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  1. Rangers have no skeletons in the cupboard, but these songs do the Ibrox men little credit By JOHN GOW When the news that UEFA are looking to bring charges against Rangers for sectarian singing, there is hardly a Rangers fan who did not groan with displeasure. It's in the nature of being a supporter that you dislike bad PR for the club you love. It would be easy to metaphorically put your head under the pillow and wish it would all go away. Well it isn't going away. It was never going away. Some fans pretended it was and nothing could touch the club. They are wrong. There are people who spend most of their waking life writing about and trying to hurt The Rangers any way they can. In a world without meaning this is their raison d'�ªtre. However, let us be clear. Some of the songs Rangers fans sing have become unacceptable, and frankly bizarre, in modern society. It's not necessary to sing about Chapels and Nuns considering there are more than enough Championships, Cups and victories against Celtic to cheer. Rangers are standing at a crossroads that has two paths. The first is to blindly walk on the current course. It will be a 'death by a thousand cuts' with a long, slow degradation of Rangers reputation and standing. There will almost certainly be bans from UEFA and the SFA/SPL or Scottish Authorities will eventually be forced to make their mark. This road is exactly what many non-Rangers fans secretly desire. The second option is to embrace Zero Tolerance, completely forbid the singing of those songs and chants like 'No Pope of Rome', 'The Billy Boys' and 'The Famine Song' but also in return demand Scottish football and society stop all offensive and sectarian songs. Including the terrorist-chic of IRA songs. The charge by some fans that if these songs are banned the club will start to lose part of it's identity is false. Singing about Rangers or even your pride in Britishness is not the same as pejoratively referencing another religion or nationality. In 1960, James Handley writing in 'The Celtic Story' wrote that: until a Catholic centre-forward in a Rangers blue jersey scores a goal against a Celtic team the tension will persist. If that should ever come to pass then the rabble would be bewildered and all its fire extinguished. The notion that the mob can be ultimately educated to see the folly of its way is a hollow one, for the creatures who compose it are ineducable. Not only is the text highly inflammatory and surprisingly reminiscent of Graham Spiers, he fails to understand The Rangers support. In the end when his Catholic Rangers player scenario once again came to life, the Maurice Johnston goal did not cause depression amongst Rangers fans but sheer joy. In fact it was even sweeter because it made the Celtic fans feel worse than usual after such a late decider. In the end it has always been about the club winning Championships and beating Celtic. That is Rangers' identity. This is a crucial point. Stopping songs about Catholicism or Ireland is not the same as asking Rangers fans to stop singing about Rangers and even of Britishness. Some fans have fallen into the trap of forgetting an identity is for something and not just against something. If the fans do stop then the club can legitimately defend the support. They have done this in the past when certain journalists questioned some pro-British songs. It soon became obvious that their query was not completely driven by an anti-sectarian stance, but to a reaction against any mention of British identity. In the end they had to back down. They had no case. However if the singing does persist, Martin Bain can hardly be seen to be defending the support if fans mention Famines and Priests. No-one can. Not Bain or any other CEO in the future. It doesn't matter if fans say they are not insulting those who died in a famine. If you mention a famine you can hardly blame people taking offence. If another fan group quoted the Ibrox Disaster - even if they were not belittling the tragedy - Rangers fans would still find it unacceptable. It doesn't matter if you elaborate some response that you dislike Catholicism as a religion but have no problems with Catholics. If you sing about "No Pope of Rome" and "No Nuns and no Priests, fuck your Rosary Beads" you will not be taken seriously. It doesn't matter if you sing 'The Billy Boys' and explain that Fenian does not mean Catholic and that Celtic fans sing in praise of Fenians. Society is not a debating chamber. Ideas are transmitted crudely. Sometimes those who make the most noise win. It has already been decided Fenian means Catholic. Game over. And lets be honest, in the same way some people use Hun to mean British or Protestant and then pretend it only means Rangers fans. There is no way a sizeable - especially young - section of the support does not equate Fenian with Catholic. Now before you get the impression I am just putting on a hair-shirt after a good beating with the big guilt-stick, I would like to re-emphasise - that as well as stopping those songs seen as offensive - Rangers FC and fans should demand zero-tolerance of sectarianism and discrimination from everyone. Demand that everyone should actually follow through on their strong zero-tolerance campaigns and expose them when they don't. Continue to ask questions if you see double-standards. Ask why it is a crime to be up to your knees in Fenian blood, but not Hibee or any other blood? Politely ask why offensive songs about the Pope are worse than offensive songs praising the IRA? Ask why journalists like Graham Spiers of The Times believes pro-IRA songs are "political" and why Andrew Smith of The Scotsman thinks "any acknowledgement of the Irish Republic can be viewed as pro-IRA" and that "The British Army are guilty of acts of terrorism in Iraqw" (sic) . Demand to know why glorifying guns and violence is acceptable? Query why IRA songs are "political" but UVF songs are sectarian? (Please note I am against both.) Once questions are asked it will surprise you how many secretly support or defend the IRA, or their own form of bigotry. They get off lightly because they are never asked any difficult questions by a support too busy navel-gazing over a few indefensible songs. Only recently I came across an article by a St Johnstone fanzine interviewing the BBC's Stuart Cosgrove who said: "One time we were through at Hearts, and we were at Falkirk station on the way, on the same day Rangers were playing Falkirk. It was Huns galore - thousands of them, and there were maybe 40 of us in the CYS from Perth. We got on the train at Falkirk Station, we just opened the windows as it started moving, and gave them "Orange wankers" and all the rest of it, and of course as soon as we were moving - the train stopped and started moving back into the station! The driver must have been a Hun or something." http://www.blueheaven.org.uk/cos1/cos3.php This is an employee of the same BBC who lecture others on sectarianism. This is the level of debate we are dealing with. It only needs the light of day for it to be exposed for what it is. (Ask yourself if you hear Stuart Cosgrove in the future discussing sectarianism that you won't be better informed about him by knowing that quote.) Rangers fans welcome fans and players from all religions and nationalities. From Dubliner Alex Stevenson who went onto coach the Republic of Ireland national team to Nacho Novo of Spain and Lorenzo Amoruso of Italy. From the supporters in Rome called 'the Italian Gers' to the Dublin Loyal of Ireland. From a report that show 5% of Rangers fans in Glasgow are Catholic (4% of Celtic fans in Glasgow are Protestant) to the Gers proud Asian fans. No-one cares because they share the support of The Rangers Football Club. However, wider society doesn't see this. They only see the stereotype projected and hear nonsense songs. They naturally assume the worst. So accept the challenge. Take the opportunity to make the Ibrox experience noisy and colourful. Sing about the magic of Rangers history. If there are non-football songs make sure it is for a positive identity we can share together. Society wants Zero Tolerance so lets give it to them. Start demanding the zero tolerance of all offensive/racist/bigoted songs. Not only is it the right moral choice but it's the best action for the club. There is nothing to fear. Rangers have no skeletons in the cupboard. Let us see if others can say the same. http://www.theawayend.net/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=677:uefa-charge-is-an-opportunity-for-rangers&catid=51:features&Itemid=109
  2. Itââ?¬â?¢s the hunger that never seems to go away. A quarter of a century ago Rangers fans warmed up for a Scottish League Cup final by celebrating the death of an IRA man who had starved himself to death five years previously. ââ?¬Å?Could you go a chicken supper, Bobby Sands?ââ?¬Â they chanted. Yesterday they were dipping farther into the past, but the soundtrack of 2011 has even more sinister undercurrents.The ââ?¬Å?Famine Songââ?¬Â harks back to the Irish potato blight of 1845, which led to mass emigration and the death of one million people. Sung to the tune of the Beach Boysââ?¬â?¢ Sloop John B, it asks of the Roman Catholic population of western Scotland: ââ?¬Å?The famine is over, why donââ?¬â?¢t you go home?ââ?¬Â This is how things move on in the Old Firm fixture. Glasgow is very different 25 years on. It is a cosmopolitan city ââ?¬â? at least in the centre ââ?¬â? full of bars and restaurants that would not be out of place in Los Angeles or Sydney. Head towards Celtic Park and the East End, though, and the past is on a collision course and the impact comes earlier than expected. Barely beyond the regenerated carpet factory of Glasgow Green, with its trendy brewpubs, you arrive at the Barras. Here, the city of half a lifetime ago is still recognisable, shabby, unkempt, with Irish tricolours flying over the pubs. ââ?¬Å?A Fenian flea market,ââ?¬Â one Glaswegian sneers. In the Barras it feels exactly as it did in October 1986, when the Scottish League Cup final pitted Celtic against Rangers. More than 74,000 filled Hampden Park to watch a fractious match that Rangers won 2-1 after scoring a penalty in the last five minutes. The result is less famous than the incident for which the match is remembered. Mo Johnston was sent off for head-butting Stuart Munro. As he left the pitch the Celtic striker made the sign of the cross, blessing himself, fully aware that it was the most provocative gesture he could make in this hotbed of sectarianism. Johnston, a hero to the green legions at the time, gets no mention on the guided tours of Celtic Park. There are no obvious pictures of him in Bairds Bar, the alternative Celtic museum, either. In 1989 he became the first high-profile Catholic to sign for Rangers. In typically Glaswegian style, it was not that simple. Days before, Johnston had been introduced to an adoring Celtic Park crowd in a hooped shirt after a spell with Nantes. The deal was not yet complete, however, and Graeme Souness, the Rangers manager, gazumped his rivals. In Bairds there is a sign warning patrons not to indulge in racist or sectarian abuse. There is a painting of Madonna and Child, the baby wearing a Celtic shirt. Many of the ââ?¬Å?artworksââ?¬Â on display are ironic ââ?¬â? Marilyn Monroe above an air vent exposing a Celtic garter, the Beatles in hoops ââ?¬â? but there are clear signs of Catholic identity among the shirts and scarves, some of them anachronistic. Portraits of John F. and Bobby Kennedy abound; there is even a framed tea towel featuring the assassinated brothers. The link between football and this identity is what creates the fault line in Glasgow. At Celtic Park Jock Steinââ?¬â?¢s statue sits close to a likeness of Brother Walfrid, the man who founded the club. The juxtaposition is satisfying to those singing the Famine Song. It accuses the great Celtic manager of covering up child abuse at the club, complicity linking them with the Catholic Churchââ?¬â?¢s sex scandals. There is no justification to level these accusations at Stein. In the Orange enclaves, though, the Protestant Stein is thought of as a traitor. Almost under the shadow of the huge stands at Celtic Park is Bridgeton Cross. Bars here ââ?¬â? the Crimson Star and Walkers ââ?¬â? display the Red Hand of Ulster and the Union Flag. In Walkers the drinkers sup away under a portrait of the Queen. At the bar is Donnie. Like Stein, he has crossed the divide. In 1986, Donnie ââ?¬â? who does not want his real name used; few do when talking about this subject ââ?¬â? took me to Hampden for the Skol Cup final. He wore a Rangers shirt and was immersed in the culture of Ibrox. Yet his family did not have strong religious convictions; they were left-wing idealists. The football allegiance developed at his ââ?¬Å?Protestantââ?¬Â school, where Rangers support was universal. He was far from a bigot, though, and able to accompany his Celtic-supporting girlfriend to their home ground. Then, at the end of the 1988 season, the couple were walking home from a match. Neither was wearing colours and felt safe walking down London Road, back to town. A mistake. Donnieââ?¬â?¢s girlfriend was wearing a shirt that had a hint of green in it. ââ?¬Å?As we walked past,ââ?¬Â Donnie said, pointing to the place near the bar, ââ?¬Å?I heard one of this group of fellas suck up snot from his nose, make a huge snort and then a hack into his mouth. He spat it at my girlfriend. It missed her and hit me. At that moment I knew I couldnââ?¬â?¢t support Rangers any more.ââ?¬Â Yesterday he was in the Celtic end at Hampden. Donnieââ?¬â?¢s Damascene moment came at the place a 16-year-old Celtic fan died after having his throat slashed in an unprovoked attack in 1995. The air of menace remains in Bridgeton Cross, in one of the poorest areas of the city. ââ?¬Å?People say one side is as bad as the other,ââ?¬Â Donnie said. ââ?¬Å?Itââ?¬â?¢s not true. Rangers are worse.ââ?¬Â Some say that the enmity between Rangers and Celtic is on the decline. A primary school teacher told me that his class encountered sectarianism for the first time when given a book on bigotry as part of the curriculum. ââ?¬Å?Weââ?¬â?¢re putting the idea in their heads in the schools,ââ?¬Â he said, adding with cynicism: ââ?¬Å?Itââ?¬â?¢s a Protestant school, only now we call it non-denominational.ââ?¬Â The school system is the cause of anger among the anti-Catholic contingent. Catholic schools are seen as ââ?¬Å?separatistââ?¬Â and given as proof that this community does not want to fit in with Scottish culture. The distinct identity is resented by the most vehement of Rangers fans and the greatest symbol of Catholic heritage in Glasgow is a Celtic shirt. At Hampden yesterday the Rangers support gave full voice to their disapproval. The great majority of chants booming from the Rangers end were sectarian in nature. ââ?¬Å?Weââ?¬â?¢re up to our knees in Fenian blood, surrender or you die,ââ?¬Â they sang. Orange marching songs such as The Sash My Father Wore were aired. And, of course, the Famine Song, with its ethnic-cleansing undertones. By contrast, the Celtic chants were largely confined to football, although a rendition of The Soldierââ?¬â?¢s Song, the Irish national anthem, caused fury in the Rangers end. Some of the imagery used by Celtic fans is provocative in the extreme, too. One youngster, barely out of his teens, wore a shirt with ââ?¬Å?Long Kesh 81ââ?¬Â on the back, in tribute to Sands and his fellow hunger-strikers of 30 years ago. However, it would be difficult to justify Les Grayââ?¬â?¢s assertion that three quarters of the crowd at an Old Firm game could be arrested for hate crimes. The chairman of the Scottish Police Federation made this comment after last monthââ?¬â?¢s fractious cup-tie at Celtic Park and, despite the obligatory sending-off in this fixture during yesterdayââ?¬â?¢s 2-1 victory to Rangers, the atmosphere did not reach poisonous levels in the stadium. Yet the aftermath always has the potential to turn nasty. The casualty department in the Glasgow Royal Infirmary was quiet immediately after the match yesterday, but it was a sense of calm before the storm. Wait, everyone says, until the drink kicks in about 10.30pm. ââ?¬Å?Twenty-five years since you were here?ââ?¬Â Donnie said. ââ?¬Å?Come back in 25 years and itââ?¬â?¢ll still be going on. Youââ?¬â?¢ll die before it does.ââ?¬Â Somewhere across Argyle Street there is the distant echo of the Famine Song. One thing that seems to endure in this rivalry is the appetite for conflict. Counting the cost of rivalry 75 Percentage of Old Firm fans whom a Scottish police chief thinks could be arrested 17 Percentage of Scottish population who are Catholic 140 Percentage leap in domestic-violence complaints when Celtic-Rangers games kick off at Saturday lunchtime 229 Arrests after Old Firm match last month 50 Distance in miles troublemakers had to be transported to find available accommodation after all the cells in Glasgow were filled in the wake of Februaryââ?¬â?¢s game
  3. IT'S more than 11 years since he was the Hammer in Holland. But the Rangers badge has been nailed on for life. Tonight Jorg Albertz will again pull on the Light Blue top. Only this time he'll be wearing it in front of his TV at home in Moenchengladbach to cheer on Walter Smith's side. And he'll sit there praying someone can repeat his heroics of 1999 and bullet home a Gers winner in the Philips Stadion. The Ibrox side's star-studded attacking names of the past might be replaced by a team ethic based on defence. But Albertz is convinced they can still shock Fred Rutten's side and go all the way to the Europa League Final. Smith himself yesterday called for someone else to step into the Hammer's shoes tonight. Told of the comment, Albertz said: "I think I'm too old for it now! "I'd LOVE to be out on the pitch playing for the team but he's got a good squad and they'll work hard for each other. "Why can't the boys go there and get a draw or a win? "Walter's playing a little bit more defensively now and will hope they can sneak a goal there. "In the situation they're in that's not the worst thing to do. "I don't think they're in a position with the players they have to go out and attack and concede maybe two or three goals. "Hopefully they go out and get a goal and get a draw or a win. "Walter has proved so often in the past that he gets success. In Lisbon they scored two goals so why can't they do it again? "You don't have a Brain Laudrup or Paul Gascoigne who can decide a game on their own with a flash of genius. "You've got a good team that needs to work really hard together as a unit. "Do that and they can beat any team. You see it so often, an underdog beating the favourites. "It's why I think Rangers can go all the way to the final. Why not? "Do that and it would be one of the biggest successes for Walter himself. "This is not disrespectful to the team but he just doesn't have the big name star players any more. "Hopefully they can go all the way. Why not this year? "I'll watch the game here in the house. I'll just wear my blue shirt sitting in front of the TV - and hopefully I'm cheering." That was the case back in 1999 when Dick Advocaat's side travelled to Holland for a Champions League clash. Albertz's excited family had driven two hours from their home across the border in Germany to see him in action. But he was left simmering on the bench after being axed from the starting line-up. Disappointment soon turned to joy though when he replaced the crocked Claudio Reyna after 24 minutes. Then he proved a point to his gaffer by crashing home the dramatic 84th-minute goal to cue that famous crest-kissing and hands-on head celebration. Advertisement Albertz said: "Of course I was disappointed not being in the team. My family were in Eindhoven that night to watch the game but I knew the team before the game so they came knowing I wasn't in it. "They made their decision to go not just because I was playing but because they'd been Rangers supporters since I'd joined the club. "They wanted to be there for the team - but of course it's nicer when your son is playing as well. "I remember sitting on the bench in Eindhoven, desperate to get on to prove I should have been out there. "But the gaffer can only pick 11 to start the game. "I don't think he was doing things on purpose, although in my case it might have been a little bit different. I don't know. "I still had to stay focused so if the moment came when I was needed I was ready to perform. "When Reyna got injured it was my chance and I got into the game, scored the winner and of course it was a nice memory. "It was a very important goal because we won the game. "But it wasn't enough because that was the year we played the last game in Munich. We lost 1-0 and didn't get through. "So the goal in the end didn't help too much as things worked out. "But it was still a very nice memory for me and winning away from home showed we weren't too bad in Europe "That's in the past and now we're all looking forward to Rangers hopefully getting a good result." Albertz is still a frequent visitor to Glasgow and was back on the weekend for a dinner along with former Gers team-mate Lorenzo Amoruso. He didn't get to see the game against St Mirren on Sunday. But he did manage a quick word with Gers' manager-in- waiting Ally McCoist when he jetted in to see the first leg round-of-32 clash with Sporting Lisbon last month. He reckons the appointment of McCoist for the start of next season was the easy one financially - but will prove the right one in the end. Albertz, in the middle of some gardening back home in Germany yesterday, is also willing to dig deep to help his pal in any way he can. He added: "Not being disrespectful to Ally, he's a big name but not as a manager at the moment. "He still has to prove himself as far as that goes. "But it's very hard to get somebody in. "Everyone would love to work for Glasgow Rangers but they know the financial situation isn't the best and they can't buy any players they want. But I also think it's the best decision because Ally knows the club inside out. "He knows the players he's got around him so why not give him a try? "He's got a great teacher in Walter and I'm sure Coisty will have success with the club. "I spoke to him after the home Lisbon game. He's still a great character - the same as ever. "He's put a little bit of weight on, I know that, but he's a great guy and I love him. "If he needs anyone to watch a player, an assistant, phone me, I'll be there. I'll drop everything and be in Glasgow." Read more: http://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/scotsol/homepage/sport/spl/3457055/Cmon-Gers-pummel-PSV-and-feel-like-THIS.html#ixzz1G9XJco8D
  4. BAD boy El-Hadji Diouf should be booted out of Rangers following his Old Firm red card shame. That's the view of Express Sport columnist and Celtic and Scotland legend Charlie Nicholas. Diouf was involved in bust-ups with Celts boss Neil Lennon and the Hoops skipper Scott Brown during the Light Blues' 1-0 Scottish Cup fifth round replay loss at Parkhead. The Senegalese striker was also accused of clashing with the home physio Tim Williamson before being sent-off after the final whistle by referee Calum Murray for dissent. Diouf threw his shirt into the away end at time-up, but Nicholas insists he has seen enough of the controversial 30-year-old, who arrived on loan from Blackburn in January with a bad reputation for trouble. And he insists Ibrox chief executive Martin Bain and the board should lay down the law to manager Walter Smith. Nicholas said: "Get him out of the country and get him out of our league. "He had a chance to come to Scotland and clean up a sullied reputation, but he has failed abysmally.He should be ordered back down the road to Blackburn this morning. "Ibrox board members should be brought into play, they should sit Walter Smith down and ask him just how much more trouble this guy might cause. "My own view is that there's a strong chance he'll be involved in more flashpoints with Rangers and Celtic set to meet twice more before the end of the campaign, so I'd say: 'Thanks for your help. Goodbye and good riddance'. "He's not concerned about the team's ambitions. "It's all about what is going on within his own little world and, having seen him pretty much go out to get himself ordered-off, I will say right here and now that his world should be brought to an end today." Read more: http://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/232542/Boot-out-Diouf-blasts-Celtic-legend/Boot-out-Diouf-blasts-Celtic-legend#ixzz1Faeyllyc
  5. World Exclusive: Qatar royal family plan Ã?£1.5bn takeover of Manchester United 18/12/10 By Paul Smith The most famous name in English football is the target for the next wave of Arab invaders. Across Manchester arch-rivals City are already owned by the Abu Dhabi United Group, led by billionaire Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan. Now Qatar Holdings, an *investment vehicle for the Qatari royal family, are pursuing the Ã?£1.5billion *takeover of Manchester United. The Gulf state of Qatar has already *landed the right to stage the 2022 World Cup finals in an audacious international coup. The Qataris have also accumulated a huge range of trophy assets in *England. These include the Harrods store and spectacular London properties such as One Hyde Park, the Shard of Glass and the US Embassy in Grosvenor Square. Last week the Qatar Foundation, the charity wing of the ruling *family, bought the sponsorship rights to the Barcelona shirt. It was a declaration of their *intention of getting Qatar accepted as a global football brand. Qatar Holdings is the third largest shareholder in car-maker VW and has a stake in Porsche. Its chairman, Sheikh Hamad Bin Jassim Bin Jabr Al-Thani (right), who is also Qatarââ?¬â?¢s prime minister, is keen to add to their portfolio of *investments and sees United as an iconic *acquisition. The arrival of the Qatar billions would pave the way for the end of the controversial Glazer family reign. The Arabs can satisfy any request for proof of funding from the Glazer family in the United States and are also willing to fund a massive *transfer fund for manager Sir Alex Ferguson. Unitedââ?¬â?¢s massive fan base around the globe are certain to welcome the change of ownership from the *controversial Glazer regime. The American family seized *control for Ã?£790million in 2005. But the *Americans have incensed United supporters by borrowing against the clubââ?¬â?¢s assets. They loaded Ã?£716m in debt against the club provoking outrage among United fans who believe too much of the clubââ?¬â?¢s income was being *directed to pay prohibitive interest payments. A few weeks ago the Glazers did reduce Unitedââ?¬â?¢s debt by paying back around Ã?£200m in PIK loans. These were payment in kind loans from three hedge funds that were charging 16.25 per cent in annual *interest. Many City observers *believed that reduction in debt could spark a Glazer sell-off. There were even rumours that the funding for the change had come from overseas investors keen to take a stake in United ââ?¬â?? but the Glazers denied this. A group of United fans *calling themselves the Red Knights did try to launch a takeover coup a few months ago but backed off when they *discovered the Glazers would not entertain a bid of around Ã?£1bn. However, the Qatar Holdings have set aside around Ã?£2.5bn in funds to purchase the club and provide Sir Alex Ferguson with unlimited spending power in the transfer *market. So far the Glazers have resisted attempts to drive them out of Old Trafford even though the fans have been so critical of their reign. Now the scene could be set for the Glazers to leave with a massive profit. Qatar Holdings have been linked with a host of European *giants including Barcelona, Real Madrid and Unitedââ?¬â?¢s Premier League rivals, Chelsea, Liverpool, *Tottenham and Newcastle. However, United have always been top of their wish list. The purchase of United would leave the club debt free and the most powerful club in the current transfer market. And even neighbours City, with all their wealth, may find it hard to compete with the potential red *revolution. http://www.mirrorfootball.co.uk/news/World-Exclusive-Qatar-royal-family-will-pay-1-5bn-to-buy-Manchester-United-article654051.html
  6. First things first: Kenny Miller is having a fine season and, generally, his contribution since re-joining the club has been a valuable one. Certainly his goals this term and his goals/forward play last season have been important factors in our back-to-back title wins. Considering he's also one Rangers player who can score regularly against Celtic (home or away) then only the most churlish of our fans would deny his positive influence on our team. In that respect, given his contract runs out next summer, I don't blame him for testing the waters for a wage rise - difficult financial situation at his club or not. Indeed, when you look at other high earners (Lafferty and Beattie will be earning just as much as or more than Miller) then a bump in his basic entitlement is hard to argue with. After all, 46 goals in 77 appearances in his second spell at the club isn't to be sniffed at. Sure, he's more profligate than prolific in Europe and his overall play never truly top-class but is a vital cog in a team which is is all about the sum of the parts than individual talents. And such talk of teamwork is where his comments about only a takeover being able to finance his contract do start to grate somewhat. In some ways, it is rather unfair for Rangers fans to question Miller's loyalty given he hardly received a hero's welcome when arriving back from Derby County in 2008. However, Miller would have known the majority of fans would be less than joyous at what they felt was a 'turncoat' signing again for Rangers after beating the chest of his Celtic shirt when scoring against a team that aided his development as a relative youngster. The best part of �£16,000 per week would soften the blow of any fan cynicism (and criticism) I'm sure. Therefore, it is with some understanding that I doubt the Rangers fans will be too enthused at Miller's apparent yearning for more money simply to stay around now. More so when his pleas are accompanied with talk about it being the 'best 2 years of his career' and 'loving his time here' because of a variety of factors. If he's so happy and playing so well, why on earth would he want to move away simply because lesser teams in England or the Middle East want to double your wages? After all, not many players leave Rangers and go onto better things - late in their career or not. Miller need only phone his former strike partner Kris Boyd to find that out. Furthermore, we've all heard Miller complain in the past about being away from his family and wanting to settle down back in Scotland. In fact he was just recently married earlier this year and has two young children; the former who has just started school and the latter just over a year old. While an extra million pounds or two would benefit most families, would that money be worth uprooting your family and risking your professional happiness for? Thus, instead of looking for another new challenge and another new paymaster, perhaps Miller should seek a virtue that has so far eluded him in his career - loyalty. Or is this particular Rangers player just another crude example of being a hero one day and a disliked mercenary the next? All for the sake of a few pounds more...
  7. SPL football stars are to be given anti-bigotry classes set up by the Catholic church. Victims of sectarian abuse - including priests - will visit clubs to educate players and staff. The church intends to write to all top-flight sides this week offering the new lessons. It follows the departure of SFA referees' chief Hugh Dallas after he was accused of sending an offensive email on the day of the Pope's visit to Scotland in September. Yesterday Catholic church spokesman Peter Kearney hailed the new unit, saying: "The time has come for a more specific approach. The one-size-fits-all model hasn't worked. "If you want to tackle anti-Semitism you need to speak to Jewish people, if you want to tackle anti-Catholic attitudes you need to speak to Catholics." He added: "Some of the existing education on anti-sectarianism is facile. "One initiative I went to involved holding up a football shirt which was half-Celtic and half-Rangers. "That is superficial and amounts to telling people to abandon their identity." Celtic and Rangers are already involved in anti-sectarian schemes. And Aberdeen have agreed to the classes after players Michael Paton and Zander Diamond sparked a row earlier this year by reportedly posting comments on Facebook insulting Protestants. Last night Labour MSP Michael McMahon said: "The sectarian problem in Scotland is more insidious now than it's ever been.":hm: Read more: http://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/scotsol/homepage/news/3261978/SPL-football-stars-to-get-anti-bigot-lessons.html#ixzz17JZ73NC5
  8. Beating Celtic, hitting the top of the league and playing well for Scotland youth is very encouraging. Maybe Murray Park is starting to pay dividends.
  9. Where's the cheapest place I can get this ordered online? Also prob want a name and number on the back. Ideally to arrive before weekend. Cheers Guys
  10. TENNENTS hand over shirt sponsorship rights to UEFA for Valencia game More...
  11. Who knows what's going on in Websters head.
  12. RYAN Harper will pull a Scotland shirt over his shoulders on Tuesday night and pray the next time it happens he isnââ?¬â?¢t sitting in a Spanish bar. The Scots-born winger outlined his international ambitions yesterday after signing a two-year deal with Spanish cracks Real Betis. And he confessed he would even give up a chance to play for the world champions because all his dreams are cloaked in dark blue. Harper, 23, has been handed a shot at the club-level big time by Betis coach Pepe Mel, just weeks after signing for their B team at the start of the season. He came to their attention after scoring a glut of goals in the previous two years with minnows Villaneuva and Estepona. Real Betis currently lead the Spanish First Division and are favourites to return to the top flight next season to face giants such as Real Madrid and Barcelona again. Harper hopes to help lead them there ââ?¬â?? and catch the eye of Scotland boss Craig Levein in the process, even though the Barrhead-born youngster left our shores as a kid. His younger brother Jack, 14, has commanded most of the sporting attention in the family until now after signing with Real Madrid, where his form grows ever-more impressive. But big brother has been the focus of media attention these last few days after signing for Betis the week before Scotland take on his adopted nation at Hampden. Harper said: ââ?¬Å?I donââ?¬â?¢t have digital television in my rented flat in Seville so it will be training in the morning then off to a bar with my Scotland shirt on to watch the game with Spanish fans. ââ?¬Å?Before this week, I donââ?¬â?¢t think the SFA even knew I existed. Iââ?¬â?¢ve just popped up out of the blue and theyââ?¬â?¢ve obviously never had a chance nor the inclination to watch me in action. ââ?¬Å?I hope they have heard of me now because I would love to represent Scotland. Iââ?¬â?¢m Scottish through and through, even though I moved to Spain with the family when I was seven years old. ââ?¬Å?If I ever had to choose between Spain or Scotland there would be only one decision to take ââ?¬â?? Scotland. Iââ?¬â?¢m very patriotic. ââ?¬Å?I can only hope if I secure a regular game at Betis at this level ââ?¬â?? and weââ?¬â?¢re first in the league and favourites to return to the Primera ââ?¬â?? Iââ?¬â?¢ll pop into Craig Leveinââ?¬â?¢s thoughts. ââ?¬Å?But itââ?¬â?¢s not just at international level. Iââ?¬â?¢d love to return to the UK one day and play in either the SPL or the Premiership.ââ?¬Â Harperââ?¬â?¢s dad John was a junior football stalwart before taking the family to Spain. His sons are evidence of the familyââ?¬â?¢s sporting genes and Harperââ?¬â?¢s career is back on track after previous setbacks when he tried to make it in the SPL. The boyhood Rangers fan said: ââ?¬Å?I agreed a deal with Hamilton a few years ago but my second division side Poli Ejido refused to sign release papers. They wanted a transfer fee, which wasnââ?¬â?¢t part of the deal. ââ?¬Å?I was at Inverness last summer but arrived in Scotland with a stinking cold and didnââ?¬â?¢t do myself justice. ââ?¬Å?I wasnââ?¬â?¢t even there for a week and was only given 20 minutes of a bounce game to impress. ââ?¬Å?However, I had a brilliant season last year with Estepona and ended up top goalscorer with 14 goals, even though I was playing on the wing. ââ?¬Å?I attracted interest from a couple of teams but the Real Betis B coach called a week before the new campaign and it was an easy decision. Iââ?¬â?¢ve scored three goals in six games and that led to the offer of a two-year contract from the top team. Iââ?¬â?¢ve set a target of 15 goals minimum for the season. ââ?¬Å?I put pen to paper too late for this weekendââ?¬â?¢s game at Las Palmas but hopefully Iââ?¬â?¢ll make my debut at home to Girona next weekend.ââ?¬Â Harper was in demand this week as the Spanish media pinned him down for the inside track on Scotland ahead of the Group I clash in Glasgow. He said: ââ?¬Å?Iââ?¬â?¢d take a draw right now, anything more would be sensational. ââ?¬Å?Spain really are the Barcelona of international football and even play like the club side. Vicente del Bosque can call on nine players from the Nou Camp for his squad. ââ?¬Å?Iââ?¬â?¢ve been fortunate enough to play against several of the Spanish side when I represented the Andalucian select side when I was a teenager. Players such as Jesus Navas, Sergio Ramos and Diego Capel represented other regions and you could see their class, even as 15 year olds. They rarely lost the ball and were always in control.ââ?¬Â They are beginning to say the same about another youngster in that country ââ?¬â?? Jack, who was born in Spain but has already attended a training camp for Scotlandââ?¬â?¢s Under-15s at Largs. Another winger, he is being schooled in football and lessons by Real Madrid after impressing on the youth circuit around the familyââ?¬â?¢s home town Fuengirola. Harper added: ââ?¬Å?Jackââ?¬â?¢s doing brilliantly. Heââ?¬â?¢s only 14 but performing well against players a year or two older ââ?¬â?? and heââ?¬â?¢s growing fast.ââ?¬Â http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/football/scotland/2010/10/09/i-d-snub-world-champions-spain-to-earn-caps-for-scotland-says-real-betis-scots-star-ryan-harper-86908-22620836/
  13. Got sent this today - listen to the guy in the blue polo shirt around 12.40 in Mancunians obviously dont know the Glesgae lingo! http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b00trr0q/North_West_Tonight_14_09_2010/
  14. Guest

    Play at Ibrox!

    The Rangers Charity Foundation have once again joined forces with Football Aid, allowing football fans the opportunity to play on the hallowed turf at Ibrox in 2011, while raising vital funds for charity at the same time. Football Aid offers fans the opportunity to Live the Dream of an authentic match day experience; to gain exclusive access to the pitch and tunnel areas, pull on their own personalised shirt in the official changing rooms, walk down the tunnel to the sound of a cheering crowd and ultimately to step out onto their Field of Dreams and represent their club in a never to be forgotten 90 minute match. The matches have also been supported by a host of Gers legends down the years, with the likes of Ally McCoist, Trevor Steven, Derek McInnes, Billy Dodds and Gordon Durie all lending their valuable experience in recent years, by playing alongside or managing the supporters in the hugely enjoyable matches at Ibrox. Booking your position couldnââ?¬â?¢t be easier, just visit http://www.footballaid.com'>http://www.footballaid.com and choose your club, then youââ?¬â?¢ll have two ways to secure your Fixed Price position: Option 1: ââ?¬Ë?Buy Nowââ?¬â?¢ - Our quickest and most popular option, or Option 2: ââ?¬Ë?Sponsored to Playââ?¬â?¢ - Pay a non-refundable Ã?£100 deposit to secure your position and then simply pay off the remaining balance anytime before 14th December. So if you're keen to secure your place on your Field of Dreams early this season, why not visit http://www.footballaid.com today to make sure you're ahead of the crowd! Alternatively if youââ?¬â?¢d like any additional information, you can call Football Aid on 0131 220 5999 or email info@footballaid.com. Football Aid celebrated their 10th anniversary in 2010 and have allowed over 11,000 football fans the chance to Live the Dream in more than 420 matches. They are a groundbreaking organisation which generates funds annually by hosting charity football matches at iconic stadiums all over the UK. The unique concept was the brainchild of businessman and Football Aid Chairman Craig Paterson and funds raised from the event will benefit the work of a charitable project nominated by the club, as well as projects nominated by Football Aidââ?¬â?¢s parent charity Field of Dreams.
  15. Wayne *Rooney paid for *secret hotel sex sessions with a Ã?£1,000-a-night prostitute while his wife Coleen was pregnant with their son, the Sunday Mirror can *sensationally reveal. The Ã?£100,000-a-week Manchester United and England icon slept with brunette Jennifer Thompson, 21, seven times over four months. And, astonishingly, he even flaunted her on a string of dates to VIP haunts in *Manchester, including bars, clubs and the cityââ?¬â?¢s 235 Casino. Last night a humiliated Rooney was confessing his disgrace to *childhood sweetheart Coleen, who took him back in 2004 after the Sunday Mirror twice exposed him for cheating on her with prostitutes. Rooney now expects betrayed Coleen to throw him out of their Ã?£5million mansion in Cheshire and begin moves for an *explosive divorce. He told a pal *yesterday: ââ?¬Å?My life is in ruinsââ?¬Â¦Iââ?¬â?¢ve been so stupid. Coleen wonââ?¬â?¢t forgive me this time. She will leave me.ââ?¬Â As with the downfall of philandering golf legend Tiger Woods, Rooney fully anticipates losing sponsorship deals worth Ã?£6million a year which depend on him *maintaining his family man reputation. Speaking to the Sunday Mirror, escort girl *Jennifer said of multi-millionaire *Rooney: ââ?¬Å?He sent me SIM cards full of text *messages and spoke to me on Skype using a false name. Whenever we met for sex, it was always in the same hotel.ââ?¬Â It is understood that Rooney, 24, booked Jennifer from an online agency in Manchester which promises its clients ââ?¬Å?ultimate discretionââ?¬Â after she was recommended to him by a pal. Their first meeting was in July last year at the Ã?£300-a-night Lowry Hotel in Salford when devoted Coleen was five months pregnant with their son Kai. Well-spoken Jennifer ââ?¬â?? whose middle-class parents live in a Ã?£300,000 detached home in a leafy suburb of Bolton ââ?¬â?? *provided Rooney with ââ?¬Å?anything goesââ?¬Â sex. After two two-hour romps with him at the Lowry a week apart from each other, she was dropped by her agency when she took bookings from him direct in order for her to avoid paying *commission. The sex sessions then *developed into longer, more intimate ââ?¬Å?datesââ?¬Â, often lasting five or six hours during which time he would arrange for room service to deliver dinner and champagne at the five-star Lowry. On each occasion, he paid her Ã?£1,000 in cash for her company. A friend of Jenniferââ?¬â?¢s said last night: ââ?¬Å?She couldnââ?¬â?¢t believe it the first time he booked her. He used a different name so she didnââ?¬â?¢t know who he really was until she knocked on the hotel room door and he opened it. ââ?¬Å?She wasnââ?¬â?¢t star-struck. She considers what she does to be a profession and she always strives to be very good at it. ââ?¬Å?But she got into trouble with her agency when they found out she was by-passing them and taking bookings from him direct on her own mobile phone and over the internet using Skype. ââ?¬Å?After heââ?¬â?¢d had sex with her the first few times, he changed his *attitude towards her. He said it was no longer just about an hour or two of sex but that heââ?¬â?¢d grown genuinely fond of her. But he carried on paying her *whenever they met. It went on for four months.ââ?¬Â Their last meeting was in October. On November 2, Coleen gave birth to Kai. The source said: ââ?¬Å?He suddenly stopped calling Jennifer in October, although she has seen him out in bars and clubs in Manchester since. When that happens, she makes sure she stays well away from him to avoid any awkwardness.ââ?¬Â The source went on: ââ?¬Å?Sheââ?¬â?¢s a well-to-do young woman and has had a good *education. Youââ?¬â?¢ve only got to look at her to see why Wayne liked her so much. ââ?¬Å?She loves the high-life and leads a hectic life of parties, holidays and nights out. She works hard for six months, earns lots of money and then goes to Spain for a few months to party with friends she has over there. ââ?¬Å?When sheââ?¬â?¢s run out of money, she comes home and starts escorting again. Sheââ?¬â?¢s young but very confident and sure of herself. ââ?¬Å?In the past, sheââ?¬â?¢s told friends that she would love to be a real WAG. She knows that it all coming out will devastate Wayne. She says she feels sorry for Coleen but that at the same time, Wayne must have known the risks of one day being found out. On a few of their dates, he actually took her out on his arm to bars and a casino. ââ?¬Å?He must have been on some kind of self-destruct trip. It must have been obvious to him that people would spot him and see that she wasnââ?¬â?¢t Coleen but he didnââ?¬â?¢t seem to care.ââ?¬Â Rooney and Coleen, 24, met while they were at secondary school in Liverpool. In July 2004 the Sunday Mirror revealed how he had paid Ã?£140 to romp with prostitute Charlotte Glover, then 21, before leaving her with a signed autograph as a souvenir. Then, a month later, the Sunday Mirror *revealed how he had sex with prostitute Gina McCarrick, 37 at a Ã?£45-a-time brothel in *Liverpool, which he visited 10 times and where he was caught on CCTV. He also had sex there with a 48-year-old grandmother known as ââ?¬Å?Auld Slapperââ?¬Â, who wore a rubber catsuit. A humbled Rooney later issued a grovelling apology, saying: ââ?¬Å?Foolish as it now seems I did on occasions visit massage parlours and *prostitutes. I now regret it deeply and hope people may understand that it was the sort of mistake you make when you are young and stupid. It was at a time when I was very young and *immature.ââ?¬Â In her autobiography, Coleen later revealed that she forgave Rooney because when he had sex with the three prostitutes ââ?¬â?? in 2002 ââ?¬â?? she and he had not yet slept together or formally settled down together. She wrote: ââ?¬Å?The truth is, and Iââ?¬â?¢ve never said this before, at that time in our relationship Iââ?¬â?¢d never even slept with Wayne. ââ?¬Å?I was only 16 and we werenââ?¬â?¢t having that kind of relationship at that stage. We used to meet at the chippy or the cinema.ââ?¬Â After his double vice disgrace, Rooney gradually rebuilt his reputation, allowing him to garner massively lucrative sponsorships. And he slowly re-established trust with Coleen. Rooney and Coleen married in June 2008 in a lavish ceremony in a converted monastery near Genoa on the Italian *Riviera. A beaming Coleen wore a Ã?£200,000 white Marchesa wedding gown and pearls while Rooney sported an open-necked shirt for the ceremony at the abbey of La *Cervara. In May this year, just before *Englandââ?¬â?¢s World Cup disaster, he insisted being a *father had changed his life. ââ?¬Å?Becoming a dad means you have to be a role model for your son and be someone he can look up to,ââ?¬Â he said. ââ?¬Å?Now I have someone to look after and I just want to be with Kai and Coleen as much as possible. I donââ?¬â?¢t go clubbing very much any more, maybe only a couple of times a year. Iââ?¬â?¢m now in bed by 10.30pm.ââ?¬Â And he publicly acknowledged the onus on him to behave responsibly, *saying: ââ?¬Å?The lifestyle I lead as a *footballer means I am always in the spotlight.ââ?¬Â Rooney, who played for England on Friday night in the 4-0 victory over Bulgaria, was due to travel to Switzerland tomorrow for Englandââ?¬â?¢s next European Championship qualifier in Basel on Tuesday. But it was unclear last night whether he would remain with the squad amid the crisis now erupting in his marriage. Read more: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/top-stories/2010/09/04/wayne-rooney-cheats-on-pregnant-wife-coleen-with-1k-a-night-prostitute-115875-22537906/#ixzz0yfSe05y6 Go Camping for 95p! Vouchers collectable in the Daily and Sunday Mirror until 11th August . Click here for more information
  16. Some of you may remember my boring Novo story from Seville. Well just been to San Sebastien in Spain and in a bar in the old part of town (for anyone that knows it) called Bar Nestor just as I left I noticed a framed Mikel Arteta shirt on the wall. Ok it was an Everton shirt. Tenuous link but still I enjoyed it. If anyone can upload the photo I will text it to you (cant do it with my piece of crap phone). Also saw a scarf in another bar; Bar Eibarterrara (I think) that was a Scotland scarf with Scotland the brave in English and Spanish written on it. Saw various other Saltires (on a wee boat that took us out to a wee Island in the bay and around about the town). Does anyone know if there is some link with the Basque (sp?) part of Spain and Scotland? Not sure the thread title is very apt now, but there you go. Oh and where is Mikel Arteta from? Is he from the Basque country?
  17. JOHN FLECK has told how Nacho Novo handed him a surprise leaving present when he quit Rangers last month. His No10 jersey. Fleck, 18, has worn No29 since breaking into the Ibrox first team. But Novo was desperate for him to have his prized shirt when he left Scotland for Sporting Gijon. Fleck said: "I didn't ask for the number. I didn't go and knock on anyone's door. "Nacho told the kit man he wanted me to have it. I wanted it and I'm happy to have it. "I've always worn ten in the youth team, all the way up, so it's great for me to have it now Nacho's away. "It was a great thing for him to do. "Hopefully I can keep it. I don't think it will put extra pressure on me, wearing that jersey. I am willing to stand up and fill it, but it's just a number at the end of the day. "It wouldn't matter if I had 50 on my back, I'd still give everything. "I haven't set a target for number of games, just more than last year. "I feel a lot fitter and stronger, so hopefully that will help." Fleck has been the next big thing at Rangers for a couple of years now. What people forget is that he's still only a teenager - he doesn't turn 19 until next month. The attacker said: "I've been about for the last couple of seasons and I should've done more than I have. "But I don't think anything stopped me. "The manager just knew what he was doing with me, when to play me and when to leave me out. "I've got to accept he made the right decisions for me. "It's obviously hard when you do well and then have a dip. "There's been a lot of expectation around me since before I even made the first team. But I just let it all wash over me. "To be honest, I think people sometimes expect too much of me. Maybe they do forget how young I am, because I've come into the first team at a young age. "I've obviously done well enough to get my chance. I have to take it. "This season is not any more important than any other one for me." This time last year Fleck was dropped from the top side - a harsh reminder to the youngster that he needed to buck up his ideas. He added: "It was bad at the time, but I can see now it stood me in good stead. "Obviously a few things like that happened last term. But we've put it past us and it's all good now. It was tough to be left out, difficult to go back to the reserves when you've been with the first team. "The boss took me aside and spoke to me quietly when he dropped me "There was nothing harsh, just a quiet word and that was it. Obviously he's the best man to make these decisions and explain them. "It's hard to keep your focus when you break into the side. "That's what the manager is there for, to keep you in or take you out when he feels it's the right time, whether you feel you're playing well or not." Fleck is with the same agency as Danny Wilson, who this month quit Gers and agreed a �£5million move to Liverpool. There was a time when it seemed Fleck also wanted out of Ibrox. But he nailed his colours to the mast by signing a new deal. Fleck added: "I'm really happy to play here. I've signed my contract and I'm happy with that. "Danny's left and he feels that's best for him. Good on him, good luck to him. "But for me, I'm a Gers fan and I'd rather stay here and try to get a game. "All the boys are doing well. I'm saying they're boys, but they're all older than me, guys like Jordan McMillan and Andy Little. "They're all doing great and hopefully they'll get their chance, same as me." Read more: http://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/scotsol/homepage/sport/spl/3074544/Perfect-10.html#ixzz0v7fFDHrp
  18. Not what we want to hear, but it appears we cannot avoid it. Any player who might be inclined to waffle about how much Rangers means to him, or how he would never wish to play anywhere else, can be quickly exposed by a glimpse of some pound signs. Even those who regard themselves as “Rangers men” have their price these days. Kris Boyd, Nacho Novo and Kevin Thomson all had their moments when it came to laying it on thick about the thrill of pulling on a blue shirt. When it came down to it, all three of them left because they could earn more dosh somewhere else. http://www.heraldscotland.com/mobile/sport/spl/rangers/financial-reward-represents-greater-incentive-than-loyalty-for-kenny-miller-and-his-rangers-team-mates-1.1041818
  19. Wee (maybe boring) story from my trip to Seville at the end of June there. Went out to Seville to visit my Dad and had a Rangers shirt with me. Just got the one airing out there during my near two week stay, not like the mhankies who would live in theirs. Was out in the local bar in the village where my dad lives near Seville when a local came in and bellowed Nacho Novo at me across the bar. Didn't think they'd know who he was to be honest. Certainly made me and my wee bro smile. Shouted back about Carlos Cuellar but unfortunately my Spanish extends no further than ordering a beer and the names of a few players. Earlier the same day i'd been sat outside a bar in a square in the city centre when a group of Brits walked past and were giving it We Are The People etc.
  20. Guest

    pre ordered new top

    i pre-ordered the new top for someone on the 4th june Rangers Home Shirt 2010/11 SS [Pre-Order] Custom Shirt Name:PAPAJJ This is a pre-order item and will be delivered on the release date but now got a email sent 16th Dear Customer On your Rangers FC pre-order you have requested printing but have provided us with a name that the warehouse will not print as it is a nickname. Could you please can you let us know what alternative printing you require. As i am only part time staff, please reply with your order number and what printing you require to customerservices@jjbsports.com. Kind Regards Lewis Ramsdale Customer Service Team but on rangers megastore is says *Your Free Shirt Printing offer can be redeemed in the Rangers Megastore and selected JJB Sports stores. Simply print off your order confirmation and take it along with you before close of business on 27.06.10. my question is could this be bogus email ? i have ordered the top before with same name with no problems
  21. Word has it that Lafferty has been given the nod that he will be given the No9 shirt next year , make of that what you will
  22. After all the excitement of Rangers winning the title for the 53rd time, many of us have enjoyed each week's twists and turns by way of playing in the Gersnet BBC Predictor League. The final standings are as shown here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/cgi-perl/scotland/sportscotland/predictor/scotland.pl?season=SPL20092010&action=minileague&subaction=view&id=8592&modifier=M01&x=24&y=10 Top 5 Scozzese 166 petegers 164 ak5679 162 Gersnet_Bluedell 161 Gersnet_ian1964 157 Well done to our winner 'Scozzese' who can claim their prize (the new Rangers home or away shirt) by pm-ing our kind prize donator Craig with their Predictor user details. Thanks to everyone who took part and hopefully those of you, like me, who forgot most weeks will remember for future competitions! PS: We're hoping to announce our World Cup competition in the next few days - again with a few prizes for those who take part!
  23. Prior to ending his ill fated reign with Celtic this week Tony Mowbray had taken so much on the chin that only Jimmy Hill or Buzz Lightyear could have withstood so many blows to the jaw. From the moment he entered Celtic Park as the new manager Mowbray was struggling to make himself understood and often left listeners and observers questioning his intentions and meaning. It is undeniable that the media hold a large amount of sway over the general public and if you are not able to keep the devious and conniving journalists happy or provide them with good copy then you are facing an uphill battle undertaking such a high profile role in managing one half of the Old Firm. Admittedly the press cannot argue that black is white or up is down. However, if you end up on the wrong side of the tabloid press perhaps they can influence mass opinion and shorten your stay in Glasgow? By manipulating popular opinion a manager may find his time is up sooner (or later) than it should be. Walter Smithââ?¬â?¢s predecessor Paul Le Guen struggled with the language barrier and a fairly diffident approach to speaking to the press as part of official club duties. As with Tony the Fourth, Le Guenââ?¬â?¢s results were atrocious and ultimately led to his downfall; however, had Le Guen enjoyed a more genial relationship with Scotlandââ?¬â?¢s hacks perhaps they might have been able to engender greater good will to the Frenchmanââ?¬â?¢s vision for the future of Rangers. Alas, PLG delivered neither the results not cultivated the media relationships to extend his stay into a second season. Now, those two examples; PLG and Mowbray, it could be argued had to leave as results ensured their position had become untenable. That would not explain the departure of Gordon Strachan. After 3 successful seasons in the East End Walter Smith returned to Ibrox to wrest back control over Scottish football to Govan. Three consecutive successful seasons followed by one poor year would normally give the manager enough credit to have a shot at a re-exerting their dominance. Strachan, though, has always been a prickly character when dealing with the press. Whilst his quips and barbed replies provide amusement to fans across the country, the journalists are less amused at his cutting remarks. Strachan was never accepted by the Celtic ââ?¬Å?faithfulââ?¬Â as he wasnââ?¬â?¢t Celtic minded (an Irish RC bigot) but again a national press normally ever willing to talk up their Celtic friends did nothing to assuage fan opinion even in spite of his success. The previous incumbents of the managerial hot-seats; Alex McLeish and Martin Oââ?¬â?¢Neill were afforded plenty of good will by the journalistic brotherhood. McLeish epitomised everything a Rangers manager should in much the same way as Walter Smith does now. Gracious in victory, dignified in defeat. A Scotland legend and a well spoken and amenable man in dealing with the press. Oââ?¬â?¢Neill, by contrast is much the opposite, the typical Celtic man. He led the club through some undignified stunts (using his opposite manââ?¬â?¢s name in celebratory t-shirt slogans) and is the poster boy for sore losers. He helped fan the flames of bigotry, making a mountain out of a molehill and then some. A softly spoken man who talks intelligently to the assembled media, yet a distinctly dislikeable person. We have seen with Gordon Strachan how Celtic fans will claim not to be able to put aside their footballing philosophy in the pursuit of success. Yet they only turned on Strachan once he failed to deliver the SPL trophy and never complained about the ugly, agricultural brand of football that Oââ?¬â?¢Neill delivered as he tried and ultimately failed to compete with Alex McLeish. Thanks to a fawning media Oââ?¬â?¢Neillââ?¬â?¢s inability to produce a brand of football that was anything close to resembling the total football they profess is their trademark was completely ignored. He had the support of our press, delivered some success (though not as successful as Strachan) and so his faults were ignored. Walter Smith will most likely choose his own time to depart from Rangers for the second time. An ability to pick his own retirement date will primarily be earned through continued years of domestic dominance. It will also owe a lot to his control of the West Coast Sports Writers. A man of immense respect within the game and unparalleled dignity, the journalists know better than to pick a fight with the Don of Scottish Football. Some have tried before and as Chic Young among them will testify have come off a very poor second best.
  24. Just so we know it's not just Timothy who is paranoid...these quotes are from Cricinfo.com and relate to England's win over Bangladesh (BD) this morning. Must be an ex-pat celt, I reckons. and a textbook reply... You can tell how heartbroken I am at the defeat to Dundee Utd by the fact that I'm reading the cricket scores...
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