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  1. Thought this was a great read. At the time I had never seen anything like this and wish that the eye injury had never of happened. I always stated at the time I would love to see a front two of Negri and Mols. Sadly not to be. Another case of what could have been
  2. Am i the only Bear who is absolutley spitting feathers at all this commonwealth games carry on F F irst of all like you guys and gals i am football to the core but when i see what is to be done to various site in and around the parkhead area , including the tattie bowl getting a major refurbishment and talk of the subway getting linked up to the parkhead , coinsidence i dont think so , Aye but Ibrox is to hold the Rugby 7's and the Mhanks get the opening ceremony , why not Hampden ? baffles the mind holding the Commonwealth Games opening cereomony at the one place in Great Britain were the Union Jack is despised and spat upon , my friends say its all down to the Red/Green Army down City Chambers way and if so myself and fellow Bears had better brace ourselves. W.A.T.P
  3. did anyone from the forum go? i read that the trust has sent a letter to celtic asking them to address the H word with their fans...i dont know if that was discussed but i'd be interested to know how the day went.
  4. Saturday, 10 November 2007---------Time--------------TV Dundee United v Kilmarnock-----------15:00 Gretna v Hibernian--------------------15:00 Inverness CT v Motherwell------------15:00 Sunday, 11 November 2007-----------Time--------------TV Hearts v Aberdeen--------------------15--------------Setanta With the Rangers and Celtic games cancelled due to the International game next week the programme has been shortened to four games. Dundee United will be looking to get back on track after their defeat to Aberdeen, when they meet Kilmarnock on Saturday. They will be without two of their most influental player's though as Barry Robson and Lee Wilkie are suspended after both recieving a red card against Aberdeen. Killie have been getting back on form as late and were really quite unlucky not to get a point against Celtic after an inspired second half display. I think the loss of Robson and Wilkie, will make a big difference to the united side and fancy Killie for a draw. DRAW Gretna meet Hibs at Fir park and for me there is only one winner in this one. Gretna are slowly sliding towards a return to the first division and the question must be asked if the price they have payed for their instant upsurge will have a long term effect on their club.Hibs have been in poor form of late losing to St Mirren and drawing with Hearts in their last two games. A meeting with Gretna will be just what the doctor ordered. Hibs win. Inverness are at home to Motherwell and a few games ago i would have gone for Motherwell to win. Now i feel that Caley have got up and running and Motherwell have dropped down a gear. I think Craig Brewster has got his team up to a level that i am going to go for a Caley win on this one. Inverness win. On Sunday Aberdeen travel down to Edinburgh to meet Hearts at Tynecastle. Aberdeen have found a rich vain of form of late and Whipped Dundee United 2-0 in their last game. With Hearts you never know what you are gong to get. they can be brilliant one week and garbage the next. I am going for the draw on this one but to be honest it is a cossroads, it can go in all directions. Draw. Fixture announcement!!! Celtic v Falkirk Now 11/12/07, 7.45pm Hibernian v Rangers Now 29/12/07, 12.30pm Live on Setanta Sports Celtic v Rangers Now 02/01/08, 12.30pm Live on Setanta Sports Celtic three day's after playing Hibs must be a huge handicap for us Two of the most difficult away games in a three day period. These games could be crucial as to who will win the the league.
  5. http://www.gersnetonline.net/newsite/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=519&Itemid=1 Co-written with D'Artagnan One cannot go one week in Scotland without some faux moral objector highlighting problems within the Rangers support with regard to their traditions and background. Letââ?¬â?¢s be straight ââ?¬â?? Rangers are a club with a Protestant identity. Whilst such associations may well be decreasing and whilst their overall affect on the club is indeed debatable, this is something we neither need to be ashamed of or deny in the fact of constant attack on our club. Those pioneering young rowers who came down from the Gare Loch did not start a football club with a religious focus ââ?¬â?? letââ?¬â?¢s be in no doubt about that. But from the 1890ââ?¬â?¢s onwards, events in Glasgow caused the Protestant population to search for a football club which reflected their religion, their culture and perhaps even their political persuasion. Even so the choosing of Rangers as the vehicle of that expression had more to do with geography and existing transport links than anything else from our humble origins. Of course it was not just the supporters who shaped that identity - men like John Ure Primrose who, as well as being Rangers chairman, was Lord Provost of Glasgow (and who incidentally shared a platform with Lord Edward Carson who organised the opposition to the Home Rule Bill in Ireland) certainly helped mould Rangersââ?¬â?¢ Protestant identity. Through the years other admirable men such as Bill Struth and Willie Waddell carried on those traditions and Protestantism (and Unionism) have always played a part in the way our club has been run. Some may say that wasnââ?¬â?¢t always a good thing and they may well have been right. Alleged unofficial signing policies and less tolerant attitudes of the last century may not have been restricted to our club but to deny there may well have been such negative aspects of our past would be churlish and certainly unrepresentative of true debate. Of course, itââ?¬â?¢s certainly easy to criticise our past but itââ?¬â?¢s much more positive and constructive to look to the future. Rangers are an inclusive club these days ââ?¬â?? from the support, to the team, to all aspects of the club. However a significant number of people still see Rangers as the expression of that Protestant identity in Scotland. That does not mean that Protestant Rangers fans are part of a ââ?¬Ë?higher orderââ?¬â?¢ of fan or see others as lesser than themselves. Nor is it necessary to be a practising Protestant to celebrate Rangers Protestant identity; in fact itââ?¬â?¢s not necessary to have any prior Protestant connections whatsoever. All creeds and colours are welcome - as it should be! Nonetheless we need not shy away from our Protestant identity or its expressions. It can be argued that it was our Protestant identity which, along with other factors, shaped our club into one of the most successful in the world. It could also be said that our conduct as a club, often at times reflecting that identity, has helped us maintain our dignity in the face of ridicule and criticism. Perhaps even to our detriment considering our reluctance to get involved in the debate. Itââ?¬â?¢s with this in mind that Iââ?¬â?¢m delighted to read about the Rangers Supportersââ?¬â?¢ Trust finally managing to organise their inaugural ââ?¬Ë?GersPrideââ?¬â?¢ conference at Ibrox Stadium this Saturday (more info below - 1). Itââ?¬â?¢s not before time that our fans (helped by a varied choice of neutrals) have the platform to debate our history and background while finding some common ground for the future. Itââ?¬â?¢s vital that as many fans take part as possible because, if we donââ?¬â?¢t, we can't then argue about being marginalised or not having the chance to debate serious issues and change certain attitudes for the better. What can be said there is that there is no doubt in recent years our club and support have modernised and improved their outlook. Removing unacceptable add-ons and discriminatory terms from our songs so quickly is something to be proud of and gives us the kind of sound foundation to move forward into our next 135 years (and more!). However, while this is agreeable, there is no reason why we have to abandon other parts of our heritage just because others may not completely agree with it. For example, Celtic are a proud Catholic club with their history based on religion right from the start. They rightly celebrate such associations and no-one challenges them - why should they? Similarly, our national team and ââ?¬Ë?Tartan Armyââ?¬â?¢ often base their attitudes and spirit on battles of old and should never be told otherwise. The same should go for us. Songs like ââ?¬Ë?The Sashââ?¬â?¢. ââ?¬Ë?Derryââ?¬â?¢s Wallsââ?¬â?¢, 'Rule Britannia' and 'God Save the Queen' may not mean the same to everyone. Their words and other slogans our support utilise may take different meanings for different people but we should never need to question their suitability when they are a huge part of our history. That shouldnââ?¬â?¢t offend anyone and if it does, well theyââ?¬â?¢re only showing the kind of intolerance and bigotry that we get pilloried for. 1 - http://www.rangerssupporterstrust.co.uk/rstsite/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=150&Itemid=1
  6. pete


    The tims were hogging the limelight in the press last week. First there was wee Gordy saying he would like to have Davie Weir in his team. Or maybe he didn�t say it maybe he said he wanted to be wee�r. Nah I don�t think that was it. It is funny how the media always seem to be misquoting him. You could in fact say it is very WeirD. Big Artur Boruc came out saying he would buy out his contract if he didn�t get 25.000 pound a week. I�ll bet he nearly broke his fingers crossing himself when he thought that one up. That is a hell of a lot of money per blunder. On Saturday he blundered again coming for a cross he did not get near. As wee Gordy would say �The referee should book him for wasting time every time he comes for a cross. Gordy then hit out and called the press serial killers. That is a cracker from a chucky look alike. He has been murdering us for years with his patter. Everyone seems to be calling Scott McDonald, Skippy these day�s but he can never emulate the real Skippy, because he would have died for the rangers. Willie Wombat would be a better nickname as they are short legged and muscular. After the AC Milan game Celtic fans have a new code of honour . Yes your honour, no your honour. Robert McHendry, has been handed 120 hours community service. Well at least that will be one Celtic supporter with a job. Davy Irons blasted the SPL for making Gretna build a 6000 seat stadium. He does have a point but trying to fit a football field in a stadium to hold 100 supporters would be a bigger problem. SCOTS football fans are set to down FIVE MILLION pints of beer watching the game against Italy. Is Gribz going tee total then. Taxi!!! Here are a few Strachan moments. Gordon Strachan on Wayne Rooney : Its an incredible rise to stardom, at 17 you�re more likely to get a call from Michael Jackson than Sven Goran Eriksson. Reporter: Gordon, Do you think James Beattie deserves to be in the England squad? Strachan: I dont care, I�m Scottish Reporter: Welcome to Southampton Football Club. Do you think you are the right man to turn things around? Strachan: No. I was asked if I thought I was the right man for the job and I said, "No, I think they should have got George Graham because I'm useless." Reporter: Is that your best start to a season? Strachan: Well I've still got a job so it's far better than the Coventry one, that's for sure. Reporter: Are you getting where you want to be with this team? Strachan: We're not doing bad. What do you expect us to be like? We were eighth in the league last year, in the cup final and we got into Europe. I don't know where you expect me to get to. Do you expect us to win the Champions League? Reporter: Gordon, you must be delighted with that result? Strachan: You're spot on! You can read me like a book. Strachan: I've got more important things to think about. I've got a yogurt to finish by today, the expiry date is today. That can be my priority rather than Agustin Delgado. Reporter: This might sound like a daft question, but you'll be happy to get your first win under your belt, won't you? Strachan: You're right. It is a daft question. I'm not even going to bother answering that one. It is a daft question, you're spot on there. Reporter: Bang, there goes your unbeaten run. Can you take it? Strachan: No, I'm just going to crumble like a wreck. I'll go home, become an alcoholic and maybe jump off a bridge. Umm, I think I can take it, yeah. Reporter: There's no negative vibes or negative feelings here? Strachan: Apart from yourself, we're all quite positive round here. I'm going to whack you over the head with a big stick, down negative man, down. Reporter: Where will Marion Pahars fit into the team line-up? Strachan: Not telling you! It's a secret. Reporter: You don't take losing lightly, do you Gordon? Strachan: I don't take stupid comments lightly either. Reporter: So, Gordon, in what areas do you think Middlesbrough were better than you today? Strachan: What areas? Mainly that big green one out there... Strachan was on Sky on Sunday morning. He saw John Terry's goal and said he was impressed that Terry goes up expecting to score. He contrasted this to Claus Lundekvam the Saints central defender who goes up for every dead ball and never ever looks remotely like scoring. He said if there was a dead body lying in the penalty area the ball would hit it on the head several times a season which he said is more than Lundekvam can manage. He said referees should book Lundekvam for timewasting every time he goes up for a corner. When the co-commentator said if Lundekvam was watching Strachan was only joking. Strachan assured him he was deadly serious.
  7. Head-to-head The 0-0 draw in the reverse fixture on 23 October was the first time these two teams had ever met. European history Last season, FC Barcelona reached the last 16 and were beaten by Liverpool (1-2, 1-0). In 1992, they won the Champions Cup and in 2006 they lifted the Champions League trophy. In 2005-06, Rangers were the first Scottish club to survive the Champions League group phase, reaching the last 16. Current European form Barcelona are unbeaten in their four Champions League matches, keeping clean sheets in all four. They are yet to concede a goal in this season's Champions League. Arsenal are the only other team to have kept three clean sheets in this season's competition. Rangers are on the longest running unbeaten streak in the Champions League of nine matches. It's a run which started with six consecutive draws. They are also undefeated in four Champions League away matches. VfB Stuttgart are the only team to score against Rangers in seven matches of European competition this season. Player and disciplinary info Kevin Thomson (Rangers) is suspended. Team mate David Weir will be suspended if booked. Thierry Henry is Barcelona's most prolific CL striker with 43 goals. The Frenchman is fourth on the all-time top scorers list of the Champions League. If Barcelona's Bojan Krkic scores, he will become the youngest goal scorer in Champions League history (17 years and 71 days) Other miscellaneous facts Barcelona beat Real Betis 3-0 on Sunday, and are now second in the Primera Division, a point behind leaders Real Madrid. Rangers beat Inverness Caledonian Thistle 2-0 on Saturday, and are second in the SPL, three points behind leaders Celtic. Definitions of terms used:- Champions League (CL) - only group phase matches and beyond of this competition which began in 1992-93. Champions Cup/Champions League - all matches played since it began in 1955-56 including qualification matches. European matches - all matches played in the major European tournaments (Fairs Cup, Uefa Cup, Cup Winners' Cup, Champions Cup, Champions League). Uefa Super Cups, Intertoto Cups and the old Intercontinental Cup competition are excluded. Big Match Stats source: Infostrada Sports
  8. There has been a fair amount of debate recently regarding the formation and tactics deployed by Walter Smith as he attempts to be competitive both domestically and in the Championsââ?¬â?¢ League. Thus, is 4-5-1, described as ââ?¬Ë?anti-footballââ?¬â?¢ by Lionel Messi the spawn of the devil or is that far too simplistic a way to look at it? Firstly, I think itââ?¬â?¢s important to look at the context of when and why this formation is deployed. Obviously a game (home or away) against the cream of European opposition is different from a game against stuffy, well organised Scottish outfits. Thus, while 4-5-1 against Barcelona is exactly that ââ?¬â?? a defensive strategy to try and contain the oppositionââ?¬â?¢s attacking players - a 4-5-1 against Dundee Utd could and should be more attacking in its set up. So far this season Rangers have employed three different variations of this system: 4-5-1 per se with 3 central holding players and only one real attacking midfielder which allows for our strong defensive nature (eg v Barcelona); 4-1-4-1 which is still very defensive but with a strong central spine capable of attacking quickly on the counter (eg v Lyon); and 4-2-3-1 which is a solid unit much more offensive in its outlook (eg v Stuttgart). Moreover, in the majority of our games we have actually seen every one of these sub-formations depending on the in-game situation. Therefore, itââ?¬â?¢s easy to see that while the 4-5-1 formation may be the parent system, it is extremely flexible in situ and hence far too empirical to label it is as defensive outwith the most difficult of games. The formation also fits our current squad very well and we have players capable of playing many roles within it. Even the likes of Kris Boyd can fit into this style as long as the selected players support him properly (see Livorno last season as well as other games). ââ?¬Ë?Whatââ?¬â?¢s the problem then?ââ?¬â?¢ I hear you ask! Well, where this breaks down is the actual choice of players on the day and, indeed, this is where Walter Smith had made the odd error this season resulting in needless dropped points. For example, while it may be agreeable to play 3 holding players against the likes of Barca (Thomson, Hemdani and Ferguson usually); itââ?¬â?¢s not necessarily required against Dundee Utd or Hibs. Recently Smith opted for Thomson, Faye and Ferguson against Utd and because Ferguson isnââ?¬â?¢t consistent in the striker-supporting role we struggled to retain possession in the first half. He then dropped deeper and deeper; the midfield became too congested and chances were few and far between. Add to that the many SPL teams who will also use the same system against us, that then places a lot of onus on our wider players. We know the attacking qualities of Hutton and Beasley but Papac and McCulloch are not so creative and we lose a fair amount of balance in games. The result? Weââ?¬â?¢re easy to read, lop-sided, one-dimensional and unimaginative in our play. As such, this is where the ââ?¬Ë?anti-footballââ?¬â?¢ accusations come in. When we do struggle in games we quickly resort to bypassing the congested midfield and look for the strength and aerial threat of McCulloch and Cousin. Ergo, while the direct route may not be the most attractive of strategies sometimes it has to be used to grind out results. Indeed, this typical British style has helped our teams not just at home but in every European competition. Liverpool, Man Utd, Rangers and most recently Celtic have utilised the traditional route one style to bully opponents not always used to physical threats ââ?¬â?? playing some good stuff along the way. Is this 'anti-football'? Of course not! Football is a sport which changes in style throughout the years but some things never change. Is there a more defensively natured team that the current Italian World Champions? Do German teams achieve success through exciting attacking football or strong, solid team-play? Is English football based on skill and pace only? I think we all know the answers to those questions. Of course teams need to score goals to win matches but without a strong defence, exciting attacking play wonââ?¬â?¢t assure success ââ?¬â?? ask Spain and Holland! We all want to watch such football but I think every football fan would temper their expectations with realism generally. The simple fact is that almost every team at all levels will set their stall out to frustrate on occasion. Rangers are no different. Similarly, while such strategies may at first sight appear negative, itââ?¬â?¢s not always the case. Neither do they necessarily promote a less attractive style of football. The variation of 4-5-1 we played against Lyon showed stout defensive properties but the 3 goals we scored and some of our general footballing play was first class. Such tactics should not be the antipathy of good football but just one more positive example of the game. Walter Smith came back to a Rangers team struggling on many fronts. With a few shrewd transfers, by shoring up a leaky back-line and by giving a physical competitive edge to our midfield heââ?¬â?¢s managed to turn things around to a decent degree. Some results and performances have been excellent ââ?¬â?? some not so good. Generally the team is doing well and with a bit more flexibility, a bit more consistency of attacking personnel and some more time for the younger new players to settle, weââ?¬â?¢re not far off where we want to be. If that means continuing with 4-5-1 for another wee while until we do gel enough to have the kind of attacking understanding that confidence and consistency brings then so be it. That isnââ?¬â?¢t negative or ââ?¬Ë?anti-footballââ?¬â?¢ ââ?¬â?? just common sense and playing the percentages to maximise our chances of winning games. Isnââ?¬â?¢t that what the game is about?
  9. Saturday, 3 November 2007 Time Res Att Tab TV Kilmarnock v Celtic------------ 12:30-----------------------*** Aberdeen v Dundee United------15:00 Falkirk v Gretna-----------------15:00 Motherwell v St Mirren----------15:00 Rangers v Inverness CT---------15:00 Sorry for the late entry but i can only say i was busy doing nothing. Apart from that i fought to make a Taxi that i didn't find good enough so ended up dumping it. Kilmarnock took points off Celtic in the first game of the season but have struggled really until they had a good result last week against Hearts. I have went the whole season picking Celtic for a win but i see a draw on the horizon here so my choice is. Draw Aberdeen against Dundee utd looks like a draw on paper but i think Aberdeen will win this one so i am going for an Aberdeen win. Aberdeen win. Falkirk against Gretna can only have one result for me and that is a Falkirk win. I still question if a rich man bringing a club like Gretna with a small fan base to the highest level is good for any parties. Firstly they need a stadium that can never be filled and secondly as Rangers fans know a chairman can turn the money tap closed to leave the club in financial problems. Falkirk win Motherwell - StMirren This is the best chance of a draw for me as SMirren as St Mirren have been difficult to break downin recent weeks and have a knack of even snatching the odd win. Motherwell will trying to get back on track but i fancy this for a draw. Draw. Even although we lost to Inverness at Ibrox last season i don't see it happening today. Inverness will try to get players behind the ball and close down the midfield quickly. A lot will depend on getting the first goal i feel if we get that goal early, then we will go on to get three or four. If we struggle to get that opening goal then it will get harder and harder to break Caley down as they grow in confidence. If we have any asperations of winning the league then we have to win these games. Rangers win. Sunday, 4 November 2007-------Time--------TV Hibernian v Hearts---------------14:00 ------*** Sorry forgot the Sunday Game. Hibs win.
  10. Oct 30 2007 By Gordon Parks Exclusive BARCELONA could be ready to hand Hamilton superkid James McCarthy a dream move to Spain. The 16-year-old - scorer of a wonder goal in the First Division leaders' 1-0 weekend victory over Morton - has been watched several times this season by the Primera Liga giants. Accies' youngster is also being tracked by another top Spanish side, Deportivo La Coruna. McCarthy, who trained with Liverpool, Celtic and Reading last season, has scored four goals from midfield this season. Liverpool have already had a cash offer for him rejected. Hamilton secretary Scott Struthers said: "Barcelona and Deportivo have both faxed us in the past to tell us they will be taking a look at the player and we've turned down one bid from Liverpool. "At most games we get around four scouts from various clubs but last week we had about 20. All the big names were represented. "James is scheduled to make his 40th appearance for us against Dundee United at Tannadice in the CIS Cup this week and that tells its own story about the progress of a 16-year-old." I wonder why our name is not mentioned on that list of clubs watching him.
  11. 2-2 at half time, 2-0 down but Lennon and McMillan have pulled it back. RANGERS: Reidford, Perry, Broadfoot, Smith, McMillan, Furman, Emslie, Naismith, Gow, Buffel, Lennon
  12. With the ongoing debate about Celtic goalkeeping embarrassment Artur Borucââ?¬â?¢s behaviour before, during and after football matches still raging across the footballing community, Gersnet was interested to read the Scottish Parliamentââ?¬â?¢s reply a to a petition from the Scottish Catholic Observer regarding Borucââ?¬â?¢s blessing ritual before games he appears in. One may remember that in early 2006 Artur Boruc was cautioned by Strathclyde Police because of his behaviour at an Old Firm match. Before the start of the second half (in front of the Copland Stand) Boruc accompanied his usual inoffensive genuflection with a series of offensive gestures ââ?¬â?? including the wanking sign, the ââ?¬Ë?Vââ?¬â?¢ sign and the ââ?¬Ë?come-onââ?¬â?¢ gesture. Many people ââ?¬â?? including police officers ââ?¬â?? observed this unacceptable inflammatory behaviour and Boruc was rightly punished (albeit leniently) as a result. Since then many people have attempted to deflect from the issue at hand to suggest that Boruc was somehow being made out to be a criminal because he blesses himself. Nothing could be further from the truth. Several players (at home and abroad - including Rangers players) have performed this respectful religious gesture ââ?¬â?? usually without the childish stuff Boruc tends to accompany his with ââ?¬â?? which is thus largely respected by any decent Rangers fan. As such, the Right Honourable Elish Angioliniââ?¬â?¢s (Lord Advocate for Scotland) reply to one of these mischief-makers really makes for interesting reading. In it, she again reiterates the Procurater Fiscalââ?¬â?¢s decision of the time that: ââ?¬Å?The Procurator Fiscal made it clear in writing to Mr. Boruc that it was the evidence of his alleged gesticulating to Rangers supporters in a provocative manner that was of concern. She did not in any way refer to the act of blessing himself.ââ?¬Â Thus, hopefully the Scottish Catholic Observer and the many Celtic fans (including official singing sections) who continue to peddle the ââ?¬Ë?Blessing Yourself is Not a Crimeââ?¬â?¢ deflection from the issue of Borucââ?¬â?¢s provocative behavior of February 2006 will read the link to the Parliament reply very carefully. While any religious person (controversial sporting figure or not) should have the right to observe their religious beliefs when and where they like; Boruc may well be better advised to follow Cardinal Winningââ?¬â?¢s advice of being careful not to ââ?¬Ë?prostituteââ?¬â?¢ their faith by being overly gratuitous in the act. Certainly Borucââ?¬â?¢s religious thoughts certainly seem a bit different from the norm when he often goes onto be so vocally and visually violent in many games (not always against Rangers either). Certainly, I doubt any decent catholic (or any religious person) would be too proud of Boruc grabbing opposition players by the neck, slapping his own players across the face and constantly making offensive gestures at many different supports. Hardly the behavior of any self-respecting Christian. But then that wouldnââ?¬â?¢t give this attention-seeker the sort of publicity he obviously enjoys. Appealing to the lowest common denominator of Celtic support seems to be his main aim. Thereââ?¬â?¢s no doubt Boruc (like many players in the Scottish game) receives a multitude of unfair and unnecessary abuse. It canââ?¬â?¢t be easy not to react and occasionally one can appreciate the banter that does occur as opposed to people complaining about nothing. Nonetheless, Old Firm players who perform in one of the greatest world matches in one of the greatest atmospheric powderkegs have a duty to act in a manner more befitting of genuine Christians. Blessing yourself is not and should not be a problem. Accompanying such an act (and detracting from it) with other needless gestures is. To conclude, of course ââ?¬Ë?Blessing Yourself is Not a Crimeââ?¬â?¢. 'Breach of the Peace' via several other offensive gestures is. Letââ?¬â?¢s hope we can finally put this whole issue to bed. References a - http://www.scottish.parliament.uk/s3/committees/petitions/petitionsubmissions/sub-07/subIndexForPE1005.htm
  13. pete


    Well that was the first old firm game of the season. and what a game it was. Celtic were so off the pace even Lewis Hamilton couldn�t have closed the gap. Well Lewis wasn�t in a gap closing mood at the weekend anyway. What is a tim in an Ibrox derby- Timid Word has it that Scott McDonald had been in touch with Tam McGowan before the game, seemingly he wanted to do a whole series of offside And then there was our big friend Artur Boruc, what a guy. After the game he wouldn�t give a hand to the Rangers players. Well he never got a hand to anything the whole afternoon anyway. Story goes that he was so upset he refused to go on the bus back to Parkhead saying he would catch a taxi. Wee Gordie replied well I hope you have better luck catching that. It is rumored that Celtic have a new transfer policy. They won�t sign a player who has been circumcised, You have to be a complete dick to play for them. There was a wee striker from Spain, For Rangers against Celtic he was play�n, Big Caldwell was slow, and let the ball go, For Nacho to head home again. Our captain had his mind set, a win is what we would get he wouldn�t let O'Day, get in his way, as he toe-poked the ball in the net. Charlie Adam made the tims sick as he mystified Sno with a trick, Evander thought he would shoot, then gave Adam the boot, Nacho stroked home the penalty kick. The Celtic supporters felt so proud, and were trying to sing very loud, but they all ceased their din, when the goals flooded in, now they�re a much quieter crowd. Before the game Boruc is a perpetual crosser, during the game a perpetual dosser, seemingly his god, won�t shake hands with a prod, or is he just a bad losing Tosser. Shunsuke Nakamura had asked Gordon Strachan to go for a drink with him after the game but Gordie had to renege. He was frightened of the Sak-i . Taxi!!!
  14. Guest

    9 bookings!!

    in no football expert by any manner of means but 9 bookings today for celtic!! bloody disgraceful
  15. Tims have had the best chances in the first-half. I disagree with the guy's who say they would not have Scott Brown at Ibrox he has good skill and fights for everything. Benfica don't look that great to be honest although they did have one good chance. This could go either way.
  16. ian1964

    CL Tables

    UEFA Champions League : Group A Table 03 October 2007 21:38 P W D L F A GD PTS 1 Marseille 2 2 0 0 3 0 3 6 2 FC Porto 2 1 1 0 2 1 1 4 3 Liverpool 2 0 1 1 1 2 -1 1 4 Besiktas 2 0 0 2 0 3 -3 0 UEFA Champions League : Group B Table 03 October 2007 21:38 P W D L F A GD PTS 1 Chelsea 2 1 1 0 3 2 1 4 2 Valencia 2 1 0 1 2 2 0 3 3 Schalke 04 2 1 0 1 2 1 1 3 4 Rosenborg 2 0 1 1 1 3 -2 1 UEFA Champions League : Group C Table 03 October 2007 21:39 P W D L F A GD PTS 1 Olympiakos 2 1 1 0 4 2 2 4 2 Real Madrid 2 1 1 0 4 3 1 4 3 Lazio 2 0 2 0 3 3 0 2 4 Werder Bremen 2 0 0 2 2 5 -3 0 UEFA Champions League : Group D Table 03 October 2007 21:39 P W D L F A GD PTS 1 Shakhtar Donetsk 2 2 0 0 3 0 3 6 2 Celtic 2 1 0 1 2 3 -1 3 3 AC Milan 2 1 0 1 3 3 0 3 4 Benfica 2 0 0 2 1 3 -2 0 UEFA Champions League : Group E Table 23 October 2007 01:00 P W D L F A GD PTS 1 Barcelona 3 2 1 0 5 0 5 7 2 Rangers 3 2 1 0 5 1 4 7 3 Lyon 3 1 0 2 2 6 -4 3 4 VfB Stuttgart 3 0 0 3 1 6 -5 0 UEFA Champions League : Group F Table 23 October 2007 01:00 P W D L F A GD PTS 1 Man Utd 3 3 0 0 6 2 4 9 2 Roma 3 2 0 1 4 2 2 6 3 Sporting 3 1 0 2 3 4 -1 3 4 Dynamo Kiev 3 0 0 3 3 8 -5 0 UEFA Champions League : Group G Table 23 October 2007 01:00 P W D L F A GD PTS 1 Inter Milan 3 2 0 1 4 2 2 6 2 Fenerbahce 3 1 2 0 3 2 1 5 3 PSV 3 1 1 1 2 3 -1 4 4 CSKA Moscow 3 0 1 2 4 6 -2 1 UEFA Champions League : Group H Table 23 October 2007 01:00 P W D L F A GD PTS 1 Arsenal 3 3 0 0 11 0 11 9 2 Sevilla 3 2 0 1 6 6 0 6 3 Slavia Prague 3 1 0 2 4 12 -8 3 4 Steaua Bucharest 3 0 0 3 2 5 -3 0 We're sitting good as it stands just now, CAN WE GET THROUGH ?
  17. Highly rated Austrian Referee Konrad Plautz will take charge of the the Champions League game at Ibrox tomorrow night. And that could be a lucky omen for Rangers,because Plautz was the man in charge when Rangers drew 1-1 with Inter Milan two years ago when we qualified for the last 16 of the CL. He was also the Ref at the Parc de Princes last month when Scotland won 1-0. Plautz has proved he is not intimidated by the glamour clubs as he sent off Cristiano Zanetti at Ibrox in that qualifier and was fiem and fair throughout. Plautz is a toolmaker to trade and is highly thought of by UEFA and covered the super cup final between AC Milan and Sevilla in Monaco in August.He was also in charge of Milans narrow 1-0 win over Celtic in the last 16 of the champions league last season.
  18. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/sport/football/scotland/article2710409.ece
  19. http://www.gersnetonline.net/newsite/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=511&Itemid=1
  20. http://www.gersnetonline.net/newsite/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=510&Itemid=1 It was with great astonishment ââ?¬â?? not to mention hilarity ââ?¬â?? that I read Graham Spiers in the journalistic wilderness of the 29,000 daily circulation of the Scottish arm of ââ?¬Ë?The Timesââ?¬â?¢ last week. Once again we have this well-known liar giving us the usual sound-bites (for he said the same thing in a down market tabloid radio phone-in ââ?¬â?? what must the blessed Martin be thinking of that particular blasphemy?) about how Rangers are the big, bad bigoted boys (sic) of Scottish football. His usual unfounded rhetoric of Rangers having a ââ?¬Ë?significantly greaterââ?¬â?¢ problem with sectarianism than Celtic was again in evidence. This time, these wholly unsubstantiated allegations were in reply to SFA Chief Executive Gordon Smithââ?¬â?¢s interesting comments in a new book which ââ?¬â?? ironically and unsurprisingly ââ?¬â?? contains Spiers making the same tedious accusations (which he calls truths) towards certain parts of the Rangers support. Letââ?¬â?¢s get one thing straight right now. Gordon Smith is a respected ex-player; a well-read and educated man; and an ex-broadcaster with the kind of objective, insightful and honest views that a cowardly charlatan like Spiers can only dream about. Spiersââ?¬â?¢ questioning of this manââ?¬â?¢s integrity is about as credible as Jim Traynor telling us how to pull women in night-clubs! When Gordon Smith (interviewed earlier this year by Gersnet) spoke about agendas I have no doubt it was Graham Spiers that led his way of thinking. While Spiers (and his supporters) may claim partiality and balance, itââ?¬â?¢s easy to prove them wrong (and Smith right) by just a quick use of the internet facilities at News International. Perform a quick search of Spiersââ?¬â?¢ recent articles about the sectarianism subject and one will find several columns rightly criticising a small element of the Rangers away support adding on F-T-P at Inverness in the first game of the season. Of course he wasnââ?¬â?¢t the only journalist discussing the subject and in many ways Iââ?¬â?¢m glad they did. Gersnet, like the huge majority of Rangers fans, deplores our fine traditional songs being spoiled by the kind of lyric that has no place in football. As such, the early warnings for our support and the excellent pro-active measures then put into place by the vigilant Rangers fan groups means, since that first game, our home and away support have had no problems with bigotry. None. Itââ?¬â?¢s this kind of positive self-examination and policing of our own minority of fans that deserves much praise from all quarters. Spiers himself has suggested as much, while all the authorities (UEFA, SPL, SFA and Strathclyde Police) have also expressed delight at the eradication of the offensive add-ons from our support. Great strides ââ?¬â?? although further hard work and caution must be applied to ensure our support remains one of the best and proudest in world football. Of course weââ?¬â?¢re not without our faults but we proved over the last 2 years we are up to the challenge of admitting them, facing them and removing them. Conversely, this season has seen other clubs come to the fore with regard to ââ?¬Ë?discriminatory chantingââ?¬â?¢. Motherwell faced investigation for racist chanting while Celtic remains the only club to have had arrest(s) for sectarian breach of the peace. Add to that their songs about ââ?¬Ë?hunsââ?¬â?¢ (deemed a sectarian term by Nil by Mouth) aimed at Hearts and Dundee fans as well as the usual hymns of support for sectarian terrorist organisations, means the bigotry issue is not obviously restricted to Rangers and their support. As such, one would expect Graham Spiers (for he claims he does not have an agenda) to have fully discussed and condemned these high-profile examples of a sectarian industry which has made him a pretty pound over the years. Performing another quick search of his articles this season finds no such pieces. Nothing about the arrest of Celtic fans. Nothing about the vast majority of the Parkhead support singing ââ?¬Ë?Go Home Ya Hunsââ?¬â?¢ to Hearts fans. Nothing of the IRA glorification by the Celtic away support at Dundee in the CIS Cup last month. Nothing about Motherwell fans allegedly aiming racist taunts at black players for the second time this year. How can that possibly be? Surely Spiers ââ?¬â?? who revels in his sectarian crusader image ââ?¬â?? would be at the forefront of calls for censure towards these clubs? Why donââ?¬â?¢t we have exclusive insider comments from UEFA committee members (why did Spiers get them before other journalists one wonders?) informing us of discipline to the clubs? As someone who takes offence at Gordon Smithââ?¬â?¢s allegations of agendas why exactly has Graham Spiers not written about these other issues? At the very least; allegations of Rangers having a ââ?¬Ë?significantly greaterââ?¬â?¢ problem appear completely at odds with the current evidence. As such, one must join Gordon Smith in questioning why Spiers (and others to be fair) has largely ignored some of the above issues. Iââ?¬â?¢m sure we could go on exposing Spiers for his complete lack of credibility in these matters. Unfortunately, it pains me enough already to highlight this imposter once again. Iââ?¬â?¢d much rather ignore his rantings but as long as Spiersââ?¬â?¢ lies and imbalance reaches the same number of online viewers as Gersnet does, weââ?¬â?¢ll continue to objectively, honestly and openly debate his claims. Furthermore and most importantly, weââ?¬â?¢ll provide facts and evidence for our opinion - unlike Spiers who resorts to penning the same lies; the same childish insults and; the same biased, inaccurate and agenda Gordon Smith so correctly told us about. The best thing about this whole recent issue is Spiers being shown up for his own imbalance by his own startling lack of input to non-Rangers negative stories. It makes his pitiful defence last week all the more embarrassing. As such, Gersnet joins the ever-growing list of Scottish people laughing at this particular discredited corduroy crusaderââ?¬â?¢s demise. Graham Spiers ââ?¬â?? a liar and a coward.
  21. Germany are the first team to qualify from the groups and the Czechs will join them from that group with a draw on Wednesday knocking Rep of Celtic out. So far: Germany Austria Switzerland Im sure we could have all of them
  22. The old firm kids served up a thriller at Murray Park when they fought out a 3-3 draw. Andrew Shinnie gave the light blues the lead in 33 minutes,but Celtic were level within 60 seconds when Cawley found the net. Rangers went back into the lead three minutes into the second half when Isa Bagci scored but Celtic drew level again in 74 minutes through Santonocito. Billy Kirkwoods' boys thought they had won in 77 minute when John Fleck converted from the penalty spot. However Carey grabbed a third equalising goal for the Parkhead men and in the end a draw was a fair result. Rangers ; Gallacher,Forbes,Kinniburgh,Wilson,Harvey,Ness.Benditksson,Shinnie,Fleck,Efrem.
  23. Back to the internationals this weekend. The Ukraine game is huge and must be looked at as a cup final. The squad once again looks a bit thin in midfield with Fletcher, Hartley and Quashie all out through injury. I thought Pearson did well when he came on against France so may start this weekend. But if we can win this then we are set up nicely. Id take a dire 1-0 win in any way just to still be in with a chance. Tough team selection but id play: ________________Gordon_____________ Hutton____McManus____Weir____Naysmith Pearson____Brown____Ferguson____McCulloch ___________Miller____McFadden_________
  24. Dida gets two CL games suspension,Celtic get �£25k fine
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