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Bobo Balde: I want to stay at Celtic

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Exclusive by Ronnie Cully


BOBO BALDE wants a new contract from Celtic. And in a bid to prove he is no money-grabber, he is ready to offer the club the chance to put him on a pay-as-you-play deal.


The Guinea defender's current �£25,000-per-week contract runs out at the end of this season - by which time it will have been a full year since he last played for the club.


He has had numerous opportunities to move, including lucrative offers from Middlesbrough, Birmingham and Sunderland which would have earned him far more than he is collecting from Celtic.


Earlier this month, the 33-year-old could have accepted a �£500,0 00-per-season offer to sign a two-year deal with North Queensland Fury in Australia. But Balde has rejected all of these chances to start afresh elsewhere and is now certain to see out the final few months of the contract he signed with Celtic in January 2005.



By refusing to move, Balde has been accused of hanging on to collect every penny of the money due to him under the terms of his lucrative contract.


But sources close to the player - who is currently preparing for Guinea's World Cup tie against Burkino Faso - have insisted this is an unfair portrayal of Balde as he has had offers which would have increased his income by at least �£250,000 per year.


However, with Balde's on-going challenge over club fines and bonus money under consideration at Fifa, and the complete breakdown in the player's relationship with leading figures at Celtic Park, Balde accepts the chances of him receiving a new contract under any terms are next to zero.

:cheers: :)




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Couldn't happen to a nicer club. But before we get too smug, let's remember our own version - M. Hemdani.


I don't know if they fit under the same umbrella as i really think Hemdani was hard done to. He could have played a much greater role for Rangers. Playing Charlie Adam and Lee McCulloch in the middle of the park instead of Hemdani is bordering on criminal. Hemdani swallowed his pride last season and stepped up to the mark when called on in Europe. No Europe this season meant no Hemdani. Another of Smiths amazing decisions.

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