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  1. Former Rangers chief executive Charles Green is launching a bid to return to Ibrox as a director by fronting a £10 million investment in the club from an American billionaire. New York based George Soros has told Green to make his move within the next 7 days by offering existing Rangers shareholders 20p per share to become the company’s biggest shareholder. If that move fails, Soros and Green will offer the current board a £10 million loan at 5% interest, with the Murray Park training ground taken as security on the deal. Clyde Sport understands Green would then return to the club as a director with a new chief executive to be appointed to replace the current man in charge, Graham Wallace. The move would also throw into question the future of Rangers manager Ally McCoist with both men known to be fans of club legend Brian Laudrup. Green still has close contacts with the current Rangers board through Sandy Easdale. Mr Soros has been involved in Major League Baseball in the United States and currently has a 1.9% stakeholding in Manchester United. He played a significant role in the transition from communism to capitalism in his native Hungary in the 1980s and is a well known currency speculator who gained the title, “The man who broke the Bank of England” in the 1992 Black Wednesday currency crisis. Forbes magazine has listed 83 year-old Soros as the 27th richest person in the world as recently as 2 weeks ago and he’s the 7th richest man in America with a net worth of £23billion. http://www.clyde1.com/superscoreboard/green-eyeing-ibrox-return/
  2. From The Evening Times Their desperation is growing by the day. Keep up the pressure, lads.
  3. Sometimes you feel like a wee greet. http://willievass.photoshelter.com/gallery-image/100814-Rangers-v-Hearts/G0000hlKyrxgNifI/I0000Ko1_cYXoR6o/C0000DwY1ciUOXqU Will somebody put the pic. on here please.
  4. I sometimes wonder if the news HMRC intend to appeal the latest dismissal of their vendetta against Rangers causes any ripples in the Ibrox boardroom. After all it was another time, another regime with legal culpability squarely on the shoulders of Sir David Murray and his legal advisers. But not for us who are the Rangers support. For us it is part of a journey from hell, a journey which is not yet complete, with the scars and wounds endured on that journey show little sign of healing. Why is it that those who aspire to power within our club don't seem to feel the pain of such scars ? For years under the tenure of Sir David Murray many of us warned about the dangers of the “dignified silence” strategy. As lies were written and broadcast about both club and support Sir David Murray responded to our concerns with “If a newspaper offends you – don’t buy it” Our club and support have become the easy picking for hate filled individuals who appear to think that carrying an NUJ card offers them considerable immunity from lies, deceit and hate filled articles, many written without research or based in fact, or more concern, deliberately omitting facts in order to damage to our club. Why is it the defence of our club has been left to individual bloggers or groups such as Vanguard Bears, The RST or The Rangers Standard who appear to have the energy and passion to respond to unfair articles or decisions against our club ? Why is that same energy and passion not emanating from inside our club ? Have we honestly learned nothing in the last few years ? Its time those inside Ibrox, whoever that might be, became pro-active rather than occasionally reactive. If you are privileged enough to wear a Rangers blazer and tie – then that should be akin to a suit of armour - stand prepared to champion this club against all attacks. Jim McColl's alternative board missed a considerable trick at their question and session at the Hilton when asked about defending the club. Their fudged answer showed little desire or forethought, and was as bereft of ideas as those they sought to depose. Why cant these people get it ?? This issue is of vast importance to the Rangers support. We live, eat and breathe this club and every attack on her is borne personally by every single one of us. It's hard to understand why our club pays for PR, when we appear to be getting trodden on day in day out by the same individuals and organisations, operating with apparent impunity. Jim Traynor's “Gentlemen be very careful” is a dark and distant memory full of empty threats. In fact words without action appear to have exacerbated the problem. For all the criticism I have penned over the years about Charles Green, I will concede one point – at least he “got it”. He realised that defending this club, albeit his reasons were part of bigger plan and not altruistic, was a sure fire of winning over the support. How can it be a stranger can walk into our midst and grasp such a crucial point which our own seem to continually miss ? The well meaning articles by Rangers bloggers, Rangers Supporters Groups and Rangers websites however well intentioned and passionate, do not carry the same authority as statements or action coming from within the club itself. Furthermore it's not our job – its your job, those of you who are privileged enough to wear a club blazer and tie, or aspire to do so in the future. This support has proven itself time and time again in the face of considerable adversity, with its willingness to protect and safeguard this club. We have done as much as we can. For those with both responsibility and authority – its time for you to step up and play.
  5. Vincent has departed, he hopes to be invited to approach the Bar. Thus, a new Sellik supporting Compliance Officer is required. Peter identified one, told Regan to appoint Anthony McGlennan. I know there's a helluva lot going on within and outwith our club at the moment, but I suppose we should note the next Yahoo waiting in line to avail himself of the opportunity to sink the boot.
  6. I said this elsewhere about entire teams being brought back to defend corner kicks: I can see the time coming when the football authorities will feel inclined to amend the laws of the game regarding every player back at a corner kick. This tactic is designed to clog up the area, limit runs, deny space and minimise goalscoring opportunities, and the outcome is often a series of fouls which may or may not be punished. Officials usually favour the defending team and too often a promising moment in the game fizzles out when a free-kick is awarded. It'll take an extensive trial and error period before the cure is found, but if the football authorities want to make the game better, they really need to guard against coaches and managers who are too often negative and safety-first. The general well-being of the sport comes first and eleven players in the box defending corner kicks is not something that should be tolerated indefinitely. In addition, now that we have a fourth official, I see no reason why the game should be stopped to make substitutions. Players on winning teams who are about to be hooked are often told to go to the either side of the pitch before their number is called, and then they make the long, slow walk to the dugout. Let the fourth official take care of this and let the game flow. Managers know that this is an effective time wasting tactic. That's why they do it. On the same subject, let's draw the line at the 75th or 80th minute regarding substitutions. After this point, no matter what happens, no more substitutions should be allowed. If a player has to go off injured, so be it. We really need to end this business of time-wasting substitutions being made deep into injury time purely to upset the game's rhythm and waste more time.
  7. http://www.londonstockexchange.com/exchange/news/market-news/market-news-detail.html?announcementId=12043401 Looks like the £5m button isn't as easy to press as they think...
  8. It's the question all Rangers fans want the answer to: "What exactly were the so-called movers and shakers of Scottish football up to, behind closed doors, during that long dark summer of 2012?" Are Rangers supporters correct to be suspicious of their meetings, their motives and their thinly-disguised malevolence? You bet we are - detailed and dogged investigation has proven our own suspicions of two years ago to be correct. Over the next few weeks, Vanguard Bears will vindicate all of those Rangers supporters who harboured suspicions. What went on was scandalous. We have the proof, we've seen the agreements with our own eyes, we have heard first-hand accounts of the double-dealing in all its devious, dastardly detail. We will start by showing you an excerpt of an early draft of the now infamous "5-Way Agreement" and later we will detail the machinations behind it. Please note in particular clause (I) on page 2 - "guilty until proven innocent" springs to mind - also note the subsequent EBT Sanctions on page 3 where the stripping of trophies is mentioned. This should get the ball rolling. Coming soon – Who runs Scottish Football? Low Level Paper Gatherers? Surely not! Read more - http://www.vanguardbears.co.uk/the-five-way-agreement.html
  9. It may turn out to be an attempted payback for Operation Tango or disappointingly a damp squib but the possibilities behind the statement here are tantalising, to put it mildly: http://www.vanguardbears.co.uk
  10. Here's the Daily Record on Craig Whyte in November 2010: "Financial whizzkid Craig Whyte stands on the brink of pulling off the biggest deal of his life... Record Sport understands self-made billionaire Whyte has entered into the final stages of negotiations to buy control of the club he loves from Sir David Murray... A deal worth around £30million is now believed to have reached such an advanced stage that sources say Whyte, a high-roller who splits his time between a home in London and the idyllic Castle Grant in Grantown-on-Spey, could even have the keys to Ibrox in time to fund a major refurbishment of Walter Smith's top-team squad in January... By the age of 26, Whyte was already Scotland's youngest self-made millionaire. Now, 13 years on, and in charge of a vast business empire, his wealth is off the radar." Here's the Daily Record on Craig Whyte in October 2012: "A private investigation commissioned for Rangers showed Craig Whyte had a record of tax avoidance, failed companies and double dealings – before he was sold Sir David Murray's majority shareholding... The report, prepared by private investigators Titon, described Monaco-based Whyte as a 'fuyant' – French slang for an evader or manipulator. It warned there was no evidence to back claims circulated by Whyte's spin doctors that he was a billionaire with plenty of cash to finance Rangers. In fact, it said, there was no evidence he was even a multi-millionaire. The report talks of "the questionable source and extent of his reported wealth". And here's the Daily Record on Craig Whyte in August 2014: "The taxman was chasing Craig Whyte for £3.7million before he took over Rangers. HMRC focused on Whyte's personal finances and made several failed attempts to get him to pay his dues before, during and after his catastrophic reign at Ibrox... Documents seen by the Record show: * The authorities instructed debt enforcers to chase Whyte with a bill for almost £4million and threaten him with bankruptcy in May 2011, the same month that he bought Rangers... * Yet when he struck the notorious deal with Ticketus for funds to finance his Rangers takeover, he gave the firm a personal guarantee he was worth nearly £33million... At the same time he was able to run up a further £15million in unpaid taxes and penalties during his nine months in charge of Rangers. Whyte had bought Rangers for £1 from Sir David Murray in May 2011, while agreeing to wipe out the club's £18million debts... A sizeable proportion of Rangers fans still hold Murray at least partly responsible for the club's demise, arguing he should not have sold to Whyte, whose reputation had already been questioned." Perhaps the fans should be holding the Record to blame as well. When the paper was reporting on Whyte's hyped wealth it failed to mention the fact that serious questions were being asked in the blogosphere about the veracity of his claims. How could the Record know that Whyte was a billionaire with "a vast business empire" and wealth "off the radar"? And when it did know otherwise, why did it take so long to inform Rangers' fans? And why no apology to its readers? Note that 2012 reference to spin-doctors, as if it was all their fault rather than that of the paper's journalists for accepting what they were told without checking. The age-old problem of sports reporting was the willingness of journalists to act like "fans with typewriters" (or, nowadays, fans with laptops). The reporting of the Rangers' saga over the past five years has been a classic example of reporters being no more than stenographers for PRs offering them stories they didn't care to verify. http://www.theguardian.com/media/greenslade/2014/aug/06/daily-record-rangers
  11. I've seen it at Ibrox for a couple of seasons now. I don't think it's appropriate. Please desist.
  12. Suspect the Daily Record will make for interesting reading tomorrow. Will make us even more frustrated though. #justicefortherangerssupport Glad to see what looks like some things HMRC would rather stay unsaid are going to finally come to light. A couple of tweets tonight. Story here: http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/ex-rangers-owner-craig-whyte-being-3992415
  13. ALLY McCOIST today revealed Rangers midfielder Arnold Peralta is currently stranded in Paris - trying to sort out a work visa. Peralta has failed to return to Glasgow since the end of last season and McCoist admits he has no idea when he is coming back. The Honduran internationalist is in France with his girlfriend attempting to secure the visa he needs for a work permit. The 25-year-old was tipped to leave Ibrox last season after newspaper comments attributed to him appeared in his homeland. He struggled to hold down a regular first team place in League One last season and was quoted as saying he would move on in the summer. The 30-times capped player was due to represent his country at the World Cup Finals in Brazil. However, Peralta suffered a thigh injury in Gers final League One match against Dunfermline. He missed friendlies against Turkey and Israel before being ruled out of his national squad for the tournament in South America. He has not turned up for pre-season training or the tours of either the Highlands or Canada and the United States. But McCoist has confirmed he is fully fit after shaking off his knock and expects him to rejoin his team-mates for the 2014/15 campaign. He is, though, just not sure when that will be. The Gers manager said: "The mystery that is Arnold Peralta is definitely coming back - but when he's coming back, sadly I can't give you a definite on. "He's been in Paris trying to sort a visa. That's where he is at the moment and we're waiting. "The good news is that he's fit - the health issues are long gone. It's just location issues. "We are in dialogue with him, we haven't left him. He just needs to get his visa sorted and that of his girlfriend's. He needs the visa for the work permit. It's not getting it that's the problem - it's the delay that's the issue." Meanwhile, McCoist has revealed that Cammy Bell, Lee McCulloch and Lee Wallace should both be fit for the Petrofac Training Cup game against Hibs at Ibrox tonight. The pair picked up knocks in the pre-season friendly match against Derby County at Pride Park on Saturday. Elsewhere, Seb Faure and Richard Foster, who missed the weekend fixture, could both be available for the first competitive game of this term after resuming training. McCoist said: "The boys came in on Sunday and were iced up, but everyone was training yesterday. "Wallace is okay, the skipper and Cammy too. We're all out training so that indicates we're in reasonable health. "Foster is okay as well and Faure has also trained. I'd be hopeful they have a chance." Tickets for the Hibs game are on general sale and are priced £21 for an adult, £15 for a concession and £5 for a junior. Fans can pay at the Copland Road Stand tonight. http://www.eveningtimes.co.uk/rangers/paris-visa-riddle-for-rangers-midfielder-peralta-174850n.24958801


    Did anyone spot David Longmuir at game today? Wonder why he was there?
  15. Celtic 1-6 Tottenham http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2714050/Celtic-1-6-Tottenham-Roberto-Soldado-Erik-Lamela-Christian-Eriksen-target-Mauricio-Pochettinos-easy-win.html
  16. An attack on a 43-year-old man in Coleraine on Sunday was sectarian, according to the town's mayor. The victim received treatment for facial injuries after being attacked at Killowen Street at 02:00 BST on Sunday. It is understood he was kicked in the head and punched in the face. The police said they were still trying to establish a motive for the attack. DUP councillor George Duddy claimed the man was singled out because he was wearing a Rangers football top. "I've been a touch with the victim and his family and this is a disgrace," said Mr Duddy. 'Fatality' "He got a taxi home and had about 30ft to walk to his front door when he was beaten by another man. "He has received stitches and has a possible fractured cheekbone. "He is a very strong Rangers supporter and is a quiet man. "He was wearing Rangers clothing at the time of the attack." Mr Duddy said the victim had "some disabilities which leaves him incapable of defending himself". http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-foyle-west-28637780
  17. Bit off topic for a gers site, but how do people here view the future for scottish clubs? The top five leagues are now so far in the distance that any future european success for a scottish club now appears to be fanciful. England are never going to allow us to play within their leagues. The bottom english club now earns more than a quarter of a billion from tv every five years whilst SPFL winners will receive around 10 million. Personally, I'd approach the dutch and belgian leagues and try hammer out a northern european amalgamation before the damage done to these countries is irreparable, with promotion and relegation from national setups. The old firm both made a second tier euro final last decade. Both clubs spent 30 million (on debt) or so achieving it. Now I'm not so sure that 30 million will come close to providing the squad capable of euro success. IMO the football landscape has changed into a place we have never been before. We are in danger of being permanently left behind, despite the fact our fans are possibly the best in the world. Our grand children will grow up as barca / munich / arsenal fans first, scottish clubs second, if we don't arrest the situation.
  18. Let us begin this article with the boring bit; an extract from the Civil Service Code, the Government's published document which outlines the Civil Service's core values, and the standards of behaviour expected of all civil servants in upholding these values:- Full article: http://www.vanguardbears.co.uk/bill-mccreaths-civil-disservice.html
  19. http://www.londonstockexchange.com/exchange/news/market-news/market-news-detail.html?announcementId=12035870 Speculate away gentlemen but it seems there's some sort of influential tug o' war happening...
  20. Well!, will the SHEEP carry on the BHEAST embarrassment from last night?,or can they get a result tonight?
  21. From @SonsofTruth twitter (not sure who administrates/runs/owns that account):
  22. Steven Whittaker says he's no regrets about quitting Rangers despite his injury nightmare at Norwich. SCOTLAND defender headed to Carrow Road 2012 when Ibrox club imploded but he has only made 39 appearances since he moved south. STEVEN Whittaker swears he has no regrets about quitting Ibrox despite an injury nightmare at Norwich. Whittaker left Rangers in 2012 when they were dumped in the bottom tier and moved to Norwich. Injuries have restricted him to just 39 appearances and he said: “I knew I could do better than play in the Third Division. “And I didn’t want to spend three years of my career trying to come back up the leagues. Norwich offered me the challenge to come south and I have enjoyed it. “I still have two years here so I am looking forward to what we can achieve. “I’ve trained hard and all I can do now is make sure I can’t be edged out of the team.” http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/steven-whittaker-insists-no-regrets-3940468
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