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Fergie & McGregor available for selection again

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Most of the papers this morning are carrying an interview with Smith where he confirms that both players will be available for selection again once their bans are over this week. He says that following the SFA admitting they handled things badly, maybe he's been a bit too harsh on the pair. Interestingly, he also confirms the off-the-record comments that they'd never play for him again.


As far as the captaincy goes, Ferguson won't be getting that back and a couple of the papers seem to think that he'll still be out the door in the summer, while McGregor may be given another chance.

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So he made an off-the-record comment that was widely reported by most Scottish journalists.


Will he have the balls to take action against them for disclosing off-the-record conversations? I'm not holding my breath.

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By Andrew Dickson


WALTER SMITH has handed Barry Ferguson and Allan McGregor a sensational reprieve at Rangers by making them available for selection once more.


It had seemed the players would never turn out for the club again after they were suspended for 14 days because of their behaviour whilst representing Scotland.


Walter SmithNow they could be in line for a dramatic return to the squad at Hibernian on Sunday, although it's unlikely either will play since they've not trained with Gers since March 20.


Ferguson and McGregor met manager Smith yesterday at Ibrox for talks and they'll now resume work with their Light Blues colleagues when their bans end in the morning.


The two players were named in the press for their part in an early morning drinking session at Scotland's hotel after the national side had lost to Holland on March 28.


Stories ran in a number of papers on the day George Burley's team was preparing to host Iceland and the duo reacted by making rude gestures to the media at Hampden hours later from the substitute's bench.


It was those actions that prompted Smith to ban them and he has admitted telling them and the press in an off-the-record conversation they'd never appear for the club again.


Now, however, having heard the SFA concede they handled the situation badly at their end, the Gers boss has reconsidered his stance.


Allan McGregorAfter deciding Rangers were the only ones who would suffer from his decision in the long run, he has reinstated them and each player will come back into his pool.


But it goes without saying that each still has much to do to win favour from the manager and Ferguson will not be given the captaincy back at David Weir's expense.


Smith said: "I felt the action we took against our players was warranted and that's still the case because of their actions and particularly the second incident in the dug-out.


"From the club's point of view, I feel we had to act because the image they portrayed was a really poor one.


"When I met the players in the aftermath, I was disappointed by their actions on both occasions when they were away with the national team.


"At that time, I did say in an off-the-record conversation with journalists - and to the players themselves - that they wouldn't play for the club again.


Barry Ferguson, Rangers"Since then, from my own point of view, I've looked at the way everything has been handled by the SFA.


"I've read the president of the SFA saying he didn't think it was handed properly and George Burley then said the same thing.


"Therefore, I'm looking at the situation and asking myself if I'm being a bit harsh on our players when it seems the SFA are saying they didn't handle it properly.


"I do feel Rangers Football Club are the only people who are suffering and I'm penalising them if I stand by my previous statement which was made in anger.


"I would like to go back and say the club will now - despite the innuendo, which I'm part of - consider them to be available for selection when they come back on Friday.


"That does not necessarily mean they have to play and there's nothing automatic there. After being out for a fortnight, we have to take that into consideration in the short term."


Both Ferguson and McGregor apologised to the club when they met Smith yesterday but the manager insists he had changed his mind about their futures before then.


Allan McGregorHe has also stressed he doesn't hold the SFA accountable in any way for what happened, pointing the finger of blame solely at his two players instead.


Now he is keen to move on from the affair which has rumbled on ever since it first became public knowledge at the start of the month.


Smith added: "Both players apologised to the club when I met them in the morning and they said sorry for the image they put across of themselves and the club they represent.


"They expressed regret and that's there but that has got nothing to do with the decision to allow them to play again.


"What has altered my view was the president of the SFA saying it wasn't handled properly.


"If somebody who is in charge of the players is saying the situation wasn't handled properly - and by that I mean the association - I've got to give them a little leeway.


"The SFA are not to blame for the situation. The players who were involved are to blame for that. It only lies with them and they are totally responsible for their actions.


Barry Ferguson and Gary Caldwell"But the SFA, with their admission, have made me think a wee bit about the actions I had already taken against the players.


"Albeit I didn't say publicly they wouldn't play again, I did say that off the record. I accept that I was wrong there.


"I made the decision to act because I felt what they did was a poor reflection of Rangers Football Club overall.


"But if there is a wee bit of a problem, it's with the perception that they will not play for Rangers again and I admit my part in that.


"I just feel that overall, if the initial situation and the subsequent parts had been handled better, the whole thing might not have happened.


"That gives me the right to change my mind and all I'm doing is making them available for selection."

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Seems to me that we're getting on just fine without them!


Really? Did you watch us, not only struggle to defeat Falkirk & St Mirren, but be outplayed by both of them for large periods of the games?


Very sensible decision by Smith, and along the same lines as what happened to Andy Goram a few years back. Both players were hung out to dry by angenda driven media outlets and the SFA made a complete arse of the entire situation.


A 2 week ban/suspension is an appropriate punishment for the 'crime' especially given that only two out of six were punished.


Cammy F

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We're doing fine without them!


Really? Did you watch us, not only struggle to defeat Falkirk & St Mirren, but be outplayed by both of them for large periods of the games? You even stated yourself that we were 'average' against a poor Mothwerwell side on Saturday - can't have it both ways....


Very sensible decision by Smith, and along the same lines as what happened to Andy Goram a few years back. Both players were hung out to dry by angenda driven media outlets and the SFA made a complete arse of the entire situation.


A 2 week ban/suspension is an appropriate punishment for the 'crime' especially given that only two out of six were punished.


Cammy F

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Unfortunately I agree with Cammy.


But, has this acted as a kick up there arses or will it be a bridge too far? We need hungry, angry, eager players ready to play for the jersey and sweat blood.



I believe Fergie with 2 weeks rest will be a bonus just now..... don't want to say it mind, but there you have it. Shagger, well we have a more than adequate replacement. So bench him.

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I still think the two of them will be sold in the summer,however we need all the players we can to push for the title, so it is the correct decision by Walter IMO, they will not walk back into the team but they are there if we need them.Hopefully it is a big kick up the arse that they both need

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