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  1. Mathew Lyndsay THE high regard Bill Struth is held in by Rangers fans is not just due to the success he enjoyed in his 34-year spell as manager. Struth is still, with a staggering 73 trophies to his name, the most decorated manager in British football history despite retiring back in 1954. Yet, it is perhaps how the one-time stonemason carved the future of the Ibrox club in the first half of the last century for which he is most revered. A strict disciplinarian, Struth demanded high standards of conduct in those who represented the Glasgow institution both on and off the field of play. The ideals he instilled in those around him helped to ensure Rangers became the most successful club in Scotland and one of the most successful in the world. There could, then, be no better man for the protest group demanding honesty and integrity at boardroom level to be named after. Sons of Struth, or SoS, organised the demonstration during the SPFL League One game against Stenhousemuir at Ibrox at the weekend. A variety of banners were held aloft throughout the packed stadium in the 18th and 72nd minutes - the significance of this being that Rangers was, of course, founded in 1872 - of the match. Chants of "Sack the Board" and "Get out of our Club" - among others more unsavoury - were also belted out as Ally McCoist's team romped to a resounding 8-0 victory. It was a reminder for the directors that, as the publication of annual accounts draws ever nearer and an eagerly-anticipated AGM edges closer, nothing less than complete transparency will do. Who ends up holding power at Rangers when the AGM is finally held, those currently at the helm or the shareholders demanding change, remains uncertain at this juncture. However, with such disharmony clearly existing among such a large number of paying customers it would be foolish business practice, suicidal in fact, to dismiss their concerns when they do. McCoist, whose team remained five points in front of Dunfermline thanks to their biggest win of the 2013/14 campaign, is concentrating fully on football matters. And he is optimistic the growing unrest in the stands will not have any negative impact on his players' performances for however long it continues. He said: "We would ask the fans again to keep on giving the team their continued support. I keep saying, and I make no apology for saying it again, that in the last couple of years the fans have kept the club going. "They have been absolutely fantastic and their support of the team is all we can ask for. "There were issues at the weekend which I am certainly not going to get involved in after the result we had. I think it would be wrong of me to do so. "The team and the players and the fans deserve all the credit for the performance." While the Rangers support remain firmly at loggerheads with those in positions of authority, progress is being made on the park. The victory at the weekend, in which striker Jon Daly netted four goals for the first time, maintained the team's 100% record in the league in some style. McCoist's side has now won all seven of their games in their division this term. They have scored 32 goals and conceded just two goals in the process. The manager is pleased with the progress his new signings have made in a short space of time and with the way the Light Blues fans have taken to them. He said: "I think it is terrific we are now getting players who are striking up bonds with the fans. "Whether it be Bilel Mohsni, Ian Black, Nicky Law, Arnold Peralta or whoever. There is definitely something building which is important for us. "All we can do is prepare the team as professionally as we can and hope they can go and play in the most professional manner they can. That will always be the case as long as we are here." McCoist welcomed Ian Black, who has now completed his ban for gambling offences, back into his team against Martyn Corrigan's side. It proved to be a shrewd call. The central midfielder was one of his side's best performers throughout an admittedly one-sided 90 minutes. Some fans were deeply unhappy with the punishments meted out to the player, who admitted betting against Rangers to win, by the SFA and his club. If he continues to perform in the highly-impressive manner that he did against Stenhousemuir then he will continue to be a leading light for Rangers as the campaign progresses. McCoist agreed: "He has been terrific for us all season and he just picked up where he left off. It was great to see the reaction he got from the crowd. "Our fans are intelligent. They know he has made a mistake and he has been punished and they want to support him now." The same cannot currently be said of the Rangers board. http://www.eveningtimes.co.uk/rangers/the-moment-of-struth-137790n.22281435
  2. Lifted from FF: I have been hearing from various sources that we as a group are being met with mixed reviews from forums etc so decided to come on and let everyone know a bit about us and our aims to allow each to make their own mind up We have been accused of being many people from tims to M Dingwall to D Leggat and even malcolm murray. We are none of these we are only normal concerned fans and if you read attachment below it will give you a better idea of who we are and how we came about. We only have 3 aims and I would question any fan who didnt want these things from their club regardless of who they are and which team they follow 1) Keep the stadium in clubs name to avoid Coventry situation 2) clear accounts which prove proper running of the club 3) a board that keep the club off the front pages and are above reproach We do not have any aims that can divide a support and only actually which to unite fans from all groups against a clear and present danger The following is a post from our facebook page that was first posted 2 weeks ago when we first started. Please take the few minutes to read and DONT BELIEVE THE HYPE surrounding The Sons of Struth https://www.facebook.com/SonsOfStruth Here we go I will try and explain in as short a post a possible who is involved to date with the Sons of Struth and how this page came about. One of our main points of agenda and a main Struthism is openness. Some of you may be aware of the Rangers Rumours website and a regular poster named George or George protester number 1. I picked up on his postings only 1 week ago and was intrigued to know what his feelings and understanding of our clubs current plight was. George arranged to travel from London on Friday and meet anyone interested in what he had to say at Ibrox. Due to my own worries about our club I felt I had nothing to lose other than 10 minutes of my time and a whole lot to gain if he had any information that could fill my appetite to fully understand the situation at our club. The fact that only 10 people turned up confirmed my general feeling that our fans are very apathetic towards the current situation and George was very disappointed also. He did, as many have since held against him, arrive minus the promised leaflets and did introduce himself as a representative of George. Both these points seem to have angered some but I understand why he done both when as he could have possibly been faced with a far greater number of fans who he didn’t know who they where and he was let down by a local printer which was a point later proven to me. To the 10 who were at the first meeting and others who visit the Rangers Rumours site, I was the guy with the red jacket who some believed was Georges minder and I post on the site as Craig protester number 2 BFH. To set the record straight I had never met George before Friday and purely turned up as a disgruntled fan searching for some knowledge. I appeared to pick up on what George was saying very quickly but so did others around me, however George seemed to like the questions I asked him and what I had to say so he asked me after the meeting if I would like to talk further on a one to one basis. This “private” meeting consisted more of us talking like true fans and swapping stories of our favourite experiences following our club than it did about revelations which weren’t disclosed at the full meeting. We did prove our love for our club and our concerns for the future just as many discussions would go between Rangers fans all over the world when two strangers meet and they find they both support Rangers. We decided we would talk again during his stay in Glasgow and exchanged numbers. During the course of last weekend we talked several times over the telephone and agreed to meet on Monday and I would introduce him to my friend Sandy who was also interested to hear what George had to say. During the course of the weekend George had put his leaflet online as he promised. George, Sandy and I met on Monday and again the discussion was no different to hundreds of chats between Rangers fans many times over. We discussed our favourite games, best goals,most manic away trips and the like but most importantly we shared a huge concern over the current state of our dearly held club and a desire to do something about. We all agreed that doing something and failing was more acceptable than doing nothing but with the hope we could make a difference even if it was just to give the proper fans some information that may put some fire in the belly and arouse some passion from within the fan base. We then involved the man power from a well known body of fans, who if they wish to disclose their important and welcome involvement is matter for them, who helped along with hastily recruited normal fans like Paisley Gary to help with the distribution of Georges leaflets prior to Tuesdays game. The leaflets went out and received a mixture of reactions. On Tuesday not long before I left for the game I started the Sons of Struth facebook page. The reasons for this is to give the normal fan who wants our club to return to a stewardship of which we would expect from Rangers. You pick up a paper on Monday going to work and you are faced with another scandal about our club. You discuss it and try to make sense of it but before you have a chance to get your head round it a few days later you’re faced with another earth shaking scandal. This is not what we expect from the custodians of our club. The mere inclusion of the Struth name in the page harks back to an era when our custodians conducted themselves with dignity, honesty and respect. We must install this again from our boardroom. Who am I? I am a nobody. Not attached to any fan group or organisation. I am you. A fan and season ticket holder since the age of 8 years old. What do I want? I want to talk about my favourite memories of Rangers and idols and goals again, not have to discuss and deal with on a daily basis another boardroom scandal and just get back to the football. I want a board that won’t embarrass me and treat me like a fan without hiding facts from me. I want to be assured that the stadium where I have had many happy memories will be in the ownership of my club and not sold off and rented back to us by some spiv. The stadium holds the spirit of not one but three disasters and has to remain ours to honour those who did not return. It has to remain for the thousands who have the names of lost loved ones chiselled on the very bricks in their memory. It is not the crown jewels it is far more important to the very soul of every fan who has ever walked through the turnstiles. Who are the Sons of Struth? We all are and can be ordinary fans or members from any other fan body. If you are a Union Bear or a Supporters Trust member, as long as your principles and desires are the same as ours then we welcome your input and support. We are not affiliated to any other fan body but welcome their involvement and discuss common aims. Our biggest and most immediate threat is the possible sale of our stadium and let me explain why. The ground swell of opinion is the current board may not have 51% of the shareholder support in the near future and as such leaves them in a position of one last heist. Let me explain in simple terms and use your house as an example. You require cash due to your ailing financial position and own a home with a market value of £200k. I agree to give you £100k cash today to solve your short term financial problems and I will rent you the house back for £2k per month. I will also agree to allow you to buy it back anytime in the next 10 years for £300k. I cant lose. I either 1) have you in the home and draw £24k a year of you in rental 2) Get £2k a month off you until your able to give me £300k to get it back 3) You leave the house and I have a building costing me half market value. Now turn this story to Ibrox and what a spiv could do. Sell the stadium to a carefully selected company that a trusted friend owns and the spiv has a vested interest in and do it soon before he loses the majority of shareholders. Couldnt happen? Think of the Monday morning paper stories we have all had to deal with in the last couple of years. SONS OF STRUTH DEMAND THE TRUTH SHOW YOU CARE AND SHARE WITH A BEAR Craig
  3. Rangers manager Ally McCoist has hinted that the club will be unable to offer transfer fees for any of his targets during the January transfer window. The Scottish League One side saw moves for Bosnian defender Boris Pandza and former Hearts captain Marius Zaliukas fail this week. McCoist has said that he is uncertain if he will be allowed to spend money as the club aims to secure a return to the Scottish Premiership. "It's my job to get the best possible team out on the park for the fans. Like any other manager I've got a budget to work within," quotes McCoist as saying. "Without doubt I am more mindful of what I spent after all the hardships we went through last year. I have to think about the long-term future of the club because we don't want what has already happened to happen again. But we're talking about [wage] budgets here, not even about transfer fees. "I believe longer term, we will definitely need to spend once we get back to where we want to be. But I can understand the argument right now that we should have a team built within the budget limits to get through the divisions." http://www.sportsmole.co.uk/football/rangers/transfer-talk/news/mccoist-rules-out-rangers-deals_107547.html
  4. by Glenn Gibbons Undecided Rangers shareholders who have been paying close attention to the hustings so far are likely to approach the power struggle at the Ibrox club’s forthcoming annual meeting with a deep yearning for a sudden declaration of candidature by a third party. The two factions presently on the ballot paper must seem to the non-aligned about as attractive as rutting wart-hogs. On one hand, a sitting board of directors whose imaginative response to the threat of usurpation appears to have been limited to the hiring of a PR company with a reputation for smearing opponents through liberal use of all available media outlets, from the club’s own to the social networks of the worldwide web. On the other, a band of would-be revolutionaries whose nominated “leader”, Jim McColl, is a billionaire who has stated that he has no intention in the near future of investing any money in Rangers or playing so much as a minor role in the governance of the company. For voters at the AGM, the election is likely to represent an invitation to choose the less harmful of the two. With the big event still at least a month off, there will be a bone-chilling number of opportunities for further demonstrations from both sides of the kind of infantile, risible and, in certain instances, sordid attempts at points-scoring that have been witnessed in recent times. For example, Paul Murray, the poster boy of the group agitating for reform of the board, including the removal of what may be called the office bearers – chief executive Craig Mather and finance director Brian Stockbridge, as well as director Bryan Smart – this week made a call for “transparency” from the directors by demanding the release of the identities of the people behind two companies who have invested in Rangers, Blue Pitch Holdings and Margarita Holdings. As a shareholder himself, Murray will be perfectly aware of his right to obtain this information simply by asking for it. He may then go public with it, although it is impossible to fathom why the names of those behind the holding companies should be of any import. Murray’s attempted capture of the headlines was sufficiently pathetic to reinforce the impression – formed over the past three years – that his principal credential as a prospective saviour of an ailing institution is that he is a genuine, lifelong fan. Even so, the general weakness of his profile did not prevent the voice of one red-top from declaring his endorsement of Murray and his simultaneous condemnation of the PR company, Media House, and its busiest representative, Jack Irvine. The latter, himself a former tabloid editor, was roasted for his readiness to blacken the names of his employers’ opponents with some lacerating postings on Twitter. This reprehension of Media House was a startling renunciation of the paper’s previous accommodating policy towards the company. This willing collusion obtained in the days when MH’s primary objectives were the scandalous portrayal of the Celtic managing director, Fergus McCann, as some kind of villainous incompetent and the absurd promotion of David Murray, the Rangers owner, as an entrepreneurial and financial genius. That they could have been proved by subsequent events to have been so grotesquely and blatantly mischievous in their persecution of McCann and their miscasting of Murray would, of course, be a matter of complete indifference, as long as their fees were paid. It will be recalled, however, that their propaganda campaign was so successful that Celtic supporters actually booed McCann as he unfurled the league championship flag on the opening day of the 1998-99 season, an ineradicable testament to their shameful gullibility. http://www.scotsman.com/sport/football/spfl-lower-divisions/rangers-fans-torn-between-rebel-and-light-blue-sea-1-3116658
  5. ............................as judge makes him read out letter slating his own character TYCOON made to read out damning letter slamming treatment of family and claiming he faced jail for illegal activity. FORMER Rangers owner Craig Whyte was yesterday forced to read out a letter in court slating his own character. The damning letter laid bare the tycoon’s troubled time at Ibrox, slammed his treatment of his family and claimed he faced jail for illegal activity. It was revealed as he gave evidence at the Inverness Sheriff Court trial of two former employees accused of stealing from him. The letter was allegedly written by his former housekeeper and cook Jane Hagan last year, weeks before Whyte sacked her and her caretaker partner Terence Horan. Monaco-based Whyte claimed he found it beside a computer in his Highland home, Castle Grant, after he returned there and found the couple gone and various items missing. It contained claims of terror threats, alongside allegations that Whyte had bankrupted his own father three times and treated his wife “in an appalling way”. It also disclosed that the bank were poised to repossess his Highland home at Castle Grant and said he could have been facing jail for his “illegal activities”. The letter, running to three A4 pages, was allegedly written by Hagan to a friend, Sue. Hagan, 50, and Horan, 54, deny stealing thousands of pounds worth of goods from the castle, near Grantown on Spey. In an uncomfortable few minutes, 42-year-old Whyte was forced to read out the letter in its entirety in court by prosecutor Heather Swan. It contained what appeared to be a confession by Hagan that the couple were taking items from the castle because they had not been paid and feared for their future. The trial was in its second day yesterday after being interrupted last month due to a lack of court time. Sheriff Jamie Gilchrist heard that a container had been rented by Horan and filled with a huge array of household items. Whyte, who had separated from his wife Kim three years earlier, said he noticed last year that some items were missing from the castle, including a huge kitchen table. When Whyte returned from a holiday with his two children, he said his housekeeper and caretaker were nowhere to be seen and he had to get a locksmith to get into the house. He discovered more things missing and, on checking with Kim, discovered she had not taken them. The court heard a search warrant was obtained by police and many of the items missing from the castle were found in a storage container in Grantown on Spey among others belonging to Hagan and Horan. Whyte told the court: “I was with the police and pointed out some things which belonged to either myself or my wife. I did not order their removal, nor did I instruct anyone to store them or hide them.” He also denied tampering with the letter. “I didn’t doctor it, edit or make changes to it. It is exactly the way it was handed to me,” he added. Whyte then moved from the witness box to the dock to answer a possible contempt of court for failing to appear for the trial when it was due to start on June 10. His lawyer Paul Kavanagh said it had been a genuine mistake. Sheriff Gilchrist decided to take no further action and made no finding of contempt. But he warned Whyte that he had to attend court to finish his evidence when the trial resumes on October 23. The letter in full: “Our boss has been behaving rather badly. We have always known he is not the nicest person in business and his living is mostly made by dubious means. Talking to his wife not only confirms our suspicions that he is not a good man but we find he has treated her and her family in the most appalling way. He has bankrupted his own father and due to this he has lost his home, not once but three times and still he uses him to do his dirty work. “When we returned from holiday she was in pieces claiming that he had told her he was doing a runner and never coming back to the castle. “It is rather distressing news to us, not only do we lose our jobs but also our home. “Well, it didn’t happen and he has had a couple of weekends here and showing no signs of stress. But he is an incredibly close person and never gives away anything. “However in the past few weeks he has been served with loads of court papers and the wolves are howling at the door. “He’s in all sorts of trouble with the law over his ownership of Rangers FC with some pretty serious threats of going to prison over his illegal activities. “His ex wife has been very good filling us in on the details as she’s been watching him closely. “There were terrorist threats to the castle and our boss and we have had to have anti-terrorist training. “The bank could take over the castle and he hasn’t paid our salary for June. We have organised with his ex wife to collect the last of her possessions. She has left behind expensive stuff and we are going to take some of the high value things as it looks as if the bailiffs will take the rest and we want to be sure we don’t lose out.” http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/court-humiliation-ex-rangers-owner-craig-2314008
  6. I'd say we need to move on other players first but interesting news nonetheless... http://www.rangers.co.uk/news/headlines/item/4983-zaliukas-trains-with-gers
  7. http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/paul-murray-exclusive-tell-who-2298764? THE former Ibrox director, who is a leading player in the shareholder uprising against the current regime, wants to know the identities of the money men behind investor groups in an exclusive interview with Keith Jackson. Paul Murray: "These people could be about to have a huge say in determining the very future of the club but no-one knows who they are. The fans deserve to be told the truth." PAUL MURRAY last night called for clarity from the Rangers board over the identity of its foreign backers. Murray, left, who has teamed up with entrepreneur Jim McColl to lead a shareholder uprising against the Ibrox regime, has urged the club to make public the identity of the money men behind investor groups Blue Pitch Holdings and Margarita Holdings. Murray’s move comes after the club’s lawyers asked him to hand over details of all those who are supporting his bid for control – and following an announcement on Friday that Blue Pitch and Margarita will team up to back the current board at next month’s agm. With around 15 per cent of the club’s shares between them, Murray believes Blue Pitch – who funded Charles Green’s £5.5m takeover – and Margarita could have enough votes to save chief executive Craig Mather and financial director Brian Stockbridge from the chop. And he insists the Rangers fans must not be kept in the dark about their identities. Murray said: “We spent all of last week identifying who we all are under the section 793 process, which is a legal mechanism for the club to find out who owns shares. “I’d like to ask: Has the club done the same with Blue Pitch Holdings and Margarita Holdings? Are they happy with the answers they got? And will they now make public the name of those involved in order that the Rangers supporters are afforded transparency? “These people could be about to have a huge say in determining the very future of the club but no-one knows who they are. The fans deserve to be told the truth. “We have fully complied with the club’s requests. Every requisitionist has given them authentication of the shares they hold and who the beneficial owners of the shares are. “So surely the same rules should be applied all round to all parties.” The club’s agm is expected to be held next month, with all directors facing a shareholder vote to determine if they are re-elected. Murray and McColl claim to have mustered the support of just less than 30 per cent of the shareholders after being urged to lead a revolt by a group of institutional investors, who are demanding changes. A spokesman for the Rangers Supporters Trust said: “One of the many promises Charles Green made was honesty and transparency of the ownership of our club. “Most Rangers fans would agree we don’t have that as long as we have shareholders hiding behind these nominee venture capitalist accounts.” Last night a spokesperson for Rangers said: “What was asked of the requisitioners was in line with protocol.”
  8. It is perhaps a Godsend that the behaviour of our online Rangers communities do not appear to impact or reflect on the ability of the Rangers support to “Follow Follow”. Thankfully the support which embarrassed, and continues to embarrass Scottish football with it's attendance figures, which caught the imagination of the world with it's steadfast devotion to a football club, appears to remain unaffected by the schisms within her online communities. Whilst it undoubtedly raises a question of the significance of our online communities and how reflective they are of our support in general, I'm afraid the exploration of this subject must wait for another day as there are more pressing issues to concern ourselves with. The emergence of the Sons of Struth campaigners gave rise to the question asked in the title thread. Through no fault of their own (in fact they deserve immense credit for how they have, with diplomatic aplomb, handled the minefield which is the fractured, divided and partisan inspired Rangers online community) their emergence has proved to be a “proving ground” for everything which is wrong with our online communities. On the various websites which carried their threads, as well as on social media, sadly the usual battles, accusations and counter accusations came to the fore. It's perhaps pertinent at this point we highlight the 3 main objectives of the Sons of Struth campaigners :- 1. Keep the stadium in the club's name to avoid Coventry situation 2. Have clear accounts which prove the proper running of the club 3. Have a board that keep the club off the front pages and who themselves are beyond reproach If there is a bear anywhere in the world, never mind within the online Rangers community, who does not aspire to the 3 aforementioned objectives for our our club – them I am yet to meet them. Sadly, despite the universal agreement with the above objectives, our online communities find the energy and time to fall out with each other – is it any small wonder our club is in the mess it is today, being raped and savaged by so called “businessmen” and the media ? We appear to be too concerned fighting amongst ourselves than fighting the battles we really need to be engaging in. Can the real enemies of our club really wait until tomorrow whilst we fight amongst ourselves today ? It manifests itself in whole Rangers communities being stereotyped into one particular box, often “evidenced” by a single post by an individual which, as if by magic, suddenly represents the views of hundreds, often thousands of other posters who may not even agree with the original cited post. Personal animosity, historical feuds, bitternesses and hatred have all been done to death. Even the Rangers bloggers appear to have acquiesced to the hate fest, giving rise to what some have referred to as “The Blogger Wars”. At a time when hate filled individuals and even some of the mainstream media are determined to kill off our club – you would think our energies would be more productively spent tackling the enemies of our club. Perhaps what is particularly sad in all this is that the Rangers online communities also represent what is best in our support. 90 minutes on a Saturday is not enough for us – quite simply we eat, sleep and breathe Rangers FC. That kind of devotion represents considerable and mammoth energy with potential – the potential to effect change for the better. It is however completely neutralised when it is spent focussing inwardly on the things which divide us rather than the issues which unite us. If this online Rangers community is to fulfil its true destiny then it must change, because at the moment the schisms, historical feuds and bitternesses are holding us back from unleashing that potential on the real enemies of our club. If the Sons of Struth campaigners achieve nothing else (and I sincerely hope that's not the case) then educating the Rangers online community that there is real need for change, will be a considerable achievement in itself.
  9. Andy Cameron not welcome back at Forfar COMEDIAN Andy Cameron has been banned by *football minnows Forfar Athletic for criticising their *artificial pitch. Rangers fan Cameron, who starred in Take The High Road, was at Station Park yesterday to watch his side’s 1-0 win . But tempers flared when Cameron *criticised the in Angus team’s “poxy” stadium in the boardroom after the match. Forfar chairman Alistair Donald vented his fury after the funnyman tore into his side’s artificial playing surface and seating. Donald then tweeted: “Apparently our ground is poxy with no dugouts.” He went on to describe Cameron as a “non-descript wee comedian full of opinion that is irrelevant”. When asked if Cameron was banned, he said: “Yes”. Earlier, in the boardroom, guests heard Donald *countered Cameron’s blast by dismissing the 73-year-old, who wrote and sang Ally’s Tartan Army, as “a poor comedian”. The bust-up concluded with the chairman insisting that Cameron was not welcome in the future. The comedian sought to play down the row last night. He said: “I’ve got nothing against the pitch. I didn’t think Rangers played *particularly well but that was our problem. “I was in the boardroom with a cup of tea. I even got a piece of clootie dumpling to take home from one of the ladies. I didn’t slag off anything.” But a Forfar source said: “The chairman is adamant. Cameron won’t be welcome back.” Wish we had chairman like that.
  10. Picked this up from the official website - 'Elsewhere at the club, Greek defender Anestis Argyriou has left Gers after it was mutually agreed to terminate his contract. The full-back played 27 times in total for the Light Blues last season after coming in from AEK Athens but he hasn't featured this term.' I feel a bit sorry for him, but just one of many who were not good enough.
  11. Sandy Easdale has been appointed as a director of The Rangers Football Club Limited (formerly Sevco Scotland Limited). He has not (yet?) been appointed to the listed holding company. The directors of the company with the football club licence are therefore Mather, Stockbridge, J Easdale and S Easdale. The appointment form was lodged on Friday the 13th.
  12. Scotland it would appear has a new form of immunity allowing persons to express an opinion with apparent impunity. All that is required is to precede whatever you have to say with the phrase "Some would say". The phrases' creator - BBC Scotland's Jim Spence - has overlooked one small detail however - his previous comments on the subject. A quick search through the BBC archives reveal that Jim Spence has previously alluded to Rangers having died or being no more. Therefore not only is he erroneous in with his use of this "get out clause" - he is also disingenuous. Perhaps the BBC Scotland investigation into this furore will consider this fact in it's conclusions. If it fails to, then their investigation will be deemed little more that a whitewash. In some ways it should come as no surprise to us that there is a movement to pronounce life extinct over Ibrox way. I say that, having recently re-visited American Psychologist Gordon Allport's Scale of Prejudice, where the conduct of these proponents that Rangers are dead display all the characteristics required of the prejudiced bigot. Allport's scale determines the following 5 stages :- Anti-locution – this would include jokes, negative stereotypes as well as hate speech Avoidance – the target is treated in such a way as to be effectively isolated Discrimination – Denial of opportunity, restriction of rights etc. Physical Attack – self explanatory. Extermination – the majority group seek extermination or removal of the minority group. Whilst often applied in situations which involves genocide, Allport's Scale is also used in modern day Britain as an industry standard in determining prejudice within the workplace. In such a setting the extermination stage manifests itself with the victim either leaving or being forced to leave the work place. For a Rangers support often referred to as “Huns”, likened to a “bunch of bigoted troglodytes, almost to a man”, and whose club were denied the fundamental principal of innocence until proven guilty, along with numerous other instances of unfair and unjust treatment, it should come as no surprise to us as we tick through the various stages that we would eventually end up at extermination. Of course that hatred and prejudice manifests itself daily on social media networks where Rangers supporters are no longer “Huns” or “Orange Bastards” instead they are “Zombies” or “Sevconians”. However this appears to be little more than a “wish-list” mentality, which requires “believers” to ignore considerable evidence, rulings and judgements to the contrary. I wont recount Lord Nimmo Smith's commentary regarding Rangers continuing as a footballing entity - it has been cited in many a previous discourse on this subject - suffice to say one of the most respected legal brains has passed his judgement on the matter. So too of course have the SFA, The European Clubs Association, UEFA and, perhaps as an indication of how desperate some are to confirm the death of Rangers, even the Advertising Standards Authority. Those proponents of “Zombies” and “Sevconians” appear more than happy to ignore the evidence in order that their wishes can be realised, in fact they give new meaning to the term “Ignorance is bliss”. Who said blind hatred was a bad thing ? But what of the Jim Spence's and Graham Spiers of this world, who, whilst not using the terms “zombies” or “sevconians”, continually repeat the mantra, that Rangers have died ? What separates them from the knuckle dragging element motivated by hatred bigotry and prejudice, who scream about “zombies” and “sevconians” ? The answer is – very little. For in arriving at such a conclusion they too have exercised the necessary exclusion of facts and chosen to ignore the authority and expertise of those previously cited. What is particularly interesting with both Spiers and Spence is that in making such assertions they refuse continually to mention or comment on Lord Nimmo Smith's ruling, the SFA Transfer of licence or the European Club's Association determination on Rangers. The real question for me is why they are doing this. Why are allegedly objective and impartial journalists choosing to ignore the considerable body of evidence available and arrive at conclusions which are at odds with that evidence ? Or do our journalists now have a right to deliberately mislead and misinform the public ? It is perhaps ironic that last week, Alex Thomson of Channel 4 News, who has a colourful history with the Rangers support released the following tweet :- “it's a pointless debate - you cannot "kill" an FC like Rangers. Isn't this obvious? And an FC is more than a PLC end of.” So over to you Messrs Spiers and Spence, the floor as they say is yours – explain to this Rangers support why you have arrived at the conclusion that Rangers are dead. It shouldn't be that hard for you – you have after all repeated it often enough. Tell us why Lord Nimmo Smith is wrong in his legal conclusions, why the SFA were misguided to transfer the licence and why the ECA have determined the situation incorrectly. Because at the moment their appears to be little to separate you from those whose motivations are based on prejudice, blind hatred and bigotry.
  13. The war of words between Light Blues chief executive Craig Mather and former Blue Knights leader Paul Murray escalated once again over the weekend, with both sides keen to emerge victorious in the long-running saga. The Requisition Notice put forward by Murray and businessman Jim McColl that called for Mather, finance director Brian Stockbridge and director Bryan Smart to be removed from the Ibrox board was withdrawn last week, with ex-PriceWaterhouseCoopers chief Frank Blin deciding to play no further part after becoming frustrated at the process. The AGM that will shape Rangers' future must be held by the end of October and McCoist is keen for a line to be drawn under the saga once shareholders have had their say at the Light Blues summit. He said: "I hope (there is an end to the acrimony in sight). I don't want to get involved in that and it's not my job. I would be very, very hopeful come the AGM that we get a clean bill of health, we get a tick, and everybody can move forward. "I think that's the dream and hope of every supporter and indeed every member of staff and shareholder." McCoist has had to deal with plenty of boardroom turmoil during his time as Gers boss after working under disgraced former owner Craig Whyte and outspoken chief executive Charles Green in the past. The continuing battle for control of the club has overshadowed the fine start to the season McCoist's side have made on the park in the SPFL League One but the Ibrox manager is becoming accustomed to dealing with top-level controversies. He said: "I certainly haven't become immune to it, but I'm becoming more appreciative there's not a lot I can do about it. "My job is hopefully to get a winning team on the park and that's what I'll continue to do. "I wouldn't say it's background noise. It's just something that's been at the club now for a little while. "It's no use my worrying about things I can't affect. I'm just hopeful that after the AGM, which I think is on October 29, we'll get a line under it and we can all move on. "I appreciate that the most important thing is the playing side. That's what the fans, generally speaking, are far more interested in. "Obviously, the other issues, the fans will have their own questions and favourites, but it's my remit to give the fans something to smile about on the park. "That's what I'll do my best to give them. "I don't know if I have switched off. I don't know if I can switch off." http://www.eveningtimes.co.uk/ranger...6586n.22173072
  14. Mate sent me these quotes from today's Mail. Has Regan or Lawwell admitted before that they knew each other before Regan got the job? Don't buy newspapers so cannot verify quotes. "Peter was previously interested in what was going on in England and wanted to talk about opportunities for the future, so I met him when I was at the Football League" "I get on well with Peter"
  15. ..................... who they trust to put the club back on track KEITH reckons that while Rangers held on to their history, trophies and titles - the club lost its heart and soul after Craig Whyte plunged it under. 16 Sep 2013 00:01 Rangers interim chief executive Craig MatherRangers interim chief executive Craig Mather Graham Stuart/Action Images LET me start with a couple of confessions. First, I don’t know Craig Mather. I have neither met the man nor talked to him. I do happen to know that, in private, he tends not to speak too fondly of me and that’s fine. As someone who has gone to some lengths to expose and condemn the dysfunctionality of the board over which he presides in his highly-paid role as the Rangers chief executive, I would expect nothing else. Mather has made it perfectly clear how badly he wishes to survive in his lucrative position. In fact, both he and financial director Brian Stockbridge have been actively attempting to make themselves bomb-proof from next month’s agm, which is shaping up as a general election to decide the future for Rangers. Perhaps even a defining moment which will determine if this club has much of a future at all. Mather and Stockbridge would prefer not to have to go to the polls. In fact, they wanted desperately to strike a deal with Jim McColl and his group of rebellious shareholders which would have guaranteed their jobs on a new-look board. Perhaps they are worried their credentials will not withstand such a thorough democratic examination and given the mess they have created in their time in charge of the coffers, who could blame them? By Stockbridge’s own recent admission, somewhere between £40million and £50m has gone from the bank vault over the last year or so. This has been an extraordinary cash burn. A £12m injection of funds last summer, followed by £22m from an IPO in December, two lots of £8m from season-ticket sales and various other amounts from commercial deals and hospitality matchday sales. And Stockbridge says only £10m remains. So these men then have already lost a lot. Now though, they stand to lose their own bulging pay packets too and clearly that just won’t do. No wonder they’re prepared to fight in whichever way they can to cling on. And I write this, not only as someone who has personally experienced some dark intimidatory tactics over the past few months, but who has been approached by Rangers employees at both extremities of the club’s pay scale who tell of similar tales. Truly, this club has become toxic beyond belief. After all, for those in charge, it’s all about the pounds, shillings and pence. It’s what brought Mather and Stockbridge to Ibrox in the first instance. It’s what drives them. Mather can hardly sign off on a press release these days without mentioning that he has sunk his own money into this basket case. He did, and in so doing became one of Charles Green’s original backers and trusted allies. Mather handed Green his money and now he wants his pound of flesh. It’s the same with the Easdale Brothers, who were sold a seat on the board by Green, shortly before the Yorkshireman packed up and took his monorail sales pitch to Springfield. All of these characters are hanging around demanding they take what is their due from this club. As is their right. They do not take kindly to being criticised or in some cases even scrutinised. Business is business after all. And Rangers is their business. So, no, I won’t be expecting a Christmas card from Mather. The honest truth of the matter is, for the good of this ravaged and stricken sporting institution, it is my sincere hope that Mather is gone long before then in any case. And that he takes most if not all of the club’s current directors with him. Which moves us along to confession No.2. I DO know Paul Murray. In fact, over the last three years, pretty much since the original Bull**** Billionaire Craig Whyte first appeared on the radar, I have got to know Murray very well indeed. During this time, I have grown to admire the man for his honesty, integrity and sincerity – all qualities which have been in desperately scarce supply around the Rangers trauma. Most of all though I have been struck by his unflinching determination to do the right thing for a football club which has been systematically abused ever since Whyte took it over and forced him off the old board. He is motivated purely by a sense of duty and devotion. In other words Murray is “Aye Ready” to Mather’s “My Readies”. If Mather doesn’t understand what that means he can always ask one of his many spin doctors to explain. They too have to earn their vast Rangers pay checks. And, if nothing else, it’ll keep them off Twitter for a while. That’s where Jack Irvine of Media House, recently reappointed by Mather to fight this dirty war, popped up on Friday full of foul-mouthed, late night insults. Irvine – the man who told the world Craig Whyte was good for Rangers – called McColl a Bull**** Billionaire. And all of this just a few hours after Mather had attempted to humiliate Murray in public with the release of a statement questioning the credentials of this lifelong Rangers fan and former Deutsche Bank high flyer. It was another classless, mean-spirited attack from the club’s own Politburo, in which Murray was made out to be a troublemaker on some sort of vanity project to force his way into a blazer and brogues. Murray responded on Saturday evening when he appeared on BBC Radio to slap Mather back down. And yet, throughout, he maintained a sense of decorum and good manners which seem beyond those currently in charge of the club. Few who listened could have failed to be impressed by the way in which Murray handled himself, or the strength of the message he delivered. He spoke well, his words from the heart and with honesty. Murray stressed that he’d walk away from it all tomorrow so long as he was able to rest at night knowing his club is back in safe hands. Despite the recent smear tactics, I remain convinced that peace of mind is all Murray wishes to gain from this sorry and increasingly spiteful saga. In the end it will all boil down to a matter of trust. The Ibrox fans and the club’s investors will have to decide next month if they trust McColl and Murray. Or if they would rather place their faith in those who continue to recklessly damage Rangers’ reputation. At a time when so much is made about the current status of Rangers, about whether the club died last year or whether it survived the liquidation of the company which owned it, a far more important debate is being ignored among these petty attention seeking squabbles. The truth is, when Green picked this club up for a pittance after Whyte had plunged it under, Rangers held on to its history, its trophies and its titles. Trouble is, it lost its heart and soul somewhere along the way. Perhaps it’ll take men of Murray’s calibre to wipe the ugly snarl from its face and make Rangers recognisable once more.
  16. LET me start with a couple of confessions First, I don’t know Craig Mather. I have neither met the man nor talked to him. I do happen to know that, in private, he tends not to speak too fondly of me and that’s fine. As someone who has gone to some lengths to expose and condemn the dysfunctionality of the board over which he presides in his highly-paid role as the Rangers chief executive, I would expect nothing else. Mather has made it perfectly clear how badly he wishes to survive in his lucrative position. In fact, both he and financial director Brian Stockbridge have been actively attempting to make themselves bomb-proof from next month’s agm, which is shaping up as a general election to decide the future for Rangers. Perhaps even a defining moment which will determine if this club has much of a future at all. Mather and Stockbridge would prefer not to have to go to the polls. In fact, they wanted desperately to strike a deal with Jim McColl and his group of rebellious shareholders which would have guaranteed their jobs on a new-look board. Perhaps they are worried their credentials will not withstand such a thorough democratic examination and given the mess they have created in their time in charge of the coffers, who could blame them? By Stockbridge’s own recent admission, somewhere between £40million and £50m has gone from the bank vault over the last year or so. This has been an extraordinary cash burn. A £12m injection of funds last summer, followed by £22m from an IPO in December, two lots of £8m from season-ticket sales and various other amounts from commercial deals and hospitality matchday sales. And Stockbridge says only £10m remains. So these men then have already lost a lot. Now though, they stand to lose their own bulging pay packets too and clearly that just won’t do. No wonder they’re prepared to fight in whichever way they can to cling on. And I write this, not only as someone who has personally experienced some dark intimidatory tactics over the past few months, but who has been approached by Rangers employees at both extremities of the club’s pay scale who tell of similar tales. Truly, this club has become toxic beyond belief. After all, for those in charge, it’s all about the pounds, shillings and pence. It’s what brought Mather and Stockbridge to Ibrox in the first instance. It’s what drives them. Mather can hardly sign off on a press release these days without mentioning that he has sunk his own money into this basket case. He did, and in so doing became one of Charles Green’s original backers and trusted allies. Mather handed Green his money and now he wants his pound of flesh. It’s the same with the Easdale Brothers, who were sold a seat on the board by Green, shortly before the Yorkshireman packed up and took his monorail sales pitch to Springfield. All of these characters are hanging around demanding they take what is their due from this club. As is their right. They do not take kindly to being criticised or in some cases even scrutinised. Business is business after all. And Rangers is their business. So, no, I won’t be expecting a Christmas card from Mather. The honest truth of the matter is, for the good of this ravaged and stricken sporting institution, it is my sincere hope that Mather is gone long before then in any case. And that he takes most if not all of the club’s current directors with him. Which moves us along to confession No.2. I DO know Paul Murray. In fact, over the last three years, pretty much since the original Bull**** Billionaire Craig Whyte first appeared on the radar, I have got to know Murray very well indeed. During this time, I have grown to admire the man for his honesty, integrity and sincerity – all qualities which have been in desperately scarce supply around the Rangers trauma. Most of all though I have been struck by his unflinching determination to do the right thing for a football club which has been systematically abused ever since Whyte took it over and forced him off the old board. He is motivated purely by a sense of duty and devotion. In other words Murray is “Aye Ready” to Mather’s “My Readies”. If Mather doesn’t understand what that means he can always ask one of his many spin doctors to explain. They too have to earn their vast Rangers pay checks. And, if nothing else, it’ll keep them off Twitter for a while. That’s where Jack Irvine of Media House, recently reappointed by Mather to fight this dirty war, popped up on Friday full of foul-mouthed, late night insults. Irvine – the man who told the world Craig Whyte was good for Rangers – called McColl a Bull**** Billionaire. And all of this just a few hours after Mather had attempted to humiliate Murray in public with the release of a statement questioning the credentials of this lifelong Rangers fan and former Deutsche Bank high flyer. It was another classless, mean-spirited attack from the club’s own Politburo, in which Murray was made out to be a troublemaker on some sort of vanity project to force his way into a blazer and brogues. Murray responded on Saturday evening when he appeared on BBC Radio to slap Mather back down. And yet, throughout, he maintained a sense of decorum and good manners which seem beyond those currently in charge of the club. Few who listened could have failed to be impressed by the way in which Murray handled himself, or the strength of the message he delivered. He spoke well, his words from the heart and with honesty. Murray stressed that he’d walk away from it all tomorrow so long as he was able to rest at night knowing his club is back in safe hands. Despite the recent smear tactics, I remain convinced that peace of mind is all Murray wishes to gain from this sorry and increasingly spiteful saga. In the end it will all boil down to a matter of trust. The Ibrox fans and the club’s investors will have to decide next month if they trust McColl and Murray. Or if they would rather place their faith in those who continue to recklessly damage Rangers’ reputation. At a time when so much is made about the current status of Rangers, about whether the club died last year or whether it survived the liquidation of the company which owned it, a far more important debate is being ignored among these petty attention seeking squabbles. The truth is, when Green picked this club up for a pittance after Whyte had plunged it under, Rangers held on to its history, its trophies and its titles. Trouble is, it lost its heart and soul somewhere along the way. Perhaps it’ll take men of Murray’s calibre to wipe the ugly snarl from its face and make Rangers recognisable once more.
  17. Some thoughts from your humble correspondent on the last few days... http://www.therangersstandard.co.uk/index.php/articles/current-affairs/283-paul-murray-the-uncomfortable-truth
  18. seen this on facebook Just got back from a weeks leave in Sorrento, while mooching around the shops with the wife I was stopped by a young lady who admired my Rangers t shirt. She was an American from Atlanta who was a fellow Ger fan. We got chatting how come I supported Rangers & i asked her in return, why she did? "Oh my uncle Walter used to manage the club" !! we spent the next hour or so chatting about the club, the one thing that came out was that Uncle Walter doesn't do politics hence he appears to distance himself from certain individuals every now & again and wont be used as a pawn. His only interest is for the good of the club.
  19. Aston Villa boss Paul Lambert has cast the former Rangers right-back into the wilderness. Tonight Hutton hopes he can show everyone that Lambert is in the wrong. ALAN HUTTON last night ripped into Aston Villa for leaving his career in limbo. However, he insisted helping Scotland put the brakes on Belgium tonight will prove he can play at the highest level. The Aston Villa right-back, bossed by former Scotland captain Paul Lambert, enjoyed a successful loan spell with Real Mallorca last term and expected to be allowed to return to La Liga on Monday after his club received three offers from Spain. But Villa refused to sanction another loan move and Hutton, who has been frozen out and told he has no future at the Premier League side, now doesn’t know when he’ll play club football again. The defender will be able to move to a Championship club on loan from next week but at the moment his dream of a return to Spain is over. Hutton said: “I had a few opportunities to go back to Spain – there were a few options. Mallorca want me back but I had three options to go back to La Liga and none of them could agree terms. “It’s left me in a position where I am not too sure what is going to happen. “It is very frustrating. If you could picture me that day I was bouncing off the walls but to actually have options – not just one – to go to different teams and they can’t, or aren’t willing to agree terms is very annoying. “I was desperate to leave and nothing comes of it and you are on a bit of a downer. Monday was a nightmare of a day. “But it’s not just that. Even before pre-season I had options to leave and they still couldn’t agree terms. Then a month down the line they still can’t do it.” Hutton revealed a group of outcasts were forced to train together and expressed his delight that Scotland team-mate Barry Bannan who moved to Crystal Palace on deadline day, managed to escape. He said: “There were lots of us; Darren Bent, Stephen Ireland – I am talking international players. Charles N’Zogbia, who have just been put to the side and for me it is not what should be done. We are not kids. “I was buzzing for Barry that he got out because he is a great player and doesn’t deserve to be treated like that. Unfortunately for myself it didn’t come off and I am angry about it.” http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/scotland-defender-alan-hutton-rips-2254988
  20. Deal till the end of the season apparently... @RFC_Official: #Rangers can confirm tonight they have signed 34-year old goalkeeper Steve Simonsen until the end of the season: http://t.co/FFOrJANCaM @RFC_Official: .@andymitch8 has also gone out on loan to @AnnanAthleticFC & Scott Gallacher has joined @AirdrieoniansFC on loan: http://t.co/FFOrJANCaM
  21. From the Herald: Shareholders claim Rangers' broker blocked compromise agreement with club's current directors Published on 13 September 2013 The shareholders who were seeking boardroom change at Rangers claim the club's broker blocked their compromise agreement with the current directors. Rangers announced on Thursday that a requisition to remove three directors and appoint Paul Murray and Frank Blin to the board had been withdrawn in return for a guarantee that their annual general meeting would be held before the end of October. The two groups had appeared close to an agreement the previous week when Rangers released a statement claiming that Murray, Blin, Sandy Easdale and John McClelland would be appointed to a new nine-man board. But the "requisitioners" then denied agreeing to a vote of confidence in the current board. Talks continued but broke down this week as signalled by the club's statement to the London Stock Exchange, and Blin has now withdrawn from the entire process. Revolution remains on the agenda The disgruntled shareholders have now said that Strand Hanson, the club's nominated advisor (Nomad) and broker, vetoed any deal but did not explain why. The fate of the current five-man board - Craig Mather, Brian Stockbridge, Bryan Smart, James Easdale and Ian Hart - now rests with the shareholders at the AGM. In a statement, a spokesman for the requisitioners said: "We embarked on this exercise seven weeks ago at the request of shareholders speaking for 28% of the club's shares. "They had concerns over a lack of corporate governance and financial transparency at the club and they wanted those issues addressed by the appointment of Paul Murray and Frank Blin to the board and the removal of Craig Mather, Brian Stockbridge and Bryan Smart. "Two significant events have occurred since we started this process. Firstly, Walter Smith resigned as chairman and secondly, the board informed us that the Easdale family had secured control over a significant minority of the club's shares. "As a result we came to the conclusion that the best way to secure a stable board and avoid further shareholder challenges was to negotiate a compromise with the board. "We have engaged in compromise discussions for the last three weeks. A key element of any compromise was that we could not give any guarantees to the current board members. It is democratic and fair that all directors, existing and new, will have to offer themselves up for a re-election vote at the AGM in October. "On this basis we agreed a compromise agreement with the board but on Monday evening they informed us that the Nomad, Strand Hanson, were refusing to approve it. Despite repeated attempts by us, Strand Hanson have refused to engage with us to explain the reasons for their stance. "With compromise impossible we have continued discussions over the last few days with a view to combining the AGM and the GM. These discussions broke down on Wednesday when the board refused to agree to our request that no further board members could be appointed in the run-up to the AGM. Without this protection Paul Murray and Frank Blin would have been uncertain as to what board they might be joining. As a consequence, Frank Blin will not seek election to the board and will have no further involvement. "In addition, the board informed us yesterday that Strand Hanson were not prepared to support Paul Murray's election to the board at the AGM. Yet again they have refused to engage with us to explain their reasons. "On the basis of the constantly changing circumstances and the lack of consistency in people's positions we have therefore decided to withdraw the requisition. We have done this on the condition that the AGM is held no later than 31 October. "We now believe that the AGM will provide the platform for the shareholders to decide who should lead the club. All the directors will have to offer themselves for re-election and we would encourage all shareholders to vote and show whether they have confidence in the current board or not." Strand Hanson was not available for comment. The company was appointed by Rangers on July 9, replacing Cenkos Securities, on the same day as former chairman Malcolm Murray and Phil Cartmell left the board and James Easdale was appointed.
  22. The Rangers International Football Club Plc has shortened its accounting period from 30 November 2013 to 30 June 2013. Documents lodged with Companies House showed all future accounting periods will now end on this date. Similar documents were also filed for its subsidiaries, Rangers Media Ltd and Sevco Scotland Ltd. The annual return document filed for Sevco Scotland Ltd - the company which bought Rangers' assets after its 2012 financial collapse - was incomplete. Rangers International Football Club Plc's (RIFC) interim financial results were published in March, and the shortening of the date will now bring it in line with almost every other football club in Scotland. Assets purchase Sevco Scotland Ltd was the company that acquired the assets of Rangers Football Club PLC last summer after the company formally entered liquidation proceedings, but Sevco's annual return was due to be filed by 26 June and was only registered with Companies House on 12 September. The document was dated 29 May and contains no details of shareholding during the return period from the company's date of incorporation. The annual return document normally provides details of the identities of company shareholders, which, in this case, would indicate who owned shares in Sevco Scotland Ltd before its acquisition by RIFC. The document lists officers of the company, including Charles Green, Brian Stockbridge and Craig Mather, but has no details of individual or group shareholdings. RIFC's statement of annual accounts - including details of any wholly-owned subsidiaries - requires to be published a month before the company's Annual General Meeting, which must take place no later than 31 October. Shareholders require three weeks' notice for the AGM and advance sight of the accounting report, whereupon they will vote to accept or reject the accounts. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-business-24086184
  23. Further to the announcement on 10 September 2013, the Company confirms that the Board's discussions have been continuing with representatives of the group who requisitioned (together the "Requisitioners") a general meeting to consider the proposed resolutions ("Requisition") detailed in the announcement on 2 August 2013 ("General Meeting"). The Company can confirm that the Requisitioners have withdrawn the Requisition which put forward resolutions for the removal of Craig Mather, Brian Stockbridge and Bryan Smart as Directors of the Company and for the appointment Frank Blin and Paul Murray as Non-Executive Directors of the Company on the condition that the Company convenes its Annual General Meeting to be held no later than 31 October 2013. The Company confirms that all of the current Directors remain in office and that it is not appointing any additional Directors save that as previously announced, the Company confirms that it continues to actively seek to appoint a new Chairman. Further announcements will be made as appropriate. http://www.londonstockexchange.com/e...entId=11707849
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