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Evening Times: New Rangers Boozegate Sensation

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IF we get to the Scottish FA Cup Final, what a brilliant opportunity it would be for an organised Anti-SFA display from the Rangers support.


In fact, if we won the Scottish FA Cup, I would support the Rangers team, captained by Barry Ferguson snubbing the SFA pre and post match - yes, that would mean NOT going up to LIFT the Cup. Just a celebration in front of the Rangers fans and leave the cup sitting on its podium.


Cammy F


How good would that be :devil:

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Unfortunately, our club doesn't have the balls to do something like that - mores the pity. You could imagine someone like Graeme Souness instructing his players to ignore the SFA and the trophy tho :)


Cammy F

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THE Evening Times today reveals the REAL reason why Barry Ferguson was axed by Rangers.


Ibrox bad-boy Ferguson and shamed team-mate Allan McGregor were NOT banished for their disgraceful boozing antics, V-sign gestures to photographers or failure to obey boss Walter Smith's order to keep their heads down as the booze-gate row broke on the day of Scotland v Iceland last week.


Those have been cited as the reasons for their downfall. But we can reveal that, instead a furious Smith sent them packing for displaying a blatant lack of remorse for embarrassing the name of Rangers and not showing HIM any personal respect when they finally came face-to-face at tense showdown at the club's Murray Park training ground at 9.30am last Friday.


Little did they know their massive misjudgement in not showing contrition to their manager was about to trigger one of the most sensational events in Rangers' history.


"What would you have thought both players would have done the very minute they reported back to Murray Park on Friday morning?" asked an Ibrox insider.


"You would have thought it made perfect sense to go directly to see the manager who, they were both aware, was not a happy man.


"He had spoken to them before the V-gestures and told them to keep their heads down.


"That was bad enough, but what they both did on Friday morning was what tipped the manager over the edge.


"Had Ferguson and McGregor had gone in, held their hands up and apologised for their acts of sheer stupidity, then they would have been dealt with and that would have been the end of the matter.


"Walter had fully intended on giving them a two-week suspension and fine (the maximum a club can impose) when he arrived early doors on Friday - but what they did when he came face to face changed that.


"Everyone believes they were sent away from Murray Park last Friday because they made churlish V-signs as they sat on the Scotland bench. But that isn't the true reason at all.


"Basically, what happened on Friday morning when they reported for training, and what proceeded to happen when he confronted them, is the reason why they were immediately sent away in disgrace."


As both players walked through the door at the club's Murray Park training base on their return from international duty, they were about to make what wasn't their first major mistake of that week - but most certainly the most costly.


Rather than seeking out the man that mattered most - the Rangers manager - the pair headed straight for the sanctuary of the dressing room and began preparing for what they expected to be a normal day at the office.


It's understood, however, that the pair were summoned from the dressing room by an irate Smith to explain their actions.


Ferguson then further enraged his manager by failing to acknowledge the seriousness of his actions and displayed a major lack of respect to his boss.


A Rangers insider continued: "If there is one man you don't want to cross then it is Walter Smith.


"Barry has got away with murder in the past but he crossed the line and that was why the two players were ultimately sent on their way with their careers hanging in the balance."


After embarrassing their club by being caught up in a boozing scandal at Cameron House Hotel on their return from Amsterdam at 4am, both players were advised to lie low and take their medicine by Smith.


Famed for his man-management skills and the way he has protected his players over the years, you would have thought those instructions would have been followed to the letter by the pair.


If they had followed those orders, there would have been no further reprisals on their return to their club.


However, as the world now knows, Ferguson and McGregor, for reasons known only to themselves, hatched a plan that would see them signal V-signs from the bench as their international team-mates faced Iceland at Hampden Park.


As TV pictures of the Ibrox duo were beamed around the world and plastered across the front pages of newspapers, it was a churlish and costly act.


But if that was sheer folly, it was nothing compared to the stupidity they displayed as the club captain and goalkeeper rejoined their team-mates after hitting the headlines throughout the previous few days.


Both players were then sent away from Murray Park at 11am and told to report to a disciplinary hearing later that afternoon with Rangers chief executive Martin Bain. Players' Union chief Fraser Wishart was also called in.


Before their arrival back at Murray Park, the SFA then decided to ban the players from representing their country ever again.


And their day went from bad to worse when Bain informed them they were being fined two weeks wages (around �£56,000 for Ferguson and �£40,000 for McGregor) and were also suspended for a fortnight.


Ferguson, the biggest culprit out of the two in terms of a lack of respect shown when confronted by Smith, was immediately stripped of the club captaincy.


Sources at the club then insisted both players would never play for Rangers again.


However, as the dust now settles, Smith may reconsider whether or not Ferguson and McGregor will ever play again.


In order to salvage their careers they will have to return from their suspension next week, provide the manager with a genuine apology for their actions last Friday morning and display and much improved attitude.


After making mistake after mistake, the two players should be extremely grateful Rangers are even considering handing them on last chance.


But that will be quickly taken away if they fail to prove themselves and show major remorse on their return.


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Unfortunately, our club doesn't have the balls to do something like that - mores the pity. You could imagine someone like Graeme Souness instructing his players to ignore the SFA and the trophy tho :)


Cammy F


Or maybe some people listen to their heads instead of their balls...


It would be good in theory but in practice would show a lack of integrity. Just because someone doesn't do something which at best is churlish, does not mean they are cowardly.

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I understand Smiths reaction, its old school, and something i reckon ferguson and "shagger" have been needing. I just hope it doesnt cost us any points in the title race...


Possibly a welcome distraction for the management team as it takes the spotlight off how poor rangers have been playing of late, only showing glimpses of being a side that is capable of winning a title.


The Scotland reaction is excessive and the punishment doesnt fit the crime. It saddens me seeing the rift that is developing between Rangers and the Scottish national team... The 2 have been made scape goats for a farcical affair that the manager and his seniors have grossly mismanaged.

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Unfortunately, our club doesn't have the balls to do something like that - mores the pity. You could imagine someone like Graeme Souness instructing his players to ignore the SFA and the trophy tho :)


Cammy F


As much as i would like to see that happen i would think it would increase this countrys hatred of us and widen the divide between our club and the SFA for decades resulting in nothing but more anti Rangersness by all involved in Scottish Football.


I beleive that this whole carry-on wouldnt have happened anyway if Burley had the gonads to drop both players from the squad vs Iceland instead of putting them on the bench , but that aside if Scotland lose to Norway away in August near ending our world cup chances hopefully this dithering idiot of a man will be frogged marched out of hampden never to return.

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How can we increase the countries hatrid? It is already evident. The press hate us, the SFA hate us, vast sections of the TA hate us, opposition fans hate us. Can't see this being anything other that a roaring success.


But however, as per normal, we allow a anti-Ragners establishment to roll all over the top of us. Time we took a stance IMO.


Cammy F

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Rangers rage at SFA chiefs over Booze-gate





Exclusive by Thomas Jordan


RANGERS are furious with the SFA over their handling of the Scotland Booze-gate affair.


The Ibrox club are awaiting the findings of a top-level enquiry with great interest as SFA president George Peat, chief executive Gordon Smith and manager George Burley meet tomorrow at Hampden along with the international board to discuss what went on at Cameron House 10 days ago.


Barry Ferguson and Allan McGregor have been told they will never represent their country again after taking part in a drinking session that lasted until noon - but none of the other four players involved have been brought to task.


Rangers believe the situation was completely mishandled in the first instance, when the players stayed up late drinking in the hotel bar after their 4am return from Holland.



Had George Burley dealt with things properly, it would not have sparked the chain of events which cost the two players their international careers and saw them disciplined by Rangers.


A senior Ibrox source told SportTimes: "If it had been nipped in the bud right away on the Sunday, when things started to emerge, none of this would have happened.


"What our players did in terms of the drinking and V-gestures was wrong and totally unacceptable.


"No-one here is hiding from that. They embarrassed Rangers publicly.


"But we appear to be the only club that had people there, despite the fact it is common knowledge there were six of them.


"The SFA appear intent on sweeping it all under the carpet - apart from what they've done to the Rangers players - and that is just not right when it comes to dealing with discipline on an international trip when others were clearly there.


"If that is the case, and nothing comes out of tomorrow, which we don't expect it to, then our players have been made scapegoats."


It is fair to say the relationship between Ibrox and Hampden has now crashed to an all-time low over this affair.


Rangers duo Kris Boyd and Lee McCulloch have already walked out on the Scotland set-up under Burley, and now Ferguson and McGregor have been sine-died.


There was also serious unhappiness last Friday at the way the SFA handled their decision to axe the players, which appeared to show them piggy-backing on the action Rangers were taking.


"If they had wanted to ban the players why did they say the matter was closed?" added the source.


"As soon as it became clear what Rangers were doing last Friday, the SFA began to act. They then waited until Rangers had released a statement on the players' futures, before sending out their own minutes later."


Publication date 08/04/09

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