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Boyd out of cup final after bust-up with Walter

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To quote that Katie Perry burd re Boyd:


You're hot then you're cold, you're yes and you're no, you're in then you're out, you're up then you're down, you're wrong when it's right blah blah blah.


Boyd in a nutshell!


High Low

Good Bad

Chalk Cheese

Boyd Boyd

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That's what I was meaning, but it's not something new about him, so I can't understand why now is the time to come out with this????, as I said we all know what he is about!!!!!:confused:


Very confusing indeed. Something definitely fails to add up about this.

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Maybe Rangers have received another offer for him :fish:


Somehow, I think form tells you that this hitting the headlines has more to do with an old firm game on sunday and a media seeing Rangers winning it. I expect this to be refuted from Murray Park.


If Smith really did do this at this time then he deserves his nadgers nailed to his chair - but I doubt if this is what it's being nade out to be - I mean ffs this is the daily record, a cesspit of invention only made credible by comparidon with the sun.

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I don't doubt he knows what the truth is. I just fail to see why a bit of misdirection can't be used on occasions.

Of course, that's assuming this originated at Murray Park. Like Frankie said, do you reckon our club is clever enough to come up with a subterfuge?:)

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