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  1. so wee fanta baws is off at the end of the season I think Hartley will take over his public enemy number 1 status
  2. Whats your favourite goal EVER scored by Rangers. No multi suggestions - just the one!!! I have to say the most wildest celebration i ever had was in 1994 when I was at Hampden for Celtic v Rangers (when the mhanks were playing ther for the season) and we won 3-1. Hateley got the opening 2 but when Laudrup broke away and got the 3rd thats the wildest celebration ive ever had and my best goal!!!
  3. “Does Scotland have a problem with sectarian abuse?” seems like a very easy question to answer in today’s social climate. I’m sceptical when issues about the whole of a society can be answered simply. It tends to make me think that something quite fundamental’s been missed somewhere. This article follows the tendency in philosophy since the 1920’s to try and unravel the language used to describe big issues. Language can trip us up, and if what we’re saying cant be said ordinarily and clearly, then nothings really being said at all. I suggest that we’ve been fed a language – fed by the government, the media, and, indeed ourselves – to discuss sectarianism. It is language that is reactionary, and sensational, and in being both distorts the truer picture of the issue. We don’t need to look back too far in history to see this kind of manipulation in action, its not some grand conspiracy theory, it just seems to be the way history works. When old Adolf was planning on jaunting across the world generally being a bastard he realised that he first had to convince or appease the German people. He created a language to discuss the war – it was very simple, it just involved setting up Germany’s surrounding countries as enemies based on his dodgy, but highly motivational, philosophy. Then he forced people in to one of two positions – you are either a German, or a subversive. Convincing the German people their very identity was under threat, not to go to war with those around them was unpatriotic – and so everyone discussed the issue of invading Poland in these terms they’d been given. A nice positive term like ‘democrat’ nowadays was, back in the time of the French Revolution, the opposite of a ‘patriot’ – those who believed in democracy then were unable to be patriots, according to the language. So, given we’ve got historical precedent for this kind of things we should at least think its safe to discard all the meanings we’ve been given for terms like ‘abuse’, ‘sectarianism’, ‘pride over prejudice’ etc and assume we can come to a common sense, plain understanding of the issue without them. So, without immediately falling down at the sound of the question, lets ask ourselves clearly “What is sectarian abuse?”. Sectarian’s easy – it just means being driven by a sect, and a belief in the superiority of your doctrine over others. I won’t enter, for the moment, whether the ‘abuse’ at an OF game is best described as sectarian at all. ‘Abuse’ is a bit more subtle – it can mean physical, or mental, or emotional, and what is considered abuse by some, may not be considered by others. It’s not a fixed concept; to understand it you need to look at the situation in which it is used. To show what I mean, here’s some examples: “Get the fuck out of my country you black bastard” is an example of verbal racist abuse. “Your maw gets shagged off of everyone” is an example of emotional, or psychological, abuse. Which one is the worse abuse? Without looking at the context we can’t know – racism has been historically a worse problem, arguably, because it has very often been accompanied with social oppression and violence – two very important terms when discussing how big a problem is in a country. But what if we gave the examples above a little more context? The black kid turns round and says “Get tae fuck ya backwards cunt”, and his friends laugh, disgusted that there were still racist people like that. Whereas the kid who’s maw had been slagged (sic) got this piled onto him every day for years, built resentment for his mother, left when he was 16 and never spoke to her again. Even in these contrived examples it’s not hard to see that unless we take a look at the bigger picture we can’t work out how bad abuse is. So how bad is sectarian abuse? Well, in its current form, as discussed in the newspapers, it involves groups of people chanting provocatively at other groups of people who are chanting back. No genuine protestant or catholic leaves feeling their religion has been violated so badly as to question it, they are not denied a job or are killed. That is, there is no social repression, and there is no violence. When we look back to the examples above we must be inclined to think its more like the racism example – those who are against bigotry COULD take the approach of the mature black kid who says “Fuck off ya backward cunt”, or the friends that mutter “I cant believe people can still be arsed with that stuff”. To people with a modern sensibility it’s absolutely shocking that people can still be bigotted, but the truth of the matter is that it’s unpleasant, uncouth and dated, but hardly devastating. Ideas naturally die off through time – when the old, crappy, ideas are dying its unpleasant to us who are more enlightened, but it’s just the natural order. Our grand ideas will die this way also. If a passerby reported the racism incident to the police we would tend to think the more mature approach was the boy’s – understanding ignorance for what it is. When someone is abused at school for, I dunno, having glasses, their parents explain to them that its just stupid prejudice, and to be confident enough in themselves not to be worried by what morons think. You tend to think that if everyone adopted a position of piteous condescension towards bigotry it would die a lot sooner than by exposing it sensationally, and forcing everyone into a horribly contrived – “You are either for bigotry, or against it (in the way we – the media, the government - are)”. What about sectarian killings? Are they not symptoms of a sectarian problem in Scotland? The answer, as ever, is yes and no. They are evidence of sectarian violence as much as they are teenage thuggery. The fact that they can be explained in both ways shows that any simple, Nil By Mouth, approach to the problem is just that - simple. When we start to stand back at look at the prevalence of knife crime in Scotland, it may seem, on reflection, that these incidents are often better explained as incidents of that problem, rather than a sectarian one. Sectarian divide being the catalyst in the way that area, or looking at someone the wrong way, is in other instances of knife crime. I myself have been the victim of sectarian abuse. One hot summers day a few mates and I were heading over to the game - we never had tickets and the subways was too full so we decided to go to the pub. Heading back up the stairs I got seperated from them and promptly called a 'wee hun bastard' by a group of guys coming down the stair. By the time I looked up I had been fly kicked in the head, leaving a nice foot print thereupon - I'll stop for a moment, you should laugh, the image is funny - and was promptly given a good kicking on the way past. I was left considerably cut and bruised and had a horrible black eye for work on the Monday. While its certainly true that in some sense I was the victim of sectarian violence, I think a more wholistic description of those people were just morons. They were in a group, they attacked an individual, they were much bigger and a good deal older. This kind of thing has been happening since the dawn of time - is it pleasant? No, its a disgrace, but thinking that ridding the world of sectarianism would stop this kind of violence is just hopelessly naive. Its simply a bigger problem to do with human nature, and I'm quite sure as their night progressed and drunkenness ensued someone else, rangers or celtic supporter, may have been their victim, or would have given them a kicking. In the last few weeks in London there were a running battle between 50 rival supporters. Violence the likes of which we haven't seen between Rangers and Celtic fans in decades. Somehow hooligan violence is better than sectarian. Like sectarianism, Sexism is just backwards, sexism in the workplace is justifiably illegal, and domestic violence is likewise. I’m willing to think that people who call me a “Hun orange bastards” are illiterate morons beneath my contempt, but if they start denying me a job over it, or giving me a kicking because of it, then it’s a problem. If this happens all the time, to lots of people like me, then it’s a social problem. However, if, in fact, the abuse comes from a gross minority who 99% of people don’t take seriously enough to let them be in a position to deny anyone a job, then its not a social problem, its just an unpleasant fact of life in changing times. I’m secure enough in my religion not to be devastated by someone sitting a few hundred yards away singing at me. I’m quite sure the Pope is too, sitting hundreds of miles away. I’m sure every sensible person in Scotland finds bigotry moronic, but not so moronic as to have it affect their lives – other than hearing it be constantly mulled over in the papers, and the pointless time dedicated to it in parliament. Your average Scot does not experience verbal sectarian abuse, much less social repression or violence, much less are those who experience it regularly, and they are too few for it to be anything like an epidemic of social decay. Just let it die naturally, I say – don’t portray it sensationally, and unfairly, and give it a cause, and a bunch of reactionary martyrs. We’ve just went through an article discussing very highly charged issues sensibly and reasonably, and we’re just ordinary people – it’s the least we should expect of our esteemed politicians and columnists. I’m not at all right – there is plenty of scope for further debate (Is the abuse shouted at football games even best described as sectarian? Should children be exposed to it? Should they be exposed to any shouting at a football match?) but lets just hope its in a sensible manner, seeking common and easy terms and definitions to discuss it in.
  4. Not really any suprises, bet it was a hell of a night for Prso though !!
  5. I've never thought of Barry as captain material - even when he was winning us the treble before Blackburn. The nonsense under PLG underlined it as do his performances as captain of Scotland. I think it's detrimental to his game in the same way it held McStay back as captain of Celtic. They were both too busy thinking about what others were doing to concentrate on their own games - in BFs case, breaking beynd the strikers, controling the game and in McStay's playing square passes. Anyway, I don't really see anyone in next years potential squad as captain material. Weir also has never really struck me as a captain and he's only here short term, Hemdani is French - surrender monkey - and I have always felt the captain should have English as his native tongue (another mark against BF!). Thompson I think is too young, so who is it to be? I think when Walter goes window shopping, this should be something he seriously considers. Not only does he need an improved class of player, he needs to find himself an on-field lieutenant! Any ideas????
  6. Played 10 Won 8 Drawn 2 Lost 0 For 19 Against 3 Clean sheets 7 Points 26 Now extrapolate that over 38 and the 33 games: Played 38, 33 Won 30, 26 Drawn 8, 7 Lost 0, 0 For 72, 63 Against 11, 10 Clean sheets 27, 23 Points 98, 85 Now I know it's not that simple but it's obviously championship winning form and if we'd got Walter in at the beginning of the season and had these kind of stats we'd be at least 7 points ahead of Celtic and talking about "grinding out results". The remarkable thing is that Walter is doing this with a squad of players that have failed to win a trophy in two years, have gained some of the worst records in Rangers history and has only had a few players of his own choosing. So while the football might be bad at times, take heart from the results at the moment. Now is probably not the time to grumble about poor football especially when the results are rolling in and racking up the points - we'd have taken this kind of football for the last one and a half seasons. Phase one is stopping the rot and the leaking of goals and points using mostly the inherited squad with a few extra players brought in on a modest budget - I think that is being achieved with great aplomb. Phase two will start this summer and will be about improving the quality of the team and providing a sustained challenge for the title as well as CL qualification. Once we have achieved a level where we are consistently challenging for the league - wining it at least every second season, and doing well in the CL, then maybe we can think about producing a much more watchable football. That will be phase three and four. Have patience.
  7. Celtic are piling on the pressure but Scotland had a great chance there and should of scored. Come on you SAINTSSSSSSSSSSS
  8. Liverpool V PSV 3 - 0 up and it looks like its them thats going to face chelsea in teh semis. Fancy liverpool 2 - 0 tonight. Just saw a banner "Thank You Celtic Fans We've Never Walked Alone" wtf is that all about.
  9. Some people forget amongst the media hyperbole and sensationalism that our support have already made GREAT strides in removing the contentious terms from our songs. In less than one season ****** and *** have been 99.9% removed from the home support - a fine achievement - especially when one considers the debate surround the origins/meanings of ******. Most of the away fans have followed suit and apart from a small cross-section, progress has been excellent. Recently we had a few very public problems and suddenly the attention is back upon us. That's where our next problem occurs - perhaps the most difficult one we face in fact. There is ABSOLUTELY NO DOUBT that we are being victimised here. Celtic fans and Aberdeen fans (and even Killie fans!) have been guilty of similar indiscretions and are NOT being pursued like us. Ergo, some of our fans are feeling a siege-mentality when it comes to the issue. Why should they stop singing contentious terms when others clubs do so without persecution? I can empathise with that point of view to an extent. It is argued that we shouldn't bring up other teams when we face our own problems. We need to fix ours first even in the face of apparant isolation compared to the debate at large. That is true and a worthy opinion. Conversely though, to say the apparant lack of action towards other clubs won't have an effect on our battle isn't accurate. The censure and coverage we face nearly every day has to be applied equally to every club. If not, our problems become harder to solve. If only criticism is offered and no solutions discussed such action (or inaction) is not constructive. That's why clarity for the full picture must still be sought and that's why the media's role in the sectarian crusade must be questioned.
  10. RANGERS under-19s have beaten Ross County 3-0 in their SFA Youth Cup semi-final clash in Dingwall tonight. Victoria ParkA crowd of 1,493 travelled to Victoria Park to watch the Staggies take on Billy Kirkwood's team but the home side failed to match their SPL opponents who romped to a comprehensive victory. Steven Lennon, who was in superb form, opened the scoring on 18 minutes with a typically composed finish but despite dominating the first-half Rangers failed to increase their advantage up to the interval. This all changed when William McLachlan replaced winger Adda Djeziri on 57 minutes and the substitute was to score with his first touch before Andrew Shinnie celebrates his goalAndrew Shinnie secured a memorable win against the SFL Champions by netting a third on 66 minutes. County will have been disappointed not to test keeper Scott Gallacher more throughout the tie but there is no doubt that Rangers were worthy winners and the Murray Park starlets can now look forward to a final against Old Firm rivals Celtic at Hampden on April 26. RANGERS: Gallacher, Lowing, Kinniburgh, Perry, Smith, Emslie, Djeziri (McLachlan ), Shinnie, Lennon, Furman, McMillan
  11. So Broadfoot and Gow will arrive and Celtic done us another favour by taking McDonald away from us. They did the same with Hartley. I was one who kinda wanted Hartley but he has been poor since going there and its dawned on me he cant cut playing for a bigger team. Anyway, Kevin Thomson hasnt had a great start, Andy Webster hasnt kicked a ball, Davie Weir has been a good signing as has Ehiogu IMO, despite a bad game. But id like to see Webster sign up permanently, with Weir and Ehiogu being there for all of next season. With Papac being impressive of late, Broadfoots arrival and IF Webster signs then we can afford to let Svensson go but im equally happy if he sticks around. So all that our defence is pretty much ready next season bar cover for Alan Hutton. Gary Naysmith could also be a potential target and then we could let Ian Murray go. In between the sticks, we need a big signing or a back up keeper for McGregor - something Walter will need to think about over the near future. In midfield Sionko, Rae and Buffel will all probably depart but id rather see Buffel stay. Buffel and Sionko have talent which they dont use. An interesting debate on here the other day saw a few posters thinking it wouldnt be a bad thing if Ferguson moved on. Im one who wouldnt be upset if we cashed in on him. There is a chance he is at the route of some of the problems at the club as he feels immune to critisism or being dropped. We need a left sided midfielder to replace the inconsistant Charlie Adam with Lee McCulloch or James McFadden being my choices. Scott Brown will probably join and thats a boost for the right side of midfield. Upfront we are being linked with Healy, Koevermans and Balaban amoungst a few others. It will all depend if Sebo and Novo join Prso on the way out. Gow can also play upfront.
  12. Gribz

    Dire times

    We have to be honest and real now, the last 3 years have produced the worst Rangers sides that I have seen (the older posters may think different) and 2 title wins in the last day of the season has kept Celtic from being on 7 in a row and in the other 5 seasons they have won the league by huge margins. That is saying something!! This is the 2nd season in a row without a trophy and that for Rangers is a disaster considering the League Cup is a diddy cup and Gretna can manage a Scottish Cup final appearance while being a 2nd division side. The amount of players who have been in and out of Ibrox in the last few years is enough to set up a league in a small country, and some didnt even kick a ball like that Italian. We arent going to get stability like that but it seems that certain players were preferred all the time even if there form was shoddy and they simply cant be dropped. Even when one of our managers tried to drop a player in poor form he ends up out the door - thats the sort of stuff you couldnt make up and is a journalists dream. The other thing is we dont seem to play players in their preferred positions hence once again meaning we are going to struggle. In the past we have had a few great playmakers being the link from midfield to frontmen. Gascoigne and De Boer were in a different class at doing this and we admit we wont see this type of player with us again for a long time. But when we do get a few players in this role with a hint of talent they are not given the chance. Im talking about Namouchi, Lovenkrands and Buffel here. Lovenkrands shined in the european stage and in Old firm games and had pace to scare defenders but he was deployed on the wing most of the time. Namouchi was thrown out on the wide right or left depending what number McLeish drew him out of the hat and Buffel was the same. Since Smith has came in he has steadied the ship and made us hard to beat and score against. He did well in january singing two solid defenders and at the moment we are top of the form table and closed the huge gap on Celtic. Things are looking better at the back but in midfield and upfront we are still absolute rank rotten bar 1 or 2 players. I'll give Smith the benefit of the doubt as he only had a few weeks in January to buy players, but come the summer Im hoping for the same improvements in the others areas of the squad but buys like Gow wont convince me.
  13. Was played at Ibrox today and i pooped along and wathced the game along with my friend who is a Celtic fan :admin: Anyway here is the report from the Official site Fleck looked very good but his challenge was shocking, Furman and Lennon were very impressive . The whole defense had a comftable game with Utd only having one chance. Djeziri looked no bad when he came on and was show boating a bit . Not a bad game and the team looks very good Anyone else go
  14. After another appalling and heartless performance at Ibrox on Saturday I read with interest that many fans felt booing wasnââ?¬â?¢t suitable and that we should be supporting the players as opposed to criticising them so publicly. In addition to that, there were further complaints of the general atmosphere being poor as well as the usual complaints about the ââ?¬Ë?Subway Loyalââ?¬â?¢ leaving early. Generally, one can understand these points of view but I think the prevailing reason for such differences of opinion is merely another symptom of the Rangers family breakdown. After another season of disappointment and under-achievement, player/club/fan relationships have never been so strained. Perhaps itââ?¬â?¢s one symptom of such declining communications but it really is becoming incredibly hard for the fans to find anything to relate to and indeed support per se. In decades past, players were fans and lived similar lives to the support. Football wasnââ?¬â?¢t so glamorous and the money was nothing special. Hero worship was evident but not to the extent it is today. As European competitions begun and the TV and mass media started to take a real interest, profiles began to rise and higher reputations increased egos dangerously. From the Jim Baxterââ?¬â?¢s to the Willie Johnstoneââ?¬â?¢s star quality was now part and parcel of a Rangers footballerââ?¬â?¢s life. As we approached the 21st Century the TV finance boom and the subsequent worldwide exposure of that and the internet meant footballers were front page icons and loved by people all over the world. The Ally McCoist and Paul Gascoigne age started to take the players out of the reach of the fellow fan. Annual wages were now millions of pounds not thousands and fans werenââ?¬â?¢t as important as the agent or journalistic friend. The Bosman rule was next and money really started to take hold of our game. Not only that, it wasnââ?¬â?¢t just Scotsmen playing for Rangers but players from all over the world ââ?¬â?? many whom couldnââ?¬â?¢t even speak English never mind understand our traditions and history. As such, with every passing year attitudes and relationships are changing. Who are our Rangers heroes nowadays? Barry Ferguson ââ?¬â?? a captain who doesnââ?¬â?¢t appear to be a leader? Dado Prso ââ?¬â?? a likeable chap whose career is all but finished? Nacho Novo ââ?¬â?? well he did say no to Celtic 3 years ago? Will we even have any great players next year? The kind of ability, charisma and pride that makes a player a Rangers legend certainly seems in short supply nowadays. At the same time, these players are further from our reach. Increased technology and the problems that can bring means they are not allowed to attend RSC functions. VIP lounges means we canââ?¬â?¢t even buy them a pint and have a chat in our local pubs and clubs. Even when we do, we canââ?¬â?¢t understand what their life is like just as they canââ?¬â?¢t understand ours. Even the most average of players can earn more in a month that even the most skilled of us do in a year. Never have we been so far apart at the most basic of levels. Ergo, do the players really care when we boo them? Do they even care when we cheer them? Similarly, can kissing the badge or the odd fleeting gesture appease us? What about other figures at the club? An owner and chairman now semi-retired in France leaving an ill-equipped non-Rangers man to do a job he obviously struggles with. Even the so-called Rangers men still around prefer to lie and cover their bossââ?¬â?¢s tracks instead of standing up for the very people that loved them so much in years and eras long gone. Has the game changed so much that our greatest ever players are silent while our fans are kicked from pillar to post by sensationalist figures in the media? Or, like their fellow modern players, does the pound come before loyalty to the people who pay their wages? All this is rather depressing but itââ?¬â?¢s also realistic and relevant. Last week our chairman appeared from nowhere to again plead with a small section of our fans to stop letting the club down. Of course he is right ââ?¬â?? the club should take priority over everything else. ââ?¬Ë?Rangers Firstââ?¬â?¢ is the admirable message. Perhaps the chairman and some of the highly paid strangers now at our club could use that ethos themselves. Then we might just be more of the family they often talk about enabling us to face the many challenges ahead of us as a bonded unit instead of a divided and despondent one.
  15. Celtic fans never really toke to him and will be glad to see the back of him
  16. http://www.gersnetonline.net/newsite/index.php That time is here again. The letters will soon be through the door and RFC are asking for your hard-earned cash – often more than £400 in many cases. Are you automatically reaching for your bank account details? Is it money well spent or could it be considered emotional blackmail? Whatever you think wait a few minutes before getting your wallet out – read on! The end of this season will now see 2 years of no success – not one trophy! The product on offer has been depressing and if it wasn’t for a decent CL run last season and an interesting UEFA Cup run this term, we’d have no positives to talk about. I think it’s fair to say that at the beginning of the season we were all pretty happy. Attracting and installing Paul Le Guen as our new manager must have been no easy task. He was one of the youngest and brightest managers in world football and we all thought David Murray had secured a gem. We were back and nothing would stop us was the cry! How wrong could we have been? Investment into the playing side was minimal because of more pay offs and no CL football. However, even with the money PLG did get it appears to have been wasted on players that have offered little or no improvement on previous personnel. It all soon went downhill and I don’t think we need reminding about how bad it was. As such, in a marked difference from last season, SDM acted quickly and removed PLG immediately. ‘Back to the Future’ was the theme as Walter Smith returned along with Ally McCoist who would surely help dressing room differences. As a short-term solution it seems to have worked to a degree. Decent SPL form and a much-needed away win against Celtic means the feel-good factor is returning slightly. It remains to be seen if it’s the right medium-long term appointment and our quick Euro exit showed Smith et al have a lot of hard work ahead of them. In addition, we still don’t have our problems to seek off the pitch. The UEFA charge of early 2006 has hung over us and we have all been criticised in the media every other day since. At that time, Murray’s statement condemning sectarianism and bigotry was appropriate and the responsibility certainly lies with us all in eradicating the offensive content from our support. It is a challenge but one that we must overcome. The continued witch-hunt by various parties (independent, anonymous or not) shows that the matter won’t be laid to rest so we have to act soonest. I do wonder though at the club’s reluctance to combat the media on these issues. Too often now we seem impotent when it comes to their ever more frequent diatribes. Journalists such as the odious Graham Spiers, Gerry McNee and Hugh Keevins seem able to say what they want without fear of reprisal from the chairman or the club. Others have jumped on this bandwagon while other clubs seem to do what they want with minimal coverage. Why is the press coverage so seemingly one-sided? Criticism of our club and its fans goes with the territory. It’s is often valid and we should neither deflect nor deny the problems we face. However, at the same time we cannot allow our enemies to blacken our name by sensationalising a terrible issue. We cannot afford to give people like the above carte blanche to say what they like about the fans and our club. With new SPL rules on the horizon the danger has never been clearer and we have to be ready for further attacks. David Murray, as our club’s custodian and our ultimate ‘leader’, should answer on our behalf. Yet the only people I see standing up for our fellow fans are voluntary fans’ groups. Surely if someone like Murray or even Martin Bain did what Peter Lawwell of Celtic seems to be doing very successfully, these attacks wouldn’t be so frequent or so over the top? The last 2 years have been awful but there are signs that we can rally. However, unless the club start defending the fans, the Rangers family might not be as happy or together as it should be. David Murray and the board are the head of the family and they must start leading from the front. Once again, I implore the club to act in the good name of Rangers FC. There is a battle going on out there and we desperately need a General. Is David Murray that man? Where has he been lately? As such, I would ask every Rangers fan reading this to not blindly fill out that renewal form. Have a think what you want from your club. Do the arrival of Walter Smith and some more new players satisfy your ambitions? As well as the primary media issue, what about the other problems we have? Dangerous European away trips; hindrance of invaluable singing sections; over-the-top policing and stewarding; a confusing and forever changing Youth system; poor match-day facilities; questionable scouting policies and minimal appreciation of the club’s history. These are all negative issues which should concern every one of us. Are you still ready to sign that form? I know you will. I know I will. After all we are amongst the most loyal fans in the game and supporting a club such as Rangers isn’t always done logically. But, fellow Rangers fan, why not do what I’m going to do: accompany your renewal with a letter or with a simple piece of paper if you prefer. On it use the following words to show that you’re a customer who doesn’t appreciate being victimised in the media and who will not blindly accept second best year after year. This simple message will suffice: David Murray – Show some leadership and defend our club.
  17. Good news for us, i really didnt want him at Ibrox. A decent player for Motherwell but thats it. He done his job for us on helicopter sunday. I actually wonder what the tim reaction is to this.
  18. CELTIC are considering an appeal against a �£420 fine imposed by UEFA yesterday as punishment for crowd trouble in Milan. Two empty water bottles were thrown towards the San Siro pitch during their Champions League match against AC Milan on March 7 but the Parkhead club insisted their fans were not to blame. However, UEFA's control and disciplinary body felt there was enough evidence to fine the club. A Celtic spokesperson said: "The fine of 1000 Swiss francs (�£420) says it all. Not withstanding this, we are disappointed and may consider an appeal."
  19. Neil Alexander (Cardiff), Craig Gordon (Hearts) Allan McGregor (Rangers), Iain Turner (Everton); Graham Alexander (Preston), Russell Anderson (Aberdeen), Gary Caldwell (Celtic), Christian Dailly (West Ham), Stephen McManus (Celtic), Jackie McNamara (Wolves), Graeme Murty (Reading), Gary Naysmith (Everton), Steven Pressley (Celtic), David Weir (Rangers); Scott Brown (Hibernian), Chris Burke (Rangers), Barry Ferguson (Rangers), Paul Hartley (Celtic), Lee McCulloch (Wigan), Nigel Quashie (West Ham), Scott Severin (Aberdeen), Gary Teale (Derby County); Craig Beattie (Celtic), Kris Boyd (Rangers), Shaun Maloney (Aston Villa), Kenny Miller (Celtic) Ok guys, pick your best team out of this squad, and score predictions.
  20. The post-split fixtures have been announced today, and are as follows: Saturday 21st April: Rangers v Hearts ââ?¬â?? 3pm kickoff Saturday 28th April: Hibernian v Rangers ââ?¬â?? 3pm kickoff Saturday 5th May: Rangers v Celtic ââ?¬â?? 1230 kickoff (live on Setanta) Sunday 13th May: Rangers v Kilmarnock ââ?¬â?? 2pm kickoff (live on Setanta) Sunday 20th May: Aberdeen v Rangers ââ?¬â?? 2pm kickoff
  21. ...Deserves a bit of praise at the moment. He is getting better every week and has been outstanding against Celtic and Aberdeen. We have always said we want him to get back to his form Pre-leg break and I said the mental side and confidence would take time having experienced a bad break myself. IMO he is actually playing better now than he was pre injury. He is getting into great offensive positions. But he has to keep this standard up and improve even more. His crossing isnt the best in the world, but he is getting near a level which would convince me he is our long term RB.
  22. KEEP BELIEVING...... haha Come on the Bairns - up 1-0 at HT. Why were the 2 sent off ?
  23. With the newest alleged UEFA investigation into the ââ?¬Ë?Simply The Bestââ?¬â?¢ song in Osasuna, Rangers have to wage war on two fronts if they have any hope of coming out of this ââ?¬Ë?warââ?¬â?¢ unscathed. Dignified Silence Is No Longer An Option SDM needs to realise that a ââ?¬Ë?dignified silenceââ?¬â?¢ in the face of sensationalist headlines is no longer an option. The club has to come out fighting here. We are not looking for UEFA to ignore any discriminatory songs, we are asking for a level playing field. It is time for the club to take of the kid gloves and hit back here. It sounds petty, but we have to highlight other clubs fans who sing discriminatory songs and prove that we arenââ?¬â?¢t the only club in Europe who have an issue. Hell, we arenââ?¬â?¢t even the only club in Glasgow who has an issue. There is plenty of evidence out there to prove this. A quick search of You Tube will bring up videos of Celtic fans singing IRA, sectarian and other vile songs, itââ?¬â?¢ll bring up videos of West Ham fans singing anti-Jewish and racist songs, itââ?¬â?¢ll show evidence of Aberdeen fans singing discriminatory songs, hell, you can even see the TA singing anti-English racist songs. Celtic fans are getting worried as they have tried their best to get the ââ?¬Ë?press bus incidentââ?¬â?¢ in Milan rubbished and certain sections of the media have as usual been very obliging in ââ?¬Ë?coveringââ?¬â?¢ this up. As well as showing UEFA that we arenââ?¬â?¢t the only club with an issue, we have to highlight this to the Scottish press. This may turn out to be harder than convincing UEFA. Rangers, as a club must invite the editors of the newspapers to Ibrox and show them ââ?¬Ë?You Tube Videosââ?¬â?¢ of other Scottish clubs indulging in discriminatory songs and if they do not splash this all over their front pages, the club must take them to task over this. As with UEFA, we are not asking for preferential treatment, just parity. In our quest for parity both here in Scotland in Europe, it is my belief that Rangers could do worse than enlisting the services of Donald Findlay QC. Ok, SDM treated DF like shit and hung him out to dry, but in our hour of need, DF wouldnââ?¬â?¢t let us down. He is the best in the country and we need the best at the moment. Fââ?¬â?¢ing The Pope Id No Longer An Option The club, hopefully with the help of the RST need to lead an initiative informing Rangers fans that fââ?¬â?¢ing the pope and using F***** as a discriminatory term is going to KILL the club we love. It is my view that once we eradicate effteepee and ââ?¬Ë?f*****ââ?¬â?¢, we are, (like Neil Lennon) untouchable. This is where we need leadership, direction and clarity from the club. No one appears to want to define what is deemed ââ?¬Ë?sectarianââ?¬â?¢, so lets pre-empty the discussion and lay down the ââ?¬Ë?lawââ?¬â?¢. Letââ?¬â?¢s lead from the front, and admit that singing fââ?¬â?¢ the pope is sectarian as is using fe**** as a discriminatory term (this is a grey area, but bare with me). If we are first to announce such things, it puts pressure on others to follow suit. We can then draw a line in the sand and say, ââ?¬Ë?we have defined what terms/songs our fans sing that are discriminatory songs. These will be stopped, BUT nothing else is up for debate. Union flags, GSTQ, RB, Derrys Walls, The Sash et al, whilst not being football songs, THEY ARE NOT SECTARIAN NOR ARE THEY DISCRIMINATORY. Failure to take action on both fronts isnââ?¬â?¢t an option either, if we fail to do this, Rangers will continued be hammered from pillar to post by a Celtic Minded Scottish media (and political base) and UEFA not to mention the MOPES (most offended people ever, yip, the tims). A quick and decisive attack on both fronts will highlight the ââ?¬Ë?one-sidedââ?¬â?¢ sensationalist journalism in this country and will force UEFA to open up a whole can of worms regarding a European wide crack down on discriminatory songs. Cammy F
  24. What an insignificant wee place that is. If it wasn't for their bull carry on they would never even feature on the map. As for the game Rangers were totally pish - if we have to go there knowing we need a goal and have to chase the game why start as if we are defending a lead then wait until ts too late to start chasing it? Hutton, Murray, Eghiogu, Rae, Adam, Sebo and Boyd should all be punted at the earliest opportunity, especially Adam - slow, no skill and an arse. Events off the field were disappointing - we bought our tkts (100 euros each) within 2 minutes of checking into our hotel and were offered other tkts on numerous occasions throughout the day. In general the locals were OK but there were several misguided people with celtic tops, ireland flags and palestinian flags who, when challenged, couldn't come up with any valid reason for having them. I wasn't in the stand where the trouble occurred but it looked pretty heavy. What I can say was the level of sectarianism seemed to be cranked up for the evening by a large contingent of our support - apparently in some form of defiance. The Billy Boys got big licks as did many other od favourites. What was really strange was at the end when our fans were being kept in was the playing of 'Simply The Best' loudly over the tannoy which the DJ conveniently quietened down at the exact time to allow the Bears to add in *** and the IRA which they loudly did. I thought this stunk of a set up and I dont think we will hear the end of it. Forgive me if its already been mentioned but I havent even looked at our press yet and probably wont bother tbh. Anyway - we will be lucky if we get next season in the CL if the clipes and grasses get their e-mail campaign to UEFA sorted out. (we know who you are timothy) Time for Bed.
  25. Fat Jim seems a bit puzzled as to what he means... Funnily enough I noted his silence last week after the Celtic fans sung their IRA hymns of hate.
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