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  1. http://www.rangerssupporterstrust.co.uk/rstsite/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=192&Itemid=1 A total of one place will be up for Election during Quarter 2 of 2008, with the successful candidate being elected to serve a 3-year term, in accordance with the Trust Rules. Four members of the Trust Board who are due to stand for re-election have chosen to do so and the Board will be recommending their re-election. Assuming the members approve this, that still leaves places for 1 new member, and as the Trust Board always welcomes the input of fresh talent, here is the chance for ordinary members to get elected to the Board, which, once complete, will be 20 strong. Members interested in applying are asked to note the following: - Essentials Each candidate must be an adult member, and be proposed and seconded by two other adult members. The candidate, proposer and seconder, must all be current members for the 2008/09 membership year. Also, the candidate must not have any criminal convictions (other than spent convictions or minor motoring offences). After consulting with Supporters Direct, it has become apparent that if there are six or less nominations, then no election will take place. If that is the case, then we shall at least publish the A4 applications, which detail the reasons why each new applicant wishes to join the Board, sent in by each nominee in the next edition of the Blue Spirit, which will precede our AGM later this year. We do hope that the number of nominations does exceed six, but that is in the hands of RST members. - Desirables Candidates must be prepared to invest their time for the benefit of the Trust membership as a whole. Candidates should have particular skills which they can bring to the table, or alternatively a lot of disposable time available to help with the more routine functions of the Rangers Supporters Trust. - Hints Candidates are allowed to submit up to one A4 page outlining why members should vote for them. This will be circulated by our independent scrutineers with the ballot papers. It is not sufficient to state that you are a committed Rangers supporter ââ?¬â?? by definition, every Trust member is a committed fan, so we should take that as read. Instead and thereââ?¬â?¢s no need for modesty here; list what particular qualities, or assets, which could benefit the Trust as a whole. A good idea on your A4 page is to state your name, age, town of residence, and what section of Ibrox your season ticket is for, if you have one. NB: The closing date for receipt of applications, and processing of 2008/09 renewals for all nominees, proposers, seconders, and those wishing to vote, is Saturday 26th April 2008.
  2. http://www.rangerssupporterstrust.co.uk/rstsite/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=191&Itemid=2 It’s that time of year again! All members should have received the latest edition of the Blue Spirit (available for download here) which contains a wealth of information regarding the Trust. Within it, we once again invite you to renew your Trust membership for the year beginning April 2008/09. To facilitate this we have a variety of simple options for you to consider. These are as follows: - By Standing Order (form available by contacting us); - Online via our own secure payment facility (click here); - Online via PayPal (click here but please note we incur charges for this facility); - By paper membership form (available here or by contacting us). (Please note if you joined the Trust in the last 3 months you will not be asked to renew until April 2009) This year we are also delighted to offer various rewards for those who renew. These include the following which when put together actually means you get your money back: - Voucher for the RST Shop - Ã?£5 off when you spend Ã?£25 or more on RST merchandise; - Voucher for a free Rangers DVD worth Ã?£10 (while stocks last); - Win a limited edition Ibrox desk set worth Ã?£100 (new life members only); - Entered into draw for 2 tickets at RST annual dinner (new life members only); - Entered into draw for match-day hospitality for 2 at Wee Rangers Club (new life members only). To ensure every Trust member is receiving the very best service from the board, it’s vital your personal details are accurate and up to date. As such, if you change your email or home address, please contact the RST so we can update our records accordingly. If you do not receive our weekly emails, please contact us asap so we can add your address to the mass emailing list. The Trust board would like to take this opportunity to thank all members for their continued support. Remember, the Trust is THE engine that is driving change amongst the support and fighting the good fight on behalf of all Rangers fans throughout different areas in society. We continue to rely on the practical and financial support of our members to ensure our representation is of the standard you expect. As always, if you have any questions about the renewal procedure, please contact us in the usual way.
  3. http://www.rangerssupporterstrust.co.uk/rstsite/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=189&Itemid=1 This coming Saturday sees the Trust's Annual Dinner - this time celebrating 5 great years of the RST. All tickets have now been sold for this event so unfortunately your chance to attend the social event of the year has now gone for 2008. Keep an eye on the site for news of more exciting events later in the year! However, for those that are attending, below you can find a list of the fabulous auction prizes that will be on offer this weekend. Indeed, even if you can't make it, maybe you can team up with someone who is going to get a bid in on the item you'd like to buy! Grand Auction Items - Signed / framed Cristiano Ronaldo shirt (Man Utd). - Signed / framed David Beckham shirt (LA Galaxy). - Signed / framed Kak�¡ shirt (AC Milan). - Signed / framed Fernando Torres shirt (Liverpool). - Signed / framed Rangers shirt. - Signed / framed Barry Ferguson shirt (Rangers). - Dado Prso personally signed boots. - 2 Tickets for the Directors Box at Ibrox Stadium. - Linfield package - (Linfield v Rangers Legends on 10th May) flight / hotel for 2 people plus Directors Box tickets, tickets for the Sportsman's Dinner after the game and a Linfield shirt signed by both teams. - Family season ticket for Mearns Castle golf academy. - The Pele Collection - a display of Brazil shirt, programme, ticket and personally signed Pele photo. - And more. Special Charity Auction (for Erskine Hospital) To help raise substantial funds for the Erskine Hospital project we have a special Rangers blazer that was given to only the select few who made up the Rangers party that went on an undefeated tour of Russia in the early summer of 1962. The legendary Hall of Fame member Harold Davis has donated his extremely rare piece which will be sure to interest collectors everywhere in this incredible auction. More info here General Raffle - 2 Hospitality tickets for Club Europe. - 2 tickets for Katie Melua concert with a meal at Mr Singh's. - 2 tickets for Michael Bolton concert with a meal at Mr Singh's. - Signed Rangers shirt - Hospitality (for 2) at the WRC - A Mini convertible free for one week. - Sunday lunch for 2, including wine and entertainment at '29' club. - And more. Can those attending also please note that our partners at the Alea Casino would like to invite everyone over to their venue on the Springfield Quay to continue the festivities when the RST event finishes. To gain entry you'll need a form of ID to sign up on the night but on entry you'll find a great venue with superb facilities - open till 6am! :coolkick:
  4. Old Firm Reaction Well another Rangers OF victory and another case of Masonic Conspiracy. Read any of the unbiased Scottish media today and youââ?¬â?¢d believe that Rangers cheated their way to victory with the help of another Brother In Black. I havenââ?¬â?¢t had time (nor the inclination really) to refer to my various oracles and on-line search engines, but I can take a guess at this, I do wonder if any Rangers OF victory has been met with a simple, ââ?¬Ë?Yip, the best team wonââ?¬â?¢? I would say it was highly unlikely. The latest OF game wasnââ?¬â?¢t particularly a great game of football but it encapsulated so much of what makes the OF game an OF game. Celtc got beaten and try to lay the blame at everyone elseââ?¬â?¢s door assisted by their lap-dogs in the media. I hear that Robert Mugabe is lining up Peter Liewell as his PR machineââ?¬Â¦. Anyway, the officials have a hard job and canââ?¬â?¢t get everything correct Ã?© Tommy Burns in a recent interview after Celtc benefited from a dubious refereeing decision that saw them steal 3 points from Love Street. But, I suppose, Timââ?¬â?¢s being Timââ?¬â?¢s this is only true when they benefit. IF anyone else does, its obviously a conspiracy. Saturdays officials werenââ?¬â?¢t the best, but I canââ?¬â?¢t see how anyone can claim that they were ââ?¬Ë?anti-Celtcââ?¬â?¢. It was heartening to hear Rangers finally praising the supporters groups who turned Ibrox into a sea of red, white and blue on Saturday. A lot of people put a hell of a work into designing banners, placing flags and cards in designated areas and this is sometimes a thankless task. So, hats of to TBO, CDL, EE and UB. Some people have talked about amalgamating all the different supporters groups, but I think Ibrox benefits from having supporters groups in different areas. One thing that I would like to see is the club helping these groups with displays, banners, finance etc ââ?¬â?? maybe something for the RST to champion? Some of the banners were outstanding and none more so that the ââ?¬Ë?voodoo no workyââ?¬â?¢ banner. This has gotten Timmy in a right tizz and some online forums are pleading with the SPL to deduct points from us due to the ââ?¬Ë?sectarian contentââ?¬â?¢ of said banner. This is even below their usual ââ?¬Ë?bottom of the barrelââ?¬â?¢ petitions ââ?¬â?? they mustnââ?¬â?¢t have any ambulances to chase this week - http://www.celticquicknews.co.uk/200...ident-at.shtml - maybe they should stick to weeding out the sectarian, ââ?¬Ë?politicalââ?¬â?¢ and offensive songs sung by the vast majority of the patrons of the Broomie on Saturday. Back to the game, and whilst it was fantastic to claim our 4th successive OF victory without conceding a goal, we still have some major work ahead of us if we are to claim our 52 title. We have the distinct prospect of having 7 of our remaining 9 games played away from home and have the distraction of the UEFA and Scottish Cup as well. There is no doubting we have come a long way in a relatively short space of time but having come this far, me must ensure that we wrap up the title. It is ours for the taking, you can sense the expectancy and one very comforting thought is that WS and his backroom staff have reinstalled the famous ââ?¬Ë?Rangers ethicââ?¬â?¢. Our players give us all and there is an obvious togetherness about the squad at the moment (which had been missing for sometime it has to be said). So there is no time to bathe in the plaudits or rest on their laurels, they have a job to finish. Question: Heard someone say that in his managerial career with Rangers, Walter Smith has faced Celtc 37 times and lost only 7 ââ?¬â?? anyone know if that is true? Mad March Gives Way To Madder April So its good-bye to mad march and hello to madder April as we welcome Sporting to Ibrox on Thursday for the UEFA Cup Ã?¼ final first leg. This game will bring the usual and unique European atmosphere that only Ibrox offers. It is thought that Sporting donââ?¬â?¢t travel well and that the home leg offers the best opportunity for us to progress. However, I would be surprised if Walter Smith alters his tactics or formation for this encounter. I donââ?¬â?¢t think there will be many, if any, changes from Saturdays starting 11. Maybe Papac for SW ââ?¬â?? that is all the change that I can foresee ââ?¬â?? I fully expect ST and SD to shake of their injuries and start on Thursday. After Sporting, we have a wee jaunt to Tannidice to play DUFC. I fully expect this game to be a sell-out considering the amount of DUFC fans at Hampden recently declaring their undying love, devotion and support of the tangerine terrors. OK, that was tongue in cheek, but at least we know after Hampden that this will be a very tough game and weââ?¬â?¢ll have to be at our best to collect another priceless three points in our title quest. Scott Brown Whilst I donââ?¬â?¢t usually write about opposition players, especially Celtc ones, I thought that Iââ?¬â?¢d give you some insight into the current mental state of Scott Brown (no jokes please). Super Ally his written a fantastic article comparing Scott Brow and Kevin Thomson (http://www.gersnetonline.net/vb/showthread.php?t=6578) and hopefully this can add some further information to SAââ?¬â?¢s opinion and thoughts. I have a friend who I like to call ââ?¬Ë?The Hibee In The Knowââ?¬â?¢ ââ?¬â?? he is a life long Hibee and has a friend who is on the Hibs board and he lets me know if / when any Hibs players are linked with Rangers and vice-versa. Anyway, he told me that it was 99% certain that SB would follow KT to Ibrox in the summer and a price and been agreed. Come the summer, the Hibs board decided that the agreed price wasnââ?¬â?¢t enough and spoke to SBââ?¬â?¢s agent and informed him to ââ?¬Ë?auctionââ?¬â?¢ the player. SB was raging as he had his heart and mind settled on a move to Rangers. Rangers rightly played hardball and refused to budge on price and wages and lost out to Celtc. Now, SB is convinced that he has made the wrong move going to Celtc and is currently looking for an escape to the EPL in the summer. If Birmingham stay up and West Brom as promoted then SB will have two EPL managers looking to purchase him. SB hasnââ?¬â?¢t shown his true potential this season (for varying reasons) and If my ââ?¬Ë?Hibee In The Knowââ?¬â?¢ is correct, Celtc and SB are ready to cut their ties in the summer. Would SB still fancy a move to Rangers and more importantly would Rangers consider a move for SB? Well, never say never as I am led to believe that Rangers and WS in particular donââ?¬â?¢t have an issue with SB. However, the price and wages would need to be attractive to Rangers. Cammy F - Support The Dublin Loyal
  5. Countdown has begun to this event next Saturday night... There are a few very limited tickets left for the evening so if you fancy joining the Trust and a few of us from Gersnet at the Crowne Plaza please let me know so we can sort you out with a place! Just short of 550 tickets have been sold already so this really is the last shout if you want to come along. I can imagine the state of a few people now if we win this weekend and beat Sporting at Ibrox next Thursday evening...
  6. http://www.rangerssupporterstrust.co.uk/rstsite/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=185&Itemid=1 Without wishing to trigger a sense of deja vu amongst the Fanzone's loyal devotees, Rangers won at the weekend without playing particularly well. I really do wish I had a pound for every time I'd said that this season. On the positive side, Thomson and Papac were outstanding, and Thomson's return to form could prove very useful with Dailly picking up an injury. Kudos to the Chairman for an excellent gesture by cutting juvenile season tickets (and the freeze on adult tickets was welcome too.) Scottish football as a whole doesn't do enough to attract the next generation, so credit where it is due to Murray for leading the way. Can't say I was quite so impressed with the gesture to buy the away tickets for Lisbon. The cynic inside me says that has been paid for and more by the over-the-top price rise for the home game. Still, overall, a decent week on and off the park. So, the small matter of the Old Firm game. While it would take a braver man than I to predict the outcome, I'm happy enough with our place and form going into this game. And after last season, that'll do for now! And, who knows, we may even be talking about the football after the match rather than the ref/fans/goalkeeper antics! How great would THAT be? David Edgar
  7. http://www.rangerssupporterstrust.co.uk/rstsite/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=183&Itemid=1 This Sunday sees Rangers given the chance to win their first silverware of the season as they take on Dundee Utd in the CIS Cup Final. With the game already a sell out, the RST has managed to get hold of a pair of tickets for the game which can be won by new (or exisiting) members of our exciting Rangers Lotto agency. Join the Trust agency before Friday evening at 9pm and you'll be in with a chance of winning the tickets! As the RST are sponsors of Rangers Youth Development, and have joined forces with Rangers Lotto on a few different projects over the last 12 months, we at the RST have decided to further build our own Rangers Lotto agency. The cost can be from as little as �£1 per week that would be paid by direct debit directly from your bank account. For your �£1 you have a chance to win a weekly prize of �£9,000 plus numerous smaller prizes. The RST will benefit to the tune of 12.5% commission for being the Rangers Lotto agent & Rangers Lotto will benefit by being able to further support Rangers Youth Development, as 100% of their profit goes directly to supporting our youth teams. All you have to do is send Scott ( scottrst@hotmail.co.uk ) your name & address and he will get the forms sent out to you. Once you receive them fill in your details and return the form in the prepaid envelope. The winners will be contacted before Sunday's game with information on how they can pick up the tickets. Good luck!
  8. http://www.rangerssupporterstrust.co.uk/rstsite/index.php The RST would like to express its pride in the Rangers Support. Despite a run of games which have not been on the season ticket, Ibrox was again full for a match which was live on terrestrial television. Indeed, last night Ibrox hosted the largest crowd in European competition. Rangers also continue to have the biggest and most vociferous away support in Scotland, and our fans are without a doubt the biggest financial benefactors to the game in this country. While other supports may seek praise and indulge in love fests with just about everyone they play, the Rangers support endures press hostility and poor treatment to follow follow their team. The RST salutes them, and we are proud to sit alongside them. We truly are the People
  9. http://www.rangerssupporterstrust.co.uk/rstsite/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=181&Itemid=1 THE saying goes it's all about results at this stage of the season. Well, Rangers are grinding them out even if it isn't always pretty. Walter was criticised for his tactics against Panathinaikos, but the end justifies the means in European competition. Scotland needs as many teams going as far in Europe as possible, so well done to all for keeping the flag flying. Gretna on Sunday was one of those games you are never going to buy a DVD of, but, as long as we keep winning, that's the important thing. There has been much talk about bad officiating this week, and while every team has a gripe about officials, surely the fact they are equally bad for everyone can't be used as an excuse? Too many officials are making too many mistakes, and it is time the SFA looked to improve standards. Players, managers and even fans ââ?¬â?? well, some fans ââ?¬â?? are punished when they don't perform to the required standard. I fail to see why referees are not judged in a similar way. David Edgar http://sport.scotsman.com/football/SPL-Fanzone-.3818435.jp
  10. Due to running a bit late on Saturday at the Corby RST event we did not get a chance to auction some of the items. One of these items is particularly good and we thought we would give you a chance to bid online. We have 8 match tickets & 8 hospitality spaces in the Wee Rangers Club for the Aberdeen game on Saturday 1st March. To make a bid please email the amount you wish to bid to scottrst@hotmail.co.ukThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it The RST will keep all bidders up to date by email. The auction will finish at 9pm on Tuesday 26th February and all bidders will be notified whether they were successful or not. Hospitality in the WRC includes a glass of champagne, a five course meal & coffee before the game and coffee and sandwiches after the game. This package does not include alcohol but there will obviously be a cash bar available.
  11. there's no doubt someone or something was sufficiently under fire in andy's article. i think it was quite easy to take from it that anyone with reservations about the hutton affair was laughably, ridicously nuts. as someone with reservations about the hutton affair, though i make no pretense at general mental wellness, i think i dont really fall into that group. i do think its fair to say when we have less than all the facts, there is room for healthy speculation - otherwise quantum mechanics would've destroyed science, and the economy would fall. but this speculation was, andy said, just gossip. he seemed to be saying more than that those who believed all the speculation as fact were Not Quite Right; he seemed to be saying that any wandering beyond the received facts at all was unhealthy. this all struck me as quite familiar - the fans reaction to the hutton affair, the different sorts of reaction, were quite like the worldwide reaction to 9/11. if it seems like quite far fetched, give me a second. there seemed to be people who believe all the 9/11 conspiracies, no matter how far fetched or contradictory, and they tend to believe them loudly. i think there are rangers fans who are willing to see all the evil conspiracies about the transfer saga, no matter how far fecthed and contradictory, and they tend to believe them all very loudly, on radio programmes and the like. i think though the wording of the article went further, these are the sorts of people andy had in mind. it tends to be these sort of people who disregard people who think there is no conspiracy as puppets of the evil mastermind (be it bush, the cia, or murray) which also accounts for andy's quite defiant stance. but this defiant stance seemed quite like the response to 9/11 that says if you dont believe exactly the given story then you are a conspiracist nutjob. any speculation beyond exactly the given facts is troublemaking/gossip etc. that is, they take the super conservative view defiantly. now if we've learned anything from the many studies into the psychology of conspiracy theorists and their imaginings, and the thing i think is important to this discussion of the hutton saga, is that conspiracy theories and theorists arise when the human imagination is forced to wander because there is a) a precedent for lies in the official story, and b) there isn't full disclosure of the facts. the kind of stuff that would show the far fetched ridiculousness of some of the stories also happens to be classified, or not available (usually for decent reason). andy's probably right that its to play into the media's hands to turn into a mumbling club-hater without the relevant facts, positing the wildest of speculations as if they had actually be shown to be true, phoning in radio programmes and making an arse of yourself. that said, its likewise to play into the media's hands to never ever speculate from the facts as given, especially when there is a precedent of lies ("I will buy a striker from my own pocket") and there isn't full disclosure of the facts ("Excuse me, Mr Murray, when you inevitably talked to Hutton about this, what was your position, and how did you put it?"). you have to use your intution, and make conclusions that are willing to go further than exactly what we know, but without rabidly holding these conclusions as if they were obvious to all and sundry. i think the biggest problems the rangers fans face at this time are a) apathy, and b) disorganisation/disunity. we are calling out for people who will have strong opinions - andy has his, the punters on the phonelines have theirs, but i think that each keeping the other at laughable distance only, as St. Mark would have it, divides the Kingdom of Gersfans against itself, and makes it succeptable to fall. no matter what the differences are its only through some sort of organised unity, the best version we have being the rst, that some greater good, whatever it may be, can be achieved. -- as a finishing aside i'd just like to say the tone's so hard on the internet. i like the general principle that people should be able to say pretty much what they like, have good strong debates, but still be able to have a pint afterwards. in calling your style condescending, i didnt want to censor you, i just thought it was condescending. here you'll be perfectly entitled to say "Well, c'est la vie, if you don't like it that much, dont respond". the reason i did reply because it was a good post, with a decent argument, even if i didnt agree with it all. may ye have many more strong opinions i can disagree with, because there's nothing so ugly as apathy. :cheers:
  12. Is there any word in the UK about getting this song back?? I think its absolute mental that the "elite" can rule this a non song!!! But that my personal thoughts. Surely the RST have discussed this. There are far worse songs thank this. IMO this song was a symbol of RANGERS - not the junk words - but the HULLO HULLO - saying we are there!!
  13. Leading on from Gribzââ?¬â?¢s post regarding Manchester Unitedââ?¬â?¢s decision to enforce a minutes silence at the Manchester derby in respect and memory of those tragically lost in the Munich disaster - http://www.gersnetonline.net/vb/showthread.php?t=5718 I thought that I would take this opportunity to question why so many Scottish based Rangers fans despise Manchester United so much. Especially when you look closely at both clubs, youââ?¬â?¢ll see that we have so much in common. Unfortunately, the most obvious thing that we have in common is that we have had to cope with disasters that have shaped our futures. We have also had to endure endless taunts regarding these tragic events. In fact, after Hillsbourgh, the Manchester United fans sang to Liverpool fans, ââ?¬Ë?Whereââ?¬â?¢s Your Famous Munich Songââ?¬â?¢ ââ?¬â?? a reference to the years of taunts they were subjected to from the scousers. A dignified way to show the scousers up for their cruel jibes and taunts. Another tag that even we are guilty of associating with Manchester United fans is the fact that a large number of their fans are not from Manchester. So, what is the crime there? Is it any worse Man U fans coming from London than Rangers fans hailing from Edinburgh, Aberdeen or even London? Of course it isnââ?¬â?¢t. Here is something else that we have in common. The city that we hail from is important, but it isnââ?¬â?¢t restrictive. We are know as ââ?¬Ë?The Rangersââ?¬â?¢, they are know simply as ââ?¬Ë?Unitedââ?¬â?¢. The team name is more important than the city. I hear arguments from Rangers fans that they hate Man U due to their ââ?¬Ë?love-inââ?¬â?¢ with Celtc. Well, if you read any Manchester United fanzine, youââ?¬â?¢ll find that the ââ?¬Ë?love-inââ?¬â?¢ is mostly a one way street (like most of the Celtc love ins). It is also worth noting the activities of the Manchester casuals ââ?¬â?? read their book and see what they think of The Vatican City and the Bloody Sunday marches in their home citiesââ?¬Â¦! One of the strongest similarities is that both Rangers and Manchester United as despised in their own countries. The simple reason for this? We are seen (and in our case are) as the most successful clubs and are the clubs that fans of other clubs love to hate. It is actually an underhanded compliment. If you question Ulster based Bears, a large percentage will name Manchester United as their English team ââ?¬â?? usually down to George Bests career, but it is a tradition that is carried on today. Manchester United fans are also very imaginative when it comes to bringing new songs to their games. This is something that we were famed for but have sadly neglected in recent years. However, with the invention of fans groups like TBO, CDL etc, this has made a welcome return to Ibrox. I was also very impressed with the actions of Manchester United fans when their club was sold to the 'Yanks'. They organised themselves brilliantly and I believe that our very own RST are mirroring the Man U ST in some of thewir actions - not a bad example to follow. In conclusion, and I say this is no friend of Manchester United, I donââ?¬â?¢t understand why so many of us hate Manchester United. However, no matter what you think of them, you have to respect (even although it may be grudging) their decision to stand by their morals and enforce a minutes silence rather than applause. Cammy F
  14. Guys, As you may or may not know the RST is approaching it's 5th birthday. Every year we have our annual gala fund-raising dinner which is one of the social events of the Rangers calendar. Each year it gets better and better and I can honestly say last year's was one of the best night's out of my life. This year should be even better. Full details at the following link but suffice to say the venue, speakers, food and prizes will be at the highest of the first class range. Not to mention the 500 fellow fans and host of RFC legends and celebrities who attend to make the night that little bit special. http://www.rangerssupporterstrust.co.uk/annualdinner2008.html As such, I thought it would be a great idea to get a Gersnet table of ten at the event. This is a great opportunity for all of us to meet up, have a great night and meet bears of every walk of life. I understand it's not cheap but it is great value in comparison with similar official club events (which I've attended and haven't been as good). I'm sure all of us are interested in meeting up with other posters, having a beer, some nice food while being entertained by the very best speakers/comedians. Then maybe go home with a signed Barry Ferguson strip or the like as a raffle prize. Who fancies it? Let me know here or by pm and I'll ensure the table is put together and a great night is organised. Please note this event is open to all fans - not just Trust members. Myself, johnnyk and ian1964 are already going so if we can get another 6 or 7 people that really would be different class! Any questions please feel free to ask!
  15. http://www.rangerssupporterstrust.co.uk/rstsite/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=170&Itemid=1 As part of our ongoing consultations with various police forces across Scotland, the Trust would like to inform our members that we will be meeting with Northern Constabulary (NC) in early 2008. NC have been most helpful with regards to many subjects and we look forward to working with them in the near future. The Trust hopes other police forces and relevant organisations are also eager to open channels of communication to ensure Rangers fans are fully consulted on matters of mutual interest.
  16. As the RST links with Rangers Youth Development continue to get closer both organisations have come up with an idea to get more information from the guys who work within the youth set-up. Over the next couple of weeks the RST will have a chance to ask questions to the following people. Colin Stewart: Director of Operations, Rangers FC Development Fund Satty Singh: Director Rangers FC Development Fund Jimmy Sinclair: Director of Murray Park Craig Mulholland: Youth Development Billy Kirkwood: Rangers U19 Coach John Fleck: Member of the U19 squad Andrew Shinnie: Member of the U19 squad We would like to give Gersnet members the chance to tell us the questions that they would like asked. All you have to do is send an email to scottrst@hotmail.co.uk with your question and whom the question is for. Please ask as many questions as you like. Once we have your questions answered we will list all the answers on our website.
  17. Phew... http://www.rangerssupporterstrust.co.uk/rstsite/index.php?option=com_frontpage&Itemid=1
  18. This Saturday 15th December the RST will be giving a presentation in the Glen Rangers Club. The presentation begins at 12noon so it would be appreciated if you could be there and seated for then.
  19. http://www.rangerssupporterstrust.co.uk/rstsite/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=161&Itemid=1 Once again the Trust has another fantastic competition for new and exisiting members - win a pair of tickets for Wednesday night's crucial Champions' League match with Lyon. The competition is open to all existing members of the RST and any new members who sign up before the deadline, which is 9pm on Tuesday evening. To win, all you have to do is send the correct answer to the question below; their name, RST membership number and contact telephone number to: scottRST@hotmail.co.uk Any new members joining online should still send an email to the above address, stating they have joined online as they will not have a membership number as yet. The question is - who scored the opening goal in Rangers' recent 3-0 win against Lyon in France? Any correct entrants will be entered into a draw which will be made at 9pm on Tuesday evening where the lucky winner will be contacted immediately. The winner can pick up their tickets from the 'Wee' Rangers Club before the game on Wednesday evening.
  20. http://www.rangerssupporterstrust.co.uk/rstsite/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=157&Itemid=1 The RST are delighted to announce that from this Saturday, December 1st 2007, we will be opening our very first shop. This will be located within the 'Wee Rangers Club', Edmiston Drive, Glasgow and open most Saturday match-days. The shop itself is downstairs next to the main hall and will be staffed from around 1pm till 2.30pm. A range of Trust merchandise will be available including memberships, RST T-Shirts and ties as well as tickets for all our social events. As well as our own items we're hoping to stock a number of external goods: fanzines, discounted Rangers DVDs and books (both cheaper than in the Rangers Shop or the High Street), WRC Hospitality and official match programmes. We'll also be inviting all of the various fan groups (TBO, CDL etc) to sell the very best of their stock. Furthermore, any time you have a question about RST activities, feel free to pop in and speak to the board members on duty. We'll try our best to help!
  21. Following the resounding success of our various events over the years, the Trust is pleased to announce another exciting evening for your social diary. To celebrate the 5th Birthday of the Trust we have organised a top-class evening of legends and laughter. The venue is the Crown Plaza Hotel on Congress Road - next to the SECC overlooking the River Clyde (Glasgow Hotel of the Year 2007) and the date is Saturday the 5th April, 2008. Doors open early and the 3 course dinner will be served from 8pm. Top UK Comedians Geoff Boyz and Rod Woodward will be our main speakers along with the hilarious Bill Copland who shall be our MC for the evening. As usual with a Trust Dinner a host of ex-Rangers players are hoping to attend and we will be having a Q&A session with many of them. Already confirmed are Jimmy Millar, Ralph Brand, Harold Davis and Tam Forsyth. Tickets are �£60 each (or �£600 for a table of ten) - fantastic value for what we all know is the premier social event of the Rangers calendar. To reflect this, there will be a first class raffle and auction where all monies raised will go to funding the RST's activities. Dress code is smart. For more info and to buy tickets - click here: http://www.rangerssupporterstrust.co.uk/annualdinner2008.html Please note that by contacting us through the site we can arrange for tickets to be paid on an installment basis. If you have any questions please contact us through the RST site.
  22. Following the success of the hospitality event held prior to the recent game against ICT the RST has set up a second date prior to the upcoming fixture against Kilmarnock for Saturday December 1st, 2007. In a drive to raise awareness of the Rangers Supporters Trust (RST), and it’s activities, within the Rangers support the RST has secured a number of hospitality places at the Wee Rangers Club (WRC) adjacent to Ibrox. As before, the RST would like to invite two committee members from your club to attend this event. In order to guarantee your club's place I would appreciate if you could contact me as soon as possible. This will be an ideal opportunity to learn more about the RST, meet RST board members and representatives of other supporters clubs. An itinerary for the event is below though please note we are aware that many of you may need to go direct to your supporters bus after the game and will be unable to make it along post match. As mentioned before a similar event was held early in November and was thoroughly enjoyed by all who attended and everyone left with a greater awareness of the Trust as well as having made new friends - both from the Trust and the other clubs present. Yours In Blue RST Supporters Club Liaison rscinfo@rangerssupporterstrust.co.uk * 11:45am – Noon Meet in the John Brown Suite within the Wee Rangers Club for drinks reception. * 12noon - 12.45pm 45-minute presentation by the RST * 12:45pm – 2pm 4 course lunch with refreshments * 2pm - 2:30pm A chance to ask the RST board members any further questions with regards to RST activities, as well as meeting reps from other supporters clubs. * 2:30pm - 3pm Go to the stadium for the game. * 5pm – 6pm Sandwiches and snacks in the John Brown Suite (pay bar service) and a chance for any further questions / discussions. * 6 - 6:30pm – Move to the bar in the WRC or head off home.
  23. To have a chance to win one of the prizes below you simply have to shop online at any of over 500 stores using http://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/rangers'>http://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/rangers The incredible list of prizes is as follows:- 1. Rangers home shirt personally signed by Barry Ferguson; 2. Hospitality for 4 in the Wee Rangers Club for the day of the Dundee Utd game on the 5th Jan (including match tickets); 3. 17" x 13" framed print of Fernando Torres personally signed by the player himself; 4. Ã?£50 in Amazon vouchers; 5. A Brick at Ibrox for the Bill Struth panel; 6. Personally signed Marvin Andrews DVD. If you already shop with stores such as NEXT, Amazon, John Lewis, M&S, HMV, Toys R Us, DELL, Dixonââ?¬â?¢s, Expedia or Debenhamââ?¬â?¢s, simply use the links provided on the easyfundraising site when you shop and at no extra cost to you, we'll receive a free donation of up to 15% from each purchase you make. Over 500+ well known retailers are featured so if you already shop online, why not use easyfundraising and raise funds for us at the same time. During the busy Xmas period this is an ideal time to raise significant funds for the RST. Every time you use the website http://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/rangers to purchase goods online you will have an automatic entry into the prize draw ââ?¬â?? eg: if you make 5 separate transactions then you get 5 entries etc. The closing date is the 15th December and the winner will be drawn by 'easyfundraising' and their decision will be final. No personal information from this competition will be passed onto a third party. The incredible list of prizes is as follows:- 1. Rangers home shirt personally signed by Barry Ferguson; 2. Hospitality for 4 in the Wee Rangers Club for the day of the Dundee Utd game on the 5th Jan (including match tickets); 3. 17" x 13" framed print of Fernando Torres personally signed by the player himself; 4. Ã?£50 in Amazon vouchers; 5. A Brick at Ibrox for the Bill Struth panel; 6. Personally signed Marvin Andrews DVD. Please also consider using the link http://rangers.easysearch.org.uk/ when you search the web. Powered by the world's 2nd largest search provider, easysearch works just like Google, giving you fast, accurate results every time you search the web. However, unlike Google, easysearch gives you something back! Every time you search the web using this link 1p is donated to the trust. This does not sound a lot but for the average web user this would raise Ã?£25 per year for the RST. All from a simple task we often do several times every day! http://www.rangerssupporterstrust.co.uk/rs...53&Itemid=1
  24. http://www.rangerssupporterstrust.co.uk/rstsite/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=150&Itemid=1 The Rangers Supporterââ?¬â?¢s Trust is delighted to announce our inaugural ââ?¬Ë?Gers Prideââ?¬â?¢ Conference, to be held within Ibrox Stadium next Saturday 10 November (Outline timings 10am until 3.30pm). A prestigious panel of confirmed speakers includes: Ian Davidson, MP for Glasgow South West, Professor Steve Bruce of Aberdeen University, Dirk Manser, Curator of the SV Hamburg Club Museum, Stewart McAfee of the Amalgamation of Northern Ireland Supporters Clubs, Grahame Smith, General Secretary of the Scottish TUC and Andy Mitten of the Manchester United Supportersââ?¬â?¢ Trust. Members of the RST Board will also speak at this event. The Conference is open to all members of the Rangers Supportersââ?¬â?¢ Trust and provides a much-needed space for fans to debate and explore all the issues around Rangers, about being a football supporter in the 21st Century, and tackling the thorny issues of racism, sectarianism and other forms of prejudice. It will consider mainstream Scots culture, politics, education, the wider civic society and look at how the Rangers family relates to these. Guests from England, Northern Ireland and Germany will help give the event UK-wide and European dimensions. One again The Rangers Supportersââ?¬â?¢ Trust shows that it is the progressive organisation open to all and offering an alternative voice to the Rangers support, a support either excluded from debate or dishonestly portrayed as being backward-looking and bigoted. As a democratic fan-led body, we are proud to offer this Conference as a major step forward in this exciting and challenging period for all members of the Rangers family. Interest in this event is likely to be extremely high so at this stage attendance is limited to members. Furthermore, to help pay for lunch and refreshments, there is a small fee of Ã?£5 per person. Tickets can be bought below and are limited to one member/one ticket at this stage. Please can you highlight your Trust membership number when ordering. For more info on how to buy tickets, please visit this page. http://www.rangerssupporterstrust.co.uk/gerspride07.html For anyone requiring further info please email stewart@rangerssupporterstrust.co.uk
  25. It's the biggest game of the season so far - the glamour game of the CL Group Stage. It's also a complete sell out. Fancy a pair of tickets? Read on! The competition is open to all existing members of the RST and any new members who sign up before the deadline, which is 9pm on Monday evening. To win, all you have to do is send the correct answer to the question below; your name, RST membership number and contact telephone number to: scottRST@hotmail.co.uk Any new members joining online should still send an email to the above address, stating they have joined online as they will not have a membership number as yet. The question is - who scored the 3rd goal in Rangers recent 3 - 0 victory against Lyon? Any correct entrants will be entered into a draw which will be made at 9pm on Monday evening where the lucky winner will be contacted immediately. The winner can pick up their tickets from the 'Wee' Rangers Club before the game on Tuesday evening. Good luck!
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