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Rangers v Hearts Goals

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I hope so.


I'm aware that some have lost hope in our Captain and some would even say he's finished, but I firmly believe that a Ferguson with his head in the right place and his heart on his sleeve can grab a game by the scruff of the neck and drag us through it.


It's about time the likes of Ferguson first of all had a long look in the mirror and decide the time was now for himself to start performing then look around the dressing room and shake some others into life in the process.


The chips are down at the minute so if the last few weeks of this season doesn't bring out the passion and drive of Ferguson then I think we can safely say nothing ever will again.


He certainly did that in the first half on Saturday, we just need him to continue that for th rest of the season and for the whole game

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While I see what you're saying I don't think it's the whole picture. Ferguson has been dire in many games and at best mediocre this season, while Mendes and Davis have had some great games. All three have been incredibly inconsistent.


I wasn't too surprised that Ferguson had a good game, he looked totally gutted and incredibly angry after the cup final - as did McCoist. It seems to me he's had a look in the mirror and realised that it's up to him to lead by example and get up and fight for the title.


Have they? I can't remember coming away from a Rangers game this season and thinking this. Mendes, as the entire team were, was decent against both Celtc and Hibs away for the entire 90 minutes. However, those games apart, he has filtered in and out of games.


Steve Davis is the exact same - he has flirted in and out of games and IMO his best 45 minutes for Rangers was in the 0-0 draw at Parkhead. Other than that, he has shown flashes of what he can do but hasn't shown any kind of sustained form over the season.


In most Rangers games this season, it has been Barry Ferguson that has been trying to drive Rangers forward when were are behind or drawing. Over the last 3 games, he has look the only player capable of lifting Rangers and the only player who bursts a gut to get Rangers moving.


I can understand fans complaining about Ferguson, but Davis and Mendes haven't outshone Ferguson this season and have in all honesty been major dissappointments. It is time for Smith to drop either Ferguson or Mendes (I don't rally care who it is if it helps the team) and try an new pairing in the centre of midfield.


Cammy F

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He might regain form faster if those picked to play around him actually contributed to the game as well. Mendes and Davis have been passangers lately and Ferguson appears to be the onlt midfield player with the passion to try and effect the game.


The main problem is Walter Smith has tried to shoe-horn Mendes, Feguson and Davis into the midfield. It is obvious that Mendes and Ferguson can't suppliment each other and Davis is wasted wide right. Smith has a huge decision to make for the sake of the team. He must decided if Davis plays alongside Ferguson or Mendes in the centre of midfield.


Cammy F



Fergie and Mendes are a bit like the Gerrard-Lampard debate. They both want to play in the same areas. For me when Thomson is back, it's one or the other. As the younger man, I'd go with Mendes. I don't think Davis is wasted wide right-that goal he got v Falkirk came from him cutting in on the left!

Edited by alexscottislegend
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