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  1. http://m.stv.tv/sport/football/clubs/rangers/266490-rangers-shareholder-loan-deal-to-be-repaid-using-season-ticket-money/ A controversial loan taken out by Rangers from two of its shareholders could be paid back using season ticket money, according to an agreement seen by STV. The agreement appears to show that both facilities shall be repaid either from "the sale of season ticket monies for the 2014/15 season" or "a placing or rights issue or other form of debt or equity fundraising of the company or any member of the Rangers Group, whichever is first to occur." Sandy Easdale and Laxey Partners are listed as the lenders, with Rangers International Football Club plc as the borrower and The Rangers Football Club Limited the chargor. After being contacted by STV, Rangers appeared to contradict the document. A spokesman said: "The loans, if drawn, will be repaid from the operating cash flow of the business at the relevant time. Operating cash flow comprises many sources including commercial partnership income, retail dividends and match ticket income." The Laxey loan is for £1m and is repayable with an interest payment of £150,000. The loan from Mr Easdale is for £500,000. Both are secured against club properties Edmiston House and the Albion Car Park, with both lenders security being on an equal footing. STV understands the joint loan facility has not yet been drawn upon by the club. If used, the amounts borrowed must be repaid by September 1, 2015, according to the document. The Laxey loan has attracted controversy due to its interest rate. Another shareholder, George Letham, has offered the same amount with a repayment of £75,000, which he insists he would reinvest in the club. A collective group of Rangers supporters' organisations, the Union of Fans, have also called upon their fellow fans not to pay their season ticket money for the 2014/15 season directly to the club. Instead the group, together with former director Dave King, want monies to be paid into a trust and only given to the club if assurances are given over finances. The Rangers oldco previously took out loans against season ticket money. Ticketus bought the rights to around 100,000 Ibrox season tickets until 2015 when Craig Whyte was in charge at Ibrox.
  2. http://www.unionoffans.org/statements/2014/2/27/union-of-fans-statement-270214'>http://www.unionoffans.org/statements/2014/2/27/union-of-fans-statement-270214
  3. Former Rangers director Dave King will fly in from South Africa next week and not leave Scotland until he comes up with a “definite gameplan” for the future of the Ibrox club. The South Africa-based businessman last week urged supporters to withhold season- ticket money and hand it over to the club on a game-by-game basis, amid growing concerns about the League 1 leaders’ finances and governance. The 58-year-old Glaswegian, who invested £20million in the club before it was consigned to liquidation in June 2012, made his plea to fans after Rangers confirmed they had accepted £1.5million in loans from shareholders Sandy Easdale and Laxey Partners. King then accepted an invitation to meet the Rangers board after an open letter from chairman David Somers claimed he was “damaging the club” with his statements, although he mocked the tone of the letter, saying he was being “summoned” to explain himself. Backed by the influential Union of Fans coalition, King will first jet into London to meet with investors in the club before travelling to Glasgow where, aside from his appointment with the Ibrox board, he will meet supporters to find a way forward for the Govan club. “I will visit the institutions in London next week and put a schedule together with some of the existing shareholders to understand where they are and how they would feel about a rights issue,” said King. “Also, whether they would participate, whether they would give the rights to someone like me and I would like that out of the way before I meet the fans. Then I will stay up in Scotland for as long as it takes until we have a definite gameplan as to how we will go forward from there.” Former finance director Brian Stockbridge said in October that Rangers would only have around £1m of cash reserves left by April but chief executive Graham Wallace has denied there is a risk of a second administration. King claims the Ibrox board were fully aware of their predicament when they refused his offer of help late last year. “I said then ‘it’s now early enough to anticipate you will not make the end of the year on your current cash balances and let’s now try, and in an orderly fashion, go about a new fund-raising exercise’,” he recalled. “I was happy to be a significant investor, in fact a leader of a consortium putting new funds into the club with the only condition that the funds went into the club. “I was looking for a new share issue and for those funds to go into the club and into the team and really all that’s happened is they have adopted a ‘Nero fiddling while Rome burns’ approach where the inevitability of the next couple of months has come to pass. “They are looking for [fans] to give enough money for season tickets so they can continue for another couple of months before again ending up in another financial crisis. That is what I am trying to avert at this point.” King later clarified that he had offered to invest in Rangers in response to an apparently misleading statement by Easdale, which was read out on Sky Sports News. He said: “I refer to Sandy Easdale’s statement earlier today that I had never had discussions with him regarding putting new funds into the club. “I subsequently engaged in private communication with Sandy and he has confirmed directly to me that he intended his comment to be construed as meaning that I had never offered loan finance to the club. I accept that Sandy’s incorrect statement was merely a misunderstanding and that he was not intending to impugn my integrity.”
  4. Somers wrote an open letter to the former director on Monday, summoning him to a meeting as he demanded King explain his recent statements attacking the board. King says he would be "delighted" to meet with the Ibrox boardroom chief but criticised the way the invitation was made, claiming it felt like he was being sent to the headmaster for "a caning". The South Africa-based businessman is expected to fly to Scotland next week for a meeting with fans after he urged supporters to withhold season-ticket cash amid growing concerns about the club's finances. In Monday's letter, Somers said King's "statements and innuendos are very damaging to the club", but the Castlemilk-born multi-millionaire has now responded in kind. He has released his own open letter to the Light Blues chairman in which he said: "Thank you for your email that I had sight of this morning. I also received a copy of your press release stating that I have been "summoned" to a meeting with the board to explain myself. I feel rather like the headmaster is looking to give me a caning. "It is most unfortunate that you have sought wide media coverage of what should really be a private invitation. I feel compelled to respond in similar vein. "I reviewed my two statements in light of your email and don't find anything astonishing in them whatsoever. They neatly and uncontroversially depict the present state of affairs at the club and the ongoing attitude of the board. "Similarly, I can't detect any innuendos. It seems to me that my thoughts are stated pretty clearly and directly. "Additionally, there seems nothing potentially damaging to the club. In fact, the opposite seems to be the case. I accept however that my comments could be perceived as damaging to certain interests that are represented on the board. I don't equate that with damaging the club. The club is much bigger than the present board. "I am delighted to meet with the board to discuss the present funding crisis and can do this on my forthcoming visit. I am not clear what "allegations" you wish me to explain as I can't find any in my statement. It will assist in my preparation if you provide me with a list of specific "allegations" that you want me to address. "Incidentally, the irony of a board that has steadfastly refused to enlighten fans now demanding clarity from others has not been lost on me." Meanwhile, Rangers have appointed Philip Nash as their new company secretary, Companies House has announced. It comes just two months after the troubled Ibrox outfit confirmed they would use the former Liverpool and Arsenal financial consultant's services "from time to time'' as they looked to bring spending under control. In documents lodged with Companies House on Monday, however, it was confirmed Nash was the new secretary, replacing Brian Stockbridge - who also served as the club's finance director - after he resigned his post on January 24. He will now set about helping Rangers solve their money worries on a full-time basis. The Light Blues are losing about £1million per month and the club's share price has fallen to 30.5p per share. Chief executive Graham Wallace is just over halfway through a 120-day review of the club's operations. But after posting a £14.4milllion loss last year, he was forced to accept a controversial £1.5million loan from investors Sandy Easdale and Laxey Partners just to ensure the League One champions-elect could continue to pay their bills until the end of the season. http://t.co/Ra0KkKCj8o
  5. Seems the board have summoned king to a showdown meeting with the board to explain his statements in the media. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/26420403 Hope he tells them to bolt!
  6. Your comments are an insult to fans who have nothing other than the club's interest at heart Mar 01, 2014 16:42 THE Ibrox investor has taken aim at the Rangers chief executive who said that threats to withhold season ticket cash have destabilised the club. DAVE KING has criticised Graham Wallace for claiming the Rangers support have destabilised the club with their threat to withhold season ticket cash - insisting the chief executive's comments are an insult to the Ibrox faithful. In a statement released to Press Association Sport, former director King has taken swipe at Wallace for questioning fans' loyalties to their club. The Union of Fans issued a vote of no confidence in the Ibrox board on Thursday and backed King's bid to lead a fan-based group to secure a major shareholding in the club. They also backed the South African-based businessman's call for trust to be set up that would collect season ticket fees and drip feed the money to the regime controlling the Light Blues week by week. Wallace responded by saying that threat was "damaging" Rangers but King rejected his claim. In his statement, King - who now plans to fly to Scotland to step up his bid for change - said: "Unfortunately, I can only express bemusement at the board's response to myself and the fans. "In what is really a non-response the board states that our statements are an attempt to undermine the club. That is an insult to fans who have nothing other than the club's interest at heart." The latest squabble in the long-running saga surrounding the club's ownership and finances was sparked on Monday when Rangers announced to the stock exchange that it had taken out a £1.5million loan from investors Laxey Partners and Sandy Easdale. The terms of the loan handed both Laxey and Easdale security on the Albion car park and Edminston House facilities near Ibrox, while Laxey stands to make a £150,000 profit. That angered supporters who claim a better deal was available from other shareholders. Wallace, though, pleaded for the fans to trust the board's management but King - who lost a £20million investment when oldco Rangers were liquidated in the summer of 2012 - said: "They ask for trust but don't recognise that trust is a mutual relationship and requires transparency. "What the board is really asking of fans is to have blind faith - not trust. This board has not earned that right and has, in fact, repeatedly demonstrated the opposite." And King raised doubts about who was really pulling the strings behind the scenes. "{The board states] that the current problems can be attributed to previous management (presumably Charles Green etc). That does not explain the ongoing lack of transparency on shareholding and finances by the existing board. "It is quite possible that Charles Green is still de facto controlling the club. Certainly the existing directors have a minuscule equity stake and yet won't disclose the true 'power behind the throne'." Rangers made a £14.4million loss last year and had to take out the Laxey/Easdale loan just to keep the Ibrox lights on until the end of the season. King's statement concludes: "The board continues to treat the fans with disdain by offering mere platitudes. "A more considered and constructive response was appropriate. It is insightful of the board's mindset that it is willing to borrow money from a preferred shareholder at a rate of interest that reflects a high risk to the investor. "In doing so the board has finally confirmed its true view on the parlous state of the club's finances. "What is incomprehensible however is that it then eliminated the risk to this investor (and separately to Sandy Easdale) by providing club assets as security while still paying the high-risk rate. "That highlights that this transaction makes no commercial sense and was not conducted on an arms-length basis. "Paradoxically, the board wants long suffering fans to lend money at no interest and with no security. Rangers fans are loyal but not stupid." http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/dave-king-blasts-rangers-chief-3196614
  7. ..............haven't become any clearer with passage of time at Rangers. KEITH re-examines Graham Wallace's short spell as CEO at Ibrox and finds that events and decisions that at first didn’t appear to be very clear in strategy seem even more blurry and confused now. THE never-ending Rangers crisis is a fast-moving thing. Often the picture changes so quickly that it becomes hard to keep up and almost impossible to remember how it looked before. Dave King’s grenades over the last five days, for example, have altered everything beyond recognition once again. Of course, it may all be different by the time you’ve finished your morning cuppa but, as things stand right now, King appears to be the club’s only viable long-term hope. In the space of four days, King launched two blistering attacks on the Ibrox hierarchy from his South African bunker. These were the opening salvos in what will soon become an all-out war for control and already the current regime looks shaken and vulnerable. In fact, its credibility may be damaged beyond repair. When Graham Wallace was shoehorned into this farrago towards the end of last year, his appointment as the club’s chief executive was something of a masterstroke for a board which had lost the trust of its own customers. In Wallace they found an acceptable corporate face. A man of integrity, experience and substance. Someone whose very presence was enough to ease anxiety levels amongst supporters and investors. Wallace was the calm ahead of a predicted storm at the agm which, at one stage, had threatened to hit the top of the old marble staircase like a tsunami, wiping out its incumbents. After his arrival, though, it petered out into a non-event. He spoke with measure and authority. He asked for time – 120 days to be precise – to put his plans in place and also insisted the club was not hurtling towards another insolvency, despite all of the irresponsible scaremongering you may have come across in places such as this one. “Nothing to see here, folks. Keep calm and carry on spending your blue pounds.” And, for a while, largely because of Wallace’s gravitas as a front man, it worked. But now that everything has changed again it does seem like an appropriate moment to re-examine some of Wallace’s words and actions. Wallace’s problem here, where his own credibility is concerned, is that events and decisions that didn’t appear to be very clear in strategy at the time seem even more blurry and confused when viewed through the 20-20 lenses of hindsight. Let’s rewind first to the middle of January. If you recall, all things Rangers were back on a high state of alarm after news emerged from the dressing room of potential 15 per cent wage cuts across Ally McCoist’s first-team squad. On January 17, in an exclusive Q&A with this paper, Wallace played down the significance of this, dismissing it first as a “conceptual discussion” before adding: “This is not about a need for any immediate drastic action.” All of which soothed a few frayed nerves. But then something very strange happened when Nottingham Forest weighed in with a bid of around the £1million mark for Rangers left-back Lee Wallace. The CEO chose to kick this offer into touch, a move which, once again, suggested that the club’s finances must be a great deal more robust than many of us on the outside had believed to the case. Wallace said around that time: “Without putting a number on it, there is sufficient cash in the bank. Come April we would be confident that the club will have sufficient cash in the bank in order to maintain our operations.” Got that? No need for immediate drastic action. Sufficient cash reserves in the bank by April. Now fast forward to February, little more than two weeks after the Forest bid was rejected. Record Sport broke the news that Wallace was on the verge of securing a £1.5m emergency loan from two shareholders, Sandy Easdale and hedge fund group Laxey Partners. This deal was then ratified and rubber-stamped a week ago today when Wallace confirmed that Laxey would be paid a whopping £150,000 for the favour. So now, in retrospect, the decision not to take £1m from Forest for one of their players seems utterly incomprehensible. Because, even if that million was to be paid up in two or three separate instalments, surely it would have been more favourable for Rangers than the terms of the deal which now sees a bunch of hedge fund managers positioning themselves as the club’s major creditor. Make no mistake, this was a hugely smart piece of business by Laxey Partners. Not only are they charging exorbitant, high-risk interest rates of more than 30 per cent APR, they have also secured their loan against the Albion car park which is worth many times more potentially than the £1m they have handed over. In fact, a cynic might suspect that ultimately Laxey will be hoping the club is in no position to repay this debt in full because ownership of the car park might give them a great deal more bang for their buck. There is, you see, an interesting subtext to this arrangement because, as per a planning agreement from the time Ibrox was redeveloped, the 7000-capacity Club Deck cannot be opened for business unless the car park is available. So the closure of that piece of tarmac, for whatever reason, could be very costly for Rangers. In other words, Laxey now has the club by the short and curlies. What’s more, in the event of another administration – as improbable as Wallace makes such a Doomsday scenario out to be – they would also retain control over the entire process. There is another man in the middle of all of this who has gone about his business with much more stealth. His name is Norman Crighton, the recently-appointed chairman of the club’s investment committee. And a man with friends in high places at Laxey. So should we really be surprised that thus far Crighton’s contribution to this saga is to propose and recommend a loan with his old pals? Again, this is where Wallace’s credibility takes a bit of a pounding as it was left to him to take centre stage and talk this deal up rather than present it for the disaster that it almost certainly is. He said: “There is a level of return that they would expect for their money. The cost we’ve agreed with Laxey is deemed appropriate in the market. I don’t think there should be any concerns about the level of commerciality on that.” And this from the mouth of the same man who said in January: “The business has to be able to stand on its own two feet without huge amounts of investment coming in just to fund the on-going operation. “It’s not a case of looking for investment to cover on-going operation losses. That, to my mind, makes no sense at all.” You said it, Mr Wallace. Come to think of it, Dave King himself couldn’t have put it any better.
  8. KEITH says it's time for Dave King to prove he can see a plan through to the end and says his actions from here on in will determine his legacy at Ibrox. DON’T know what the equivalent is in South Africa but in Castlemilk, where a young Dave King grew up, the vernacular goes something like: It’s time to p*** or get off the potty. Today, of course, King is a million miles removed from the hard-knock streets of the Glasgow housing scheme he once called home. But those who have stayed closest to him over almost 40 years of sun-kissed exile – and you can count them on the fingers of one hand by the way – insist he has never lost touch with his roots. King, they say to a man, remains steeped in his past. Fiercely proud of his working-class upbringing and crucially, at least where this week’s events are concerned, every bit as passionate about the football club he left behind. He remains, to use another home-grown term, the embodiment of a “Rangers man”. It is this one basic credential above all others that separates King from the succession of fly by nights, chancers and opportunists who have at one stage or another taken on lead roles in this seemingly endless Ibrox narrative. If these supporters cannot place their hopes and trust in one of their own, then all trust and all hope might perish for good. Throughout the past three years of turmoil and the relentless chaos unleashed upon them by the Whtyes, Greens, Ahmads and Stockbridges, King has been viewed by the boots on the ground consistently as the man most likely to save them from their plight. Unlike all the characters above and even former chairman Sir David Murray, who played his part in lumbering them with this list of charlatans in the first place, King shares a lifelong emotional attachment to the cause. In their eyes, the only difference between them are the millions King has stuffed in his bank account. If these people won the lottery tomorrow they’d have Rangers saved by Saturday. So it stands to reason King will one day feel a sense of duty to do the same. Does it not? It may be more pertinent to ask why has it taken him so long to take a stand? Or indeed to question if finally, this time, he intends to see it through to the end? Only King has the answers. What the rest of us do know, however, is his actions from here on in will determine his legacy. He’ll either go down in history as one of the all-time giants of the Rangers story. Or he will fail in his objective and risk being dismissed as a footnote. Either way the real Dave King biography is about to be written. Certainly his sudden re-emergence on to centre stage in the past few days appears to suggest his time is now. By pointing his big guns at the top of the marble staircase and taking on the current regime King has sent out a rallying cry to these supporters. They answered with one voice yesterday. They are with him all the way. This is as clear a case of “them v us” as Fergus McCann quite brilliantly utilised 20 years ago when he harnessed the power of the people to bludgeon down the big doors at Celtic Park. But McCann did more than simply talk a good game. When push came to shove the little man with the big bunnet also proved to have deep pockets and a willingness to empty them for Celtic’s benefit, as well as his own. King can quite legitimately point to the £20millon he previously pumped into Rangers as hard evidence of the colour of his own money. There has been a whispering campaign about this in recent weeks with shadowy suggestions that King quietly recouped around £18m worth of that investment. For the record this has been denied to me not just by King himself but also by Sir David Murray. The two men, incidentally, are no longer on speaking terms and have not been for a considerable time. Apparently, for 20 million different reasons. But even though King has had his fingers badly burned in the past it does seem reasonable to ask why he has remained on the outside looking in on this omnishambles for so long. Occasionally, he has dipped a toe in the water before scamper-ing back up the beach. Late last year for example he even arrived in Britain amid a great flurry of excitement, fluttered a few eye-lashes, held a few conversations and then retreated back to the solitude of his own world without nailing down a deal. King’s doubters, of which there are many, insist he has had ample opportunity to wade into this debacle and to buy his way into a position of power. In other words, to do a Fergus. It is worth remembering here, however, that King’s long-running tax issues first had to be resolved. With that in mind, he has only really become a viable player in this game in the last six months when he settled his affairs by agreeing to write a cheque for an eye-watering £44m. This is in itself creates another couple of issues. Not only does it pose an obvious question as to how much money he has left in the pot but also, King’s critics raise serious morality issues about the prospect of Rangers being saved by a man who was described as a “glib and shameless liar” by a South African judge and who faced a total of 322 criminal charges. Again, they have a point. Had, for example, Whyte appeared on the steps of the front door carrying baggage like this he would have been chased all the way down the length of Edmiston Drive and Rangers might have been spared from all this ignominy and suffering. But this is where King’s standing and status with the supporters kicks in. This, in fact, is what makes him an entirely unique case. King’s supporters remain convinced by his intentions to do only what is right for his football club. And that would be something of a first where this Rangers saga is concerned. They argue, quite correctly too, that there’s hardly a successful businessman to be found anywhere in the commercial world who has not attempted to run rings around the tax man. It is what these people do in order to maximise their profits. King is certainly no different in that regard. But what makes him stand out from the rest is his “Made In Castlemilk” credentials and the inbuilt sense of belonging which still brings his mum and sister to Ibrox every other week. There have been other wealthy good Samaritans along the way, such as Brian Kennedy and Jim McColl – men who clearly meant well but who ultimately just didn’t care quite enough to make the kind of sacrifices which will now be expected of King. This time the strong signals from South Africa really do indicate he is ready and willing to bear this almighty load, that he has now engaged fully into the fight for his club and he will not retreat until the war is won. With King now organising his travel plans and expected to pitch up in Glasgow some time soon the next few days and weeks will determine his fate and that of his football club. The King will either claim his rightful throne. Or abdicate the potty once and for all.
  9. ALLY McCoist has stressed he needs cash to strengthen his squad this summer if Rangers are to challenge for the SPFL Championship next season. Disgruntled Gers supporters this week threatened to withhold season ticket money in the summer unless a series of demands are met by the board. The Union of Fans - an umbrella group comprising the six main supporters' organisations - was responding to a call from former director Dave King. The South Africa-based businessman urged supporters to pool their season book money in a trust until they had been given guarantees about the club's finances. And the Castlemilk-born multi-millionaire also urged them to demand representation on the board before releasing on a "pay-as-they-play" basis. Gers boss McCoist has refused to get drawn into the increasingly tense stand-off between the two factions and is instead concentrating on football matters But he did admit that he will need money to bring in new players in the close season in order to challenge for a place in the top flight in the 2014/15 campaign. McCoist said: "I'd like to add to the squad. We've got to strengthen to continue the build. "I don't want to start the build by losing people rather than getting people in. "I think the Championship is a lot stronger than a lot of people think. The majority if not all of the teams are full-time." McCoist added: "I'd far rather being in a position to strengthen to move forward, not just for next season but for longer term as well. "Without strengthening ahead of next season there would be no guarantees (of promotion). It would be very tough. "But Graham (Wallace) and the board share my concern because they want to continue improvement and continue the success on the park and get us right back." Meanwhile, McCoist has confirmed he would like to keep Arnold Peralta at Rangers - despite the Honduran claiming he wants to leave this summer in an interview with a website in his homeland. He said: "It's a delicate issue as I don't know what he's thinking. But I would like to keep him." http://www.eveningtimes.co.uk/rangers/mccoist-gers-need-ticket-cash-to-move-forward-154164n.23570268
  10. MESSAGE To Rangers Supporters From Graham Wallace Rangers Chief Executive Graham Wallace has issued the following statement. “In recent days there has been considerable comment and speculation about the financial position of the Club and the motives of individuals managing it following the announcement of short term financing being put in place. “Much of the comment and opinion is unfortunately ill informed and directed at undermining the Club and the considerable efforts that are taking place to rebuild it following several years of mismanagement. “Therefore, I feel it is important, for the good of the Club, to set the record straight on a number of issues that are concerning Rangers supporters worldwide. “Many of the problems that the Board, Executive Team and staff are addressing on a daily basis date back some considerable time and as I said at the AGM in December 2013, there is no overnight fix. “Building trust in those managing the Club takes time. I understand that fans have a degree of scepticism, but we will demonstrate in due course the improvements being made to all areas of the Club. “Rangers supporters are naturally seeking assurances that their Club is being run and managed for the long term. We know there are short term financial challenges inherited from previous management, but we are well on track to putting these behind us and building a Club that is both sustainable and capable of delivering the on field success that Rangers is famous for. “It is therefore extremely concerning that public statements are being made that are factually incorrect. If left unchallenged, they would damage the reputation of the Club and individuals who are committed and working every day to rebuild it. “It has now been some 70 days since the AGM and our review of the entire business is progressing well. We are identifying the changes needed to reposition the Club on all fronts. No one is hiding behind a timeline to complete the review, but to develop and implement change in the correct manner requires time to get it right. “Of particular concern are media comments that the Club has been offered significant interest free loans which have been declined. This is wholly untrue and supporters need to know this. “Further comment about withholding future ticket revenues is also damaging to the operation of the Club which, in common with many others, operates on a cyclical basis. “We are putting in place a business structure and operational model that will protect and develop Rangers Football Club for future generations. “We know the Club will require investment in the future but until we have addressed the problems and deficiencies of the past, it would be foolhardy to seek additional investment without a clear plan of how to use it. We are also making good progress on the development of our medium term plans. “You, the fans have been tremendous in your support for the team over the past couple of seasons. As I outlined at the AGM, a process of improving fan engagement has commenced with the launch of the Club’s Ready To Listen campaign. This initiative has been welcomed by a great number of supporters and the results will be analysed and actions implemented in the near future. “The Board and Executive Team fully understand how important the fans are to the Club and we will never take this for granted. I made a personal commitment at the AGM to improve fan engagement and we have started on this process. “The values Rangers Football Club is famous for, and proud to honour, include professionalism, integrity and honesty. Everyone involved with the Club shares these values and is working hard every day to ensure that the Club will continue to progress back to the top of Scottish and European football. “We need to do this together. Divisive campaigns, fuelled by inaccurate statements played out in the media benefit no one, particularly Rangers Football Club.” http://www.rangers.co.uk/news/headlines/item/6421-graham-wallace-statement
  11. taken from FF King offered interest free loan but was snubbed By ANDY DEVLIN Published: 34 minutes ago DAVE KING offered Rangers an interest-free loan and was SNUBBED. The South African-based tycoon was bewildered when Ibrox chief executive Graham Wallace assured supporters there had been board contact with him and he would only invest in Gers if there was a new share issue. King said: “I can’t believe Mr Wallace would have said that. “Mr Wallace has never spoken to me or even attempted to communicate with me in any form whatsoever.” SunSport can reveal King is ready to blow the lid off his dealings with the under-fire Ibrox hierarchy. A planned statement will include the revelation he offered the crisis-hit club a loan of around £1million WITHOUT looking for the £150,000 interest that hedge fund firm Laxey Partners will pocket. The only person King has spoken to is Sandy Easdale and he is NOT a member of the board. The refusal to take King’s interest-free loan will trouble Gers fans. Fans’ favourite King approached Easdale last month and set a deadline of February 7. But he has never heard back from anyone at Ibrox. The suggestion he was in talks over a return was made by Wallace on Monday in a series of interviews designed to allay supporters’ fears over the recent £1.5m short-term loan. Chief executive Wallace claimed the board had been in contact with would-be investor King in recent weeks. Wallace is adamant he can win the trust of the Gers fans. But with continued chaos and confusion behind the scenes, he’s facing an uphill struggle. And the news King’s cash has been snubbed will send shockwaves through the Ibrox support. A joint statement from fans this week condemned the terms of the deals with investors Easdale and Laxey Partners. Easdale has handed over £500,000 in the form of an interest-free loan, whiles Laxey are believed to be demanding 15 per cent APR. Both loans are also secured against Edmiston House and Albion car park facilities adjacent to Ibrox. The cash is repayable by September 1, but Laxey can opt to take repayment in the form of fresh shares at a knockdown price, as long as the club receives the approval of the shareholders. However Castlemilk-born King’s loan would have been interest free and would not have been secured against any of the club’s properties.
  12. ...Former director wants board punished for assuming loyalty Dave King will fly to Scotland to spearhead his supporter revolt against the current Rangers board. The South African-based former director released a statement Wednesday urging fans to withhold their season-ticket money unless the current Ibrox regime provides full transparency over the club’s finances. The board responded with a brief, one-line statement, insisting that his comments were ‘potentially de-stabilising and damaging to Rangers Football Club’. However, having been frustrated in his attempts to lead a fresh bout of fundraising via a new share issue, King told Sportsmail he wants to meet fans’ groups face to face after claiming the ‘business is not commercially sustainable in the short term’. Amid anger over a £1.5million loan by director Sandy Easdale and investors Laxey Partners, the Castlemilk-born businessman has warned fans they risk pouring their season-ticket money down a ‘black-hole’ to repay the cash and wants to front a fan-based consortium in the acquisition of shares in the club. Confirming he plans a direct appeal to supporters in the coming weeks, King told Sportsmail: ‘For the moment, I can deal with things remotely. But I do believe it will be necessary to travel to Scotland in the near future to meet with fan representatives.’ King flew to Glasgow in October in a bid to unite the warring boardroom factions prior to the annual general meeting and work out an investment package — but he returned home empty-handed. A direct offer to lead a new round of fundraising via a share issue has been ignored, prompting anger among fans. King has now appealed to them to stop the in-fighting and join him in the battle for the club’s future. ‘The football club is at risk and it will take a united front to overcome the obvious challenges that are ahead,’ he said. ‘The board can continue with its stubborn refusal (to listen) but that would not be a prudent response.’ Repeating a recent warning in Sportsmail that Celtic will ‘shoot to 10-in-a-row — and beyond’ if cuts are made and a substantial one-off investment is not accepted, King said in his statement that Rangers are doomed to compete for ‘minor places’ in the SPFL Premiership without it. ‘The board is focusing on right-sizing the business — cutting costs to match the income,’ said King. ‘It is correct that any club must, over the long term, operate within its means but in the short term Rangers needs a significant one-off financial boost that cannot be met from the current revenue stream. ‘Without this we will not get back to where we should be. ‘If we cut our costs to suit our present income we will remain a small club and Celtic will shoot through 10-in-a-row — and beyond — while we slug it out for the minor places. ‘That is not the Rangers that I grew up with and not the Rangers that we should be passing down to our children and grandchildren.’ King told Sportsmail that claims he offered a £1m loan to the club are inaccurate and rattled Rangers chairman David Somers also issued a statement, saying: ‘I have been in email correspondence with Mr King and suggested that, even though he is not a current shareholder, I would be interested in hearing any proposals he might have. ‘Mr King replied and indicated a willingness to consider participating in any future equity issue that the club might undertake. ‘This has been the extent of the discussion and I repeat that no offer of an interest-free loan has been received from Mr King, or anyone else, apart from Mr Sandy Easdale.’ Chief executive Graham Wallace is in the middle of a 120-day review of the club’ s finances in a bid to cut the spending that saw Rangers post an operating loss of £14.4m last season. Wallace has also instigated a survey of supporters on the running of the club. Convinced an unaccountable board are only interested in using fans as a cash cow, however, King says season-ticket money should not be used as a crutch for a failing business. ‘I would like to lead a fan-based initiative to acquire an influential shareholding in the club,’ he continued. ‘If the board does not provide disclosure to the fans then it is time to draw a line in the sand.’ Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2568814/EXCLUSIVE-Dave-King-issues-call-arms-Former-director-wants-board-punished-assuming-fans-loyalty.html#ixzz2uTQYwxMm Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
  13. Because of my ongoing interest in the future direction of the club I have deliberately avoided immersing myself in the day-to-day "noise level" that is being played out in the media. By doing this I had hoped to serve as a bridge between non-aligned stakeholders and the club, as well as seeking a way forward that could accommodate all interests. I no longer believe that I can achieve this with the board that is presently in place. I consequently wish to update the fans on my current position. Late last year I travelled to Scotland in an attempt to find a way forward that would accommodate all parties and ensure sound corporate governance and sound financial planning for the club. Unfortunately, my efforts were in vain. During this period I made it clear to the board that I am a potential source of funding by way of a new capital injection. My prime condition is that any funds introduced by me would go into the club for the benefit of the team and the dilapidating infrastructure. For the avoidance of doubt, I appreciate that the Rangers board has no obligation to engage with me or to agree with my vision for the future of Rangers. My assessment is that the business is not commercially sustainable in the short term and hence requires a level of soft investment. The board is focusing on right-sizing the business ie. cutting costs to match the income. It is correct that anyclub must, over the long term, operate within its means but in the short term Rangers needs a significant once-off financial boost that cannot be met from the current revenue stream. Without this we will not get back to where we should be. If we cut our costs to suit our present income we will remain a small club and Celtic will shoot through 10 in a row - and beyond - while we slug it out for the minor places. That is not the Rangers that I grew up with and not the Rangers that we should be passing down to our children and grandchildren. Such a soft investment will only come from a fan based group that regard their return as winning trophies in the top flight. I have been such an investor and want to be so again. I would like to lead a fan-based initiative to acquire an influential shareholding in the club. I hope that the board will belatedly recognise the importance ofcommunicating with fans on the true state of the club's finances.Financial transparency should now be a non-negotiable requirement of the fans prior to investing in season tickets. It is an easy deflection for the board to suggest that it has had insufficient time or that it is restricted by AIM regulations. That is simply not true. Legitimate concerns about the club's financial position have been voiced for a long time. It should have been the board's number one priority to provide the comfort that the fans need - if it is able to do so. Craig Whyte employed exactly the same reasons for avoiding disclosure of the true financial state of the club during his ill-fated period of ownership. The board has previously dealt with queries around the club's finances by giving categoric assurances that there was sufficientfunding until the end of the season. We now know that these assurances were untrue and that emergency financing has been put in place on terms that are not commercial and that indicate the desperate financial position that the club is in. This lack of transparency on the present and projected funding position isextremely worrying. The Craig Whyte purchase would never have happened if the true source of "his" funds had been known. Similarly, the fans would not have purchased season tickets at that time if they had known that their funds were going out of the club. The fans lost their cash and almost lost their club. So now, at this critical time, I remind fellow supporters of the old adage - fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. The fans have no proper insight into the owners of the club and who represents which shareholders on the board. The board has strenuously resisted any attempt by the fans to find out who key shareholders are. What is known is that the current board members have a very minor stake in the club. Rangers has also developed an extremely un-Rangers like culture of "turning on its own". It is not in Rangers culture to have spin-doctors that feed information to the media in an attempt to damage our own players, management, potential investors, and supporters. Much of what has been fed to the media is clearly untrue or exaggerated. Ultimately, it is in the hands of the existing shareholders (through the board) to decide to issue new shares to investors. There is a clear reluctance to do this at the present time and the reasons for this can only be speculated upon. Undoubtedly, the club requires a significant injection of new equity from existing or new shareholders but this will take some time to put in place. A proper financial evaluation will have to be undertaken and all the necessary AIM requirements etc. complied with. Clearly, by not having acted sooner the board is making it clear that it has decided to rely on the fans' cash once again. The big question is- "What can fans do to protect themselves but still assist the team and management"? Fans must remember that the purchase of a season ticket is essentially an individual loan from the fan to the company until such time as all games are played. No banker would lend money to a company without knowing its true financial position. Unless the board departs from its present stance of opacity the fans will be asked to lend money to the company with no security and with no comfort that the loan advance is not going into a financial black-hole. It must be stressed that the board was happy to give security to Laxey Partners for the recent facility as well as a massive return on this short-term loan. It seems wrong that, if the board gets its way, these new loans will be repaid from interest free and unsecured loans provided by long suffering fans. If the board does not provide disclosure to the fans then it is time to draw a line in the sand. I propose that the fans buy the season tickets only on one of the two following bases; 1. The fans pay the season ticket money into a trust and the funds are released to the club on a "pay-as-they-play" basis. 2. The fans pay the season ticket money into a trust and the funds are released in full to the club but against security of the club property until such time as all games are played. In that way the fans will have some protection from a future event of failure if the board cannot bridge the funding gap that clearly exists. Additionally, the fans should insist on a board appointee prior to renewing their season tickets, to look after their interests. I also suggest that the following questions be put to the board on condition that satisfactory answers must be given prior to fans agreeing to make cash from season ticket sales available to the club. 1. Will the board provide legally binding assurances that the club is a going concern and has sufficient funds and/or facilities in place for the 2014/2015 season. 2. Will the board undertake that none of the proceeds from season ticket sales will be used to settle any financial obligation that arose prior to receipt of the season ticket monies by the club. 3. Will the board confirm that the club assets continue to be unencumbered. 4. Will the board explain its previous statements that the club had sufficient cash resources to last until the end of the season. I previously invested 20 million pounds in the club and lost it all.Like all Rangers fans I continue to loyally support the team and the manager. I am willing to provide funding again but I do not believe that Rangers should be under the control of one owner/benefactor. We have already seen the damage that has been caused at Rangers (and many other clubs) when the club becomes a hostage to thefluctuating whims and wealth of a single owner. I see my role as being the lead investor of a like-minded consortium that will invest in the club, along with the supporters, without the "short-sightidness" of an immediate return on investment. An immediate return on investment will guarantee a non-immediate return of the team to the top flight. The fact that it believes it can proceed as it is doing without financial transparency makes two major statements about the board's thinking. First, they have correctly understood the fierce and unbending loyalty that Rangers fans display towards the club and the team at a time of common difficulty. Secondly, they have seriously misunderstood this loyalty as being something they can take for granted and offer nothing in return. We shouldn't allow that to continue. At this critical juncture, the fans control the funding that the board is relying on. How we proceed will determine our club's future.
  14. I watched a wonderful short film this week, on the effect the reintroduction of wolves has had on Yellowstone National Park in America. Wolves were wiped out in the area 70 years ago but several packs were brought back twenty years ago in the hope they would breed and reestablish them. A highly controversial move, the wolves were closely monitored and the effect they had on Yellowstone was studied during this period. As a large carnivore there was much apprehension about the wolves; would they decimate other species, clear large parts of the park of other mammals, indeed would they endanger man? The actual findings were mind blowing. The wolves mainly hunt deer and prior to the wolves return the deer had enjoyed decades with no natural predator except man. As such, they grazed where they wanted for as long as they wanted, they moved slowly through the landscape and their numbers grew and grew. The reemergence of the wolves changed this. The change wasn’t that large numbers of deer were killed (there aren’t that many wolves and there are tens of thousands of deer) it was that the return of the deer’s natural hunter led to a dramatic change in deer behaviour. Previously the deer grazed where they liked but now they were much more cautious and this was particularly noticeable near rivers. The grazing is good there, but it is open, and the deer were easily hunted. As the deer modified their behaviour and avoided grazing on the lower ground the vegetation changed, grass grew longer, bushes and trees reached maturity instead of being stripped back by hungry deer when small. This led to insects returning which in turn brought birds. The longer grass brought rabbits and the eagles who hunt them. Bears returned to eat the berries that now ripened on the bushes, beavers returned and used the mature trees to make dams. Most astonishingly of all the course of the river changed. Previously it meandered, it flooded regularly and the rain ran off the surrounding land quickly eroding the area. Now the increased vegetation soaked up much of the rainfall and its roots held the soil together. So the river ran deeper and faster, it no longer meanders it flows true. The wolves had indirectly been responsible for changing the course and flow of a river. What must be remembered is that wolves weren’t artificially introduced to the area; rather their absence in the first place was artificial. The ecology of Yellowstone evolved over thousands of years and at the top of the food chain was wolves. This large carnivore was meant to be there, nature had decided that a long time ago, the rest of the park actually depended on it. Its removal caused the damage, not its reintroduction. Every aspect of the park relied on the wolf directly or indirectly. Rangers play Stenhousemuir for the fourth time this season on Saturday. We’ve won our two previous league meetings and our meeting in the cup. Our last match at Ibrox saw us triumph by eight goals, our subsequent meetings have been much closer affairs. This match is being played against the backdrop of continued problems in Scottish football. The removal of Rangers from the top flight has upset the trophic cascade, the natural order of things evolved over more than 100 years is seriously out of kilter. Celtic have no serious rival as such and they are now meandering, their club is selling its best players, their manager speaks openly about being unsettled and their support, as well as showing apathy towards attending matches now fill their time by promoting songs about Irish murder gangs, making ill-thought-out political statements or indulging in good old fashioned hooliganism. The game’s governing bodies now no longer even hold the pretence of parity. They award cup finals and semi finals to grounds months in advance rather than wait to see who’ll contest them. Their decisions regarding cup matches and Inverness have bordered on the corrupt, the ticket allocation for the League Cup final being only the latest example. The side who finished second in the country last season, Motherwell, still managed to make a loss of nearly £200,000. The prize money they should have received was drastically cut half way through the season you see, no surprise there. This happened despite them cutting their player budget the previous close season. Still the league has no sponsor, in the top flight the champions and the side relegated was decided before a ball was kicked and the standard of play and player continues to drop. Without its largest animal the competition is reduced, the drive is lost and the revenue that follows it dries up. All of these things are interconnected, remove something from the natural order of things and it takes a long time to recover, if it ever does. Stenhousemuir go into this match with a new manager, former Scottish international and feted wunderkind Scott Booth. Although the current Scotland under 17 coach doesn’t take up his post for a few more weeks we can expect his new players to be eager to prove their worth to him. So motivation shouldn’t be an issue for stand-in coach Brown Ferguson’s side. Stenhousemuir are in a bad run of form with no victories this year, only their early season good results afford them the relative safety of sixth place. Rangers go into the match without Moshni who remains suspended. Cribari did well against Ayr and should retain his place although I expect McCulloch to return to the defence and Foster to drop out. Beyond that the side should pick itself, MacLeod should come into contention if fit again but I expect Bell, Law, Wallace, Black, Daly, Faure, Templeton and Aird to start. I don’t expect a repeat of the early season 8-0 but half that wouldn’t raise an eyebrow particularly if we score early. Stenhousemuir have both suffered and benefited from being in the same league as Rangers. Having the largest carnivore in the country close by drastically reduces the likelihood of promotion for every other club in our division, but it does offer them other tangible benefits. Our presence is artificial though, man made and it is upsetting the natural order of things. The trophic cascade refers to interconnectivity, how removing something from the top of the food chain has consequences all the way down that chain, how these changes can’t all be foreseen or managed and it is vital that chain isn’t allowed to be tampered with artificially. Recent meetings aimed at securing a voice for Rangers supporters in our boardroom should be welcomed, not only by all Rangers fans but also by all football fans. Whatever your feelings towards our club, we are all connected and interdependent, it’s in everyone’s interests that we’re back where we belong believe it or not. The only thing that should prevent that happening is our side not being good enough. Financial stability and accountability are vital, not just for our sake but for every club in the country. Nobody should fear the return of the wolf, its return should be welcomed by all.
  15. .....and renew their season tickets. Supporters were alarmed to discover this week that Gers officials were in talks with two investors about a £1.5million loan. They are speaking to the Easdale brothers, James and Sandy, and Laxey Partners, the major shareholders, about the cash injection. The development immediately led to fears that the SPFL League One leaders are in danger of going back into administration. Rangers chief executive Graham Wallace, who is conducting a 120-day restructuring plan, has dismissed that. And McCoist, who attended a board meeting in London on Thursday, has stated he is confident current club hierarchy are on the right track. Fans have threatened to "disengage" with the club in the past by not buying season tickets or official merchandise. But the manager has appealed to them to keep faith in Wallace and his fellow director. McCoist said: "I can understand concerns. Who wouldn't have concerns after what has happened in the last two years? "But at the same time I definitely think that Graham Wallace in particular and the board in general deserve an opportunity to see what they can come up with. "Personally, I feel that I'm building a good relationship with a chief executive who has football experience and I firmly believe will do the best for the club. "I'm in a better place in that respect. There's no doubt about that. The relationship between the chief exec and the manager is the most important at the club. "I feel in a better place with the dialogue I have with Graham. I speak to him a couple of times a day and we meet two or three times a week. "Hopefully in the coming weeks and months a brighter picture will be painted of the long-term future of the club." McCoist added: "There hasn't been a push for season tickets yet, but I think there will be one or two things going on before then that will hopefully point the supporters in the right direction. "For the supporters to buy 70,000 season tickets in the last two years is a staggering statistic. The importance of the season tickets is absolutely vital. "In the coming weeks and months, when we do have the push for season tickets, we will be in a better place to indicate to the fans what the short, medium and long-term future will be." McCoist was told the £1.5m loan is part of an overall business plan at the board meeting and was assured there was no prospect of administration happening. He said: "It's nothing that wasn't planned. It's part of a business plan. The impression that was given to me was that too much has been made of it. It's nothing that wasn't on the agenda. "It was told to me that there certainly won't be administration No.2. That is encouraging because a lot of people are asking the question and I totally understand that." The Rangers Supporters Trust, however, does not share his ease with the current situation. In a statement sent to members last night, the Trust said: "The Rangers Supporters Association, Assembly and Trust have contacted the CEO Graham Wallace to ask for clarification on the proposed loan by directors and/or selected shareholders." Meanwhile, fixtures have been rearranged - Gers v Dunfermline on Saturday, March 15 now at 12.45pm instead of 3pm, live on Sky; Brechin v Gers on Saturday, March 22 now the following day with a 12.45pm start on BT Sport and Gers v Forfar on Tuesday, March 25 at 7.45pm moved back 24 hours to the Wednesday. http://www.eveningtimes.co.uk/rangers/rangers-board-backing-is-just-the-ticket-for-mccoist-153156n.23500951
  16. Been googling and looking through other sites to refresh my memory. The fact that we require loans now to get through the next few months has me questioning the ability/honesty of CEO Graham Wallace. This is what he said in a Q&A article in The Herald on 17th December 2103 " In the short-to-medium term there is sufficient cash within the club in order for it to continue trading on a normal basis." Now he was the Chief Financial Office at Manchester City so I'm assuming he has some kind of accountancy/financial qualification. That being the case when he made that statement only 8 weeks ago was he fully aware of the financial position at the club? Did he check himself? Was he assured by the board that we were ok in the mid term? Was he told the truth by the incumbents on the board and if not when did he realise we did not have sufficient cash for the short term never mind the mid term? In the same Q&A article he speaks about gaining investment for the club, can we also assume he has failed in this respect?
  17. Being reported that Laxey have bailed us out in the short term. Wonder what the interest rates are?
  18. Don't have much to go on, but apparently King is predicting our financial meltdown again in another Keith Jackson article....
  19. In October 2013 the SFA decided to hold both Scottish Cup Semi Finals at Ibrox as an alternative to Hampden Park, which is being used for the Commonwealth Games. If Rangers reach the Semi Finals they would be handed a home tie. In the interests of the other quarter finalists, the SFA should use Parkhead for one of the Semi Finals if required. http://www.change.org/en-GB/petitions/the-scottish-football-association-ensure-neutral-venues-for-the-2014-scottish-cup-semi-finals?recruiter=11614349
  20. Thursday, 13 February 2014 15:45 Defensive Options For Boss Written by Andrew Dickson ALLY McCOIST has hinted he’s likely to go for experience over youth at the back when Rangers travel to Ayr in League One this weekend. The manager has admitted teenage defenders Luca Gasparotto and Craig Halkett are in his thoughts after a series of good displays for the under-20s in recent weeks. Playing under Gordon Durie, they’ve helped the team to nine wins in a row and have only just seen a run of 703 minutes without conceding from open play come to an end. McCoist will be without his captain Lee McCulloch and French Tunisian Bilel Mohsni for the trip to Somerset Park as the pair serve suspensions. That leaves gaps to be filled in his rearguard and plenty of supporters would love to see the youngsters given an opportunity. But whoever plays will come up against the most experienced opposition forward in the league, ex-Gers and former English Premiership player Kevin Kyle. McCoist is wary of the 10-time Scotland international who, while in the latter part of his career, is still capable of making an impact. Despite struggling with injuries during his time at Ibrox, Kyle has overcome them to play for the Honest Men 20 times this season and score four goals as a foil for Michael Moffat. Although he has still to finalise his plans for the game, it appears McCoist will opt for a pairing of Sebastien Faure and Emilson Cribari to deal with Kyle on the west coast. Faure has made 22 starts for Gers this season and although Cribari has just three to his name, he was a regular last term as he made the first XI on 33 occasions. McCoist said: “We’ve got some good fixtures in the coming weeks and we’d be very hopeful we can win the league then have a chance to look at one or two boys. “Nothing would give us more pleasure than giving some of the lads an opportunity in the first team. “The boys are doing well very but it’s a different game on Saturday. It’s not an under-20 game and it’s against one of the most experienced strikers in the league. “Kevin, I would suggest, has been over the course and distance and he knows his way about the football park. “The best way I can put it is by saying Gasparotto and Halkett are acquitting themselves very well. “They’re certainly in our thoughts and it’s a compliment to the young lads that we’re thinking about them but we’ve other options too. “Sebastien has been playing at right-back and Emilson has been on the bench as well so that’s something we could think about as Richard Foster could come in at right-back. “A decision has not been made yet but Kenny (McDowall), Ian (Durrant), Jim (Stewart) and myself will sit down and have a talk about it.” http://www.rangers.co.uk/news/headlines/item/6314-defensive-options-for-boss
  21. Positive stuff! http://www.therst.co.uk/rst-share-purchase/
  22. While looking how Albion Rovers would welcome the news about their Quarterfinal at Ibrox, I stumbled upon their Squad Fund page ... Reflecting on our stay in SFL 3 last season, Division One this campaign, various cup games and all, has it actually been determined how much money has been handed down to the ailing lower league sides due to our predicament? I would reckon that e.g. Albion Rovers' would be safe from nigh anything thanks to next month's QF tie, as we hand half of our money to them under cup rules? Enforced stay or not, I wonder whether the former SFL 3 sides, nor the Division One teams have anything to complain about?
  23. I don't have the article but suspect you can get all the info you need from this page shown on facebook:
  24. As the draw is to be made after the Dundee Hibs v St Midden game, I just thought I'd start a thread on it. What will be the best draw for us?, I want Albion Rovers @ Ibrox:rfcbouncy:
  25. ........to help out Rangers CEO Wallace. JON Daly today admitted he is keen to help Rangers go on a run in the William Hill Scottish Cup this season - to boost their bank balance. Daly won the national knockout cup competition back in 2010 when he helped former club Dundee United beat Ross County 3-0 in the Hampden final. And the 31-year-old striker would love to enjoy that sort of success with the Ibrox club during the 2013/14 campaign. The Irishman believes it would be a great way to repay Light Blues supporters for their backing in the last couple of seasons. And he also thinks that it would help the SPFL League One leaders, who are currently operating at a monthly loss, financially as well. Daly and his team-mates rejected the offer of a 15% pay cut for a year-and-a-half made by chief executive Graham Wallace last month. But there are set to be cutbacks at the Glasgow giants after Wallace has completed his 120-days restructuring project. And overcoming Dunfermline in the fifth round at Ibrox on Friday night and going all the way to the final at Parkhead in May would go a long to boosting the coffers at the club. Daly said: "It would be fantastic for the club from a financial point of view and also brilliant for the fans. "I wasn't here last year but the boys have told me they backed the club massively and I think that was shown with the season tickets sold. "So it would be great to get through and get to a final but the draw has to be kind and we have to get over this hurdle first." Daly admits he is relieved that Rangers have managed to hang on to their left-back Lee Wallace during the January transfer window. Sky Bet Championship club Nottingham Forest made two bids of just under £1million for the Scotland international last week. Despite the worrying financial situation at the Glasgow club, those offers were rejected after falling some way short of their valuation of the player. Wallace set up Daly for a goal in the 2-1 league victory over Brechin City at Ibrox on Saturday and the hit man is delighted he has not been sold. He said: "Of course we are delighted that Lee is still here. "The manager stressed that he wanted to keep the club together and thankfully, all the boys are still here and we've got a good squad." Meanwhile, internet reports that Rangers are poised to go into administration this month and chief executive Wallace has allegedly prepared a resignation statement have been rejected. Stories online had claimed Wallace had been locked in talks at the Ibrox club all day and was set to leave his position. However, the former Manchester City financial director and chief operating officer was at Hampden for meetings yesterday and later attended the Rangers Under-20 match. http://www.eveningtimes.co.uk/rangers/daly-is-banking-on-cup-success-to-help-out-rangers-ceo-wallace-150939n.23359868
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