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  1. http://www.heraldscotland.com/sport/football/king-maps-out-plan-for-the-future.117959899 The suspicion is that if the existing directors are unable to muster the votes required to hold on to power by conventional means they will attempt to do so unconventionally. The savage personal attack on King contained in the statement to the AIM Stock Exchange on Friday underlined what many had long suspected; the power battle at Rangers is going to be a dirty one. Nevertheless, King and his associates are already looking further ahead and formulating plans which they believe will enable the Glasgow club to return to the forefront of Scottish football if they do take control. Appointing a permanent replacement for Ally McCoist by bringing in a manager who can rebuild the side and secure on-field success is at the top of their list of priorities. Luring Rangers stalwarts back into the club to work behind-the-scenes in a variety of roles is also seen as important so the identity of the institution can be restored. The fact no fewer than 12 members of the first team squad are out of contract in the summer is seen as an opportunity to substantially reduce a crippling wage bill that Charles Green, Brian Stockbridge and Craig Mather are largely to blame for. "There is obviously an opportunity to have contracts terminated," said King. "We have to make some fairly significant changes to the footballing side. But before that it is critical that we get the right manager in because we are bringing a manager into a team that is obviously not equipped to compete in the Premier League and is really struggling. "You would have thought that when Rangers were demoted they would have fairly comfortably come through the lower leagues into the Premiership and then maybe struggled for a season or two. "But right now we are struggling to get out of the Championship. Given the need to balance budgets and just be more sensible about the way the money is spent, we are going to have to get a manager who has the capacity to identify and manage players. "So I would imagine that the single most important decision will be identifying the right manager, who has all of these qualities. It really is someone who is more of a coach." King revealed he would be willing to pay compensation to another club for their manager if the best candidate they identify is in employment. He said: "If it was within reason, then paying compensation would be considered. I think everyone would accept that Rangers have to completely rebuild the squad. So the manager's role is so critical. "One wouldn't easily take the second choice when a little bit of money would have got you your first choice. I think we have just got to get it right. There's too much money being spent around it that is key to that individual to not get that appointment right." McCoist is currently on gardening leave while he serves out his 12-month notice period and could theoretically return in some capacity if King, Paul Murray and John Gilligan are appointed directors. But King said: "My understanding is that Ally has expressed no interest in coming back even with regime change. The indications I've had from those who have spoken to him more recently than I have is that he thinks he is done and he really doesn't see himself as part of the future." John Greig, Sandy Jardine and Walter Smith have all worked behind the scenes at Ibrox in a number of different roles in recent years and King would like to see a return to the days when Rangers men were involved in the running of the club. Greig declined to take to the pitch along with the other members of the European Cup-Winners' Cup winning team when the Govan Stand was renamed in honour of his former team-mate Jardine back in August. King said: "For me personally somebody like John Greig would be very important. I spoke to John when I was over here in November - just phoned him up and asked him how he was doing. "There are individuals who are not welcome - because they are not supportive of the existing regime. But what we would like to do is connect with the past. "Despite the difficult times, the history hasn't been lost. We already have Richard Gough showing support and to have people like John Grieg and Graeme Souness is going to be very, very important." The Glasgow-born financier, who once ploughed £20 million of his personal fortune into his boyhood heroes, is hopeful there will be no nasty surprises lurking in the books if he does take over. He said: "I think the circumstances of the club are such that there is a limit to how bad it can be. I can't imagine there will be a huge amount of creditors building up. I can't imagine that anyone has been lending money that we don't know about. "The stadium we know hasn't been used as security. "So while I think there will be some surprises, I think they might run into a couple of million, I don't think we are going to find a hole of £15 million to £20 million."
  2. The Rangers Supporters Trust (RST) is delighted to announce that, following a successful meeting yesterday, the Rangers Fans Fighting Fund (RFFF) has thrown its considerable finances and influence behind the RST's continuing fight to ensure Ibrox remains under the control of the club. We are delighted that the RFFF has taken this decision and would like to thank them for doing so. There is now a substantial legal fund available, should it be required, to fight any attempt by this board to pass security over Ibrox to Mike Ashley. We will work closely with the RFFF going forward to ensure every avenue is explored. http://www.therst.co.uk/news/rst-gains-rfff-support-for-ibrox-legal-fight/
  3. THINK Friday night’s scenes at Ibrox were bad? Well, you ain’t seen NOTHING yet! Rangers fans have had to put up with plenty in the last three years. But giving up the title rights to Ibrox and Murray Park would be a step too far. The aggro after the Hearts game was totally unacceptable. But sell the rights to the stadium and the training ground and the Rangers board will see some real social unrest. Don’t get me wrong — what happened at Ibrox on Friday was out of order. There were a couple of staff I know at Argyle House who were injured when fans stormed the place. That’s completely unacceptable. The fans are right to be unhappy but there’s ways and means of showing it and what went on the other night is taking it too far. It was live on BT and people all over the country saw it. You can argue a lot of the kids who were involved in what went on looked so young they wouldn’t remember who played for the Rangers team of the 90s — me included. Leaving that aside, it wasn’t a proud night for the club. But people have their breaking points. And the majority of fans feel the way I do — that giving up the rights to Ibrox and Murray Park would be suicide. That’s not just because they’d be going to Mike Ashley. Giving them to anyone would be wrong. If Mike Ashley’s going to be around — and everything at the moment suggests he is — why can’t he work alongside Dave King? Like most people, I feel as if there’s something we’re not being told about what’s going on. The club have had three offers from various people, none of which asked for Ibrox to be put up as security, and have knocked them all back. Why? Dave King wants to call an EGM which would see most of the current board removed. There have been suggestions both Dave and Paul Murray’s backgrounds would be a problem. But if that’s the case, and the well-being of the club is the key, why couldn’t Douglas Park be the frontman? If they were to present a united front and take charge, they could pay Ashley’s loan off and all he’d have would be the rights to merchandising. David Somers told the Rangers AGM last month he had not been prepared to use Ibrox as security — but now it’s a great option for a £10million loan. Ashley’s been clever in all of this but that doesn’t disguise what the repercussions would be if he called in his loan. The downward spiral would continue and the club would be looking at a second administration. Fans are already voting with their feet — which, in this of all weeks, is a real shame. I’m desperate to go to Ibrox on Sunday for Fernando Ricksen’s benefit game. It should be a great warm-up to the Old Firm game next week. It’s an amazing cause for an amazing man who’s dear to the hearts of Rangers fans. It’s a fantastic opportunity for older fans to see the likes of Arthur Numan, Marco Negri and Jorg Albertz in action and for younger ones to see names they’ve maybe only seen on TV. I’d love there to be a full house at the game — just as I’d love to see the likes of Ally McCoist and Richard Gough being there. I take the point that it’s not about the nine-in-a-row team and that neither of them played with Fernando. But neither did I. I’m sure the Rangers fans would love to see two guys who are genuine legends being back at the club. It will also give fans a rare chance to see Marco in action. I thought he got a rough ride from people. They thought because he didn’t celebrate his goals wildly that he was a bit of a loner. That was harsh. He had a different personality, sure. But he’s a smashing lad and I’m looking forward to seeing him. http://www.cfclatest.com/2013/01/20/andy-goram-you-think-fridays-scenes-were-bad/
  4. Last Saturday I passed the red lion pub at plantation and seen the supporters bus leaving for the game this is a club that's been going for quite a time anyone know of any clubs that have been going for over twenty years I have great admiration for these clubs and the blokes that run them well done to them all .
  5. A Spain based motor tycoon who wants to buy Rangers is building a £5 million mansion close to Glasgow, The Sunday Post can reveal. Businessman Douglas Park, 64, has submitted plans to erect an eight-bedroom villa near Strathaven, 20 miles from Ibrox. Work is under way on the father-of-three’s new home, which will boast a spiral staircase, home office, gym and steam room as well as a gargantuan master bedroom, according to plans lodged with South Lanarkshire Council. Since separating from wife Isobel in 1999, the tycoon has spent most of his time in Spain. But sources say the car giant plans to move back to the UK – and to help seize control of Ibrox. Alongside George Taylor and George Letham, Park is a member of the so-called Three Bears, who announced on Hogmanay they had bought up 19% of the club. They are in pole position to take control of the side after a £36m bid package by American Robert Sarver was rejected. Last night a source said: “Things are going very well for Dougie. He’s Rangers daft and has flown all over Europe to follow the team. He is close to several Ibrox legends. It’s the same with his three sons. His business is thriving and has his sons help run it so he doesn’t need to be around as much. “He owns a house near the one he is building but it is far smaller and he’s rarely there. “Building this is different. It’s a sign he’s going to spend more time in Scotland – and that will hopefully involve playing a major role at Ibrox. They need him in the boardroom.” The Three Bears are reportedly in cahoots with former director Dave King, 59, who owns 15% of the club. Last night, Craig Houston, of Rangers supporters’ group Sons of Struth, said: “After the turbulent last few years we’d love to see Dougie Park in charge.” Park has built up his thriving business from humble beginnings. He is now recognised to be one of Scotland’s shrewdest businessmen with an estimated personal wealth of £78 million. He started in 1971 with a fleet of three buses, ferrying football fans all over Scotland. That led to contracts providing team coaches for Celtic and other clubs, including Rangers. As the empire grew, he diversified and now owns a large number of car dealerships, including the exclusive rights to sell McLaren and Maserati sports cars in Scotland. Mr Park was unavailable for comment last night. http://www.sundaypost.com/news-views...-park-1.781167
  6. http://www.cfclatest.com/2012/12/28/richard-gough-are-gers-trying-to-force-others-out-of-the-door/
  7. Never thought I would see the day I posted on a football site on Xmas morning. However, morose at a houseful of snoring teenagers who refuse to get up at 6 am and behave like they did when they were wee, I have done a tribute to Ian Durrant. Merry Christmas everyone, may your mince pie forever be moist. Winter can be the cruelest season. Among footballers, Ian Durrant could certainly testify to that. This most gifted of Scottish players, an attacking midfielder some decades ahead of his time, was cut down in his prime in early winter, October 1988. A 'tackle' from an Aberdeen player (mentioning the name of the individual concerned would only confer a gravitas upon him which he doesn't deserve) saw the usual welcome for grace and skill in Scottish football: physical assault. Both as player and coach Durrant suffered torment on Rangers behalf; there can be few circles of Hell he is unfamiliar with after his more than 30 years at Ibrox. Just as that early winter 26 years ago saw the only real world class talent this country has produced for two generations crippled by the mediocrity which dominates then as now, the long delayed winter of 2014 has seen him unceremoniously dumped from his job as assistant manager to Ally McCoist to a role in charge of the club's under-20's. Winter can be the cruelest season. This demotion might not prove to be a bad thing, if Durrant is minded to accept the role. Always a larrikin, the performances of the first team over the last few years certainly suggest he, along with McCoist and McDowall, wasn't suited to training experienced pros. A big kid himself, he could conceivably be more effective at working with other kids. Even so, this demotion is not a classy way to treat a man who, had things been different, would almost certainly have moved to England and thence on to Europe - he was that good - and who was and is a Rangers fanatic. But if Durrant deserved better from the club, he also deserved better from the fans. No-one can argue that the team he helped create was rubbish, but some of the criticism was ridiculous. Durrant, like McCoist, only ever wanted to do the best by Rangers. Those who posted dark hints about money grabbing, uselessness and standing with arms folded did the man a huge disservice: when Ian Black puts yet another pass straight out of play, what coach on earth can teach him how to pass? A crap player is a crap player. Of course, the solution would be not to pick such dreck, which the management team singularly failed to do, but that wasn't Durrant's decision to make. Even so, a fan base which regularly slates Steven Naismith for betraying the club which 'stood by him' during injury - a spurious argument indeed, given the legally binding contract both sides signed - but which then turns around and berate someone who stood by the club for decades, has got some issues of consistency, to say the very least. Players need to stand by the club, they insist: but what about the other way, club to player? Or even more close to home, fan to player: what about that relationship? It only lasts as long as the times are good, does it? To suggest any player be immune from criticism would be ludicrous, but there's ways of criticising without forever destroying the special bond between fan and hero, especially when that hero was and remains a fan. Well, if the board is dysfunctional and at one remove from the fan base, I suppose it's hardly surprising that the support is dysfunctional and at one remove from club legends. On the whole I suppose this is a small matter, and there are far greater issues for Rangers fans to be thinking about, as the annual family pig out/fall out approaches. But we can't look back on Durranty's time at Ibrox with any great pride now, the way he's been treated. For some fans - not all - cutting one of our own a little slack and tempering criticism with respect was too much to ask, and that's deeply depressing. I hope anyone under say 40, who might not remember the slight, elusive midfielder with the huge mop of curly hair in action, will take to Youtube to see what the fuss was about. As much a reflection then of the national preference for hackers as he is a reflection now to our own failings, Durrant is something of an unlikely Alighieri, experiencing the various circles of Hell available to the Bluenose: McCoist an even more unlikely Virgil. But both have been through an inferno on our behalf, as players and then as staff. The least they deserve is our understanding.
  8. ALLY McCOIST activated his 12-month notice period last week and SCOTT believes that Mike Ashley needs to do the right thing by paying him off now and hiring Billy Davies as his replacement. IT’S been the question on every Rangers supporter’s lips for weeks now. Will Mike Ashley – and his sidekick Derek Llambias - be good or bad for their club? Despite the ‘Union of Fans’ staunch opposition to Ashley’s involvement at Ibrox , ordinary punters can’t decide whether the Newcastle United owner wants a successful Rangers or not. But after the shambolic handling of Ally McCoist’s resignation , this is Ashley’s chance to nail it once and for all. If he’s serious about rebuilding Rangers - on and off the park - and getting them back to Scotland’s top flight and the Champions League, he should prove it. By paying up McCoist what he’s due and appointing Billy Davies as their new gaffer with immediate effect. If he doesn’t and this is allowed to fester into the New Year – all the while McCoist’s team potentially fall further behind Hearts in the Championship – fans will have every right to believe that Ashley has no genuine interest in Rangers’ well-being after all. Whether you think McCoist has played a blinder by calling the board’s bluff, or that his stance is causing more harm then good, is irrelevant. He’s owed cash that his contract entitles him to. People have said he should sacrifice it and walk with nothing, which is ludicrous, or give it to charity. Who’s to say he won’t? Some even think he should put it back into the club. But given the current board’s record in financial management, why would he do that? The money’s certainly safer in McCoist’s hands, that’s for sure. That opinion was backed by a UoF statement last week. He should be allowed to go with his dignity – and legendary status at Ibrox – intact. His pay-off is a drop in the ocean to Ashley, which could quickly be recouped IF his intentions for Rangers are honourable. If they are, he’d do well to get Davies in ASAP. It would certainly get attendance figures – which have fallen like snow off a dyke recently – moving in the right direction again. Former club legends like Terry Butcher and Stuart McCall will also be in the frame when McCoist eventually goes. But, no matter what you might think of him, a firecracker like the Davies is exactly the type Ashley and Rangers need. Speak to any player who has worked under him and chances are they’ll tell you he’s the best coach they’ve ever had. Kris Boyd for one says Davies opened his eyes to a whole new side of the game during four months with him at Nottingham Forest. Davies is the reason Boyd is now coaching kids two nights a week. The Rangers striker talks openly about how his old gaffer would pre-empt situations in games before watching in amazement as they panned out exactly as he’d predicted. Davies is a football obsessive, a 24/7 manager, who is meticulous when it comes to planning and preparation. He doesn’t have an in-built editing suite at home – where he watches re-runs of training sessions – for nothing. Tactically, he’s already proved to be one of the best in British football. His record at Preston North End, Derby County and Forest in the English Championship is nothing short of phenomenal, especially given the resources he had to work with at Deepdale and Pride Park. Davies likes to blend youth with experience. He prides himself on finding bargain buys and ensuring their value increases under his tutelage. The likes of David Nugent is a prime example of that, a guy he plucked from relative obscurity when he was Preston boss who eventually became a £6 million man. For good reason, a malaise has set in at Murray Park. That’s hardly McCoist’s fault after everything that’s gone on at Rangers in the last three years. But when he exits, a clear-out is needed. And Davies will turn the place upside down if Ashley and Llambias allow him to do it properly. Of course, the diminutive Glaswegian has his faults. Davies’ relations with the local press had deteriorated beyond repair in Nottingham towards the end of his time at the City Ground and he had dis-engaged with Forest supporters. On that score, after almost nine months out of the game, you’d like to think Davies will have learnt from it and won’t make the same mistake again. Former Old Firm managers like Walter Smith and Neil Lennon will gladly tell him that when you’re in charge of either Rangers or Celtic, it’s wise to have the media on your side. At Forest, Davies felt certain people at the club were working against him. But that shouldn’t be a problem at Rangers if he’s Ashley’s man. Look at the relationship he has with Alan Pardew at St James’ Park. Like McCoist, Davies has Rangers in his blood. After being reared on the streets of Pollok, he knows what the club means to those supporters. He’s ready and willing to step into McCoist’s shoes when the time comes. Having moved back up to Scotland permanently, Davies has already taken in several Rangers’ matches. He’s even been seen at other Championship games involving the likes of Hearts and Hibs. It looks like that meticulous planning and preparation that he’s become renowned for – has already started. http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/scott-mcdermott-mike-ashley-can-4847969?
  9. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2881390/Ally-McCoist-people-remember-means-s-important-thing.html?ITO=1490&ns_mchannel=rss&ns_campaign=1490 ALLY'S delusions... "The standards did drop for the first time last Friday night. There is absolutely no excuse for the level of performance we put in last Friday. ." The first time! So playing Alloa three times recently and not winning once was not standards slipping. Losing to all the diddy teams he has in his reign.... And he calls last Friday "the first time". And he thinks he can manage elsewhere in the future. And, as I said last week, he genuinely thinks he had done a good job.
  10. http://www.gersnet.co.uk/index.php/latest-news/299-an-open-letter-to-ally-mccoist Also available in the print edition of the Scottish Daily Mail (5/12/2014)
  11. http://sport.stv.tv/football/clubs/r...ys-kris-boyd/? "for me; it goes in one ear and out the other.” Rangers striker Kris Boyd has claimed that John Brown's criticism of him and senior players at the club has fallen on deaf ears. The former Rangers and Aberdeen defender recently stated that Ally McCoist had been let down by Boyd and other experienced players at the club. Yet Boyd showed little interest in such feedback ahead of his club's Petrofac Training Cup clash with Alloa on Wednesday. “You can judge us on May and if we’re still in that position come May then you’re right to say it," stated the Ibrox striker. "Right now, as I said for me; it goes in one ear and out the other.” He added: “For me, before people open their mouth they should find out what is going on before they have a go at people. But as I said it’s pretty easy to have a go at people when you want recognition yourself. “At the end of the day we know we can do better, but as I said we don’t need anyone telling us we can do better. "We know inside ourselves we can do better.” Boyd, along with teammates Kenny Miller and Lee McCulloch, was labelled as “shocking”, as Brown stated that the squad was underachieving in their attempt to win promotion to the Premiership. Yet the former Kilmarnock striker took little surprise in the former Rangers star's comments. “It’s not the first time, it’ll not be the last. For me, when the manager tells you that you’re not doing well, then you can listen," added the striker. “I’ve got a good relationship with him(Brown), every time I see him I speak to him, so it’s fine. "I know the way Brown works and I know he likes to open his mouth and have a go. "But be rest assured it doesn’t take for him to come out and have a go for us to raise our game."
  12. ...and says manager Ally McCoist is being 'hung out to dry' by the board. THE former boss gave a withering assessment of the men at the top of the marble staircase and claimed they’ve hung McCoist out to dry. WALTER Smith last night accused the Rangers board of making Ally McCoist the worst prepared manager in their history. The former boss gave a withering assessment of the men at the top of the marble staircase and claimed they’ve hung McCoist out to dry. Smith spoke out in strong support of McCoist in Glasgow in front of an audience of 750 at a question and answer session during a charity dinner. The ex-chairman accused the current regime of failing to back the boss and said boardroom instability is also hampering the team. Asked to reflect on the work of McCoist, who was at the event, Smith said: “Ally will need a little help – in the last three years he has had none whatsoever. “I was fortunate enough to be given great support by the likes of David Murray with the signings I was allowed to make. “People are casting aspersions on Ally’s ability but if I ever had doubts about him I would never have recommended him for the job. “No club can be successful until it is well run from the top, it’s the single determining factor in how well the team plays. “I wish Ally could be given that opportunity but it isn’t being afforded him. Ally is bearing up well under the worst circumstances under which any Rangers manager has had to work.” Smith also turned on former owner Craig Whyte when asked if he was still happy with his decision to step away from the club three years ago. He said sarcastically: “I was quite happy to leave Rangers in the hands of Craig Whyte – well, he was a billionaire, after all. “Where is he now? Costa Rica or somewhere? The wee b******.” Meanwhile, Dave King claims Sandy Easdale was as concerned with his seat on the board as investment in the cash-strapped club. Easdale has labelled the South African-based tycoon’s plan to invest £16million a phantom bid driven by self-promotion. The bus boss and Rangers board snubbed King’s offer and a £3m loan from Brian Kennedy, instead taking a £2m bailout from Mike Ashley. Now King has hit back and said: “When I spoke to Sandy on my recent trip to Scotland his main concern was whether, after investment by our consortium, he would still be involved with the club. “I confirmed we had no immediate intention to remove him or his brother from board involvement. This was clearly not enough to gain his support.” http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/craig-whyte-wee-b-walter-4665444
  13. Taken from FF, some details of the Ricksen game for anyone interested. Please forgive the spelling errors as the guy who posted it had his predictive text on! Fernando ricksen tribute match Sunday 25th of January. The game will be between Fernando ricksen rangers all stars v a rest of the world legends side. I can give you a update on some of the players I have confirmed so far For the rangers all stars we a goram.m ball. A human.l amoruso.m Andrew. B Malcolm. B konterman. B Ferguson.r latapy.t tugay.j albertz . p lovenkrands.t buffell.m Negri.r de Boer. N novo. G durie. R Wallace. M Mol's . For the rest of the world we have d bessant.r Lee.d anderton.s sedgley. A sinton.j beattie. Mat le tissue. T sheringham .d walker.they are all England internationals.and we have van bommel.and more Dutch German Italian internationals . This will be a great day . Also from other posts in the thread, tickets are £12 and £5 and should go on sale soon.
  14. ...has kept him away from Ibrox. Former manager, who will make rare appearance in stands for League Cup quarter-final against St Johnstone, says he is "better not going" because of club's problems. By Ewing Grahame 10:00PM GMT 27 Oct 2014 Comments8 Comments Walter Smith will make a rare appearance at Ibrox on Tuesday night for Rangers’ League Cup quarter-final against St Johnstone. Smith, 66, led Rangers to nine championship successes and also won the Scottish Cup five times and the League Cup on six occasions during his two spells as manager. Yet he reveals that the internecine warfare – which has been waged with increasing frequency and hostility in the boardroom since the consortium fronted by Charles Green seized control after the old club’s descent into liquidation in 2012 – has persuaded him to limit his attendance at matches following his resignation as chairman in August last year. The increasing influence wielded by Mike Ashley, the Newcastle United owner, and the departures (which Ashley had called for) of chief executive Graham Wallace and director Philip Nash may yet bring stability to the club but, until the fighting stops, Smith’s visits will be collectors’ items. “Before I left the board at Rangers I was going to few of the games,” he said. “I’ve been to one or two but I haven’t been to an awful lot since I left. “I watch the TV coverage and read a lot about it but I don’t go along to many matches. At first I didn’t go because I didn’t want people thinking I was ... not interfering, but going to watch Alastair and the boys I’d left there. That was the main reason for not going back. “When Charles Green asked me to go on the board I went back and going to games was another aspect of it. “Since I left the board, the reason I don’t go back is because is everybody keeps saying to me: ‘You are supporting that side, your are supporting this side or the other side’. “I think I’m better not bothering going. I miss going to the games. I’ll go to the occasional one and I’ll go on Tuesday night to see how they do against St Johnstone.” Smith was at the national stadium on Sunday to see Davie Wilson, a childhood idol, inducted into the Scottish Football Hall of Fame. “Wee Davie worked beside my old man when he was a boy, strangely enough,” he said. “I went to Ibrox and watched him play in that fantastic team of the late 1950s and early 60s. It was an enjoyable period to go and watch them. “He was one of the main ones and the number of goals he scored for a winger was incredible. Nowadays we don’t have wingers of that type. “Davie and Jimmy Millar also came to play at Dundee United when I was there and he was a fantastic professional. They could have tailed off at the end of their careers but they had a great attitude and it was good for a young player like myself to see that, “It was a big thrill – I’d never have imagined I’d have played alongside him. He was terrific, down to earth. Davie was also assistant manager at Dumbarton when I went there for a year.” http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/teams/rangers/11190909/Walter-Smith-reveals-how-long-running-internal-warfare-at-Rangers-has-kept-him-away-from-Ibrox.html
  15. I thought id share this with you........ Hi Don Earlier this year Robert Marshall interviewed Rangers Legend Sandy Jardine for WATP Magazine. With all of the off-field issues that go on at the club we thought it would be worth sending this out so that everyone has the chance to read the words of a True Ranger and someone who cared deeply about our club. Sadly, Sandy had a relapse of his health issues and passed on the 24th April of this year. He is greatly missed. Sandy in Royal Blue The Sandy Jardine Interview - Part 1 Sandy Jardine is one of the true legends of our proud club’s illustrious 141-year history. He is without doubt Rangers’ best right back in living memory and can be held up as one of the greatest players to have turned out in a blue jersey. Born in Edinburgh with the Christian name of William, not far away from Hearts’ Tynecastle Stadium, I first remember laying eyes on Willie Jardine (as he was then known) when we played Queen’s Park in a Glasgow Cup match at Ibrox. He scored four goals that day, something that as a 12-year-old I would never forget! It’s fair to say I was impressed. I think to put it in context, if I had to pick a greatest ever ‘World XI’ then Sandy would be my first choice, not Cafu, not Lamb, not even the great George Cohen – he was that good. Some people might disagree but I watched him all through his career at full back and I never witnessed him having a bad game. I have been lucky enough to have known Sandy for a few years now and I was delighted when he accepted our invitation to do an interview with WATP Magazine. There is always something special about speaking with one of your heroes, that little thrill separates them from us mere mortals. Sandy is recovering from a life-threatening illness and it was really nice to be able to speak with him. Sandy, first of all how is your health? “I’m coming along fine Robert, I’m looking to be back working full time next year.” I’ve always known you as a bit of a workaholic so how are you coping at home? “It’s been a bit frustrating but I’ve been working away in the garden, taking things day by day and going walks to build my strength up. Thankfully I have been able to get back to a few games now.” How did you feel when the fans were applauding you in the second minute? “It was both humbling and emotional. I’m really grateful for all the messages of support I have had from the fans. They have been excellent.” Let’s start from the beginning, how and when did you join Rangers? “I went straight from schools football to Ibrox in 1965. I used to get on the train at Haymarket in Edinburgh through to Queen Street in Glasgow and jump on the subway over to Copland Road (as Ibrox underground was known back then). I even travelled with some of the greatest legends of that era: John Greig, Jimmy Millar, Ralph Brand, and later on we were joined by the Fife lads – including Billy Mathieson, Colin Stein, Willie Johnston. It was different then.” They would have been real legends to a young lad like yourself, how did you feel travelling with them? “Oh, they were great! They were always giving me advice and always had a good story to tell.” How did it feel going up the marble staircase for the first time? “You always remember your first time going up the marble staircase. It really epitomises everything about our club – class and dignity.” Moving to on-field matters, I remember you scoring four goals against Queen’s Park in a Glasgow Cup tie as a youngster coming through, what do you remember of that? “I was playing centre forward that night, and everything just clicked for me. It seemed that every time I touched the ball it went into the net.” I remember you as ‘Willie Jardine’ then, when did you become known as Sandy? “The players started calling me it around the time I made the first team, obviously because of the colour of my hair. I’m not really sure when it became my name publicly.” You seemed to play a few different positions before you settled down at full back, how did that come about? “Well, I made my debut in February 1967 against Hearts and played at right wing half. We won 5-1 and I kept my place for the rest of the season. When Willie Waddell came, he converted me to a right full back. I felt I was suited to playing there, and was there for most of my career.” Sandy is being humble when he said the position suited him. He was the first overlapping full back I ever witnessed in Scotland and he was outstanding there. He had everything you could want – stamina, speed, superb at a standing tackle, a fantastic reader of the game who brought others into play, and he was fond of popping up with a goal. I’m not exaggerating when I say he was world class. You were well known for your fitness. How influential was Jock Wallace in that? “Big Jock was brilliant for the players. He introduced the notorious Gullane Sands, which set us up for the season. People might joke about it but there were about nine members of that team that played well into their mid-thirties, which was uncommon in those days. We attributed that to his physical conditioning methods. Jock Wallace used to be an Army PT instructor and was quite revolutionary in what he introduced in training. He even brought in a professional sprint coach, which I felt I benefitted greatly from. We always seemed to score goals in the last ten minutes of games when other sides were tiring. We put that down to our superior fitness and that was due to Jock. The players all loved him, he was honest and upfront with you.” You played over 1100 first class games in your career. Which one was your favourite? “I wouldn’t say I had favourite games. I loved playing in every one. As far as importance goes, then obviously the European Cup Winners’ Cup Final victory in Barcelona in ’72 was the pinnacle of my career. Being a member of the only Rangers side to win a European trophy is something special. I played in the 1967 European Cup Winners’ Cup Final defeat to Bayern Munich, and I never really appreciated how big an achievement it was to get that far. It made me appreciate the victory against Moscow Dynamo even more.” Barcelona is one of my finest memories as a Rangers Supporter, what do you remember of the game? “It was a really good performance from the whole team. We were 2-0 up at half time through Steiny and Bud. We came out for the second half and when Bud added a third we had the game completely in control. The Russians, who were a very good team, scored a goal near the end and added a second with about five minutes to go. It must have been the longest five minutes of my career! The only disappointment was not being able to show the fans the trophy on the night.” That was a magnificent achievement, the single greatest triumph in our history – I thought everyone was fantastic on the night, but Dave Smith in my opinion had the best game of his career. Would you pick out anyone for special praise? “Davie had a brilliant game, but the whole team was brilliant. Throughout my career I wouldn’t like to pick out individuals. We won as a team and we lost as a team. We had a great spirit about us.” Although the team was fantastic on the night, I actually thought the best single team performance in the European Cup Winners’ Cup run was the semi-final at Ibrox against Bayern Munich. What are your memories of that game? “Well we were all-square from the first leg in Germany. Over there, we took an absolute battering that night! But we limited them to one goal. They were a great team, and went on to win three European Cups in a row with half the team being West German internationals. We got our equaliser through an own goal, but strangely in the last ten minutes of the game we were chasing the winner as Jock Wallace’s training methods allowed to keep going for the full ninety minutes. The second leg at Ibrox was completely different. We were always confident of beating anyone at home. That night there was 80,000 people crammed in to Ibrox and the atmosphere was amazing – probably the best I’ve ever played in. We started very brightly, and in the second minute I gathered the ball on the right-hand side, got myself forward and managed to hit the ball with my left foot and it sailed over Sepp Maier and into the top left-hand corner. You couldn’t hear yourself think. We added a second through Derek Parlane, who had replaced John Greig after he failed a fitness test. I had never seen any German team lose self-control the way they did that night, they were even arguing on the pitch. We had really gotten to them.” You must have been so proud to have played in that team? “I was and am. It was an amazing time, playing with great players and great people.” From a personal point of view, the 1972 Cup Winners’ Cup campaign defined the Rangers team of that era for me. We took on the national cup winners of France, Italy, Portugal, West Germany and Russia - some of the biggest footballing nations in Europe. We played with a style that was suited to the European arena and Willie Waddell must take great credit for that. Players like Sandy, John Greig, Derek Johnstone, Tommy McLean, Peter McCloy, Colin Jackson, and Alex MacDonald went on to be the mainstay of the team for most of the next decade. We also had the very underrated Willie Mathieson and Alfie Conn, the sublime Dave Smith, and of course Willie Johnston and Colin Stein. Some of these players must be included amongst the greatest ever to wear a Rangers shirt. And we will leave it here for part one. We have covered Sandy’s arrival at Rangers up to Barcelona 1972. In the second part we will concentrate on his domestic successes, on leaving Rangers and all his subsequent work at the club. We will also cover the march to Hampden and his hopes for the future. I’ll reiterate, it was an absolute pleasure to interview Sandy Jardine. He’s the quintessential Rangers man and everything you would expect from someone who has represented our great club both on and off the pitch for so many years. I was impressed with him as a player since I was 12 years old, and today, I impressed with him as a man.
  16. STEVEN Hammell will never give up hope of adding to his solitary cap for Scotland – but the veteran Motherwell left-back admits there is now a stand-alone candidate to fill that position in the national team for the foreseeable future. Andrew Robertson is expected to make his third appearance for Scotland in tomorrow’s Euro 2016 qualifier against Georgia at Ibrox, the 20-year-old having enjoyed a meteoric rise to prominence over the past 18 months. Now shining in the English Premier League with Hull City, who paid £2.85 million for him in the summer following his outstanding debut season at Dundee United, Robertson appears poised to establish himself as Gordon Strachan’s first-choice left-back. It has been a problematic role for Scotland in the recent past with Hammell, who earned his only cap so far in a friendly against Sweden in 2004, drafted into Strachan’s squad on three occasions last year as cover. The 32-year-old says he will always remain ready to answer his country’s call but believes Robertson is now very much the man in possession at left-back. “Andy has been excellent,” observed Hammell. “I’ve been really impressed with him. The jump from the Scottish Premiership to the English Premier League is massive but I’ve seen a couple of his games for Hull on TV and he’s coped with it well. “They play a system that suits him down there and he’s handled it all well. Scotland need someone who will cement that position as their own because over the last five or six years there hasn’t been a guaranteed first-choice left-back. “I can see Andy being there for a few years to come. Whenever we played against Dundee United last season, he was really impressive. He’s comfortable defending but he’s a threat going forward as well. “He’s got that thing that all youngsters have where he plays without fear and he seems to really enjoy the games. I just hope he keeps progressing. “I think we’re stronger now in the left-back department compared to when I was called into the squad last summer. As well as Robertson, Steven Whittaker has played there a few times and been excellent, the boy Craig Forsyth at Derby County has played really well and then there’s Lee Wallace at Rangers, so there’s definitely options. “On a personal level you never give up on Scotland. I really enjoyed my time being involved with the squad last season but the start of this season hasn’t gone as I’d have expected with the injury I’ve had and I’m just focusing on getting fit, getting back into the Motherwell team and hopefully getting us up that Premiership table. “When I was called up by Scotland last season, Lee Wallace was injured and Steven Whittaker was suspended. I was in Largs doing my A licence coaching course at the time when Stuart McCall phoned me. I thought it was about something to do with Motherwell, but he asked me if I was okay to join the Scotland squad. It was a bit of a shock but I got a great deal from being part of it.” Hammell’s experience of the Scotland set-up under Strachan allowed him to assess the contributions made by assistant manager Mark McGhee and coach McCall, his former and current managers at Motherwell respectively. “They’re two of the best managers I’ve played with, without doubt,” added Hammell. “They’ve got that excellent balance of hard work while keeping the atmosphere bubbling away. “They’re excellent coaches and leave no stone unturned with regards to the opposition and how they want to play and I think they’re a great benefit to the national manager. “They have a good relationship with the players but at the same time you know there is a line you can’t step over. “They’ve got standards which you need to meet and they have that authority about them and they have that down to a tee. I wouldn’t say you fear them as such but they command respect. “All managers need to be able to do that and I’ve been on the receiving end a couple of times. You could win games and they’re still not happy. That’s the standards they demand as coaches and if you’re not doing what they expect from you then you’ll let them know. “Stuart McCall would probably admit himself that he’s still learning as a manager and will be better for being involved in the international set-up and facing top countries and top coaches in the world. That can only be a help. “I’ve heard some Motherwell fans question him being away with Scotland when it’s not going so well for us but he’s got staff who can stay back and help. He’s going away and working and playing with and against some of the best players in the world and personally I think we can only benefit from that. “I really do believe that this could be Scotland’s time to finally qualify for a major finals again. When I was called up I was just concentrating on working away and doing yourself justice but the lads were really welcoming. “You hear it said a lot of times about national teams but there is a real club atmosphere and that can take you far. Everyone seems to be happy and give their all for the national manager which isn’t always the case.” • Steven Hammell was speaking at the launch of the 2014-15 SPFL Topps Match Attax Collection, which features all Scottish Premiership and Scottish Championship clubs. It is on sale now from all good retail outlets. http://www.scotsman.com/sport/football/spfl/steven-hammell-andrew-robertson-is-scotland-s-best-1-3568598
  17. ***Gala Ball Silent Auction*** Not long to go till the Gala ball! who is excited?? We have some fantastic Auction prizes this year on which you can make your bids by filling out the online form here: http://www.legendstrek.co.uk/#!silent-auction/c1lfv Here are the Prizes: • Two tickets for a home game at Ibrox, season 2014/15 in the exclusive players’ lounge donated By RFC. • Red Arrows print ‘The Corkscrew 2005’, signed by the pilots of the Red Arrows donated by Bonnington Services. • Limited edition print ‘Cock a Snook the last Five Nations Champions’, (the last time Scotland won the five nations) signed by Ronnie Browne (Corries) donated by Anne and Jim Brown. • Signed Paul Lawrie Polo Shirt, Glove and Picture worn as he won The Johnny Walker Classic at Gleneagles. • Limited edition print ‘Underdog Rampant Scotland’s Gram Slam 1990’ Signed by Ronnie Browne, donated by Anne and Jim Brown. • 1/2ct G-H Diamond 10k White Gold Pendant SGL certified, donated by Gemporia jewellery channel. • 4 ball voucher for Machrihanish Golf Club, Campbeltown, donated Danny Rooney. • Signed limited edition Ally McCoist print donated By John Brown. • 4 ball voucher for Drumoig Golf Hotel, St Andrews Donated by Danny Rooney. • Signed Rangers jersey season 2014/15 with letter of authenticity, donated by Rangers and two tickets for The Founders Trail, donated by Gordon Bell and Ian McCall. • Signed Celtic jersey season 2014/15 with letter of authenticity donated by Celtic FC. • Signed Rangers ball season 2014/15 with letter of authenticity donated by RFC. • 4 ball voucher for Mar Hall Golf Resort, Bishopton donated by Bill Rennie. • House of Commons Speaker Bercows 10 Year old malt whisky signed by Jimmy Hood MP, donated By Shelly Palette. • 6 hour tattoo session at ‘Save Our Souls’ Hamilton donated by Stephen Scott. • A guided tour of the Gemporia television studios with Ali Defoy Remember, NO woofing, Just Bidding!
  18. Former Rangers defender Arthur Numan doesn't know who to believe as concerns continue to mount over the club's future. On Friday, former commercial director Imran Ahmad had £620,000 of the Ibrox outfit's assets frozen and there is major uncertainty over finances. "It's time the supporters knew what was happening, who is in control and where the money is going to," said Numan. The Dutchman, who played at Ibrox between 1998 and 2003 under Sir David Murray's tenure, says fans regularly raise the issue of Rangers' money troubles with him. "There is so much going on in the last couple of years and sometimes you think it's one big mess," he said. "I get a lot of supporters texting me and calling me, they ask me what's going on - and I can't give them an answer, because even I don't know. "I don't even know who is in charge - I don't know who to believe any more. " He went on: "I hope that someone comes in and says, okay, I want to put a lot of money into the club and try to take all the insecurity away by the supporters - because that's most important. "Then you try to get Rangers back into the Premier League and get a team on the park that's strong enough to compete with Celtic. "And hopefully they can qualify for Europe with someone who is in charge who makes it clear to the supporters and the Press what his intentions are, because nobody knows." http://www.eveningtimes.co.uk/rangers/numan-who-are-fans-to-believe-179657n.25273594
  19. RangersHistory ‏@RangersFACTS 30m More Great news that a benefit match for Fernando Ricksen will be played at Ibrox between a Gers Legends team & a Dutch national team! Dates TBC
  20. http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/former-rangers-chairman-malcolm-murray-3886142 MALCOLM Murray last night broke his silence on the current Rangers board and accused them of failing the club’s fans by not granting them security over Ibrox. The former chairman hasn’t spoken out since the AGM in December when he and his fellow requisitioners, Paul Murray, Alex Wilson and Scott Murdoch failed to oust the under-fire regime. But Murray is now fully behind fans’ group Sons of Struth who marched to Ibrox in protest yesterday at the board’s refusal to give legally-binding assurances that Ibrox will not be sold or leased. Murray believes Gers chief executive Graham Wallace is powerless due to a split at the top of the marble staircase. After the 3000-strong rally yesterday, Murray told MailSport in a statement endorsed by Wilson: “It is now seven months since the AGM. “We have maintained a dignified silence to give Wallace a chance but he is being hamstrung by a board that is neither culturally or corporately equipped for the challenge at Gers. “Fans have been treated with a level of disrespect that would be unprecedented in any other consumer industry. “Why will the board not give legally-binding assurances over Murray Park and Ibrox? “We support the SoS march. We are also fearful over potentially distressing sale and leasebacks of both the stadium and the training ground. “New investment is required urgently. The incumbent board said they had new investors waiting pre-AGM but it hasn’t materialised. “The so-called corporate governance has seen the club lurch from one disaster to the next – and it appears unprecedented that such poor performance would not result in resignations. “This regime appear to be be backed by the original Charles Green and Imran Ahmad investors, desite claiming that they are new. “The fans clearly don’t want them as illustrated by the march and numerous red card protests in recent months. “I’m convinced that the blue chip institutions will not ‘reload’ without a new board in place.” Sons of Struth chief Craig Houston was delighted with the turnout of fans for the protest march between Kinning Park and Ibrox. He’s convinced there are now serious cracks within the Rangers board – and claimed they will never win the battle with the disgruntled fans. He said: “We had around 3000 people on the march which was terrific considering the severe weather. It was also the Fair Friday holiday so it was fantastic support. “John Brown joined us at the start and Nacho Novo met us at the end, a real boost for supporters. It’s great to see ex-players, legends at the club, supporting the fans’ efforts. “The board have said there have been 17,000 season-ticket renewals but having spoken to many of those people I’ve found it difficult to find any of them who trust this board. “So buying a season-ticket isn’t an endorsement of this board. “There is still a huge chunk of supporters who feel disengaged and want security given over Ibrox. We’re asking for legal assurances.”
  21. Wednesday, 16 July 2014 16:15 Rangers To Honour Sandy Jardine Written by Rangers Football Club RANGERS Football Club will pay a lasting tribute to the late, great Sandy Jardine by re-naming the Govan Stand in his honour. The Light Blues legend sadly lost his battle with cancer in April but is forever in our thoughts and the Club will mark his phenomenal 50-year contribution to Rangers by changing the name of the Govan Stand to the Sandy Jardine Stand. Sandy was based in the offices at the Govan Stand for many years when he returned to the Club he served with such distinction as a player so it is fitting this particular stand will carry his name. This dedication will be in place for the opening league game of the season against Sandy's former side Hearts at Ibrox on Sunday 10 August. His family will also be guests of the Club on the day and Sandy’s widow Shona says the honour is something he was immensely proud of. She commented: "My husband considered it a great honour and privilege to represent Rangers Football Club and I know he was extremely proud to receive this lasting tribute from the Club he loved.” Rangers Chief Executive Graham Wallace commented: "Sandy Jardine epitomised everything that is good about Rangers Football Club. He was a man of principle and class and his contribution throughout his career both on and off the pitch was truly incredible. "His achievements are unlikely to be seen again in the modern game and this is a truly fitting way to honour Sandy's memory. The re-naming of the Govan Stand will be a permanent tribute to a man who gave everything for Rangers. "He was a credit to Rangers for decades and his dignity, class and love for the Club shone through. We have lost a true gentleman but he will never be forgotten and everyone at the Club is immensely proud to re-name the stand in his honour.” Rangers Manager Ally McCoist commented: "There have been many great names associated with Rangers Football Club but I can think of no-one more deserving of this tribute than Sandy Jardine. "A Rangers legend in every sense of the word, he will always be in our hearts and I am delighted he will be remembered forever with this permanent tribute at Ibrox Stadium. “Sandy's achievements both on and off the pitch were second to none. He gave everything for this great club and we are all looking forward to paying tribute to him at the Hearts game next month." Sandy, a truly world class fullback, was twice Player of the Year in Scotland and a key man in the Club's Treble-winning teams of 1976 and 1978. He also featured in two World Cups, winning 38 caps for Scotland and made almost 800 appearances for Rangers scoring 77 goals in the process. He won three League Championships, five Scottish Cups, five League Cups and the European Cup Winners' Cup in 1972 with the Light Blues and is rightly regarded as one of the greatest Rangers players of the post-war era. His contribution to Rangers since his return in the late 90s was just as significant as he epitomised the dignity, class, history, standards and traditions that are the hallmarks of this 142 year old institution. Sandy lost his battle with cancer on 24 April 2014. http://www.rangers.co.uk/news/headlines/item/7227-rangers-to-honour-sandy-jardine
  22. If Ally first wins championship, then the SPFL at first attempt? I make it about a 98% chance Rangers will win the championship this season, then about a 33% chance they win SPFL season after. So just about 2/1 Ally will do the unthinkable! Kris Boyd really is a master signing. Maybe Commons is better (2 guys called Kris!) but that's it. I'm sure you'll think…yippee then eat large quantity of humble pie. You know, I'm better in my job than I was 2 years ago. Maybe the experience in the lower divisions will have done Ally the world of good.
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