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Rumour From Another Site

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That would be an administrative nightmare as accounts, budgets and projections are done on a yearly basis. Even the upfront money from J&B is released on a straight line basis to the P&L account annually.


Spending next year's money this year, just messes up next year's budget and accounts and so I can't see the advantage.

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They need cash upfront, so there's every possibility that they would do it. I would presume that it would be an option only, and the one year would still be on offer, but if you bought 2 (or 3) years then you would get a discount of, say, 10%.


I don't see it as being a nightmare from an admin or accounting viewpoint. A proportion would just get prepaid (internally at least).


There is a huge advantage. It improves our cashflow significantly, and potentially delays the time when our cash runs out for up to another year, which will give SDM some breathing space to come up with another deal (or hope that we qualify for the CL).


I'm sure it's being actively considered. The only downside is the level of take-up. I would assume that less than 5% would be in a position to take up this option. I know I wouldn't.

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So let's say a generous 10% of season ticket holders take up the 2 year option.


That's 4300 fans (at current season book rates) at say an average of �£500. That gives us �£2.25million which is around the kind of figure SDM was desperate for in January.


Of course, this does mean the same amount wouldn't be available for the following season. Rather risky and short-termist IMO.


Maybe I was too quick to dismiss the idea. :D

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This is the road that Leeds United went down just before they went into admistration - I believe that they offered various packages (1 year to 5 years) and obviously the longer you signed up for, the more discount you received.


Have certainly heard that this option is one currently being discussed within the ticket office and at boardroom level at Ibrox.


Cammy F

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They need cash upfront, so there's every possibility that they would do it. I would presume that it would be an option only, and the one year would still be on offer, but if you bought 2 (or 3) years then you would get a discount of, say, 10%.


I don't see it as being a nightmare from an admin or accounting viewpoint. A proportion would just get prepaid (internally at least).


There is a huge advantage. It improves our cashflow significantly, and potentially delays the time when our cash runs out for up to another year, which will give SDM some breathing space to come up with another deal (or hope that we qualify for the CL).


I'm sure it's being actively considered. The only downside is the level of take-up. I would assume that less than 5% would be in a position to take up this option. I know I wouldn't.


Agreed on all fronts.


Is nowhere near the aministrative nightmare one might think. Is easy to administer from an accounting perspective and is not a burden from a budgeting perspective either.


The only thing that would worry me is that the club would use the money as short-term spending rather than, obviously, banking it for the season it is meant to be for (2010-11). Whilst this makes no sense our club has not always had the proper fiscal management it should have......


SDM could use it to pay down loans, thereby reducing the interest costs but there is a two-fold problem with that. 1) the following season the income isnt there, resulting in us having to go back for finance and 2) that would assume that finance is available.


It would certainly make sense to utilise the cash to clear down some of the debt though......

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