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I presume WS was in charge of the Team yesterday and not AMcC.

If WS loves the single striker so much, why doesn't he start with an attacking formation putting teams on the backfoot until a lead is established then revert to a lone striker? The other team has to come out therefore creating spaces for the striker. Was this not the way of wee Dick.

This surely must be obvious to WS having seen how his teams play and how AMcC's teams play. Do they not communicate with each other or does WS just refuse to consider other options which have been already seen to be successful ?

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what really annoys me when we play 451 with lafferty out wide, is all we seem to do is punt long diagonaL balls up to the left wing and it simply doesnt work. there didnt seem to be a plan b yesterday i think walter was playing for penalties.

another thing that annoys me is why is walter so scared of celtic? always plays negative footie against them. we won 4-2 at parkhead with 442 so why cant he go more attacking.

time for walter to step aside me thinks

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If he keeps going with this we could end up playing like celtic, long ball marchants! and thats not on, why can we just go back to the passing game? we used to pass teams off the park!


but selik play silky stuff do they not :confused::whistle:

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what really annoys me when we play 451 with lafferty out wide, is all we seem to do is punt long diagonaL balls up to the left wing and it simply doesnt work. there didnt seem to be a plan b yesterday


Walter Smith in a nutshell. He probably doesn't have a plan A.

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we dont have any tactics. that is the problem.


Pre-game team-talk in the Rangers dressing room at Ibrox......


Fergie: What's the tactics for ra game the day gaffer?

WS: A * B / C + 4 -23 * G / Y * 4 squared = aaaaw fuck it, I've lost count.

Fergie: Same as usual then gaffer, do what we like?

WS: Aye but just try and score 1 though, no more!

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