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Breaking News: Ferguson Transfer Listed and McGregor suspended

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Til Burley gets the sack, which should have happened after Norway/Macedonia when our qualifying chances were shot already. :(


Nope, do you really think the '' Tartan Army '' would allow them back :)

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Do the TA pick the team.


Souness for example will pick who he wants.


No, but me being a Rangers fan, it is not good watching a Scotland game because of the bile that is spewed towards our players

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No, but me being a Rangers fan, it is not good watching a Scotland game because of the bile that is spewed towards our players


Yep, there's a lot of idiots out there who almost hope a Rangers player does something they can blame a defeat on over hoping for a Scotland win.


But arseholes don't stop me supporting Rangers and wont stop me supporting my country.

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The guys on SSN just said it !!


At least they'll never be injured on international duty again. Scotlands' loss is our gain. I hope this whole incident serves as a great big boot up the backside for both players for the rest of their Rangers' career. ( however long that may be !!! )

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Barry Ferguson and Allan McGregor have been told their Scotland careers are over and have been suspended for two weeks without pay by Rangers.


The club handed out the maximum sanction available after the pair were summoned to a meeting with chief executive Martin Bain having been sent home from training earlier in the day.


Both players were involved in a drinking session at Scotland's team hotel at the weekend and then enraged club and national team bosses by apparently making V-signs while on the bench after being dropped for Wednesday's 2-1 win over Iceland at Hampden.


The Scottish Football Association claimed the matter was closed on Thursday but have acted on Friday afternoon by announcing Ferguson and McGregor will no longer be considered for international selection.


The SFA have been besieged by phone calls and e-mails from Scotland fans.


It is understood the negative reaction from supporters and supporters' groups added to the pressure for the matter to be discussed again.


Following a further meeting between chief executive Gordon Smith and manager George Burley, sanctioned by the SFA board, it was decided neither player would play for Scotland again.


Scotland boss George Burley insisted after Wednesday's game that both players would still be involved in future squads.


But, following a summit between Burley and chief executive Gordon Smith, the SFA have performed a dramatic u-turn.


An SFA spokesman said: "In light of the events of the past 48 hours and following further discussions between the national team manager and the chief executive, it has been decided that Barry Ferguson and Allan McGregor will no longer be considered for international selection by Scotland.


"This action has been taken in the best interest of the squad, the fans and the country.


"We are determined to qualify for the World Cup and we must ensure that nothing is allowed to distract us from achieving this goal."


Ferguson - who has been stripped of the Rangers captaincy - and McGregor were called to a meeting with Bain at Murray Park, where they were informed of the action being taken by the club.


Bain said: "The overall conduct of the players during the last week while on Scotland duty has, regrettably, fallen considerably short of the standards expected by Rangers Football Club and our supporters and has brought the club into disrepute.


"The management of the club has taken the view that this has damaged both Rangers and Scotland and is unacceptable.


"Even though our club is entering the critical stage of the league season and the later stages of the Scottish Cup, appropriate disciplinary action was required."


Rangers has agreed with the players that part of their deducted wages will be donated to charity.

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So the SFA have effectively admitted that the TA forced their hand and ths is the reason that BF and AM will no longer be selected.


I don't recall guys like Jinky Johnstone getting sine die banned when he swanned off on a row boat - it was just the craic like.


Sorry but this has a foul stench to it. Yes, these 2 players let themselves, their club, their country down - but the repercussions are far too extreme.


It leaves a bitter taste in the mouth and really does stink of being an anti-Rangers agenda from not just the media but also the supporters of all other clubs.


I may be a bit harsh in this assessment - but FUCK THEM - and if the SFA don't have the testicular fortitude to make its own decisions without fan pressure then they should be removed from their positions of authority and we should simply have selection by committee.


My interest in the national team was waning as it was, thanks in large part to the ineptitude of George Burley - this incident makes me have as little interest in my national team as I could - and that is demoralising.

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They both must (or should) be really embarrassed and will look back on this and see what stupid little kids they have been and what they have thrown away. For Barry the chance to not only play for Rangers and to a lesser extent Scotland but captain them must be a wonderful feeling, a feeling we can only dream about.

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