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  1. Saturday, 5 January 2008 -----------------------------Time-----TV Falkirk v Aberdeen------------15:00 Hearts v Kilmarnock-----------15:00 Inverness CT v Gretna---------15:00 Rangers v Dundee United-------15:00 St Mirren v Hibernian-----------15:00 Sunday, 6 January 2008 Motherwell v Celtic--------POSTPONED --------------------------------------------------------------------- Falkirk v Aberdeen Two teams showing really good form over the last few weeks. Aberdeen won at home to an in form Inverness Caley, and Falkirk went to Rugby park to take the spoils against Kilmarnock in a 0-1 win. Aberdeen are one point in front of Falkirk but both have the exact same goal difference of -1. Falkirk have scored six goals more than Aberdeen so if you take the 7-2 defeat by Rangers into account then Falkirk do actually have a better record. I fancy a draw for this one. Draw. Hearts v Kilmarnock Hearts are so unpredictable that this game can go any way. Both lost last time out with Hearts being reduced to eight men. They miss the three players sent off on Saturday but nobody really knows if that is good or bad,considering Romanov picks the team. I think Hearts will win this one if they can finish with eleven players. Hearts win Inverness CT v Gretna Gretna have made a big improvement over the last few weeks only losing to Celtic and completing a double win against Dundee Utd. Inverness were stopped in their tracks against Aberdeen at Pittodrie but up until then had taken some super scalps including that of Celtic. Inverness at home. Far travel for Gretna, Must be a Caley win. Inverness win Rangers v Dundee United Never an easy game for us and they beat us 2-1 in Dundee. The last time they came to Ibrox they played super negative and we whipped them 5-0.We will be hoping for more of that.I will settle for less and go for a 2-0 Rangers win. Rangers win. St Mirren v Hibernian Another game that could go any way. Hibs have been rank rotten of late and only had two draws in December against Celtic and Falkirk while losing to Aberdeen, Inverness and Rangers. St Mirren have been slowly catching Hearts but bottom placed Gretna have been creeping nearer to St Mirren making the fight for relegation a bit more interesting. I will stick my neck out here and go for a St Mirren win. St Mirrren win. Sunday, 6 January 2008 Motherwell v Celtic--------POSTPONED Rightly so. Motherwell need time to get back on track.
  2. http://www.gersnetonline.net/newsite/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=571&Itemid=1 This was supposed to be for Xmas Eve but circumstances meant a delayed release... Some of the stuff I've had to stop from being published in the article comments section has to be seen to be believed. Celtic fans do not like Mr Edgar...
  3. Fixtures Saturday, 15 December 2007 ----------------------------------------time-- ----TV Hibernian v Falkirk------------------ ---15:00 Kilmarnock v Gretna --------------------15:00 Motherwell v Aberdeen -----------------15:00 Rangers v Hearts -----------------------15:00 St Mirren v Dundee United ---------------15:00 Sunday, 16 December 2007 -------------------------------------------Time----- --TV Inverness CT v Celtic-----------------------14:00-----*** After the disappointment of our European nightmare it is back to the task of brining the SPL title back to Ibrox. Rangers will need to put all the disappointment behind them and come out punching against Hearts on Saturday. Hopefully the players will be out to avenge the 4-2 defeat we sustained at Tynecastle. Personally I have more questions than answers for this one. Who is now our chosen strikers? Do we have a reserve central defender who Walter will play. Can we get out of the negative rut we seem to have dug for ourselves. I really don’t know how we will come out the tunnel in the tactical sense and with Hearts also being a Jeckyll and Hyde team I can only hope our players want to show they are better than they have shown recently. I think Rangers have something to prove and will come out and prove we can play to win. Rangers win. Hibernian against Falkirk is another game I would not bet on. Tuesday apart Falkirk have been in fine form recently and Hibs have been in freefall recently losing to Inverness and Aberdeen in the last two games. In fact they have only beaten Gretna believe it or not since they beat Rangers on 6 October. I have said over the weeks Hibs are due a win but I don’t think it will be against Falkirk I fancy a draw in this one. DRAW Kilmarnock v Gretna must be a home win for me. I still expect Killie to put on a spurt and finish in the top six. They have lost a lot of talent this year but they still seem to produce the goods when it matters. I can only see one result for this one. Killie Win. Motherwell against Aberdeen is possibly the game of the day if you are a neutral supporter. Motherwell have been the most attacking SPL team this term and Aberdeen have hit a rich vain of form in recent weeks, so this is the game that is the most challenging to predict. Again this game throws up a contest between two of the managers tipped to be the next Scotland boss and to be honest I wouldn’t mind any of the two of them getting it. I will give Motherwell the home advantage and say this will be a Motherwell win. Any result is possible though. Motherwell win. St Mirren did us the biggest favour of the season so far last week in taking points off Celtic. Saturday see’s a visit of Dundee united who seem to have nose dived the last few weeks with defeats against Inverness and Falkirk. This again is not a game i would bet on as it could go any way. If i had to place money on this one i would go with St Mirren to win. I don’t know why I just fancy them more. St Mirren Win. Celtic travel up to Inverness on Sunday and certainly won’t get it easy as Caley have done well since Craig Brewster took over. Celtic struggled against a defensive St Mirren last week but walked over an attacking Falkirk. Inverness will try and frustrate Celtic into a draw and I think they may just get it so i am going for a draw in this one. Possibly wishful thinking though. Draw
  4. When I left this game to watch the 2nd half of Liverpool v Man U it was 2-0 the mkanks, now 3-2 to Inverness :cheers: :cheers: Unbelieveable
  5. After another not so glorious defeat in Europe under Walter what does the near future hold for the club? Some fantastic early performances have meant we exceeded most of our expectations in the toughest CL group but unfortunately we couldnââ?¬â?¢t go that extra two feet to snatch a draw and qualify ââ?¬â?? the whole campaign falling apart with JCDââ?¬â?¢s horror miss near the end last night. Down and out then ââ?¬â?? but still all to play for! Firstly, can I first say I obviously share everyoneââ?¬â?¢s disappointment at last nightââ?¬â?¢s result. First half we just werenââ?¬â?¢t good enough and while we managed to have plenty possession in the second, as has been the case for a few years now, we lacked the genuine creativity and width to cause Lyon problems. The two late goals made the result look worse than it actually was but one may accurately contend cancelling the game against Gretna resulted in a team who took 30mins to get into their stride while our inconsistency in selection must be addressed to avoid our constant ââ?¬Ë?Jekyll and Hydeââ?¬â?¢ displays during the actual game. On the other hand, itââ?¬â?¢s been just over a year since we were being turned over at home to St Johnstone so progress has been decent and we shouldnââ?¬â?¢t be overly critical in our analysis of the team. There is a lot to be proud of and the potential is certainly there for further improvement with a renewed challenge for the SPL. As such, we must all immediately lift the heads and move onto the next game which as we know is a tough home game against Hearts. How vital this game is cannot be stressed enough ââ?¬â?? Celtic being 5 points head but with us having two games in hand means in real terms weââ?¬â?¢re top of the table. Therefore, we must ensure we get the chance to develop that potential one-point advantage instead of stumbling right away as we have done too often this season. Unfortunately this will have to result in more changes in personnel. This means the invisible man himself Sir David Murray must again back the club with Her Majestyââ?¬â?¢s currency. Lurking at the back of the Directorââ?¬â?¢s Box last night and lurking in the shadows out with Ibrox on a day-to-day basis, itââ?¬â?¢s time Murray delivered on the grand promises of old. Around Ã?£12million was spent in the summer and thatââ?¬â?¢s a fair amount in todayââ?¬â?¢s climate but we need more. To help facilitate that Walter Smith needs to make a few tough squad decisions. Although all the following players have their positives and we could all make a case for them staying, they donââ?¬â?¢t play enough and unless the manager intends playing them, they have to be moved on to create funds for at least another two first choice players. Ehiogu, Webster, Hemdani, Burke, Buffel, Boyd and Cousin are just 7 players who appear surplus to to requirements, either via injury proneness, general attitude problems or simply not fitting into Smithââ?¬â?¢s way of thinking. We cannot afford passengers to if theyââ?¬â?¢re not going to be played ââ?¬â?? they must go in order to bring in the missing links that will affect our future. These are: 1. A creative attacking midfielder. Last showed that Barry Ferguson cannot play this role effectively enough. The skipper is a fine player but he plays better dictating things from deeper positions and thatââ?¬â?¢s where he must play alongside the ever improving Kevin Thomson. Having an attacking, creative player to feed off the recycling skills of Ferguson and the combative nature of Thomson is something the team has been missing for a long time. Is Thomas Buffel the answer? I doubt it and because of that we must find someone who can play that role consistently with the quality required to unlock defences home and away. 2. Another centre-half. As I wrote last week, we have a dilemma regarding Davie Weir. His effect on the team has been admirable but last night his limitations were exposed. As such, if Webster cannot prove his fitness (or legal position) we must find another experienced ââ?¬â?? quick, physical and aerially competent ââ?¬â?? to compliment Carlos Cuellar. Short-term pain for Weir; long-term gain for the team. 3. A left back. Not as crucial as the first two priorities but if Steven Smith cannot resume playing quickly; another left back would give more balance to the side. Sasa Papac has done well for periods this season but his limitations affect the team and too much important is placed on our right flank. Alan Hutton cannot be expected to deliver our only wide threat indefinitely. 4. A winger. With DaMarcus Beasley out for the rest of the season and Chris Burke almost as anonymous as our chairman, we have an obvious requirement for width. For all his physical positives, Lee McCulloch does not provide that and that results in all too predictable long ball tactics. Letââ?¬â?¢s utilise McCullochââ?¬â?¢s threat properly by having him win headers in the 6 yeard box, not 30 yards from goal out wide. A new winger (right or left sided) would help facilitate that. Unfortunately, buying 2-4 players of the quality required would cost a fair amount of money. Having already spent Ã?£12million, the chairman may not share our eagerness to build the team further. His medium-long term future is questionable and we have direct experience of his lack of genuine vision and ambition. However, we also know of Murrayââ?¬â?¢s ego and the great business skills he does retain. I have personal experience of the chairman scoffing at suggestions heââ?¬â?¢s not a real Rangers fan and how he supports the team as much (if not more) that any other bear. Is that emotional support compatible with more financial support? Well, we need both. At the same time, while these requested changes to the squad may well be imperative, we must also keep changes to a minimum. Weââ?¬â?¢ve already brought in several new players and our general inconsistency is testament to how the manager is taking time to find his best players. His initial target was to make us hard to beat and that target has been achieved. Now itââ?¬â?¢s time to move to the next stage ââ?¬â?? weââ?¬â?¢re hard to beat defensively but we need to make teams worry about our attacking threat again. Bringing in a new creative player (all suggestions to E. Chester, Murray Park please) is imperative to this development. The potential of players like Whittaker, Thomson and Naismith is exciting and all three will play an important part in every game between now and next summer. But they need help. For all their positives every one of them lack the experience to affect games in a creative sense so we must take that pressure off them and bring in an experienced player who can. Despite all the above I cannot stress enough itââ?¬â?¢s not all negativity at the club. Improvement has been obvious and just need to build on that. Our fans have been incredibly loyal in recent years without any success. Season ticket sales are still at record levels and no-one can question the financial backing or emotional support we give. Itââ?¬â?¢s time to repay that faith. Starting from the chairman right down to the dressing room we need to build on the relative advancement weââ?¬â?¢ve seen since January. Letââ?¬â?¢s move in the dead wood quickly and effectively. Letââ?¬â?¢s take the game to all our opponents. Letââ?¬â?¢s bring the title home. Time to get the battle fever on!
  6. http://www.gersnetonline.net/newsite/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=549&Itemid=1 After a couple of weeks of supporting Scotland it's back to club business for us all this weekend and for the forseeable future. Not only do we have some important league games on the horizon, our fate in this year's Champions' League shall also be decided. Moreover, in January the excitement, hyperbole and disappointment of the transfer window means the rumour mill will soon be going into over-drive once more. Why not let Gersnet keep you abreast of the latest transfer gossip surrounding Rangers? Even better - why not get involved? * OUT First up we have the ever impressive Alan Hutton. Obviously his progress has alerted many clubs in recent months - not least in the last few days with his excellent display for Scotland at Hampden. Man Utd, Lazio, Newcastle and Spurs have all been linked with the right back but Gersnet have learned Bayern Munich have leapt to the front of the queue. With Willy Sagnol constantly being linked with a move out of the German league leaders, it seems Karl-Heinz Rummenigge and Ottmar Hitzfeld have ear-marked Hutton as their first choice replacement if the Frenchman does leave. Other players on their way out of Rangers may be Thomas Buffel, Andy Webster, Alan Gow and even the popular Nacho Novo who may all be moved on to free up space and finance for new players as Rangers hope to maintain their domestic and European challenges. * IN Next we have the ongoing saga of Kenny Miller. Although not many Rangers fans would welcome the return of the Scottish striker from Derby the former Celtic man has once again told Billy Davies he favours a return to Scotland to be with his family. Continual trips north have left Davies concerned about Miller's attitude and as such he wouldn't be difficult to deal with. Rangers have been contacted regarding the situation and rumours are rife that Kris Boyd could be the make-weight in any proposed deal. As well as a likely negative fans reaction to such a transfer, Miller's �£30K per week wages may also be rather large stumbling block. One to keep a close eye on over the next few weeks. Bizarre and disagreeable as it sounds there is an element of truth in this story. Another player being linked to Rangers is Laryea Kingston of Hearts. Although the Ghanian midfielder only joined the Edinburgh club last January, his fine creative form (and an alleged miniumum fee release clause in his contract) means several clubs are interested in his services. Any Rangers' new incoming players may be dependent on existing players leaving and the chatter is that a cash plus player deal involving Chris Burke may tempt Hearts into losing one of their prize assets. Ugo Ehiogu is another surprise (though less likely) link to the Tynecastle men in a seperate deal. Keep an eye on this column for the latest news! Even better - why not get involved? Submit your comments/rumours to us and we'll include them in our next transfer bulletin!
  7. ian1964

    JCD Fit ?

    RANGERS are ready to unleash Jean-Claude Darcheville from the bench against Lyon tonight as they go for Champions League glory. The Frenchman is poised to make a shock comeback just a fortnight after suffering a recurrence of his long-standing hamstring injury against Kilmarnock. Walter Smith will name Darcheville among his substitutes with Rangers only requiring a draw to book their place in the last 16 of the Champions League. However, Smith will turn to the influential striker as a last throw of the dice if his side need to chase the game in the closing stages of the crucial Group E tie. The Ibrox boss knows bringing back the injury-plagued Darcheville so soon after yet another setback represents a major risk. But with �£5million on offer for joining Celtic in the knockout phase of the competition it's a gamble he's willing to take. Smith said: "Darcheville is touch and go and he is far closer than I thought he would get. The awkward thing for us is that he could suffer a recurrence of the injury and we would have to take him back off again. "Effectively he could play although we will just wait and see. "I still don't think he will be fit enough to start the game." Smith admits his players are feeling the heat ahead of tonight's showdown with the French cracks at Ibrox. But he reckons they are well equipped to handle the pressure-cooker situation after beating Serbian champions Red Star Belgrade in a winner-takes-all qualifier to reach the group stage of the competition. He added: "There are games like this all the time. How can you say the qualifiers weren't bigger games? "The games on a sectional basis are easier to handle than the qualifying games to reach the group stages. "They are really quite intense because there are so many millions available. "Obviously, when we reach this stage it becaomes a big thing to reach the last 16 and hopefully we can do that." If you're fit enough for the bench then you're fit enough to play IMO,Walter is he fit ?
  8. Michel Gets Gers Clash ONE of the world's top referees, Lubos Michel, will handle Rangers' showdown with Lyon on Wednesday night. Ironically, he last covered a Rangers match at Ibrox seven years ago when the Light Blues drew 2-2 with Monaco in a match they had to win to reach the second group phase of the Champions League. The Slovakian was voted the second best referee in the world last year and has been a regular Champions League official and has also covered World Cups and European Championship finals He sent off Liverpool's Jermaine Pennant during their 1-1 draw away to Porto earlier this season and also handled the group phase match between Olympiacos and Real Madrid. Michel also sent off Bobo Balde in the 2003 UEFA Cup Final when Celtic lost to Porto and handled Scotland's 1-1 draw with Italy at Hampden in 2005 as well as the national team's 6-0 hammering by Holland in 2003.
  9. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/c/celtic/7138029.stm Prick!!!!
  10. Chelsea star Didier Drogba has warned Lyon in today's Mail on Sunday that Ibrox will be a cauldron on Wednesday night! Drogba quotes 'All I can say when I try to imagine what it will be like at Ibrox is Ooh la la!' I played against Rangers at Ibrox with Chelsea in the summer and we lost 2-0, I have told Perrin that the atmosphere at Ibrox is absolutely magical. To my way of appreciating football, its truly really beautiful. That's how to support your team!' Drogba goes on 'Lyon played at Celtic a couple of seasons ago but Ibrox will be completely different!'
  11. They are playing this now which is 0-0 but if they win that is them 4 points clear. I just heard on the radio that they also play there game that was canceled against Falkirk at Celtic Park on tuesday night. SO if they win these games the pressure is on us, but if they drop 2 points in any of these games gives us the chance to go top
  12. 0-0 at half time Come on saints keep it the same
  13. Graham Spiers When you have held three of the great offices of State in Britain, people tend to listen carefully to your thoughts. So when John Reid, the former Home Secretary and recently-installed chairman of Celtic, claimed last night that Gordon Strachan had the potential to stand alongside Jock Stein in the clubââ?¬â?¢s history, his words had an arresting effect. Reid, who was in Italy on Tuesday to watch Celticââ?¬â?¢s advance to the last 16 of the Champions League despite their 1-0 defeat to AC Milan, chose yesterday as the moment to lavish praise on the Celtic manager. ââ?¬Å?Gordon Strachan has the opportunity to make himself a true legend at Celtic Park because, when you create records and potential records as he is currently doing, thatââ?¬â?¢s the best answer to all the critics,ââ?¬Â Reid said. ââ?¬Å?With all the constraints that we know are placed on teams playing in the Scottish league ââ?¬â?? such as not having the resources that others do ââ?¬â?? then for a manager to have qualified among the cream of Europe in the Champions League two years running is tremendous. At the same time, to have won the league twice and now be in the running for a third [successive] title ââ?¬â?? weââ?¬â?¢ve only done that twice in our history before, once under Jock Stein and once at the turn of the century. So it speaks volumes for the contribution Gordon has made.ââ?¬Â Strachan continues to have his critics but Reid forcibly argued that Celticââ?¬â?¢s qualification from group D was a minor triumph for the club. ââ?¬Å?To come above teams with a reputation like Benfica, or someone of the expenditure of Shakhtar [Donetsk], and just behind the team that are the European champions and within a couple of weeks might be the world champions [Milan], is no mean feat,ââ?¬Â the Celtic chairman said. Related Links * Celtic know they must cure away day blues * Strachan can emulate Hiddink at PSV ââ?¬Å?There has been a lot of talk of luck, but the fact is, you make your own luck in this game. Weââ?¬â?¢ve got nine points because Gordon and the boys most probably have the best home record in Europe. So Iââ?¬â?¢m delighted for Gordon, for the squad, but most especially for the fans. We are now among the cream of Europe, and thatââ?¬â?¢s basi-cally the cream of world soccer.ââ?¬Â Asked how much money the Celtic board might release for Strachan to bolster his squad in January, Reid offered optimism rather than stiff promises. ââ?¬Å?Everyone will now start asking about January,ââ?¬Â he said. ââ?¬Å?All Iââ?¬â?¢ll say is weââ?¬â?¢ve tried, within the limitations placed upon us, to help the manager in the past. Weââ?¬â?¢ll try to do that in the future but just now itââ?¬â?¢s sufficient to take a degree of satisfaction that weââ?¬â?¢ve reached another stage. And we have to be realistic about the future. ââ?¬Å?It obviously helps us reaching this stage, especially when youââ?¬â?¢re making about Ã?£2 million if you do well in the SPL, rather than the Ã?£35 million for being bottom in the English Premier League. All I can say is that weââ?¬â?¢ll try to do what we can financially.ââ?¬Â Celtic can relax for now, knowing they could face Manchester United, Chelsea, Inter Milan or Barcelona in the knockout draw on December 21.
  14. SUPER ALLY showed he's still got the golden touch when he scored the winner for the Rest of the World in yesterday's PFA Centenary game against England. Richard Gough in action for the rest of the worldRangers' greatest scorer almost inevitably netted the decisive strike for a 3-2 win in the match which raised �£1million for a children's hospital. And there was a real Rangers flavour to the match as Lorenzo Amoruso scored the opening goal for the Rest of the World after Chris Woods had spilled the ball in the box while Richard Gough and Andrei Kanchelskis also turned out for the select side, bossed by Sven Goran Eriksson. There was the unusual sight of Amo and Neil Lennon celebrating as the former Celtic captain was also involved in the glamour clash which thrilled the crowd at the City of Manchester StadiumAmo and Neil Lennon celebrate! The game was held to mark 100 years since the first footballers' union was formed and Terry Venables led a star-studded England team, including the likes of Alan Shearer and Les Ferdinand. It was current Leeds boss Dennis Wise who gave England the lead but Amo equalised and then Ian Rush put the Rest of the World ahead and McCoist struck a great third goal. Jamie Redknapp netted a second goal for England with a terrific strike but McCoist proved to be the match winner. Ally, reverting to his Question of Sport guise, laughed: "It's going to be a great quiz question in years to come: Name the last Rangers player to score the winner for the Rest of the World!"
  15. RANGERS have asked the SPL for permission to postpone next Sunday's league meeting with Gretna at Fir Park in order to give Walter Smith's squad more time to prepare for the Champions League showdown with Lyon. The Light Blues' recent trip to St Mirren was cancelled, as was Celtic's home game with Falkirk, so that Scotland's Old Firm players would not pick up injuries before the Euro 2008 qualifier with Italy. Although asking for the clash with the Borderers could lead to a fixtures backlog, chief executive Martin Bain hopes the SPL will support Gers' bid to progress to the last 16 of Europe's premier club competition by agreeing to put it off. Rangers must avoid defeat against Alain Perrin's Ligue 1 title holders to go through to the knockout stages of the event with Barcelona. Having the match with last season's First Division champions moved back would give Smith and his players 11 days to get ready for the biggest game of the season so far and improve their chances of reaching the latter rounds. A club spokesman said: "Following media enquiries Rangers can confirm that we have approached the SPL and Gretna Football Club this week to seek the postponement of our fixture at Fir Park on Sunday December 9 in lieu of our Champions League match with Lyon."
  16. Do I Expect Too Much? Sitting here reflecting on another glorious failure in Stuttgart, I have asked myself, do I expect too much from our football club? Stuttgart are the reigning German champions who whilst not having the best of starts to the season, have finally found some form and are a genuine force to be reckoned with. However, watching the game last night, I got the distinct impression that they were beatable, even in their own back yard. In fact, we were controlling the game, got a very good opening goal and sustained some exerted pressure (which you would expect) and were coasting as half-time approach. Then, like so many other times in Europe, we fell asleep and made an amateurish mistake. Their first goal changed the entire course of the game and established their tempo for the 2nd half. We all witnessed the flair, skill, passing, movement of Stuttgart at the beginning of the 2nd half, but weââ?¬â?¢ll never know if they would have exhibited this if they hadnââ?¬â?¢t been allowed back into the game with the last kick of the 1st half. We then managed to pull ourselves back into the game when we were gifted an equaliser but (and maybe it was just cynical old me who was expecting this) then we went and shot ourselves in the foot and conceded a late goal. In retrospect, the difference between a draw and a defeat in the grand scheme of the group, is nothing really. We still have our own fate in our own hands and if we avoid defeat against Lyon, we will qualify. Like Scotland, this is a scenario that would have taken at the start of the group. However (here is the old pessimist coming out), like Scotland, I can see this ending in tears (I sincerely hope not). Over the course of the group we have taken points from all other teams in the group, that in itself is no mean feat, but I feel that we are 2 or 3 points worse off than we should and could have been and staring the last 16 in the straight in the eyes with one qualification game to go. Instead, we look forward (with some trepidation I have to admit) to a very nervous 90 minutes against Lyon. Gaining the point we need is far from insurmountable, but come on Bears, weââ?¬â?¢ve all been here before. Finger nails will be bitten, sphincters will be twitching, underwear will be soiled ââ?¬â?? its going to be one of those nights! Looking back over this CL campaign, you can not have failed to notice that some of our (youthful and inexperienced in CL terms) looking like they are struggling at times. If you watch a player like Hendami, he makes football look so simple ââ?¬â?? he does this against any opposition be it Gretna or Barcelona, where as, players like Adam, Thompson, Boyd, and others (and this isnââ?¬â?¢t a personal attack on anyone) look like rabbits staring into headlights. Hopefully they will learn and use these lessons to improve themselves and our team. Also, it is evident that teams at the highest level spot weaknesses and try to exploit them to their advantage. Teams have identified that our left back area is very weak and have tried to expose this ââ?¬â?? as Stuttgart did on numerous occasions last night. Again, this is not a slight on Sasha Papac who has filled in there admirably this season. This cannot take away from the fact that he is not a left back and against better teams he is left exposed. I also have concerns over Alan McGregor ââ?¬â?? I know that sounds strange as he has developed into a very decent keeper. But, that is the rub of the green, given that most of his predecessors were ââ?¬Ë?world classââ?¬â?¢, a very decent keeper is a step down for what we are used to. Rangers FC should be in the later stages of the CL every season ââ?¬â?? that is what we must be aiming for ââ?¬â?? that is where not only the money is, it is where the prestige is. I know and understand that Walter Smithââ?¬â?¢s side / squad is still in its embryonic stage, but for me, qualification for the last 16 is so close, so tangible, that falling at the last hurdle will seem like failure (UEFA Cup parachute or not). So the question is, am I expect too much of my team to qualify for the last 16 of the Champions League from a group that contains Lyon, Barca and Stuttgart (considering we were 4th seeds)? A Case Of Two Findlayââ?¬â?¢s We are all aware of what happened to Donald Findlay when he was hung out to dry by those he thought were his friends, and we will all remember the press assassination of Donald Findlay that followed and that is still going on to this day. It is interesting to note that Dr Jeanette Findlay has had a comparatively easy ride from those who chose to ââ?¬Ë?assassinateââ?¬â?¢ Donald Findlay. It was also interesting to note that Dr Jeanetteââ?¬â?¢s outburst came whilst trying to vindicate the stance of Celtic fans regarding the election of John Reid to the Celtc Board (funny how Mr Reid claimed that Celtc was an ââ?¬Ë?all encompassingââ?¬â?¢ club where ââ?¬Ë?politics were left at the doorââ?¬â?¢. Funny that, his predecessor spent years telling the gullible media and anyone else who was stupid enough to believe him, that they songs of bigotry and hate were merely political. Anyway, I digress. Back to Jeanette and her repugnant views on the murdering scum that are the IRA. Apparently, according to Dr Findlay, it is OK, right on, morally correct to sing the praises of these murderers at Celtc Park ââ?¬â?? I am tempted to say, itââ?¬â?¢s the Celtc way, but the irony would be lost on any Celtc fan reading this. I wonder if Jeanette will face committees to see if she still has a job, face constant press harassment forcing her to the brink of suicide ââ?¬â?? or is this just another case of one rule for one, one rule for another. And to think, she is tasked with the education of Scottish students. Cammy F
  17. Guest

    Big Jock Knew...

    While I am always keen on winding up our less fortunate City rivals, I am begining to wonder if the Big Jock Knew campaign is taking things a bit too far. There have been many shifty cross-eyed bastirts who have made a living at Celtic Park over the years, but Jock Stein was not one of them. The stick with which to beat Celtic fans with on Stein, is his sectarian exclusion from the board of directors at the Piggery. What are your thoughts on Big Jock Knew, a good laugh or a step too far?
  18. Hearts equalised with a last minute penalty. It's good to see the Celtic players and fans react so differently when a last minute goal goes against them. That wee whinging junky Caldwell was moaning at the ref at FT.
  19. Scottish Cup holders Celtic will begin the defence of their trophy with a fourth round clash against Division One side Stirling Albion. Third Division outfit East Stirling have been handed a lucrative tie against Rangers, with the minnows making the trip to Ibrox. There are three all SPL ties, with Hibernian welcoming Inverness Caledonian Thistle to Easter Road, Hearts entertaining Motherwell at Tynecastle and Aberdeen traveling to Falkirk. Full draw: Hamilton v Brechin City or East Fife St Mirren v Dumbarton Partick Thistle v Dunfermline Falkirk v Aberdeen Hibernian v Inverness CT Huntly v Dundee Hearts v Motherwell Rangers v East Stirlingshire Queen of the South v Linlithgow Rose Morton v Gretna Airdrie or Queen's Park v Kilmarnock St Johnstone v Raith Cove Rangers v Ross County Clyde v Dundee United Livingston v Cowdenbeath Celtic v Stirling Albion Matches to be played on weekend of January 12-13, 2008.
  20. Saturday, 1 December 2007 --------------------------------------------Time --------TV Hearts v Celtic -----------------------------12:30--------*** Dundee United v Inverness CT---------------15:00 Motherwell v Gretna -----------------------15:00 Rangers v Kilmarnock-----------------------15:00 St Mirren v Falkirk---------------------------15:00 Sunday, 2 December 2007 ---------------------------------------------Time---------TV Aberdeen v Hibernian----------------------- 14:00---------*** After a European programme midweek we return to SPL action on Saturday. Celtic will be full of confidence after their last minute win against Shaktar, when they visit Tynecastle, to take on Hearts. They will be hoping to avenge the 2-0 defeat when the two teams met in the CIS cup. Celtic won the first SPL meeting 5-0 but I don’t see that happening at Tynecastle. Hearts are a difficult team to predict as to how they will play They are great one week and garbage the next. They have beaten both of the old firm this season but I think Celtic will do as always and grind out a win. Celtic win. Dundee Utd are at home to Inverness, which should see them taking three points. Inverness are a far improved team since their last meeting when Dundee won 3-0, but with home advantage craig Levein should be able to rally his troops to secure victory. United win. Motherwell and Gretna fight it out on Saturday for the home championships. Who will be lord of Fir park. Gretna surprised everyone last week to secure a point against Hearts but Motherwell are far more consistent team than Hearts and as the steel men are the true home team they will take all three points. Motherwell win. Rangers return from our disappointing defeat in Stuttgart, to get a visit from Kilmarnock to Ibrox. Although Killie always put up a good fight against us we always seem to come out on top. Even although we are carrying a few injuries I see no reason to think we will drop points against them. Maybe this is the poison chalice but as I said before, if we drop points in these games we do not deserve to win the league. Rangers win. St mirren against Falkirk is my tip for the draw this week. St Mirren will be trying to get the show on the road again after their undeserved defeat up at Inverness. St Mirren had the most of the play against caley thistle but it was Caley who scored with their first chance of the game, and then held out for the rest of it. Although Falkirk lost 3-1 to rangers last time out but they played some good football and were searching for the draw until Chris Boyd tied the game up for Rangers in the dying minutes. I can definitely see these two teams cancelling each other out, so i will go for the draw. Draw. Sunday 2 December On Sunday Hibs go up to pittodrie to meet the Dons, who are on a three game losing run to, Hearts, Celtic and Atletico Madrid. Hibs have also had a poor November with two draws against Hearts and Dundee United and a struggled win against Gretna. Aberdeen will still have their European game in the legs and Jimmy Calderwood will have a tough job to boost their confidence. They have also lost two of their most experienced players in Jackie McNamara and Jamie Smith. I am going for the result I hope for, in this case and that is a draw as it suits Rangers best. Draw.
  21. i have heard roumors that man u have told fletcher he can leave for in the region of 3 million and that rangers and celtic are intrested in signing him would you like to see him in a gers jersey Also the korean guy jung-woo is reported to be a top rangers priority signing in january after telling his club he wants to leave for a new challenge
  22. A fine guest article from a friend on another forum... http://www.gersnetonline.net/newsite/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=553&Itemid=1 Having taken a day or so to digest the charade of a quite repulsive individual taking up the figurehead position at the neighbours, I still can't get the bad taste out of my mouth. Sitting there at work, having a coffee with no-one to blether to, I picks up the ââ?¬Ë?Recordââ?¬â?¢ (God forgive me) and find Keevins has written a piece on John Reidââ?¬â?¢s investiture plus some reaction to the criticism he received. Apparently Reid displayed consummate calm, not having to resort to Rottweiller tactics. Eurgh, I thought to myself - one gets the definite feeling Hugh is not being entirely objective here. Is there a teeny weeny possibility the 2 have been chummy and old Hugh is helping out a pal? To quote the opening credits of Hong Kong Phooey -'could be!' The wretched Reid's defence was that politics should be left at the door in football. An interesting position for a tim, I thought, given their rigid adherence to the 'it's not sectarian, it's political' line in previous months and years. But is it true? And in particular, do our now entirely sporting and IN NO WAY political writers take off their political shoes when entering the building? The most obvious 'victim' of politics was Donald Findlay QC - an interesting man but one who is plainly missing something in his soul. His demise was certainly engendered by political antipathy amongst the labour classes, and happily leapt upon by the Celtic classes. That he was partly responsible for his own downfall is usually overlooked - a man of his intelligence and in his position should have known better. His personality split, almost a schizophrenia, which sees him affecting the attire of an Edwardian dandy, ascending the lofty heights of the legal establishment while retaining a sense of his working class roots, perhaps means he is never entirely comfortable in the shoes of either? But all this is amateur psychology. He fell, and politics was definitely not left at the door. A figure some may recall is Giovanni di Stefano. Another solicitor, at least a lawyer, this man of dubious propriety attained a controlling share in Dundee FC some years ago. He blew in on a cloud of promises, CL football, breaking the OF duopoly - the usual piss and wind. He left shortly afterwards on a cloud of ripped up cheques and interesting financial dealings. Here, though, our interest lies in his professional affairs. A defender of the indefensible (a bit like Findlay, funnily enough!) he had done cases for some notorious Serbian warlords and was trying to get himself onto Saddam Hussein's legal team at that time. How do I know this? Our neutral sporting press wasted no chance to tell me of course! That they were correct to do so is not the point. They cannot, in all conscience, show up the politics of any and all of those who have come before and then give John Reid an easy ride just because he is in charge at Celtic. Or will they?
  23. Scotland At The World Cup Draw Stars Get Zilch For Euro Campaign SCOTLAND players did not take a penny for their failed bid to reach Euro 2008. SFA chief executive Gordon Smith has praised Barry Ferguson and Co for not attempting to cash in - now he hopes to broker a similar deal for the World Cup in 2010. Hampden bosses were denied a cash windfall of around �£5million when Alex McLeish's side narrowly missed out on a place in Austria and Switzerland next summer. The players struck a deal with the SFA that saw them waive win bonuses and appearance fees in favour of a squad pot of around �£1.25m, payable only on qualification. Italy's 2-1 win at Hampden put paid to that but Smith, speaking here in South Africa ahead of tomorrow's World Cup draw, insists the SFA will happily fork out for success in future. He said: "The Scotland players took no money whatsoever from the SFA in the Euro 2008 qualifying campaign. "They were on a qualifying only bonus and I must commend them for that. The current squad made it pretty clear to me they are content to play for Scotland for nothing. "They amassed 24 points in a very tough group but received no reward for that in terms of individual bonuses. "If Scotland qualify for a major tournament the SFA benefit from millions of pounds in extra revenue and it's only fair the players share in that. "I hope a similar arrangement will be in place come the start of World Cup qualifying. Obviously we'll have to speak to the players first but their commitment to the squad is already very obvious." Smith will try to finalise a deal for a new-look home international tournament while in South Africa. Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales and Republic of Ireland want a Celtic Cup competition on the international dates in February, March and May and still hope to tempt England into joining them. Nor thern Ireland FA President Jim Boyce said: "There is a possibility of Scotland playing Northern Ireland in February. The Republic of Ireland can't play then because I understand they have a friendly with Brazil. "I want to see a British Championship reformed but England have to make up their minds. For many years I have been campaigning to bring back the championships but it always appeared that England did not want to participate. "If they say no I want a Celtic Cup with Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland." England already have a friendly against Switzerland pencilled in for February 6 - the proposed date for the new tournament to begin
  24. http://www.gersnetonline.net/newsite/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=551&Itemid=1 I hear yet another anti-sectarian drive was officially launched yesterday at Hampden. ââ?¬Ë?Kick out Bigotryââ?¬â?¢ has funds of over Ã?£300,000 and is being co-ordinated by Scottish charitable organisation ââ?¬Ë?Football for Allââ?¬â?¢. Backed by all 12 SPL clubs, is this finally an objective look at this problem in our sport or yet another sham which will spend lots of our money but not a lot of time asking the really difficult questions of society? There is no doubt in recent seasons progress against this social blight has been positive ââ?¬â?? especially from a Rangers point of view. Removing offensive words like ââ?¬Ë?******ââ?¬â?¢ from our songs and finally eradicating the likes of the ââ?¬Ë?***ââ?¬â?¢ add-on is a huge forward step and itââ?¬â?¢s been most heartening to see the magnificent reaction from our support in that regard. Self-policing and education is certainly the way to go and itââ?¬â?¢s vital that, if the problem within the Scottish game is to be extinguished, further hard work and self-examination should be done. Not just by Rangers and their fans of course but by every club in Scotland with similar problems. How disappointing then that we hear Jeanette Findlay (Chairperson of the Celtic Supportersââ?¬â?¢ Trust) on national radio (BBC Radio 5) yesterday proclaiming her membersââ?¬â?¢ right to sing songs about the IRA. Even worse to hear another so called objective anti-bigotry organisation (ââ?¬Ë?Nil by Mouthââ?¬â?¢) defend her comments. Richard Benjamin ââ?¬â?? speaking for this publicly funded organisation said: "While I defend Dr Findlay's right to express her personal beliefs, context is important. Expressing religious and political views in football can be damaging, not just to the sport, but to the wider community, too. I think most football supporters would not be exposed to chants about the IRA at matches." Is this what itââ?¬â?¢s really come to? Rangers and their fans are derided by all and sundry over the years because certain words in certain songs discriminate. Yet now a Celtic supporting representative says itââ?¬â?¢s OK to sing about an illegal terrorist organisation that maimed and killed hundreds of innocent people, suddenly context is important? Pull the other one, Dick! So what do the other main protagonists have to say in this matter? Alex Salmond ââ?¬â?? First Minister ââ?¬â?? was at the ââ?¬Ë?KoBââ?¬â?¢ launch yesterday so surely he would have strongly condemned the Celtic Trustââ?¬â?¢s comments? Remember how quick he was to personally wade into the Artur Boruc debacle? Given an early chance to get this campaign off to a good start he said this about supporting terrorist organisations: absolutely nothing. He left it to a spokeswoman to do his dirty work. Thankfully she did say the CSTââ?¬â?¢s views were ââ?¬Ë?repugnantââ?¬â?¢ but this would have better effect coming from the First Minister himself. What about Billy McNeil ââ?¬â?? Celtic legend? Surely as someone brought up to abhor bigotry he would be keen to give this group of Celtic shareholders a ââ?¬Ë?kick up the backsideââ?¬â?¢? Nope ââ?¬â?? nothing either. Finally what about Celtic FC? Peter Lawwell is never slow to appear in the media regarding a plethora of issues. Apparently he finds all forms of bigotry ââ?¬Ë?poisonous and despicableââ?¬â?¢ so would surely send out a clear message against support of the IRA amongst his clubââ?¬â?¢s fans (and shareholders) on a day where the whole country was to get behind the anti-bigotry message. Again though he left it to an unnamed spokeswoman to say the comments were ââ?¬Ë?unrepresentative of the Celtic supportââ?¬â?¢. Now that may well be true nowadays but surely Celtic should have unequivocally condemned the comments and distanced themselves from any illegal support of terrorist organisations? There is no room for prevarication on this issue. Will Dr Findlay (and her Trust peers who obviously share her views) be banned from Celtic Park? Is the Celtic plc comfortable with having such people as shareholders? Have the CST now breached their own rules regarding suitable people to be involved with club? Furthermore while the unnamed Celtic spokeswomen may insist IRA support is not reflective of the larger Celtic support, why then are the official Celtic singing section allowed to fly a banner of Jock Stein home and away by the ââ?¬Ë?Junglebhoysââ?¬â?¢? This banner was painted by a convicted IRA terrorist ââ?¬â?? a strange choice of beneficiary for such a project. I doubt Stein would have been enamoured with such a controversial choice. Moreover, will the club continue to use venues such as the Clanree Hotel (in Letterkenny) ââ?¬â?? alleged by the Irish Sunday Mirror to be owned by a well-known IRA sympathiser - for official events? Or have they learned their lesson from the unacceptable behaviour of their staff and fans that particular evening? Last month Graham Spiers (no laughing at the back) suggested Rangers had a ââ?¬Ë?significantly worseââ?¬â?¢ problem with bigotry than Celtic (or other clubs generally). Yesterdayââ?¬â?¢s comments by Findlay and the CST, as well as the failure by Celtic FC to emphatically condemn support for the IRA, once again shows Rangers fans are not the only support with modernisation issues in Scotland. At the very least we can say we are facing this challenge, accepting our wrongs and moving to address them. ââ?¬Ë?Kick out Bigotryââ?¬â?¢ is an admirable initiative and one we should all get behind. Unfortunately, it appears some continue to prefer to push the envelope on just what is offensive instead of joining Rangers and their fans in removing any discriminatory and/or bigoted associations from their support. Until these people manage to get past their petty prejudices, and until the Scottish Executive address the real reasons for bigotry (and stop blaming football fans), such campaigns are doomed to failure. Can we win the battle against bigotry? Yes we can, but itââ?¬â?¢s time chants for the IRA, the UVF, huns, DOBs and FTQ joined the already banned terms to ensure an objective and honest debate. In addition itââ?¬â?¢s imperative the likes of Strathclyde Police, the Scottish Executive, Kick out Bigotry and Nil by Mouth worked with the fans to provide real and genuine guidelines with regard to the above instead of talking about context and making excuses. Education is the key. Now that would be progress.
  25. got to laugh at the tims.... on STV news they were reporting on celtic's new chairman john reid...he was labelled a war criminal at their agm....and one fan said that the statue of bro walfrid was seen to be weeping in the last few days lol...you couldnt make these idiots up...priceless!!!!
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