encouraged by Walter during his first spell. The game has changed and let's face it, Fergie has form as the PLG debacle would indicate. He is a very highly paid young man and this means he is constantly under scrutiny but that's all part and parcel of fame and representing Rangers and Scotland so higher standards are required of him than Joe Public. Rangers just can't be seen to tolerate his behaviour in this instance and if they do how can he possibly return to the dressing room, stripped of his former authority and, given his apparent attitude, play a subservient role to another catain? Clearly the man seems to have a problem with authority on occasion and he hasn't really excelled on the field for some time. Sorry but I think it's a no brainer, the sacrifices he has made playing through injury will always be appreciated and his love of Rangers is never in doubt but the time has come for a parting of the ways.

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Ian Ferguson gave the TA a finger gesture and wasn't fined by the club, nor was he sin-died from playing for Scotland.


Strange that these decorian rules have suddenly been dragged out and applied to one third of the guilty party just as we enter the tail end of a very close SPL title race.


I wonder if me and 5 friends decided to break the law and only two of us stayed longer than the other four, would the two left standing be the only ones punished?


Cammy F

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The era when Gazza and the Goalie misbehaved and were forgiven is gone so the comparisons don't stand up, nor do the booze filled bonding sessions apparently encouraged by Walter during his first spell. The game has changed and let's face it, Fergie has form as the PLG debacle would indicate. He is a very highly paid young man and this means he is constantly under scrutiny but that's all part and parcel of fame and representing Rangers and Scotland so higher standards are required of him than Joe Public. Rangers just can't be seen to tolerate his behaviour in this instance and if they do how can he possibly return to the dressing room, stripped of his former authority and, given his apparent attitude, play a subservient role to another catain? Clearly the man seems to have a problem with authority on occasion and he hasn't really excelled on the field for some time. Sorry but I think it's a no brainer, the sacrifices he has made playing through injury will always be appreciated and his love of Rangers is never in doubt but the time has come for a parting of the ways.


David Weir would have played against Gough and Gazza so I can't accept that the time has gone. The standards that rangers players should meet hasn't increased in my eyes. It was always high, but they are not infallable and we have to live with that.


Amo was stripped of the captaincy and continued to perform well and at the same time went up in people'sa dmiration for the way he handled it. It will be inetersting to see how Fergie deals with it, but there's no reason why he shouldn't be given the opportunity.


Rangers didn't tolerate his behaviour, hence the 2 week fine and ban and stripping him of the captaincy.


Is the fact that he hasn't excelled relevant? He is obviously good enough for Walter to play, so I still don't see any reasion why he shouldn't be back in the team.

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Was it that much of a crime?


Barry has been punished the most and he won't ever captain Rangers or Scotland again and if the SFA clowns have it their way he won't play for his country again. Is that not enough?

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Was it that much of a crime?


Barry has been punished the most and he won't ever captain Rangers or Scotland again and if the SFA clowns have it their way he won't play for his country again. Is that not enough?


Nah, some RANGERS fans won't be happy until Ferguson (in particular) is hung (drawn and quartered) from the famous gates at The Copland Road.


Cammy F

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21 points have been dropped since Fergie came back so why are we so eager to get him back in the team. No all they points won't be his fault but it is funny we have only dropped 5 points from the other 12. And oh yes we can't dominate a game without fergie. What a myth we have been more dominating without him except against Falkirk but that was always going to be a feet finding mission. There is one side of Fergie i can't wait to see and that is the back of him.

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21 points have been dropped since Fergie came back so why are we so eager to get him back in the team. No all they points won't be his fault but it is funny we have only dropped 5 points from the other 12. And oh yes we can't dominate a game without fergie. What a myth we have been more dominating without him except against Falkirk but that was always going to be a feet finding mission. There is one side of Fergie i can't wait to see and that is the back of him.


he's the only one at fault as usual in some people's eyes :yawn:

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Of course Fergie isn't the only one at fault, its been a very long season with some very disappointing performances from players who are capable of much more. Some people do seem intent on hanging him out to dry, but there's other players like Boyd who attract just as much flak from fans. Think about some of the abuse Broadfoot has had (and still gets) on fan sites for example. Even Steven Whittaker, who has been playing well recently, has had all sorts of abuse thrown at him online. I seem to remember Kevin Thomson getting a right slagging when he was settling in, yet most fans now can't wait for him to get back to first team action. We're a fickle bunch alright.


What I would say is that debate on here seems to be much more reasoned that on some other forums I've seen and criticism is backed up with an actual viewpoint rather than just calling certain players useless or resorting to personal insults.



Ferguson was always going to be up against it when he came back from Blackburn, hoping to emulate the form he showed in his last season for us before leaving. He's also one of the highest earners & the club captain, so expectations are bound to be higher. I think the frustrating thing for some fans is that he has repeatedly told the media how much being Rangers captain means to him, yet his performances over the last while seem to lack the passion and determination that he so often talks about.

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he's the only one at fault as usual in some people's eyes :yawn:


Johnny, as Gav pointed out i did say that Barry is not to blame for everything but every one is acting as of he is the messiah that is going to win us the league. The fact is we have lost far more points with him in the team as without him. I am not pulling figures from up my sleeve these are the facts. How often have we won the league with the messiah in the team? Once i believe in the Advocaat years.

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