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Season Ticket Renewals in...

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Pay for 3 seasons with a 5% discount....


Cammy F



Take the money you would pay for the future two seasons, put it in a Certificate of Deposit at 3% and, after two years, you have more than your discount.


You would, however, have to pay year 2 from other funds - If you split the CD into two you could take half the funds out at end of year 1 to pay year 2 if you liked.

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I am not signing up for anything until i know whats happening to us next season


* Is Smith still our Manager, can not stand his tactics they drive me insane.


* Bullshit proposed signings that never happen.


* Another 3 Replica tops to buy.


* Poor quality football on show.


* Overpriced Merchandise and food on matchday.


* Lack of Stadium Atmosphere


* Mr Smoke and Mirrors runnning this circus from his Edinburgh armchair.


* Clubs abillity to accept 2nd best to our bitter rivals.


I have to ask myself is it worth my hard earned wages to line the mints pockets for another season of brocken promises i am not sure if i can to be honest and seriously dont see the benifit of having a season ticket at this point in time , so unless changes happen i will be picking and choosing my games in season 09/10.

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I am not signing up for anything until i know whats happening to us next season


* Is Smith still our Manager, can not stand his tactics they drive me insane.


* Bullshit proposed signings that never happen.


* Another 3 Replica tops to buy.


* Poor quality football on show.


* Overpriced Merchandise and food on matchday.


* Lack of Stadium Atmosphere


* Mr Smoke and Mirrors runnning this circus from his Edinburgh armchair.


* Clubs abillity to accept 2nd best to our bitter rivals.


I have to ask myself is it worth my hard earned wages to line the mints pockets for another season of brocken promises i am not sure if i can to be honest and seriously dont see the benifit of having a season ticket at this point in time , so unless changes happen i will be picking and choosing my games in season 09/10.


Maybe the RST can ask these questions

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This is the first time I will actually think hard about renewing my ticket but my heart will probably rule my head in the end. It will also depend a bit on if my mates are renewing theirs as well.


I was thinking about taking my wee boy to a game/s next season but he would get bored after after a few mins watching that!!

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This is the first time I will actually think hard about renewing my ticket but my heart will probably rule my head in the end. It will also depend a bit on if my mates are renewing theirs as well.


I was thinking about taking my wee boy to a game/s next season but he would get bored after after a few mins watching that!!


We all get bored after a few minutes of watching Rangers :)

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We all get bored after a few minutes of watching Rangers :)


Aye but he would just come out and say he wants to go home or he would probably want to run about on the pitch. I tell you this he would put some of the players to shame the running he can do :)

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Maybe it's may age, but I am getting tired, bored and resentful of the time and effort required following Rangers. I have almost decided to give up my season ticket and if I'm honest, I don't think I'll be going to any more away games. This is a tough decision as I like my trips all over Scotland, but as I said above, with 12:30 kick-offs in places like Aberdeen and Inverness, it is getting really hard to gee myself up for these trips.


As for home games, the cost isn't really the issue, its whether I continue to finance a regime that I believe to be corupt. Can I continue to convince myslelf that I can continue to pay SDM �£800+ for two season tickets whilst decrying him? Also, it can't be argued that we AREN'T receiving value for money.


The day I stop going to support Rangers will be one of the saddest days in my life, but I know that that day is coming closer and closer.


Cammy F

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Aye but he would just come out and say he wants to go home or he would probably want to run about on the pitch. I tell you this he would put some of the players to shame the running he can do :)


Mmmmmmmmmm, I could always take him to the wee rangers club :whistle:

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