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Unacceptable, Inexplicable But Totally Predictable

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Cammy, do you honestly think that we're going to lose 8 players of real consequence in the summer? Win or lose the SPL, I doubt very much that we'll be losing 8 players of any real consequence. Maybe a couple, but not 8.

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OK, so where will we be in six months time? If we win the SPL we will have to sell lose 8 players, that isn't a matter of opinion, our esteemed Chairman has stated this publically.


Aye, but SDM says a lot of things publicly, but we normally take what he says with a pinch of salt, so I fail to see why we should start believing his every word now.

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Total nonsense mate. Neither team are anywhere near being 'shit'. By what sort of standards do you deem that both of the OF are shit? Ok, even the top 2 Scottish teams who've got the best players can't afford to go out & spend over 40 million on players in a single transfer window like clubs in the EPL & abroad. We can't afford to bring in the world class players that we'd like, but that doesn't mean we're 'shit'. You just need to look at the record of the 2 OF teams in Europe in the last 5 seasons to see that we're far from being 'shit', so I'd like to know where you draw your definition of a 'shit' team from.


I deem them sh1t as neither are capable of stringing more than 3 passes together, neither can defend properly, neither have truly outstanding players and neither in my opinion are being coached properly.


So losing to Kanuas is the sign of a true European standard? Only getting one single point away from home in the CL group stages is the true standard of a European team is it?


The standard of football on offer in Scotland is woeful, there is no passing and movement, there is little concept of the basics of the game (that doesn't including lumping the ball as far as you can in the direction that you are pointing). I really don't care about Celtc, but here is a list of things that make us sh1t;


Strikers who can't head a ball, can't win the ball in the air and can't score headed goals


Midfield players who instead of passing and moving, pass and stand still (or move backwards)


Continually playing 40% of our team out of position (4 centre-halves in the back four, a centre midfield player wide right, anyone picked at random to play left wing (except a left winger) and perm any 2 from 4 up front)


We can't retain the ball from a throw-in


We can't defend set-pieces


We can't utilise set-pieces to our advantage - I'm sure that I read somewhere that we have had over 280 corners this season and scored for a whopping 3% of them


We can't get crosses into the box on a consistant basis - they either hit the first defender or they sail harmlessly out of the park.


We can't shoot


Now, that is a list just off the top of my head. That has nothing to do with fees of players, its just the fucking basics - we can't get those right, what chance have we got


Cammy F

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Aye, but SDM says a lot of things publicly, but we normally take what he says with a pinch of salt, so I fail to see why we should start believing his every word now.


FFS we HAVE TO CUT THE WAGE BILL - we can only do that BY SELLING PLAYERS. Jeez, maybe I'm wrong, maybe someone will wave a magic wand and all our woes will disappear and the moonbeams will lighten up the sky...........


I'll bet money that Boyd, Novo, Boogie and McGregor will be sold in the summer.


Cammy F

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Shroomz - SDM has already come out and said we will be trimming the first team squad to 20. We currently have a squad of 28. 28 minus 20 equals...


Yip, and we are really going to get offers to take the likes of Adam, Gow, Webster, Weir, Velicka, Hendami et al off our hands :whistle::confused:


Cammy F

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So losing to Kanuas is the sign of a true European standard? Only getting one single point away from home in the CL group stages is the true standard of a European team is it?

What I said was look at the OF's European record over the last 5 years.


Strikers who can't head a ball, can't win the ball in the air and can't score headed goals

I don't want to start a Boyd debate, but quite a few of his 24 goals this season have been headers. I don't know the exact number, but I'm sure it's more than a couple.


Midfield players who instead of passing and moving, pass and stand still (or move backwards)

Personally, I think they've only adopted that since the maestro Fergie came back in.


We can't retain the ball from a throw-in

Not always the case & besides throw-ins are often hard fought in football, with the only option being a player losing his marker significantly enough to show himself.


We can't defend set-pieces

Definitely something they should be working on.


We can't utilise set-pieces to our advantage - I'm sure that I read somewhere that we have had over 280 corners this season and scored for a whopping 3% of them

We don't use the short option often enough, that's for sure. We could score more from corners if we mix it up more & surprise teams with some being played short.


We can't shoot

Can't say I agree with that. We're certainly not making enough shooting chances though.

Edited by Zappa
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FFS we HAVE TO CUT THE WAGE BILL - we can only do that BY SELLING PLAYERS. Jeez, maybe I'm wrong, maybe someone will wave a magic wand and all our woes will disappear and the moonbeams will lighten up the sky...........


I'll bet money that Boyd, Novo, Boogie and McGregor will be sold in the summer.


Cammy F


Well lets wait and see before crying that the end is nigh & that we're on a path to oblivion.

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Sorry Shroomz but whilst I admire your positivity - to completely ignore anything negative going on at our club is nothing but folly.


We are perilously close to financial ruin. Of that there is no doubt. Look at the financials, look at the debt, look at the fact the banks are bringing in a team, look at statements from the club itself. It is looking you right in the eye.


We have been told more than once that the squad will have to be trimmed down. This is a cost cutting exercise - again, of that there is no doubt. If you think that the only players leaving will be fringe players on small salaries then I think you are deluded. Why would it not be the better (more marketable) players on decent wages that go, especially given the now infamous statement that "every player is for sale" statement in January. What has changed since then ? Not much.


We will be cutting our squad - sure, some of it by attrition (Hemdani and Dailly spring to mind) but there is little doubt, to me, that we will be losing some senior members of our squad.


And by the way, we ARE a shit team. Cammy has mentioned so many things that are wrong about BOTH sides of the OF. We are parochial, if we finish above "the other lot" then it is a successful season - sadly that is what many want without too much regard for whether we are performing well, progressing as a club, bringing through our own youth etc etc. Win at all costs, and that doesnt always help. I said a couple of years ago when PLG took over that I would suffer not winning the league so long as we "progressed". WS certainly has us "competing" but can any of us honestly say that as a club we have "progressed" since WS came in ? I cant.


The players are not even doing the basics well. And just because they have had some mediocre success in Europe in the last 5 years doesnt necessarily tell you that either of the OF teams are decent NOW. Celtic have been poor in Europe, so have we. Celtic have been poor in the SPL, so have we. If you dont believe that then fine - but the fare being provided to us weekly is DIRE.

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Yip, and we are really going to get offers to take the likes of Adam, Gow, Webster, Weir, Velicka, Hendami et al off our hands :whistle::confused:


Cammy F



To be fair, some of them will go through attrition. Hemdani for example, his contract is up so he will be let go.


Anyone still on a contract though will be very, very hard to sell - unless, of course, they are 1st team players and, even then, only a handful would be truly wanted.

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