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SFA and Sectarian Singing

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Most of it is pretty clear however there are couple of points I am unsure about,


1. "In its original judgement UEFA stated all forms of sectarian singing - including any version of the 'Billy Boys' - are prohibited and there will be no further appeals process" so does this mean hypotheticly if we were all to change the words to a non sectarian version i.e hello hello we are the rangers boys.....this would still cause offence???????


Yes - reading the statement it appears that we are banned from singing any song that has the 'Marching Thro Georgia' tune. However, where the waters muddy is what about other clubs who sing this song - Hearts (Hibee blood), Killie (Ayr Blood) and Dundee (Arab blood) - are they banned from singing?


2. "Moreover, any form of extremist ideological propaganda is banned before, during, and after games." How can this possibly be monitored and or punished, ie a group of fans from another club could get together and sing some sectarian songs outside ibrox and then the Rangers would be punished?? Also what does this mean for the street vendors and bars in the ibraox area??


Think it is confinded to the stadium and close surrounding areas.


Cammy F

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I will be interesting to see what the club or the new pr company come out with in reaction to this statement from uefa.


As we've all said before the club has to make it quite clear to the supporters what is and what is not acceptable and that way there will be no excuses.

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It's more than one line, the "Billy" aspect is also distastful.


It's funny how the defenders of the song go on about the true meaning of "fen1an" but don't seem too bothered about the true meaning of "Billy Boys".


Is glorifying a razor gang not some kind of "extreme propaganda" in the same vein as the IRA?


What problem does any decent and loyal Rangers fan have with singing, "We are the Rangers boys"?


I think it shows how low in the priorities Rangers FC itself is, for many so called Rangers fans who will not stop singing songs that harm our club.

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PS Do we really have to block words like, "fen****"? We don't tend to use it offensively here but it is needed to be able to talk about it so we can persuade people to stop it.


There's another site that is so bad that you can't even write the first name of our dutch ex-manager. And I remember another that blocked IRA which meant you couldn't even write about how IRAte (***te) you were about the filter as well as many other words with that sequence of letters.

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Agreed... when I was younger i thought it related to King Billy...but learned otherwise and kept singing it when 'we are the Rangers boys' would have been much better with maybe' wherever we go we'll fear no foe' in for the other line...anyway its all academic now

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