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Boyd out of cup final after bust-up with Walter

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I read the OP, with the Daylate quoted and was initially raging at Boyd if true.


The common sense wait and see posts calmed me down. And then the ET post made me think perhaps the Daylate blew it out of proportion.


I'm pretty much :confused:.


I still think Boyd could be absolutely lethal for us and that's why I get frustrated by the excessive criticism.


He will never be a Drogba or I dunno an Ibrahimovic. But with his finishing ability, the right coaching from Smith et al and the right application from Boyd we could have a legend of the Scottish game on our hands.


After the Burley fall out I thought he'd go from strength to strength. Unofrtunately the last month or two he has fallen right back. What the fuch has happened.


Gribz will be raging at his self-imposed exile!!! :devil:

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Daily Record, pinch of salt and all that. However...


If Boyd's attiude is in line with what the article says, then there's only one person the club - chairman, staff, players and fans - should support, and it's not Kris Boyd.


My views on Smith are well-known, but perhaps it's time Boyd was reminded of his place on the food chain at Ibrox.


Again, if these reports are true, then I can hardly believe a player who delivered such a pathetic 'performance' against ICT can have the gall to sulk at not being in the starting line-up against Hamilton.


In the short-term this is no big deal since Boyd wouldn't have played against Celtic anyway, but we'll wait and see what unfolds...

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I think Boyd seems to need a kick up the arse now and again as he slips back to his old, lazy ways. The fall out with Burley did the trick and so hopefully this fall out will do it again.


He's like an old telly that sometimes gives a fuzzy picture and needs a good whack to get working again.

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Daily Record, pinch of salt and all that. However...


If Boyd's attiude is in line with what the article says, then there's only one person the club - chairman, staff, players and fans - should support, and it's not Kris Boyd.


My views on Smith are well-known, but perhaps it's time Boyd was reminded of his place on the food chain at Ibrox.


Again, if these reports are true, then I can hardly believe a player who delivered such a pathetic 'performance' against ICT can have the gall to sulk at not being in the starting line-up against Hamilton.


In the short-term this is no big deal since Boyd wouldn't have played against Celtic anyway, but we'll wait and see what unfolds...

It's strange that a day after this story was leaked by God knows who, there is still no corroboration that anything along the lines of Traynor's article actually took place. Boyd reported for training, what's the fuss about. It's old firm week, we should know how the game is played in Dirty Town.

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The more you think about this the more it looks like a complete media hit job.




Boyd actually played on Sunday, being brought on as a sub.


Boyd was supposedly disappointed at not starting - I'd be more annoyed if he wasn't disappointed at not playing.


Boyd and the manager spoke to each other - is that news


Boyd is supposedly banned from training - but duly Boyd reported for training today.



With a handful of exaggeration and invention, Traynor has Rangers fans at each other's throats in heated debate, half of them openly critical of their top goalscorer and no doubt words being exchanged at Murray park that are much worse than those alleged by a Rangers hating journalist.


We need to see what is happening here - especially as this always happens at times like these. Mt **** is a bitter and twisted bheast indeed. be surprised by nothing he does. Especially the ones hiding behind a pen.

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The more you think about this the more it looks like a complete media hit job.




Boyd actually played on Sunday, being brought on as a sub.


Boyd was supposedly disappointed at not starting - I'd be more annoyed if he wasn't disappointed at not playing.


Boyd and the manager spoke to each other - is that news


Boyd is supposedly banned from training - but duly Boyd reported for training today.



With a handful of exaggeration and invention, Traynor has Rangers fans at each other's throats in heated debate, half of them openly critical of their top goalscorer and no doubt words being exchanged at Murray park that are much worse than those alleged by a Rangers hating journalist.


We need to see what is happening here - especially as this always happens at times like these. Mt **** is a bitter and twisted bheast indeed. be surprised by nothing he does. Especially the ones hiding behind a pen.


With respect to this point:


Boyd was supposedly disappointed at not starting - I'd be more annoyed if he wasn't disappointed at not playing.


I've never understood fans (and there are hundreds on FF) who criticise a player for this. I dont see being angry at not playing as a sign of a bad attitude, but a good one. I don't mind a petulant display in the heat of the momment at being subbed or dropped or whatever. It shows they care and want to play.


I try not to buy into conspiracy theories, but when you just look at the bare facts as you have outlined them and compare that to the paper stories it just does not add up.

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Boyd DID walk out off training yesterday after bust up with Walter Smith, have it on very good authority. Am trying to find out now what the latest situation is.


Source please? so what if people have bust ups. they happen all the time. They just don't make headlines in the sellick-minded media. Boyd trained today and hopes to play on Sunday. Nothing to see here, move along.

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Well I work beside his best mate...and he was under the impression from Boydy that it was a major bust up and that he definitely wouldn't be playing on Sunday.


You may well be right but you'll understand why I'd rather believe you than Jim Traynor in OF week. Seen this shite too many times over the years.

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