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  1. Couple of digs at Ally. Also claims to be a lot fitter now. I feel he mentions the pressure not getting to him too much. http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/john-fleck-starting-hit-heights-3003530'>http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/john-fleck-starting-hit-heights-3003530 IT’S easy to forget John Fleck is just 22. He appeared in the 2008 Scottish Cup Final for Rangers at 16 but was being hailed as Scotland’s next big thing long before then. That’s why when the Scot reflects on a rollercoaster start to his career, even he says the hype was unjustified. Fleck left Glasgow for the first time in summer 2012 – after the Ibrox club’s financial meltdown – to begin a new life in Coventry, away from the city’s goldfish bowl and Old Firm spotlight. And 18 months on the little playmaker believes the move has been the making of him. More mature, both on and off the pitch, Fleck is now a father and senior member of Steven Pressley’s Sky Blues dressing room. For the first time there are no Wayne Rooney comparisons and predictions of being Scotland’s next superstar. Instead, he’s simply enjoying the most productive spell of his career so far. Fleck told Record Sport: “I get asked all the time if I couldn’t handle the weight of expectation on my shoulders at Ibrox. But I can honestly say it didn’t affect me at all. “I’m a laidback person and tried not to take any notice of the hype. I just tried to do my best – if that was good enough, great, if not there wasn’t a lot I could do about it. “I’m now starting to show if I’m played in the right position by a manager who has faith in me I can do well. I’m getting the rewards for that at Coventry. “I can always do better. But the expectation on me at a young age was too much. People were taking it too far. “Even back then I felt people were talking me up so they could knock me back down. “In a way that’s what happened. So I’m glad I didn’t let it influence me. I feel I’m playing well now. “I’m doing what I’ve always done – trying to get on the ball, play passes and make things happen. “I’m a lot fitter than I was at Rangers too and I’m feeling really good right now.” Fleck is one of the first names on Pressley’s teamsheet at Coventry and is operating where he always wanted to at Rangers, in the heart of midfield. People questioned the switch to the Midlands, especially as City subsequently suffered similar financial problems to Gers and were forced out of their Ricoh Arena stadium. But the former Scotland Under-21 starlet has no regrets and now sees his long-term future in England. He said: “The move has been great and I’ve played in almost every game this season. “The manager has got the team doing well – we think we can really do something in this league. We’ve also done well in the FA Cup and have Arsenal at the Emirates in the next round. “Personally, it’s just good to be a regular in the team. I had to take my chance down here. It was the first time I’d moved away from Glasgow permanently so I didn’t know what to expect. “I’d like to think I’ve taken the opportunity and, looking at it now, things have worked out for the better. “I’m playing in central midfield, where I’ve always wanted to, for a manager who believes in me. So I’m really enjoying it. “It’s a physical league and I’m a wee guy but I’ve always liked a tackle. I’ve never been scared to do that side of the game. “Coventry have had their problems recently but they’re a massive club with a huge fanbase. The supporters have been brilliant with me. “I’d like to stay down here as long as I can and it would be great to be part of Coventry’s revival. No one gave us a chance in the summer but we’re getting there – and I want to take the club back where it belongs.” Fleck is still the same kid who burst on to the scene at Rangers and scored an Ibrox winner aged just 17. But his outlook has now changed, largely due to the birth of son Hudson in June. However, despite settling down away from the pitch he’s as determined as he’s ever been to fulfil the potential every scout in Scotland saw in him when he was barely out of school. He said: “I wouldn’t say there’s less pressure here than playing for Rangers. I always put pressure on myself to play well. The manager also expects a lot from me at Coventry. “Maybe from the supporters there was more pressure at Ibrox. But no matter who I was playing for I’d put pressure on myself. “I’m still ambitious and want to play at the highest level. I’m only 22 so have my whole career ahead of me. “That’s the problem, people think I’m a lot older because I made my Rangers debut at 15. But I’m still young so I’m just concentrating on doing well for City. “That debut seems like a long time ago – but I’m looking forward to the future now. “I’ve matured as a person down here. I’ve had a kid, my wee boy Hudson is five months old, and I’m trying to look out for him now along with his mum Lauren. “I’m loving it but it changes your life. It’s amazing, so everything’s good right now. I’m a Glasgow boy but I’m enjoying life in England. “It’s difficult getting up the road to see family but that’s just part of football. I’d like to play in Scotland again at some point but at the moment I see my future in England.” From Daily record: http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/john-fleck-starting-hit-heights-3003530
  2. Hopefully he gets a chance with Rangers next year as McCulloch is getting too old for the top divisions.
  3. SHIELS has played just 15 minutes of first team action in two months but agent Sam Morrow insists the player is not looking to move on. DEAN Shiels’ agent is seeking talks with Rangers boss Ally McCoist to discover whether his client has a future at Ibrox. The 28-year-old has played just 15 minutes of first-team football in the last two months – despite being fit for all of that time. The Northern Ireland forward suffered medial-ligament damage against Annan in March and came back too early in August, managing only three games before suffering a relapse with his knee. But agent Sam Morrow insists Shiels has been raring to go since November and is baffled as to why McCoist hasn’t picked him more. After last month’s 4-0 win over Dunfermline, the Ibrox boss shot down rumours that Shiels had been told to find another club. Now Morrow wants to speak to McCoist in person after revealing Shiels is desperate to stay with the team he loves. He said: “Dean has been fit for two months now. He has been working hard and doing extra training – he’s champing at the bit to play again. “We’re in the dark as to why he hasn’t featured more often. I left a message for Ally last week but he hasn’t got back to me yet. “I appreciate this has been a hectic schedule for the club and I’m not trying to tell him how to do his job. I’m just looking to have a chat so we can help Dean to stay focused. “You can become disillusioned when you’re not playing. It can be difficult doing all the hard graft during the week and then having nothing to show for it on a Saturday. “In Dean’s case, there is added frustration because he wasn’t left out due to a loss of form but because of injury and it has been a long time since he was playing regularly.” Shiels signed a four-year deal at Ibrox after leaving Kilmarnock in 2012 and has no intention of moving. But Morrow admits his client’s international career will suffer if he continues to be left on the sidelines by McCoist this season. He said: “All Dean wants to do is play for Glasgow Rangers, the club that he loves. “I’m sure Ally will get in touch with me whenever he gets a minute but we’re just looking for a little reassurance from him. “There were rumours the other week that Dean had been told he could leave if he could find another club but that’s absolute rubbish. I saw Ally has confirmed that too. “His position is different from fringe players who haven’t been getting a game for other reasons. I’m sure that it’s just a matter of time before Dean is playing for Rangers again. “He’s a talented boy and it’s just over a year-and-a-half since PFA Scotland shortlisted him as one of the four best players in the top flight. “Dean wants to show the fans what he is capable of and there is also his situation with Northern Ireland to be taken into consideration. “He was a regular starter under Michael O’Neill when he was fit but he needs to be playing for Rangers to be considered.” Meanwhile, Kenny Miller could see his hopes of a third spell with Rangers dashed because of a transfer stand-off with his Vancouver strike partner. The 33-year-old has admitted he would love to return to Ibrox but Miller is unlikely to be allowed to move in this month’s window. The former Scotland star will be needed at his MLS club after Brazilian striker Camilo Sanvezzo was at the centre of a transfer mystery. The 25-year-old – who is believed to be unhappy he earns just a quarter of Miller’s wages – has been pictured undergoing a medical at Mexican side Queretaro FC, despite Vancouver claiming he’s still under contract for another year. Whitecaps are desperately trying to get the ‘transfer’ declared void after president Bob Lenarduzzi said: “It’s unacceptable and inappropriate.” http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/rangers-striker-dean-shiels-determined-2999685
  4. Warning to posters. This morning we received a letter from Peter Watson, solicitor advocate of Levy & McRae acting on behalf of Mr & Mr Easdale. The letter asked us to remove posts from 3 separate individuals (NOT POSTS FROM SONS OF STRUTH) We would like to remind posters that this is an open social network page and as such is available to be viewed by any members of the public and posters should take care regarding defamation and The Offensive Behaviour at Football and Threatening Communications Act 2012 https://www.facebook.com/SonsOfStruth
  5. A Rangers fan who posted a threatening message about Celtic manager Neil Lennon on Twitter has been cleared of committing an offence. Christopher Hay, 22, was the first person to be charged under the Offensive Behaviour at Football and Threatening Communcations Act in 2012, after writing a message on his social networking site the day the act came into force. Chip shop worker Hay, from Kirkintilloch posted "I seriously do wish that someone would kill that ugly ginger c***, I should've planned my parcel bombs better, next time it'll work #w*****". The comment was posted during the high profile parcel bomb trial at the High Court in Glasgow. Hay claimed it was a "throwaway comment" made by him and not intended to be seen by Lennon. He denied intending to cause fear or alarm or being reckless as to whether he did or not, at his trial at Glasgow Sheriff Court and was found not guilty by sheriff Stuart Reid. While the sheriff branded the comment "an offensive and threatening communication" he said that after considering all of the evidence, that there was not the necessary criminal intent needed for Hay to be found guilty. The court heard that during a police operation, the post was spotted using keywords on a search facility of Twitter. A designated officer who had to search for offensive messages during the trial of Trevor Muirhead and Neil McKenzie, spotted the message and traced it to Hay. When interviewed by police Hay admitted posting the comment on his social networking site. Although he posted the message, he claimed it was never intended to be seen by anyone except his 23 friends who "follow" and view his posts on Twitter and that he claimed were "close friends". The court heard that Lennon's name was not mentioned in the comment and it was not directed towards him by copying it on to his official Twitter site but was written about him. Hay, a self-confessed Rangers fan, claimed: "I had no intention to cause fear or alarm to anybody. It was an absolute throwaway comment, I didn't intend it to go futher." Nobody re-posted the message on their web pages or commented on it. Hay told the court: "It was a moment of madness". When asked why he wrote it he said: "I have no reason in particular why I sent it. I can't even think why I would write such a thing." Procurator fiscal depute Stephen Ferguson asked: "If Neil Lennon or someone close to Neil Lennon were to see that how do you think they would feel?" Hay answered: "They wouldn't be very pleased about it. Taken aback by it, it's not very nice, not something you want to see." Muirhead, 44, and McKenzie, 42, from North Ayrshire, sent devices they believed were capable of exploding and causing injury. The men were found guilty in March 2012 of conspiracy to assault Lennon, former MSP Trish Godman and the late Paul McBride QC and were jailed for five years. http://news.stv.tv/west-central/259433-christopher-hay-cleared-over-offensive-post-celtics-about-neil-lennon/
  6. http://t.co/PSk0f6x5yf At some stage this week, Graham Wallace and Ally McCoist will sit down together for a meeting that will shape Rangers' immediate future. The chief executive wants to draw up and implement a football player asset strategy, and that begins with a discussion with the manager. They have the same aim, for Rangers to be successful on the field, and they need not have competing interests, since McCoist will have no more wish to spend money that Rangers cannot afford than Wallace himself. None the less, the complexities of the process and the dynamic at play will be significant for the club. By his own admission, Wallace needs to cut the cost base at Ibrox, as well as raising revenue streams. During last month's annual meeting of Rangers International Football Club shareholders, he said that the "cost structure is currently too high for the top division, never mind for the lower leagues", meaning that the business needs streamlined regardless of any commercial uplifts. This is a sensible and prudent strategy, and one that was critically missing from his two predecessors, Craig Mather and Charles Green. They were both courting public approval, but Wallace is a time-served corporate figure, and so brings the financial and business rigour that they did not apply. Indeed, any drastic cuts ought to have been implemented by Green in the summer of 2012, when the consortium he fronted bought the business and assets of Rangers Football Club plc in liquidation; that was the fresh start. Rangers need a coherent plan that addresses both short and medium-term progress, which is why the immediate issues Wallace will tackle cannot be considered in isolation. The extent of the required cost-cutting is unknown, but it is balance that is more important than simply reducing the bottom line. With Rangers potentially returning to the top-flight in 18 months, it would be a false economy to diminish the quality of the playing squad. There are players earning good money who have not contributed this season, either through the form of themselves or others; Emilson Cribari, David Templeton, or injury; Dean Shiels, Ross Perry, Kyle Hutton, but Rangers will also need to strengthen for next season's campaign. Wallace and McCoist, in their assessment of the squad's strengths and weaknesses, need to find where costs can be trimmed without affecting the strength of the playing staff overall. The manager and his coaches have agreed to take a wage cut, but any overall assessment of Rangers' football department needs to take into account the requirement for a chief scout to be appointed and for the youth development set-up and sports science department to be able to operate best practice throughout. The planning for the next two years needs to begin now, and that will be as much a part of the meeting between Wallace and McCoist as any element of initial cost cutting. As Wallace has acknowledged, once he has balanced the incomings and outgoings he will draw up a business plan to enable fresh investment to be sought. If Rangers are to return to the status that the club previously held, and which supporters continue to expect, then the requirement is not just to apply some commonsense to the business as it stands, but generate new funding to invest principally in the team. It is a question of priorities, but every decision made now has an impact in the coming years. That is where Wallace and McCoist need to work together, to ensure a strategy that strengthens the football department in time. Supporters will tolerate cuts at this period in time, but there remains a sense of the fanbase making its own assessments of the current regime. The inevitable rise in season ticket sales for the Championship will be borne without complaint because fans understand the financial necessity, but also because of the excitement that will come from the campaign to try to return Rangers to the top flight. There will be wariness, though, if there is a perception that the squad is not good enough to take that challenge on. These are the demands and obligations that every club faces, of course. From the summer of 2012, when a registration embargo loomed and Rangers were in the bottom tier, to last summer, there has been an element of improvisation to the club's signings. Rangers were restricted as they sought to add to the squad, and not least because the manager was never given a budget to work to. The working relationship between Wallace and McCoist is critical, and in a sense they are both under scrutiny; McCoist for the team's performance, and Wallace for the business's. He has already begun a review of every aspect of Rangers' operations, so it is not just the football budget that is being assessed. Rangers are, effectively, in the middle of the journey back to the top flight. Decisions made in the coming months will determine what kind of force they will be when they do return.
  7. “I wish for you all, each of you, to have your own motive for indignation. This is precious. When something outrages you as I was outraged by Nazism, then people become militant, strong, and involved.” (Stephane Hessel) Much has been made of the comments at the Celtic AGM, particularly the jibes by an SFA board member, who, in his dual role, also officiates over certain matters at Celtic FC. If such comments were seen as an attempt to play to the gallery, Chairman Ian Bankier’s comment that there was “a tremendous romance attached to the club” were perhaps an attempt to detract from a far greater romantic screenplay which is developing over the other side of the city. For this developing screenplay has all the ingredients to be a box office sell out, and in fact, already has sold out time and time again. Furthermore its ability to capture the imagination and attention of those beyond these shores shows no sign of abating. It can neither be stopped nor controlled because it’s driving force, the Rangers support, will forever be beyond the reach and control of even multi-roled individuals with alarming, and questionable influence. Its a loyalty which cannot be bought, is not and will not be offered for sale, no matter the offer on the table. It has the twists of trickery, the depravity of deceit, the unedifying behaviour of the unscrupulous. Unbridled hatred is there for all to see as well Machiavellian plots which would do The Prince justice. Intransigence, incompetence and intent to injure, to destroy an institution are laid bare before all. These factors should set the scene for what would be an overwhelming victory, an annihilation, an extermination. That no such victory was forthcoming is testament to the screenplay’s heroes. Normal men and women whose love for their football club laid to waste the plotters and their schemes. She may have been kicked countless times when she was down, but time and time again the blue legions would pick her up and brace themselves for the next onslaught. Rangers may have been down, battered and bruised, but most certainly not out. And so the march onwards continues. Relentless. When people speak of the romance of Scottish football they think of the institution which would not die – because her fans would not let it be so. They filled stadiums, broke world records, were the cause of games being postponed. You want romance Mr Bankier ? Look no further than Ibrox. Forget “defiance” or even vengeance. The bad news for all the cowards who swung the boot whilst we were down is that it is something much worse than either defiance or vengeance. Righteous Indignation. It will pursue the plotters, the schemers, and the incompetent. The level of hatred and lack of mercy displayed by many, I can assure you, will be duly reciprocated. And then some. Agencies and individuals cannot hide forever behind anonymity, excuses of “whistleblowing” and “sporting integrity”. In the near future a criminal enquiry will reach it’s conclusion and the long arm of the law will finally get to grips with some of the plotters. The time for Government Agencies hiding behind the excuse of “ongoing criminal enquiries” will be over. If some of them think that Police Scotland are the extent of their worries, then they would be well advised to think again. The failings are already within the public domain and no amount of retrospective action will remedy them. All we are really waiting for is to see the extent and the scope of the Police Scotland enquiry. We will be reviewing such an enquiry through eyes filled with righteous indignation – and only the full extent of the application of the law will satisfy. Rangers are indeed coming, on a tidal wind of righteous indignation, perhaps many in Scotland would do well to brace themselves.
  8. I think some people have completely lost all perspective. We've played some lovely stuff at times this season scoring barrow loads of goals in the process, we've also struggled in games yet still won the vast majority of them. I don't think anyone is happy with the latter, other than the results, but recognise that he's in a no-win situation until we're back at the top. We've all been puzzled by some of the selections and tactical decisions. But equally, the football is better than last season and some of the changes made etc.. have made a difference. McCoist has shown little so far to suggest he is a world beating manager, but he hasn't shown that he is a totally clueless fool either. I think two points which invariably get lost in these debates is that there has been a clear improvement from the dross last season and that McCoist may not be the answer long term, but that remains to be seen. At the moment he is meeting expectations and that should be good enough for the majority of the support.
  9. Neil Doncaster has defended the implementation of the SPFL model, describing 2013 as a "challenging year" for the Scottish game. The SPFL chief executive covered many topics in an exclusive interview with STV, including the continued lack of a league sponsor, measures taken to prevent rogue owners from buying clubs and even Celtic's dominance of the top flight. Speaking to STV he said: "It’s certainly been a challenging year with all the hard work that went into getting the merger agreed. "That was years of hard work coming together in what was a very successful outcome. "It’s been challenging but ultimately it’s been extremely satisfying that everything we wanted to achieve, and everything Henry McLeish recommended, that fans wanted for so long, we’ve delivered. I think credit for these achievements should go to the 42 clubs. "Change is difficult and it does create concern for the future but the clubs have taken that leap of faith and I hope they’ll be rewarded for it." Looking ahead to 2014 Doncaster outlines his hopes and ambitions, calling for a greater emphasis on the actual football being played in the new set-up. "My hope is that going into 2014 the focus will be less on off-the-field matters that have dominated the agenda for so long and we’ll be far more on the passion, the drama, the excitement for which Scottish football is renowned," he explained. "We’ve got some bright talents coming through and it’s right that we should be focussing on those rather than the off the field matters." Doncaster seemed unconcerned by the lack of a title sponsor for the new league set-up, adding that the new year provides companies with a unique opportunity. He said: "We have a real opportunity coming into the new year with a new league for a sponsor to be the first sponsor of the SPFL. "The league has only been in existence several months and the fact is that companies looking to spend a fairly large amount of money will not do so at the drop of a hat. "There are several ongoing conversations with several large companies, large brands who have an interest in being involved with the league. We’re certainly hopeful that those will generate positive outcomes this year. "In terms of money generally, sponsorship makes up a very small percentage of the overall income of the league. "Most of it is down to broadcasting income and we’ve been very successful with overseas deals this year, which is a relatively big deal for the SPFL." Doncaster refuted the claim that this season's Scottish Premiership is proving uncompetitive, explaining how he seels the league to prospective investors and commercial partners. He said: "Scottish football is so key to society in Scotland. "We are well renowned throughout the world and the fact is that more people attend a top flight game in Scotland per capita than any other country in Europe. "I think the game sells itself but we want to make sure we have the right partner and a good sponsor for the right money." http://sport.stv.tv/football/scottish-premier/258745-neil-doncaster-looks-back-on-2013-as-a-challenging-year/
  10. By Keith Jackson, Anthony Haggerty ........as Ally McCoist gets set for decisive meeting with Ibrox chief Graham Wallace 31 Dec 2013 07:15 WALLACE admitted at the club’s agm that Rangers can’t continue to haemorrhage cash and McCoist is bracing himself for instructions to oversee savage reductions. ALLY McCOIST is facing a crunch New Year showdown with chief executive Graham Wallace to discover the full extent of an expected Ibrox cost-cutting purge. The Rangers boss watched his side go 14 points clear in League One last night with a 4-0 win at nearest challengers Dunfermline. And Record Sport understands McCoist will meet with Wallace this weekend, as soon as the recently appointed CEO returns from a break abroad. Top of the agenda will be how badly his first-team budget will be affected if Wallace follows through on his promise to slash wages across the board in a bid to stave off another financial trauma. Wallace admitted at the club’s agm earlier this month that Rangers can’t continue to haemorrhage cash at the levels which have seen them burn through almost £22million of IPO money in 12 months. The wage bill for McCoist’s first-team squad currently accounts for only around £6m of that total but the manager is bracing himself for bad news and instructions to oversee further savage reductions. A close source said: “This is a very delicate situation and one which Wallace will have to handle carefully. “On the one hand he is absolutely correct when he talks about a need to cut costs because the levels of spending are clearly not sustainable. “But at the same time there is an argument of false economics and a genuine worry that further reducing the quality of the manager’s squad will bring about a sizeable drop in season-ticket sales. “There are obvious trust issues between the supporters and this board already and there is a very real danger that more and more fans will be turned off if the product on the park is made to suffer. “This meeting will be an early test of the chief executive’s credentials.” After last night’s win at East End Park, McCoist said: “Graham is back in the first week in January and I’ll be better qualified to comment then.” The Ibrox gaffer also played down rumours forward Dean Shiels would be the first casualty of the cuts. Twitter went into overdrive yesterday with claims the Northern Ireland international, who earns a reputed £7000 a week, has been told he is free to find another club. But McCoist said: “There’s no truth in that rumour. Dean was on the bench here and is in our plans. “It doesn’t anger me. I know not to believe everything I read and hear. Hopefully it doesn’t unsettle Dean.” Gers took a big stride towards the title last night as they moved 14 clear of the Pars with a game in hand. But McCoist said: “I can’t say the league is over. I never would say it and be disrespectful to the opposition. What I will say is that was a big three points. We were playing the team closest to us and they were making one or two noises about the game.” Pars boss Jim Jefferies said: “We did not have any experienced players and that makes a huge difference. The boys made mistakes but I don’t want to blame them as they will learn.”
  11. Dunfermline- The Height of Hypocrisy By Stephstar For any bear attending this match I hope the words of John Yorkston rings deafening in their ears! 2nd June 2012 – source: Daylate Rhebel. http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/dunfermline-chief-john-yorkston-rangers-1128190 DUNFERMLINE chief John Yorkston says the SFA have no choice but to boot Rangers out of the game because a Scottish Cup ban is too soft. The Pars chairman saw his club kicked out of the cup in 2010 for clerical mistakes that saw them field the suspended Calum Woods as a sub in a 7-1 win over Stenhousemuir. They are far from the only ones with Spartans, Brechin City and East Stirling all having been expelled from the competition for fielding ineligible players through honest mistakes. So Yorkston insists it would be ludicrous to deal Rangers the same punishment for dodging taxes and putting the nation’s football future in jeopardy by pursuing the SFA through civil courts., So 19 months later… we have seen Dunfermline enter administration (without punishment) and exit via ZERO pence in the pounds CVA, while openly gloating that each and every Rangers game this season will take them one step closer to profitability. Of course no one wants to mention the £134K tax bill they walked away from do they! Never mind the £12 Million in debts to organisations such as the Red Cross/NHS Fife (£2 Million +) or even the £1200+ currently owed to Rangers OldCo’s creditors after all they got their ZERO pence CVA, so that makes it okay doesn’t it! I’ll bet they throw the red carpet out for the current board, while reducing the attendance by over 7000 just as they did for the last match they played Rangers in the SPhell. I doubt if hector will worry about the lost revenues after all. So any rangers fan who does attend Monday’s match can go home happy that no matter what the result at East End Park, they’ve proven that it’s profitable to be lying cheating scum (as long as you are kicking Rangers).
  12. by ANDREW SMITH A BUMPER crowd is expected as Celtic bring in the bells at home to Partick Thistle on Wednesday. With free tickets dished out and buses laid on, who knows, the Parkhead ground may even be at least half full. It hasn’t been that way recently. Indeed, the past two league games are the first back-to-back such encounters to have attracted crowds of less than 30,000 while the championship has been a live issue since the stadium became a 60,000-seater arena in 1998. Then, accurate attendances were given out. Now, these require freedom of information requests, with the club aggregating the number of paid-for-seats, which amounted to 46,000 for each of the victories over Hibernian and Hearts this month. If that appears undoubtedly healthy then what is not is that around 20,000 season ticket holders – around half the entire figure, in fact – are electing to think better of occupying seats they have already parted with their money for. It will be pointed out that the weather and time of year led to a dip in attendances throughout the country but that doesn’t explain what is driving down Celtic’s capacity to have punters come out to watch them. In the year-and-a-half the top flight has been devoid of the Rangers brand, Celtic have made great play of the fact that they have a standalone strategy not dependent on rivalry with a club playing out of Ibrox. And, having turned a debt into cash in the bank and posted a near-£10 million profit last year, they are making good on their assertion. Yet the declining interest from Celtic fans in watching a procession to their third championship demonstrates that they would struggle to operate at their current level if there was never again a team called Rangers in the top flight. The last two home games offered a glimpse of what would be the norm if the club operated in an environment in which they had no major – even from a numerical and cultural sense – rival. The 20,000 no-showers among Celtic’s season ticket holder base probably retain their tickets currently for two reasons: they received a £100 reduction on them last summer and it will probably be only 18 months before there is a Rangers to ridicule and lord it over in the Premiership. Without that promise of ding-dong derby days, most of these fans would probably chuck their tickets. In a non-Rangers world, then, Celtic would have a rain-or-shine hardcore of around 25,000. When they won the last of their nine-in-a-row run of titles in 1974, that was roughly their home average, as it was when they hit rock bottom in 1994. To live within the means that a 25,000 season-ticket-holder base generated, there is no way Celtic would operate with the £30m playing budget they have at present, or spend even sums of £2m on a couple of players every summer. Such a reduced season-ticket-holder figure – with child and younger person reductions taken into account – would bring in around £8m. Celtic’s ticket sales for the Champions League last year alone were £10m. In the Martin O’Neill era, season tickets sales coined in £23m. Celtic are too cautious to rely on Champions League income every year to prevent major losses. However much their club’s supporters may want to be in denial about it, then, with no Rangers permanently in their domain, Celtic would undergo serious downsizing and most home games the club’s stadium would be morgue-like. In turn, a lower spend on player wages would inhibit the calibre of individual that could be recruited, which would result in the team being weaker and potentially more vulnerable across the three rounds of Champions League qualifiers they require to negotiate to reach the group stages. It is perhaps surprising just how quickly almost half Celtic’s season ticket holders have canned watching domestic games. Two years ago, their team wasn’t even champions. The apologists would claim that the club’s treatment of the now dispersed Green Brigade and its perceived attempts to “sanitise” the support has helped turn off sections of the support, but few are buying that. In the Glasgow domain, for a great many it is quite clear that hatred of the other side fuels interest more than love of their own club. And without this adversarial outlet, it is noticeable how the stuggles of both Celtic and Rangers have become internalised. When it was put to Celtic manager Neil Lennon that some of his supporters appear to have short memories, he said: “And a self-destrcut button. And it’s not helpful.” The Irishman said he “can’t look at” the possibility that some Celtic fans have turned to navel gazing about their club as a more satisfying pastime than actually attending games. “My objective is to take the team forward,” Lennon said. “I am aware of the point being made because it is almost as if they need something to fight or argue about. But I can’t do anything about that.” In terms of the lowly 25,000 crowd estimated to have turned up for the 12.15 visit of Hearts last Saturday, Lennon pointed to mitigating circumstances beyond climate. “It’s the first time we’ve had a home game televised for a while and it’s Christmas as well which might have had a big effect on the crowd. We are always looking to give fans value for money and we’re always looking to bring a player in who might capture the imagination as well. But we’re 16 games unbeaten and we can’t do much more than that. Our away form has been very good but it’s a little bit different at home where teams camp in for long periods of the game. I know it’s up to us to try and break them down but we try to give the fans value for money at home as well. “I don’t think [what has happened with the Green Brigade] has had any effect. There might have been a Champions League hangover as well. We’re out of that competition now. I would expect over the festive period the crowds will pick up again and we have Partick Thistle on New Year’s Day and I would imagine there will be a decent crowd for that one.” A “decent crowd” these days, is very different from what it was five years ago. http://www.scotsman.com/sport/football/latest/poor-attendances-suggest-celtic-need-rangers-1-3249508
  13. Hardly a shock and was expected but if the Steve Clarke sacking was not justified then this one takes the Michael. He has done wonders for Cardiff. Tan saying he over spent and should do much better with 50m, however that's not the case. When you are side who hasn't been yo-yo-ing the premier league the difference between the Championship and PL is 50m just to stay there and survive and that's what Cardiff are doing. Would say Mackay will walk into the West Brom job but may leave it for a bigger position eventually. Could see Mackay being a future Scottish boss. He is like McLeish but with tactical knowledge
  14. 1) does anyone else think Wallace, Somers and Crichton will all be gone before the end of the season ? 2) at what point will Dave King be approached to invest in and takeover Rangers? When I hear our new CEO talking about cutting costs I genuinely worry if that involves the first team squad. This team needs strengthened not weakened which these costs would ultimately achieve.If he goes ahead with this I genuinely believe we could return to what we were in the early 1980's with a sub-standard team which people won't pay to watch. I'd previously said this new board needs to be given time.Now though I'm not so sure. Some of the insinuations being made give me cause for concern.
  15. You know, some had to do it! Barrie McKay might be off to Morton for ONE months. Greenock Telegraph
  16. Rangers boss Ally McCoist claimed he was not bothered as his team's 100 per cent record in League One was ended with a 1-1 draw against Stranraer. The Ibrox men harboured hopes of winning all their matches in the third-tier this season but were undone with a stoppage-time equaliser from Jamie Longworth. McCoist admitted his team were below par, and felt the visitors could have got more from the game. He said: "I will be 100 per cent honest with you - I actually couldn't give a monkey's about the record. I really couldn't. "I'm not interested in the record, I'm only concerned about the level of performance that we gave and it was extremely disappointing. "It was a really disappointing day for us. Certainly I'm of the opinion that Stranraer more than deserved their point." I can remember a time when we had ambition.
  17. Bell; Faure, McCulloch, Mohsni, Wallace; Black; Peralta, Law, Macleod; Clark, Daly
  18. WITH 18 goals in his first 19 games for Rangers, there is no reason for Jon Daly to be anything less than satisfied with his efforts for the Ibrox club so far. However, the striker has revealed a painful source of regret that his prolific strike rate for the runaway League One leaders took some time to kick in. Daly is coming to terms with the recent death of his father, John, a guiding light throughout his career. Thrilled by his son’s move to Rangers from Dundee United last summer, Daly senior travelled from Dublin to watch him take his Ibrox bow against Brechin City in August. The 30-year-old failed to find the target that afternoon, during a settling-in period with his new club which saw him score just three times in his first seven appearances. Daly has since been instrumental in Rangers’ current 20-match winning run, which they hope to extend at home to Stranraer this afternoon, scoring 15 goals in his last 12 outings. Yet it still nags at Daly that he drew a blank on the day his father headed across the Irish Sea. “The season could probably have gone even better for me so far, to be honest,” reflected Daly. “I could have had a few more goals. I missed a few on my Ibrox debut against Brechin City. I still beat myself up about that. “My dad was over to watch that game against Brechin and never got to see me score at Ibrox. It would have been great for him to see that. “At the time of my move to Ibrox, I spoke to my dad and he was delighted that a club like Rangers were in for me. He told me to jump at the chance. I think I’d pretty much made my mind up that I was coming anyway, but it was nice that he was full of enthusiasm for the move. “He did give me stick for not scoring in that first game! That’s the way he was, he used to have that kind of banter with me. But he was very proud and hopefully I can still do him proud in the future.” Daly has been an unquestionable success on the signing front for Rangers manager Ally McCoist who now faces the prospect of trimming his squad next month as the club’s new chief executive Graham Wallace addresses the continuing financial difficulties at Ibrox. “If the squad has to be cut in size, then it will happen and we will deal with it at the time,” Daly said. “It’s not something I’ve been focusing on. That’s not me not caring – of course I care. But I just want to focus on my football and do my best for the club. Whatever happens happens. “That’s football. Players come and players go. You build up a good squad and then, for whatever reason, players have to leave. “I can’t speak for the rest of the boys, but personally I try not to focus on things off the park. I concentrate on training, my own routine and playing games. I try to do the right thing on the pitch. Whatever happens off the pitch is out of our hands, we can’t control it. If you start worrying about what’s happening off the park, it can affect you on the park. It wasn’t really an issue for me when I signed. I knew there were still a few problems but it was never going to stop me signing. “It’s a massive football club and even if you’d told me back then that they would still be having problems now, I would still have signed. “I’m sure there are one or two lads who do focus on what happens off the park, but I don’t think you can let it affect you. It will affect your performances and if that happens, you will find yourself out of the team. “There is plenty of competition for places, which for a club like Rangers is healthy. You do need that, it keeps players on edge. At other clubs I’ve been at, you could get away with having one or two bad games and still find yourself in the team. But if you have two or three bad games here, you’re not going to play in the next one.” Rangers are three games away from beating the club record of 22 consecutive victories set back in 1898-99, albeit they are not operating in the top flight. Daly says that will not be in their thoughts this afternoon. “If we start looking too far down the line, that’s when you take your eye off the ball and can lose a game,” he said. “We need to focus fully on Stranraer, take three points if we can, then move on to the next game.” http://www.scotsman.com/sport/football/spfl-lower-divisions/jon-daly-s-ibrox-regret-fuels-appetite-for-goals-1-3246924
  19. Has liewell told diddy dumbcaster to sweep it under the carpet with everything else ? Was there another SPFL enquiry into the H block banners at the Abergreen game too ?
  20. THERE are certain gifts we all dread receiving at this time of year ... Eric Caldow played in front of 35,000 fans for Rangers on Christmas Day but Rangers fans got possibly the worst present ever on Christmas Day way back in 1965. Their team were edged out 3-2 by visiting Dunfermline at Ibrox in the league. And that painful reverse allowed their Old Firm rivals Celtic to leapfrog them into top spot in the table. Football matches used to be played as normal on Christmas Day if it happened to fall on a Saturday. And Scot Symon's team found themselves up against a formidable side managed by Willie Cunningham on that date 48 years ago. The Gers, who fielded legends like Eric Caldow, Willie Henderson and Willie Johnston, were leading the race for the Scottish title at the time. So nobody, not the players and not the supporters, minded fulfilling the fixture on December 25 in the slightest. "We opened our Christmas presents in the morning and played football in the afternoon," recalled Caldow. "We didn't think we should stop playing just because it was Christmas Day. It was brilliant, great fun." The fans were certainly happy to forego the turkey and mulled wine to see their heroes play and 35,000 turned up. But Dunfermline - for whom a certain Alex Ferguson played up front - were nobody's fools. They had just missed out on being crowned champions the season before when they finished only a point behind Kilmarnock. The Fife club ended up edging a thrilling encounter in Glasgow thanks to a double from Scotland international Hugh Robertson and a strike by Bert Paton. Goals from Jim Forrest and George McLean ultimately meant nothing for the home team whose supporters trudged back home disappointed. The fact that across the city Celtic had thrashed Morton 8-1 at Parkhead to go top of the league on goal average did not help their mood. Caldow said: "I played for Rangers for 16 years and throughout that time we always had good teams. The team we had at that time was no exception. "But we had lost Jim Baxter the previous summer. Jim was as slow as treacle. But, boy, was he good on the ball. All I had myself was pace. I couldn't tackle a fish supper! If I got in trouble I would pass it to Jim and he would do something with it. "We did miss him. Dunfermline were a very good team at that time, too. They had players like Alex Edwards, Hugh Robertson and Alex Ferguson." Ferguson failed to get on the scoresheet that day despite enjoying what he would later describe was the best season of his playing career. The future Manchester United boss scored 45 goals in 51 games - form that would earn him a move to his boyhood heroes Rangers in 1967. Robert McElroy, the author of several books on the history of Rangers, was standing on the terraces at that Christmas Day match against Dunfermline. "With five goals scored it was a thrilling game," he said. "Dunfermline had a very good side at that time and, what's more, were something of a bogey team for Rangers. "Rangers went a couple of years without beating them. In the 1964/65 season, when Dunfermline finished runners-up, Rangers lost home and away against them. "Fergie didn't score that day. But he had a habit of scoring goals against Rangers. He had scored a couple against them at East End Park the year before. "But it was no disgrace to lose to Dunfermline. They qualified regularly for Europe at that time and had some outstanding results. They knocked Everton out of the Fairs' Cities Cup. "It was quite normal for games to be played on Christmas Day if it fell on a Saturday. New Year was a far bigger occasion in Scotland around that time." McElroy added: "The Rangers team at that time was not in the same class as that of the early 1960s when they could field the likes of Baxter, McMillan, Millar, Brand and Wilson. "They were a decent, hard-working side. But they were missing John Greig that day. Roger Hynd, the nephew of Bill and Bob Shankly, played in defence." McElroy, though, believes the consequences of that Christmas Day defeat to Dunfermline were far- reaching for Rangers. He explained: "Celtic went ahead at the top of the league table on goal average that day. Jock Stein's side would go on and win the league by two points that season. "If Rangers had won the league that season there would have been no Nine-In- A-Row and no European Cup triumph in Lisbon for Celtic. "Rangers badly missed the class and skill of Baxter that season. He wanted to stay at Rangers. But he wanted more money so he left and joined Sunderland. "He was only after £75 a week. Rangers paid a heavy price, then, for refusing to give him what he was looking for." Rangers only ever played one more game on Christmas Day after that and the outcome was far more satisfactory for their followers. In 1971, they took on Hibs through at Easter Road - and won 1-0 thanks to a last-minute winner from striker Colin Stein. http://www.eveningtimes.co.uk/rangers/christmas-day-match-turned-into-a-turkey-for-light-blues-fans-146366n.23028800
  21. RANGERS will need a £10 million cash injection to stay afloat in the next 18 months, according to former chairman Malcolm Murray. The club’s complex ownership structure, as well as the discontent from supporters at the continued presence of finance director Brian Stockbridge on the board, also has Murray concerned about the ability to attract such investment. The businessman was one of the four “requisitioners” who failed to be voted on to the Ibrox board at Thursday’s annual general meeting, but Murray believes the outcome of that event, which witnessed loud booing of any contribution from Stockbridge, will not be “the line in the sand” hoped for by new club chief executive Graham Wallace, who has also admitted Rangers need “external funds” in the medium term. Murray said: “Unless they can pull a few rabbits out of hats I don’t see who will invest in the club if the board remains exactly the way it is presently.” Murray said. “In the next three months there have to be changes. I’m pretty sure they won’t be able to go back to the same institutional investors for more money with the current board set-up. The bulk of them certainly wouldn’t do it. The danger now is that the institutional investors pile out of this, because they are fed up. I’m not saying it will happen, but there is a danger that I’m worried about. “If that happens, the share price goes down and the cost of raising capital goes up, by definition. This thing needs an injection of roughly £10m over the next 18 months.” Murray claimed that 40 million 25p shares would be required to raise that sum. However, issuing such a large number of shares would dilute the existing shareholding of current investors and Murray insisted that would be “terrible” for the financial institutions who have already put money into the club. He added: “They could equally end up sitting on stock that isn’t highly valued but remains a global brand. “However, it is a mix-up because it has institutional investors, fans, private investors, and this mysterious block of 40-odd per cent [of shares] that seems to control it [the club] in Laxley, Blue Pitch, Charles Green’s old shares and Mike Ashley.” South Africa-based businessman Dave King has claimed that he was the only person he felt would be willing to invest in Rangers at present but chief executive Wallace presented a different picture. He said: “We will need investment as we go forward. What I don’t want to say is we need a figure of X million pounds because, until we’ve examined the structure of the organisation, and what we need [over] the next 18 months, it’s premature to put a figure on it. As I went round talking to institutions in the last several weeks, they said they were willing to increase their investment provided the club can demonstrate stability and leadership and the semblance of a solid plan.” Wallace is not planning talks with King but neither does he rule him out. “I’ve never met Dave King or had any conversations with him,” he added. “When we have developed the plan to determine the level of funding we need, we’ll engage with a wide constituency. I wouldn’t rule anybody out. If that includes Mr King, we’ll deal with that at the time” http://www.scotsman.com/sport/football/latest/rangers-need-10m-to-stay-afloat-malcolm-murray-1-3242193
  22. Some interesting thoughts from Alan Harris (aka Brahim Hemdani) Company democracy v Club democracy
  23. A tragic event happened at Saughton Astro on Sunday 22nd December 2013, a young boy playing for the Under 14s, Jamie Skinner, playing the game he loved, lost his life on the pitch. In an innocuous event during the game Jamie collapsed and despite the valiant attempts of everyone at the game, and the ambulance service, attempts to revive him were sadly in vain. Although Jamie was new to our Tynecastle family, he had up until recently been playing for Hearts, he was a prospect that un-doubtly would have had a bright future in the game. No words can fully express our grief and dismay at seeing this happen, we can only pass on all our thoughts and prayers to friends and family and hope they will get some strength from the out pouring of love and support from everyone. Everyone at Tynecastle is in total shock at what has happened, and we are sure the youth football community will join with us in also thinking of all the players, coaches and supporters at the game who witnessed this sad event, and the club also thanks everyone who tried to assist. As a mark of respect all Tynecastle teams will hold a minutes silence before their next game. http://www.tynecastlefc.co.uk/newsstory.php?nid=488 Tragic news.
  24. http://www.express.co.uk/sport/football/449976/Fringe-Rangers-players-face-an-Ibrox-exit
  25. http://www.ecaeurope.com/PageFiles/6175/ECA%20Youth%20Report%20on%20Academies_A4_SECURE_final.pdf Really interesting read above - All clubs of a similar stature to ourselves and their youth academies! How do we view our youth academy(is it one?) as of now? I was really encouraged by the number of young players we brought through last season. However this season I have been quite disenchanted by the number playing for us. Looking at the current XI we have Clark, MacLeod, Aird, of an age where we can real sell on value. The likes of Crawford, MacKay, Macausland, Gasporotto all seem to have went backwards in their development - However this is just an assumption looking in. I was encouraged by the new CEO comments on youth development as I see it as a major growth area for our club in the next decade or so. The last midweek game at home to Forfar we changed McCulloch for Cribari at 4-0 - this is what worries me on how Ally views are youth at the moment. Is he the right man for this plan if this is the route we will take. How can we improve it? It might be a bit unpopular but signing Smith, Foster is absolutely crazy for me. How on earth can these players improve Rangers in the future? It would be interesting to see if the club has a set philosophy on developing talent.
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