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League Priority now for the Double!!!

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We are NOT a strong team, how anyone can suggest that having watched us this season is mind-boggling.


We are only still in this league because Celtic are as bad as us. This league will be won with a very low points total to prior seasons. Some of that can be attributed to other teams catching up but much of it is to do with the OF being gash.


Can we win the league ? Sure, but we need the imposters to actually show some balls and make an effort to win games. We have a team that is constantly looking for someone else to win the game for us. Today the only players who looked like they wanted to win the game were Davis, Whittaker and Novo (and he only came on as sub), the rest wanted someone else to take responsibility.

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We have to get over this quickly, its hard to take defeat when you lose a cup final to your greatest rivals, but we have to take this league, we a strong team and we just have to get up and get on with it...:(


Need to get real mate. Hope is good but sometimes you have to smell the roses.

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We are NOT a strong team, how anyone can suggest that having watched us this season is mind-boggling.


We are only still in this league because Celtic are as bad as us. This league will be won with a very low points total to prior seasons. Some of that can be attributed to other teams catching up but much of it is to do with the OF being gash.


Can we win the league ? Sure, but we need the imposters to actually show some balls and make an effort to win games. We have a team that is constantly looking for someone else to win the game for us. Today the only players who looked like they wanted to win the game were Davis, Whittaker and Novo (and he only came on as sub), the rest wanted someone else to take responsibility.


Hate to say this but Barry Ferguson - is this the beginning of the end for him? Can't remember him having a good OF game to be honest. We need Thomson back now more than ever. Mendes - today his passing was awful, but whether he will be the player we all want is now debatable. Walter HAS to win the league now,

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Hate to say this but Barry Ferguson - is this the beginning of the end for him? Can't remember him having a good OF game to be honest. We need Thomson back now more than ever. Mendes - today his passing was awful, but whether he will be the player we all want is now debatable. Walter HAS to win the league now,


Agree with everything there mate.


But i think the beginning of the end for Ferguson was last season.

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We are NOT a strong team, how anyone can suggest that having watched us this season is mind-boggling.


We are only still in this league because Celtic are as bad as us. This league will be won with a very low points total to prior seasons. Some of that can be attributed to other teams catching up but much of it is to do with the OF being gash.


Can we win the league ? Sure, but we need the imposters to actually show some balls and make an effort to win games. We have a team that is constantly looking for someone else to win the game for us. Today the only players who looked like they wanted to win the game were Davis, Whittaker and Novo (and he only came on as sub), the rest wanted someone else to take responsibility.


No craig we cant win the league. we havent looked like scoring in the last three games against septic and our manager still thinks christian daily can do a job for Rangers.


For fuck sake wake up and smell the coffee folks, Walter Smith has dragged us into oblivion. We are shit to watch and our manager shits his pants at the thought of losing to even the most mediocre septic team in the last ten years.


Yet again we had no width, guile or imagination.


Im going to say it now.


Our manager is inept. He is clueless. He has no real tactics other than put men behind the ball, punt the ball up the park and and hope we get a break. Pass and move? What the fuck does that mean to you walter? do you actually know what that means?


Im afraid it all goes down hill from here on in folks, and if you need a blue print just look back to last to last season. no fucking balls Walter and you put The club into a financial disaster that makes the RBS fiasco look like a kids tea party.



Fuck off Smith you are fucking liabilty to our club, and take McCoist/ lafferty and all your purchases wih you, not one of them is worth a fuck.



How anyone can defend this cunt is beyond me.

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What i ment was strong minded! are we just going to sit down now and feel sorry for ourselves because we lost a cup final, sure to hell not!!! heads and chins up and carry on!


I think most of us usually do get over things like this quickly? if we at least played well and gave it 100% especially against them in a cup final but we most certainly didn't, I think that is and has been the most worrying part since PLG came and then WS took over. We are no better now than when Alex McLeish was here, I'd say we are in fact worse now and WS has spent a hell of a lot of money to build his own team.......how many players can you count on to lead us on the park when the chips are down? none that I can sadly say!!


It's OK though as I've seen Lee McCulloch already say we'll bounce back , that's good enough for me :whistle:

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I think most of us usually do get over things like this quickly? if we at least played well and gave it 100% especially against them in a cup final but we most certainly didn't, I think that is and has been the most worrying part since PLG came and then WS took over. We are no better now than when Alex McLeish was here, I'd say we are in fact worse now and WS has spent a hell of a lot of money to build his own team.......how many players can you count on to lead us on the park when the chips are down? none that I can sadly say!!


It's OK though as I've seen Lee McCulloch already say we'll bounce back , that's good enough for me :whistle:

For a while, McLeish still had players like De Boer, Arteta, Amoruso, Lovenkrands, Klos, Cannigia, Ricksen, Mols, Numan to call on. That's why some of his tenure compares well. Once he'd had to sell them or let them go, the football was more or less the same shite we see now. Smith has added the perversity of playing everyone out of position. In the end the McLeish

years were dreadful but we'll soon be looking back on them and wishing we could turn back the clock.


McLeish also had one other advantage over Smith - he wasn't a smug gutless old goat.

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