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  1. 5000 tickets already purchased by Rangers fans for the game against Derby, can we sell out the stadium before the season starts? #dcfc
  2. "We note with interest the comments of David Somers in the press regarding the proposed sale and leaseback of Murray Park. We would question why it is Mr Somers, and not the CEO Graham Wallace, who is making this response on behalf of the board? The phrase "plausible deniability" springs to mind. Whilst the response of Mr Somers is a fascinating insight into his "mindset" we are more interested in unequivocal, legally binding statements from the PLC board. We note these are still not forthcoming for either Ibrox or Murray Park. Mr Somers stated at the AGM that he was not against debt as long as it was 'cheap' debt. It was clear that his "mindset" at that time was that 'expensive' debt was not acceptable. Weeks later the board agreed to take extremely expensive debt from Laxey in a move which was only thwarted by fans. We are therefore not inclined to take too much heed of Mr Somers "mindset" at any given time. However, since Mr Somers appears to be the designated spokesman for the board on this topic perhaps he can clarify some more specific matters: Is Mr Somers denying that Mr Wallace and Mr Stockbridge discussed raising finance using the assets of the club as early as a few days after the AGM in December 2013, at which Mr Wallace stated the club had "enough cash for the near term"? Is Mr Somers denying that this would have been done had the asset finance not fallen through? Is Mr Somers denying that Mr Wallace and Mr Stockbridge specifically discussed raising finance using Murray Park? Is Mr Somers denying that Mr Wallace and Mr Stockbridge discussed using board relationships to raise finance against the club's property assets including some of Mr SomersÂ’ own relationships? Is Mr Somers denying that although this use of Murray Park to raise finance was not actioned at the time it was discussed that it could be used at a later date? Perhaps Mr Somers feels that two Executive directors of the Rangers board discussing raising finance on Murray Park does not constitute "board discussions"? We would disagree and remind Mr Somers of his focus on board collective responsibility when he was defending Mr Stockbridge's appalling performance at the AGM. Once again we would ask this board to stop engaging in half-truths, pedantry and wordplay and tell fans the truth."
  3. OVER the course of last weekend, Ibrox Stadium welcomed over a hundred thousand spectators to watch the Rugby Sevens at the Commonwealth Games. Now that each of those fans - and the many who watched at home - praising the stadium have now left, the Club can begin to prepare for the upcoming season with matches against Hibs and Hearts to follow next week. Tickets for the Petrofac Training Cup First Round tie against Hibernian on Tuesday 5 August are available and you can find out the latest information here and buy here. Up next for the Light Blues after the midweek cup tie is the visit of Hearts for the opening day of the season on Sunday 10 August. At that match the Club will unfurl the League One championship flag and honour the late Sandy Jardine, with the renaming of the Govan Stand in his honour. In order to help with ticketing and to make it as easy as possible for fans, we will be extending opening hours at the Ticket Centre this Thursday and Friday - staying open until 8pm and during the weekend it is open from 10-4pm on both Saturday and Sunday. On Monday 1 August – the day before the Hibs cup game – the centre will be open until 8pm and remain open for an hour after the game for anybody wishing to purchase tickets. Subsequently, on the Thursday and Friday before the Hearts game - when the Championship flag will be unfurled and we unveil the Sandy Jardine Stand - opening hours is extended to 8pm. If you have any queries or wish to buy tickets over the phone, the Hotline is open 12 hours a day and the Online Sales website is available 24 hours a day. http://www.rangers.co.uk/news/headlines/item/7337-ticket-information-latest
  4. A true Commonwealth Hero The Soldier pictured above is Sam Frickleton VC, Sam was Born in Slamannanan, Scotland on the 1st April 1891 He emigrated with his family to New Zealand in 1913 In 1915 he enlisted as rifleman in the 3rd Battalion of the New Zealand Rifle Brigade, Samuel Frickleton won his Victoria Cross during the attack at Messines on 7 June 1917. Later that same year he was presented with his VC on Ibrox Park by King George V. The RSEA The Rangers Supporters Erskine Appeal was formed in 2007 by Rangers Fans in an effort to raise £1000 for the Erskine Home for Ex Service personnel Such was the enthusiasm for the venture that it is still going strong 7 years later, with Rangers Fans working hard on a completely voluntary basis to raise over £560,000 for the Erskine Home One of the Fundraising ventures is an Annual Golf Day, named in memory of of the Scots Kiwi war hero Golfers play in teams of 4 to compete for the Sam Frickleton VC Golf Trophy Commonweath Games One Hundred years after the start of the Great War saw NZ Rugby, take to the same field that Sam Frickleton received his VC, 97 years previously. To mark the occasion the RSEA has commissioned a Quaich in Sam’s honour to present to the Kiwis The inside base is inscribed “IN MEMORY OF SAM FRICKLETON VC” on the outside it reads “PRESENTED BY THE RANGERS SUPPORTERS ERSKINE APPEAL TO THE NEW ZEALAND ALL BLACKS TO MARK THE OCCASION OF THEIR APPEARANCE AT IBROX STADIUM, 2014″ The RSEA presented the Quaich to MR Steve Tew of CEO of NZ Rugby All Blacks on monday 28th July 2014 to mark the occasion of the Kiwis visit to Ibrox Stadium as a tribute to a war hero who received his Victoria Cross from King George V at the stadium in 1917. NZ Rugby CEO Mr Steve Tew accepts a gift from the The Rangers Support, in memory of Sam Frickleton VC Sam's great grand-nephew Robert Jack who still resides in Slammanan first heard of the Rangers supporters tribute last month said "Our family were very moved to hear that Sam's heroic actions on Flanders Fields during the Great War are still being remembered" The RSEA rep who made the presentation to NZ Rugby, said "Steve Tew was delighted to accept the Quaich and hear that a Scottish kiwi and true commonwealth hero had his vc presented by the King on the same ground that all these years later New Zealand took on Scotland in the rugby sevens" On returning to New Zealand, Steve Tew took time to email and thank the Rangers Support for the gesture made to his team and to their War Hero and promised that the quaich would be displayed in NZ Rugby HQ He wished the RSEA every success in the future http://rsea.org.uk/golf/sam-frickleton-vc/
  5. Seeing on FF Rangers played Thistle behind closed doors. (sing along chaps) at Firhill. 1-0 Rangers Lewis McLeod.
  6. http://www.rangers.co.uk/news/headlines/item/7334-rangers-launch-club-membership MANAGER Ally McCoist and Captain Lee McCulloch joined a group of fans at Murray Park today (Tuesday 29, July 2014) to launch Rangers Club Membership – an initiative designed to bring supporters closer than ever to their Club. As this is the inaugural season for Club Membership all supporters who join will become Founder Members including all season ticket holders, who will automatically receive complimentary Founder Membership. Club Members will enjoy a series of exclusive benefits bringing them closer to the Club and the team as well as access to Member only events and promotions. Membership will bring enhanced participation with the Club including the ability for Members to apply for a position on the Fans Board and to vote in the Fans Board elections; exclusive members only email in advance of every home game; Members only prize draws; behind the scenes experiences including Q&A sessions with the Manager/CEO/Players and a Members only training day at Ibrox. Members will also have the chance to enjoy discounts across the Club including Matchday Hospitality, Ibrox Stadium Tours and non-matchday dining at the Argyle House Restaurant. As a Rangers Junior Founder Member supporters will have the opportunity to be mascots at home games, have access to exclusive online content and competitions and will receive a Junior Founder Member only pack including a scarf, wristband, bag and stickers in addition to their Founder Member badge, certificate and card. Season ticket holders can take up their benefits from today and their pack, which includes the Founder Member badge, certificate and card will be issued in the next 4-6 weeks. Non season ticket holders can purchase Club Membership online at rangers.co.uk/membership priced £24.99 plus P&P* for adults and £14.99 plus P&P* for juniors. Members can benefit from the many benefits right away and Founder Member welcome packs will be posted within 4-6 weeks from purchase. Ally McCoist commented: “This initiative is a fantastic way for our fans to get closer than ever to their Club. As Rangers Founder Members supporters can apply to join the Fans Board or vote in the upcoming Fans Board elections, have the opportunity to take part in exclusive Q&A sessions with the CEO and myself, attend a members only training session at Ibrox or have the chance of a behind the scenes tour of Murray Park. “I am also delighted that all Rangers season ticket holders are being given Founder Member status automatically and will receive all the benefits associated with that. Our supporters have shown unbelievable passion, loyalty and commitment to Rangers, especially in the last few seasons, and I can’t thank them enough for their continued backing. “I encourage all fans to become Founder Members of the Club, get even closer and take advantage of the exclusive range of benefits on offer. We are on our way back to the top of Scottish football and together the journey will be much easier.” Lee McCulloch added: “The Rangers fans are the lifeblood of this great institution and initiatives like Club Membership are a key way to reward that incredible loyalty. Our supporters have backed the team in huge numbers at Ibrox and in away games in the past few seasons and I am sure they will get right behind us once again when the campaign begins. “The players and management staff are all looking forward to the opening league game against Hearts where we will unfurl the League One flag and honour the late Sandy Jardine and I ask all Rangers fans to sign up for Club Membership and be part of this exciting initiative.”
  7. Letter sent to Rangers CEO Graham Wallace As we previously communicated with you, we contacted Graham Wallace in June requesting whether he still agreed over the "importance for clubs with ambition to own their own stadium and training centre". Sadly, we received no response so this week we have sent further correspondence to Mr Wallace. This is as follows: Dear Mr Wallace, Season Ticket Sales and the Future of Auchenhowie We note we have yet to receive a response to our email of 10/06/14 (copied below), and again write to express our concerns in regards to the above. Season ticket sales appear to be very disappointing, which is astonishing given that this season could see us return to the top flight, and will involve some potentially excellent matches against Hibs and Hearts, in what will generally be a much more competitive league. This is surely a reflection on how the fans view the performance of the board, and in particular, a reflection on some very real concerns fans have over the future of Ibrox and our training ground at Auchenhowie. We note the recent statement by the board as regards Ibrox, however, rumours continue to persist that the board are in the process of using Auchenhowie to raise funds in some way to bridge the gap left by the very disappointing level of season ticket renewals. As you are no doubt aware, the training complex is viewed as a symbol of the future by Rangers fans, and disposing of this asset in any way is likely to be counterproductive as it would lead to further disillusionment and detachment of the fans - who, it should be remembered, contributed significantly to the cost of the facility. We would therefore urge you to end this downward spiral and clarify how the board plan to address the apparent lack of confidence which the fans appear to have in them, and thus, hopefully, increase the level of season ticket renewals. We would hope an increase in season ticket uptake to a more realistic level would obviate the need for the board to resort to disposing of vital assets. We note that the first responsibility of the board is to the company and not to any individual or group of shareholders. With this in mind, you will recall the board's recent attempt to raise short term funding via a major shareholder, and that The RST was able to assist in procuring a significantly more beneficial deal for the company. Can you therefore confirm that we will be afforded a similar opportunity to obtain a better deal for the company should the board fail to raise season ticket sales and have to resort to using Auchenhowie to raise finance? We hope you will understand our concerns and the urgent need for a response. We will update members with any response we received.
  8. Some thoughts on yesterday's HMRC appeal result: http://www.gersnet.co.uk/index.php/latest-news/256-rangers-v-hmrc-a-pyrrhic-victory
  9. "The Union of Fans were approached approximately two weeks ago, on behalf of the PLC board, to once again try to reach agreement on a binding legal guarantee over the club's assets. These discussions continued and various drafts were passed back and forth. The statement that the board released yesterday was rejected by UoF last week due to the fact that it does not give a binding guarantee over Ibrox and that several misleading statements are made within it. Despite us negotiating in good faith, the board has seen fit to release the statement anyway. We were seeking written guarantees over both Ibrox and Murray Park. The board removed all reference to Murray Park. This was not an oversight - they are explicitly refusing to include Murray Park in any undertaking. We believe this is because the board are actively looking to sell this vital club asset due to their failure to so far secure enough funds to see the club through the current season. Their statement is also disingenuous and is a slap in the face for the thousands of fans who have given up long cherished seats attempting to get this board to guarantee the future of our clubÂ’s home. Despite their attempts to claim otherwise, it has never been their position to give any kind of legally binding guarantee over Ibrox and they still have not done so. This most recent statement, on behalf of the so called 'Football Board' - not the PLC board - has crucially not been released to the stock exchange and therefore reduces the chance of shareholder action should they go back on their word. The board claim that they are "committed to protecting the assets of the club". Currently the club has four main assets. Two of those, Edmiston House and the Albion Car Park, have already been used as security for crisis loans due to financial mismanagement. The board continues to refuse to give any legally binding safeguard over Ibrox and we believe they are actively looking at a sale and leaseback of Murray Park - a vital asset if we are ever to properly develop our own talent. They have shown no commitment to protecting the club's assets. This board has committed to raising funds from existing investors through a new share issue in September. We do not believe that they have support from those investors for what is essentially money to keep the lights on and we would ask Graham Wallace to urgently clarify the position on new money coming into the club. The board have lost just under half of the club's season ticket holders due to a complete lack of ability to build trust. Even if those fans were to buy season tickets now, the club still does not have the funds to complete the season and yet the board keeps us in the dark over how they will address this shortfall. We ask them to stop the half-truths, spin and smoke and mirrors and tell fans the truth."
  10. From club website today. THE Board of Rangers Football Club ('the Club') has been asked in the past several weeks to confirm once again that the Club will not grant security over Ibrox to any organisation during the upcoming football season. The Board is happy to reaffirm its position, which has never been a matter of debate, by confirming once again that it will not enter into any form of sale, securitisation or leaseback of Ibrox Stadium. This has been and still remains the Board’s clear and consistent position on this subject as it continues to protect and enhance the assets of the Club. The Board of Rangers Football Club is committed to protecting the assets of the Club for the benefit of all Rangers fans, and to adhering to the highest standards of corporate governance. Season Ticket sales are continuing throughout the next few weeks ahead of the start of the season and we are grateful to the thousands of supporters who have already bought for the 2014/15 campaign. Events over the past few weeks have reminded everybody of the remarkably testing period our incredible supporters have been through in recent years and now is the time for us all to look forwards, together.
  11. SO that was North America, a place which brought the touring Rangers squad mixed results and mixed fortunes during its stay in the United States and Canada over the last two weeks. Was the trip perfect? With over 14,000 miles flown, a few injuries picked up on the way and goals conceded in three games out of four – one of those a defeat – it’s hard to argue it was. But did it serve a purpose? Absolutely. Scorelines from across the Atlantic might not have been convincing but being there has allowed Gers to keep building well ahead of 2014/15. Despite what the world might think at present following the unrelenting happiness of the Commonwealth Games opening ceremony, Scottish people are naturally quite pessimistic. The old phrase which claims some are only happy if there’s something to complain about springs to mind and that’s certainly the case with certain Light Blues fans I know. While there are undoubtedly things Ally McCoist will wish had gone differently, he has more positives to reflect on than you might think. Following the intense schedule in Brora at the start of the month, further double sessions abroad – particularly in California – have helped increase fitness levels again. As the pool settles into a more regular training programme after the weekend, any lingering weariness will go and the players will get sharper as they freshen up. Although the team itself still has to click into gear, individuals within it gave enough food for thought during our fortnight away. Kenny Miller’s finishing might not be as consistent as he’s hoping it will become yet but his running and intelligence will help Rangers a lot this season. Nicky Law produced a fine finish to win the game in the final match against Ottawa Fury – Gers’ best display of their four – and he looks alert and hungry too. Ian Black falls into that category as well while Stevie Smith has continued his good form from the end of last term and looks as fast and direct as ever. Lee Wallace has made a strong recovery from the hip problem which ended his campaign early in April as he limped out of the Challenge Cup final defeat to Raith Rovers. But the biggest plus of all isn’t just Lewis Macleod’s return to action but the way he has come in and stamped his mark on the team already off the back of nearly six months out. Few were left in any doubt of how seriously under threat the 20-year-old’s career was when he took unwell at the start of the year. A bad reaction to a virus left him in real danger of having to think of hanging up his boots and there was a genuine chance he’d never have the chance to fulfil his very clear potential. Thankfully Macleod has made a full recovery and so far it looks like he has never been out of the side. Against Sacramento Republic, he grew in stature the more the game went on and I was impressed by his temperament as he kept his cool despite one heavy challenge after another. Four days later at Ottawa, his footwork at times was sublime and you’ll already be hard pushed to find a better piece of skill this season than his turn to set up Law’s goal. The way he stood on the ball then turned away from two men was so elegant and it was the type of move you simply don’t tire of watching. Already there’s a clamour once again in some quarters for McCoist to move Macleod inside and give him a more central role in his midfield. Over time, I fully expect him to take a place there and he’ll both flourish and relish the responsibility such a position entails. But for now, I don’t think it’s a bad thing for him to continue on the left side for the simple reason it’s an area he and the team profits from. Sitting narrower than a natural winger would, he allows Wallace to get forward with good effect and the two combine very well down that side. It’s worth remembering that when Rangers played their best football of last season in the early part of the campaign, those two players got a lot of joy together on the left. I’m not sure having someone else in Macleod’s present position would bear the same fruit and if he was central in a 4-4-2 shape, Wallace certainly wouldn’t get upfield as much. I look forward to seeing Macleod take command and dictate from the middle over time but for now he’s doing a lot for Gers where he is. And as McCoist’s team gets stronger in the weeks ahead, I’ve every faith the club’s most outstanding emerging talent can influence games just as much from slightly wider out. http://www.rangers.co.uk/news/opinion/item/7321-best-left-where-he-is An unusually critical piece from Andrew Dickson and he makes a very good point about McLeod playing LMF allowing Wallace more freedom to attack. He may well have been prompted to write this but it is true nonetheless.
  12. He lost the vote but I'm surprised that seems to have been the end of it? I don't think much of him but it seems odd he has gone completely quiet. Am I missing something?
  13. Rangers FCVerified account ‏@RangersFC Please join us in wishing a very happy birthday today to #Rangers Hall of Fame inductee Fernando Ricksen. https://twitter.com/RangersFC/status/493419147800616960/photo/1
  14. THE IMPORTANCE OF SAFEGUARDING IBROX 23rd July 2014 Some have asked why we have such a desire to safeguard Ibrox and claim it's ok for a club to borrow money against it's stadium and to be fair in normal operating conditions this may be the case. Unfortunately our club does not operate within normal operating conditions. To understand the full importance of our position it is important to be aware of the full financial position our club currently operates. Our club does not have enough cash flow to see out the full season that is soon to start. Some predict a shortfall of circa £8m just to allow the club to stay afloat. Due to many issues, last years season ticket holders numbered approx 34,000 and by the end of the renewal date only 50% of these had renewed their seats. It is fair to assume that some new ST will be sold to new ST holders and some old ones may still renew but regardless, the season ticket sales will be significantly lower than last year and after a promotion, one would have expected to see a rise in sales. ​The much touted share issue that the board would have us believe would be fully supported by institutional investors simply will not be as successful as they publicly admit and sources close to us claim that even the board now feel the money raised will be much lower than they first presumed. The reason for this is simple, they are asking investors to invest more money but this money will not be used to make the club better and worth more it will simply be used to shore up shortfalls in cash flow (remember we were advised by Mr Wallace at the AGM that we had no short to medium term cash shortfalls) If this share issue was to raise funds for assets or player purchases etc then there is a good case for investors to invest more as the business would normally rise in value and they would see an increase in their investment. Our directors expect to go cap in hand and ask investors to give them more money just to stay afloat and this is only 7 months after telling these very same investors that we had no short to medium term cash worries. Would you give it if you had no emotional attachment to the club? I didn't think so. ST sales are well below target and the promised windfall from a share issue looks like just a pipe dream so where does that leave us as a club? Simple, fresh investment is required and is available and not only from Dave King. So why won't the board accept outside investment? I believe this is the reason or at least one of the reasons that our board room is starting to split. Anyone willing to invest at the levels required would rightly ask for a say in the boardroom and here lies the problem. Our faceless investors and hedge fund simply don't want this and although between them they own less then a third of the business, they want to control the full boardroom and don't want to dilute their power. The faceless and the hedge fund are therefore starving our club. We find ourselves a club in a catch 22. We need cash but those willing to give it won't be allowed as the faceless and hedge fund won't agree to them. That takes us back to the main point, Ibrox. If the club were to use Ibrox to raise money then two options are available 1) Sell stadium then lease back or 2) use Ibrox as security in a loan. ​If we do a sale and lease back agreement then our club will be paying out money over a long period of time just because this current board are way out on their own cash assessments and if we borrow against Ibrox and our club was to once again lurch in to admin then we would lose our stadium to the lender. Neither is acceptable to me as a fan. So what's the alternatives? 1) Mr Easdale can magic the investment he promised on national TV prior to the AGM (has there ever been a public excuse of what happened to this promised investment?) 2) Mr Wallace can find the £5m he told the UoF at a meeting six weeks ago was available "at the click of a button" 3) Mr Crighton can do something he's been paid to do since pre AGM and that is attract investment as when he was introduced to us he was to chair an investment committee with that very aim (what investment have we attracted since he came?) 4) Talk to those willing to invest in the club and compromise with them. It's not a bad word. 5) Stop mucking about with the fans and show a bit of humility. Tell the fans you are listening to them, tell the fans their actions have been noted and tell them you WILL NOT sell or borrow against our stadium instead of hiding behind cute statements with obtuse phrases. But for the sake of the future of our club DO SOMETHING. ​If you are incapable of finding an alternative then move aside and let others on board that aren't selected by the 30% of investors who are holding our club back or welcome some on board who can bring the faith of the fans and investment with them. Why are Blue pitch, Margareta and Laxey so against others being represented on our board? This will be discussed in the near future Why does this statement not ask about Auchenhowie? Simple, there's no point in asking for something you can't get and our belief for sometime has been that our training ground will go soon as negotiations have been ongoing for some time. It's time for change, either change how our board conduct themselves or change who selects and drives our board members. ​The alternative isn't worth considering. http://www.sonsofstruth.co.uk/blog.html
  15. Anyone come across parents dictating were there boy plays with regards position, game time and age group and continually contacting coaches by calls and text messages and getting what they want even if there boys aren't the best Any views would be appreciated.
  16. 1300 words on a situation that is becoming more worrying and difficult to justify with every day that passes... http://www.gersnet.co.uk/index.php/latest-news/260-ally-mccoist-and-rangers-time-for-some-home-truths
  17. A ‘vile’ internet troll has been blasted for insulting former Blackburn Rovers legend Colin Hendry’s late wife. The former central defender, who played more than 300 times for the club, was sent a sick message by a supporter of Glasgow Celtic on Twitter. The message, from an account named Liam McDonald on social networking site Twitter, said: “Remember when Colin Hendry’s wife snuffed it? Great times.” The former Glasgow Rangers star responded by taking to his Twitter account and posting a picture of the tweet with the message: “This is the vile world we live in.” Yesterday the tweet, which was sent at 11.33pm on Tuesday, was deleted, and later the account itself also appeared to have been removed. The Hendry family said they have reported the incident to Scottish police. Mr Hendry’s wife, Denise, died in 2009, seven years after undergoing a botched liposuction operation. The 43-year-old underwent 20 operations after the routine treatment and died after picking up an infection following a corrective operation after being on life support for weeks. Mr Hendry’s daughter Rheagan, launched the charity The Denise Hendry Foundation to help people suffering from clinical negligence in her mum’s memory. Ads by Google British Expat In Germany? Avoid Losing 55% of Your UK Pension Download a Free Expat Pension Guide your.qropschoices.com/HMRC-listed http://www.Auto-Europe.de Die beste Preise verhandelt + Top Vermieter = Günstige Mietwagen http://www.autoeurope.de/Auto-Europe Speaking to the Lancashire Telegraph yesterday on behalf of her dad, she said: “This is what we deal with all the time and it is disgusting. “This is not just Colin Hendry, it is a mum and a daughter. “I am sure he would not feel comfortable if someone said that about his parents. “Dad has been in the football world and up at Rangers and he can deal with this sort of thing but when you start bringing in people’s relatives it is just not on. “It is just not nice. We just want to move on with our lives and we are always reminded about how insensitive people can be. “This is a totally random act of stupidity, but it is not the first time something like this has happened. “People should not take social media lightly. “He thinks he can write what he wants and Colin Hendry and his daughter and grandchildren won‘t see it but he is wrong.” Colin Hendry had two spells for Rovers, from 1987 to 1989 and 1991 to 1998. He was sold to Scottish giants Glasgow Rangers, who have a legendary rivalry with Glasgow Celtic. Former teammate Kevin Gallacher, who played with Hendry for Rovers and Scotland, said he too had experienced abuse on Twitter. He said: “When I got involved in Team GB at the Olympics I had abuse on Twitter. “I had times where every time I wrote something I was getting snide comments. “Unfortunately with social media people are going to do that because they can hide behind it. “Comments like that are not nice but you just have to brush it off and ignore it. “But it gets worse when people’s children are involved. “People just think they are throwing abuse at Colin and this is the disappointing thing. “I think these people tend to be loners who are sat in rooms on their own sending these messages.” Rovers legend Simon Garner said: “It is stupid. That is an awful thing to say and the person should get in trouble for it. “I think people believe they can get away with things like this but they can’t. “I have never personally had anything serious on Twitter, just the odd bit of banter that I take with a pinch of salt, but if I did I would certainly report it to the police.” Former Rovers player and current chairman of the Professional Footballers Association Gordon Taylor said: “I think it is a sad world. “There seems to be a vindictive side to society where people hide behind these sites and think they can say what they want to people. “We have advised our younger players to be careful with what they are posting.” Hyndburn MP and Rovers fan Graham Jones said he was ‘sick and fed up of internet trolls’. He said: “When you are in the public life you get trolls who think they can just go round abusing who they want to. “I feel sorry for Colin and all the other victims of what appears to be a growing trend of abuse and bullying on social media. “It is Colin this time but it could be children and vulnerable people next time. “I blocked one constituent who thought it was clever to be abusive on Twitter. “People do not seem to realise you have friends and family and children.” Darwen councillor Dave Smith, a Blackburn Rovers season ticket-holder, said: “It is absolutely appalling. “I just hope the police get involved and this clown is punished. http://www.lancashiretelegraph.co.uk/news/blackburn/11362709._/
  18. RFC Maybe we can talk about this without any unecessary snyde remarks about the board?
  19. KENNY McDOWALL says Rangers’ fringe players will need to do more to force their way into the starting line-up after being unimpressed by them against Victoria Highlanders. Manager Ally McCoist made 10 changes to the side which beat Sacramento Republic 2-1 on Saturday night for the match in Canada in the early hours of this morning. Although the same winning scoreline was recorded again, the match turned into a slog after a decent enough first half. And assistant boss McDowall made his feelings clear after a contest which Gers should have been far more comfortable in than they were. He said: “We are a bit disappointed actually. We gave one or two of the second-string boys a chance and we should have been far more comfortable. “It tailed off a bit towards the end of the second half. We’re looking to kick on with our fitness and we should be doing better. “Some boys were getting an opportunity when we are starting to build towards the start of the season. “If they are thinking about getting into the starting XI, some of them will need to do a bit better.” Nicky Clark got the winner at Centennial Stadium after Calum Gallagher had put Rangers in front nine minutes in, only for the hosts to hit back and level within two. The goals were one of the few positives to reflect on and McDowall was impressed in particular with Clark’s finish. He got up quickly to poke into the net ahead of a defender and goalkeeper Elliot Mitrou and that effort proved to be decisive. McDowall added: “He reacted well. It was a good bit of play from Calum to start it off and he had a shot which the keeper spilled. “Nicky is a predator in the box and he did really well to get up and turn it into the net and put us ahead again. “Calum gets himself in the area and he senses danger. He got himself a goal too and fair play to him for that.” http://www.rangers.co.uk/news/headlines/item/7293-fringe-men-must-do-more
  20. .......after Hampden chiefs bump up cost of Euro 2016 briefs. FURIOUS fans insist their loyalty is being exploited to maximise revenue and that many supporters will now be priced out of backing the national side. THE Tartan Army last night accused the SFA of a season ticket rip-off. Fans reacted with fury as the SFA announced the cheapest ticket for all five home Euro qualifiers and a friendly against England next year will be £190. That compares to just £115 for five World Cup qualifiers last year. And fans claim they are being priced out of supporting their country. West of Scotland Tartan Army spokesman Hamish Husband said they felt their loyalty was being exploited. He said: “I got a call from a fellow Tartan Army footsoldier who has not missed a Scotland game at home and abroad for 30 years and his message melted my phone.” Last year’s World Cup qualifier season tickets averaged £23 a match. The £190 minimum price for next year is an average of almost £32 – and there is also a £45 fee to join the Scotland supporters’ club. The most expensive Scotland ticket package costs £250, an average of almost £42 a match. Opponents for the Euro qualifiers include newly-crowned world champions Germany. Husband reckons fans are being fleeced once again. He said: “There are many Scotland fans who are convinced that they are being ripped off because of their loyalty. “The crowds in the last qualifying games were amazing considering the performances. “We know we are playing the world champions Germany but we also have Gibraltar in our Euro 2016 qualifying group. “The cheapest ticket for the Germany fixture in Dortmund is 25 euros, which is about £20. “It also seems apparent that the purpose of the England game – which is a friendly match – is just to fleece the fans and make money out of them.” The SFA defended the ticket prices and said that the fans were getting value for money by buying all six games in their package. An SFA spokesman said: “The Irish season ticket price is 250 euros and does not include the Germany game and is only a season ticket up until the end of season 2014-15. “There are three qualifiers and three friendly matches in that package. The SFA’s season ticket is for the entire campaign. What do people think is a fair price? “Fans always throw up the argument that ticket prices in Germany are cheaper. “That is because Germany has 10 times the TV revenue and a vibrant domestic league that sells out which Scotland don’t have. “The same thing happened the last time and the Scotland season ticket ended up selling out.” Social media sites were flooded with Scots fans complaining they could not afford to watch the France 2016 qualifying campaign. Chris Donnelly tweeted: “I cannot believe the prices of those tickets. What planet are you all on? Get them reduced now!” Sandy McKie wrote: “Your prices are a disgrace. Stop the silly season tickets now.” Daniel Shields tweeted: “£295 for tickets + membership, without train, pints etc. When did supporting Scotland become extortionate?” http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/tartan-army-accuse-sfa-season-ticket-3861869
  21. BRIAN LAUDRUP today appealed to Rangers chiefs to patch up their differences with supporters - and work together to restore the Ibrox club to its former glory. Laudrup revealed he had been saddened to see the Glasgow giants continue to be plagued by off-field problems since dropping down to the fourth tier of Scottish football. The legendary winger had hoped the Light Blues would go from strength to strength after they emerged from their financial difficulties two years ago. However, unhappiness with a succession of directors and executives has steadily escalated as tens of millions of pounds of income has been squandered. Matters came to a head this summer when many fans decided not to renew their season tickets - until they received assurances over the future of the stadium and training ground. The bitter stand-off has resulted in vastly reduced numbers of supporters signing up to watch Ally McCoist's side in action at home in the SPFL Championship in the 2014/15 campaign. The club has now admitted that additional funding will have to be found to meet running costs in the coming season and another share issue will be held for existing shareholders later in the year. And at the weekend around 3,000 disgruntled fans marched on Ibrox in a rally organised by the Sons of Struth protest group to demand guarantees over the stadium. Laudrup still takes a keen interest in the fortunes of the Glasgow club, where he spent four years during a glorious spell in the 1990s, from his homeland in Denmark. He stressed he would like to see senior Rangers officials to do everything in their power to mend their fractured relationship with a sizeable section of their followers. Because he feels they need to work as one if the 54-times Scottish champions are to become a dominant force again in football in this country AND get back into European competition. His appeal came as Rangers announced they had set up a nominations committee whose job will be to draw up a shortlist of supporters to be elected to an official fans' board. He said: "I just hope Rangers supporters can look forward to watching the club playing at the level they deserve to be at in the top flight and in Europe once again soon. "I hope they will be back where they once were soon. That is what the supporters deserve. They love the club so much. I am keeping my fingers crossed that that is what is going to happen. "But I know there have been more setbacks along the way. I have read online there are still problems off the park and there are still issues between the club and the supporters. "I hope that these can be sorted out soon. The club need to have the supporters behind them if they are to get Rangers back to the level they should be playing at in Scotland and in Europe. "I think whatever concerns the fans have about the club and the direction it is heading in need to be looked at because Rangers need to have them firmly behind them." http://www.eveningtimes.co.uk/rangers/rangers-legend-laudrup-in-plea-to-ibrox-board-172466n.24818886
  22. RANGERS legend Brian Laudrup today revealed how his transfer to the Ibrox club 20 years ago today rescued his foundering career. Danish internationalist Laudrup put pen to paper with the Glasgow giants in a £2.5million deal back on July 21, 1994. The winger went on to enjoy enormous success over the next four years and helped Walter Smith's side to complete nine-in-a-row. He won the Scottish title three times, the League Cup once and the Scottish Cup once, and was also named SFWA Player of the Year twice. The skilful attacker is now widely considered by supporters to be one of the greatest-ever players in the 142-year history of Rangers. But the 45-year-old has recalled how his playing days were in freefall over in Italy where he had endured unhappy spells with Fiorentina and then AC Milan. And he has told how his father - former Denmark star Finn - had warned him that the transfer to Scotland HAD to work out if he was to revive his career. In an exclusive interview with SportTimes, he said: "I can remember a conversation I had with my father at the time I was going to sign for Rangers. "He said to me: 'Brian, this is going to be the most important switch in your career. This move has got to be a success for you'. "Up until then, I had been at Bayern Uerdingen in Germany for one year, Bayern Munich for two years, Fiorentina for one year and AC Milan for one year. "My father told me: 'If you want to be a successful player then you can't be finding a new club every season. You need to find a club and stay there'. "Rangers was that club. Joining Rangers turned out to be the best move of my career. I enjoyed every minute of it. It was very successful for me and very successful for my family. "It was the best four years of my career in terms of playing and the best in terms of my private life. I was happy in Scotland on the park and my family and I were very happy off it." This week in SportTimes Laudrup looks back on the circumstances that resulted in him agreeing to sign for Rangers 20 years ago. He reveals how he realised it would be the correct decision just a few minutes after meeting manager Smith for talks at Cameron House Hotel. And the Scandinavian, now a television pundit in his homeland, also tells of his distress at the off-field difficulties the 54-times Scottish champions have experienced in the last two years. http://www.eveningtimes.co.uk/rangers/laudrup-my-lifetime-debt-to-rangers-172216n.24803808?
  23. After a successful meeting with Glasgow City Council and Police Scotland today it would appear that subject to a few little details our application for a procession to Ibrox on the 19th July will be passed as acceptable. We will require the following volunteers from within the support to fulfil some council requirements. - Experianced marshals - Volunteer marshals - First aiders - Expectant numbers. I would love to hear from pipe or accordion band with a repertoire of Rangers songs In their play book. If you can help with any of the above or will be in attendance can you please let me know on this post or via PM Thanks Craig SoS https://www.facebook.com/SonsOfStrut...al_comments=14 L
  24. According to the Sun website: Club bow to fan pressure over stadium RANGERS fans are set to record a victory in the battle to safeguard Ibrox. Sunsport understands that the under-fire club board are set to give fans’ groups assurances that the club’s home won’t be sold off. The agreement will only be a short-term fix — but the board are hopeful it will spur fans on to buying season tickets for the Championship. Only 17,000 have been sold as fans attempt to put cash pressure on the club. Around 3000 fans marched to Ibrox yesterday to voice their concerns about the running of the club. Ex-stars John Brown and Nacho Novo lent their support and Novo told the crowd: “This club means everything to me and you mean everything to me. “Thank you all for coming out and staying united as we try to safeguard the club we all love. “I’m from Spain but this is where my heart is and we have to stay together to make sure this place we love stays part of Rangers. “This is about every supporter who wants to see the club prosper. This is a special club and Ibrox is a special place.”
  25. http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/former-rangers-chairman-malcolm-murray-3886142 MALCOLM Murray last night broke his silence on the current Rangers board and accused them of failing the club’s fans by not granting them security over Ibrox. The former chairman hasn’t spoken out since the AGM in December when he and his fellow requisitioners, Paul Murray, Alex Wilson and Scott Murdoch failed to oust the under-fire regime. But Murray is now fully behind fans’ group Sons of Struth who marched to Ibrox in protest yesterday at the board’s refusal to give legally-binding assurances that Ibrox will not be sold or leased. Murray believes Gers chief executive Graham Wallace is powerless due to a split at the top of the marble staircase. After the 3000-strong rally yesterday, Murray told MailSport in a statement endorsed by Wilson: “It is now seven months since the AGM. “We have maintained a dignified silence to give Wallace a chance but he is being hamstrung by a board that is neither culturally or corporately equipped for the challenge at Gers. “Fans have been treated with a level of disrespect that would be unprecedented in any other consumer industry. “Why will the board not give legally-binding assurances over Murray Park and Ibrox? “We support the SoS march. We are also fearful over potentially distressing sale and leasebacks of both the stadium and the training ground. “New investment is required urgently. The incumbent board said they had new investors waiting pre-AGM but it hasn’t materialised. “The so-called corporate governance has seen the club lurch from one disaster to the next – and it appears unprecedented that such poor performance would not result in resignations. “This regime appear to be be backed by the original Charles Green and Imran Ahmad investors, desite claiming that they are new. “The fans clearly don’t want them as illustrated by the march and numerous red card protests in recent months. “I’m convinced that the blue chip institutions will not ‘reload’ without a new board in place.” Sons of Struth chief Craig Houston was delighted with the turnout of fans for the protest march between Kinning Park and Ibrox. He’s convinced there are now serious cracks within the Rangers board – and claimed they will never win the battle with the disgruntled fans. He said: “We had around 3000 people on the march which was terrific considering the severe weather. It was also the Fair Friday holiday so it was fantastic support. “John Brown joined us at the start and Nacho Novo met us at the end, a real boost for supporters. It’s great to see ex-players, legends at the club, supporting the fans’ efforts. “The board have said there have been 17,000 season-ticket renewals but having spoken to many of those people I’ve found it difficult to find any of them who trust this board. “So buying a season-ticket isn’t an endorsement of this board. “There is still a huge chunk of supporters who feel disengaged and want security given over Ibrox. We’re asking for legal assurances.”
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