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  1. Is anyone else finding it distasteful and bordering on cheating, the way Celtic are acting over the possibility of a league extension? I hear they are planning a tour of Japan straight after the end of the season to force the SPL not to allow the proposed extension. It is obvious that if Rangers have a worst case scenario of fixtures then this could benefit Celtic if it affects Rangers' performances in the league. Now, it's not just the unsporting nature of their attitude which sticks in my craw, it is the fact that Rangers had the decorum to agree to postpone a game against them which they requested for very tenuous emotional reasons. Now this to me is akin to Rangers stopping an attack to kick the ball out of play in an Old Firm game while a Celtic player over acts on the ground after a very mild knock - then Celtic use the throw in to create an attack on Rangers' goal. Any sense of integrity and fair play at Celtic park should at least result in their support of a one game extension in the league to play the game that they postponed. However, I just can't see any integrity coming from Snake Mountain...
  2. Just posted this up on a football forum i am part of, thought i would share this with you lot as well First of all i think this is shocking that there is a game getting played tonight, fair enough it will be Burley's first game but there is an Old Firm game this Saturday which is of great importance. Five regular Rangers players are not in the squad, four of them pulled out Ferguson ( Scotland Captain ), McGregor, Dailly and McCulloch. David Weir was left out the team by Burley to give him a rest due to his age and how many games he has played for Rangers this season. One Celtic player has pulled out which is Barry Robson. Another two call offs have been the magician McFadden and the back up player of Stephen Pearson. This leaves Scotland short of 7 players. I think it's good to see that the Rangers players have been told to pull out , as i am a Rangers fan, i don't wan't any the players running the risk of injury to such an important game coming up. Only Rangers player left in the team is Kris Boyd. Celtic have 4 players in the team, which are Mcmanus ( who will be captain tonight ), Hartley, Brown and Caldwell. Lets say Brown and McManus get injured tonight, Celtic fans will go into meltdown that they were playing. This game should never have been arranged, especially when the SFA knew there was an Old Firm game happening the following Saturday. They could of had one of the meet up things they normally have at their training camp, SFA got this one totally wrong. Anyway enough of that, another farse has been the tickets for this game. Go on have a guess how much a friendly will be to watch Scotland ................................................................�£25 for a friendly, its a joke, last week i went to Hampden for the League Cup Final, that cost me �£24, �£24 for a cup final, �£25 for a meaning less friendly, makes no sense at all. Why doesn't the SFA reward the loyal Scotland fans that followed them in the Euro qualification, Hampden was full every game. Reports are saying that Hampden will be only at the most half full, what would Burley rather see on his first game in charge, Scotland flgs flying around the whole stadium, or red and blue empty seats. Obviously he would rather see the stadium full with flags everywhere, Scotland fans singing , SFA have got this one totally wrong again with the pricing of tickets. Will be a proud moment for Burley tonight, but seeing the stadium half full, lets all agree, it's not a pretty sight. Yes i still bought a ticket for tonights game, was stupid enough but thankfully i have managed to get rid of it. For one costing me �£25 , plus to get me to/ back from the game and something to eat etc etc, looking at least me spending �£40 for a friendly. For me that is alot of money, especially with alot of important Rangers games coming up i will give this one a miss and watch it on the tv. Also only 1 Rangers player in the team, will be paying to watch Celtic really with a few Premiership players I got �£20 for it which was good a suppose Anyway with all that done with , looking forward to the game. Will be intresting to see what lineup/formation George Burley plays in his first game in charge for Scotland. I would like to see him go 4-4-2. In goals will be the 9 million man of Craig Gordon. I haven't seen much of him at Sunderland this season, as much as i seen him at Hearts. Apparantly he has had a few dodgy games, he hasn't done anything wrong for Scotland though. Allan McGregor the Rangers goalkeeper has been having a magnificant season, was pushing Gordon all the way for tonights game to be in between the sticks, but thankfully for Gordon, McGregor has pulled out the squad. At right back will be another 9 million man ( Scotland has got some great talent ) of Allan Hutton. He has only broke into the Scotland team this season, ut has rightly made that positiong his own, he will probably have that position for his own for the next 10 years. I haven't seen him play much since he left Rangers to join Tottenham, but he must be alright down south if Tottenham are winning , especially winning cups. We definetly know that McManus will be playing at centre back, he will be captain tonight due to Barry Ferguson's absence. McManus is also the Celtic captain and will take huge pride by leading Scotland out tonight. Yes he is a Celtic player but i think he is a good player and a decent proffesional. The question is though who will partner him at the heart of defence. Christophe Berra the Hearts captain has been called up and could be giving his first cap, while the Sunderland centre back Russell Anderson has been called up as well. Or will Burley play Gary Caldwell, both McManus and Caldwell play at theback together for Celtic, but they can be a liabilty at times. I would throw in Christophe Berra to see how he gets on. George Burley has called upon somebody to make the left back position their own, as we don't have alot of good left backs. The man who has been doing the job for us is Gary Naysmith, he has done a good enough job but we need someone better. James McEveley might fill in at left back tonight, played a few times for Scotland, maybe he could be the player who can hold down that position on his own. Midfield looks fairly simple to pick from since the amount of call offs we have had, with Darren Fletcher being called up after re covering from injury and Gavin Rae the ex Rangers and Dundee midfielder now playing at Cardiff has also been called up. Although Gavin probably won't play, he will probably be starting on the bench. I think the midfield will be made up of Celtic duo Hartley and Brown, along with Darren Fletcher, with probably Gary Teale ( hope not ) or Shaun Maloney Up front will be intresting. Kris Boyd the only Rangers player in the team is a favourite to start up front. Kenny Miller the Derby striker might play up front along side him. Although all the talk has been about Steven Fletcher getting his first call up. The Hibs youngster has been impressing everyone this season, there has also been talk about Real Madrid wanting him. Would be great to see him start up front tonight to see how he would get on in the big stage. So i think the team will look something like this ____________Gordon_____________ Hutton___McManus___Berra___McEveley Brown___Hartley____Fletcher__Maloney __________Boyd____Fletcher______ Although i can see Caldwell playing instead of Berra and Miller ahead of Fletcher I can see Scotland getting beat tonight of a quality team in Croatia, will be good if we got a draw and great if we managed to get a win. Don't see it happening though with many important players missing 3-1 Croatia i think
  3. Do you listen to them , i Tend to listen to Clyde 1 superscoreboard its the best of a bad lot in my opinion Real Radio is a joke The reason i ask is i was listening to the show last night and 1 Celtic fans phones up complaining that 4 Rangers players have withdrawn from the Scotland squad with Injury But despite several attempts by the panel to explain this the not so bright tim wouldnt lewt it go and it was a injustice to them , i found myself shouting and cursing at the radio and then relised what am i doing theres no one here.
  4. It's so embarrassing seeing all our players pull out of the squad yet none of the Celtic players have pulled out ??? I can see both sides of the argument here; fresh for the Old Firm match this weekend and we are still in Europe unlike Celtic meaning we will have more games to play than them now. However, should the Scotland match have been arranged so close to an Old Firm match ?? It's also a shame that playing for your country doesn't seem to matter any more.
  5. Apparently our 'chums' on the other side of the city are complaining that we've went 6 SPL games without a booking and our captain (who has played further forward this season and not that well) hasn't been booked thus far in the league. Conspiracy theories are abound and now it's not just Mike McCurry being accused of helping Rangers to the title. Once again, I thought I'd investigate these claims of official bias further. Let's look at this century so far. 2000/01 - Celtic top fair play table and win league 2001/02 - Celtic top fair play table and win league 2002/03 - Rangers have better discipline record and win league 2003/04 - Celtic have better discipline record and win league 2004/05 - Celtic have better discipline record but Rangers and win league 2005/06 - Celtic top fair play table and win league 2006/07 - Celtic top fair play table and win league So we have only had year with a better discipline record than Celtic. Aye, the referees are out to get them! :fish: http://www.gersnetonline.net/newsite/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=620&Itemid=1
  6. gretna celtic crowd.... the greatest fans in the world......aye right!!!! there was more people at the dunfermline dundee game...haha timmy...now where's that suvull calculator when you need it...a cyber pint to anyone who knows a timmy who was at the game....we need proof mind...ticket stubs at least... ask all the tims you know... where did all your fans go... WATP
  7. mms://video.premiumtv.co.uk/rangersfc/video/martin_bain_fans_hi.wmv Now i must admit i'am impressed with the conduct of this interview...... Never took to Martin Bain to be honest but after seeing him get a bit more involved in the club i/we love ( seeing him jump on mcCoist at the cup final , after seeing him answer back to celtic abot the SPL run in.......... and now this to say a thank you to the fans( IMO it is a thank you to those who follow on in europe) with the "free" entry to SL game away and for the other ST holders the freeze on the ST's................ the bit that impresses me the most is one of my pet hates... i am a proud father of two Girls who want to go to the game with daddy but because im a ST holder i cant take them without buying another tickes for myself (to me is a joke because i have already paid �£400+ for my seat) no the club will move me as a one off so i can sit next to my little girl's ... there now (when this is sorted) will be two more children going to the games now..... also this reduction in Childs ST's might bring more Adult & Kids seats together ...Who knows if i renew it be with one of my children with me!. Happy Times Ahead 1 Down 3 To Go!!!!! Del.
  8. Funny the stand from Peter Lawwell,when the cancellation of the New year OF fixture was his doing. They are shaking in their boots. We are the people!!!
  9. Saturday, 22 March 2008 -------------------------------Time------TV Dundee United v Motherwell-----12:30----*** Aberdeen v St Mirren------------15:00 Hearts v Falkirk-----------------15:00 Kilmarnock v Inverness CT-------15:00 Rangers v Hibernian-------------15:00 Sunday, 23 March 2008 --------------------------------Time-----TV Gretna v Celtic-----------------14.00-----*** The great thing for Motherwell this week is they don't have to play at fir park, which gives them a bit more certainty that the game will go ahead. This game can probably be classed as the best of the rest as Dundee utd, Motherwell and Hibs fight it out for the third position. Motherwell haven't really hit the same heights as they did before the turn of the year and the tragic loss of Phil o"Donnel. Dundee Utd played brilliantly in the CIS cup final against Rangers last week and were only minutes away from winning before a lethal mistake from Mark Kerr threw Rangers a lifeline with United losing out on a penalty shoot-out. If United play anything like last week they should make the best of their home advantage. United win. Aberdeen have been on a free-fall the last few weeks and will be struggling to get in on a top six place.From what seemed to a good season for them suddenly went pear shaped. Knocking Celtic out of the Scottish cup could offer them a platform to bounce back. St Mirren have given some gutsy performances this season but with the reduction of points from Gretna their season is as good as finished. nothing to lose and nothing to gain. Aberdeen still have things to play for and should be more hungry. Aberdeen win. Hearts v Falkirk is the topper in the fight for the last place in the top six. Falkirk are holding all the aces at the moment but there are only three points between them ,Hearts and Aberdeen and who would not expect Hearts to make a final sprint. I expect Hearts to win this one but Falkirk will stay top on goal difference, although that will also be minimal. Hearts win. Kilmarnock v Inverness CT has again lost any real interest with the demise of Gretna and Killie have only really pride to play for. Caley could still fight to top the bottom six but in reallity these two teams can start to look to putting things in place for next season. I can see this ending in a draw. Draw. Rangers v Hibernian is surely the top game this weekend and why setanta have chosen to show Gretna v Celtic beats me. Surely a case of pure inflexibility in programming. This is one of the most important games we will get in the run in to the title. As i believe that the old firm will roughly share the points in the head to heads the games against the sub-top teams will become more important.Barry Ferguson will return from injury putting off an operation on his ankle to the summer months. Whether you like him or not he certainly has a great Rangers heart. I will surprise everybody and say i am glad he is back as i don't think this is the game to experiment. Hibs beat us last time round at Ibrox but we have stepped up a notch since then and we will hopefully return to form for this one. I can't go against Rangers as it is a must win game for us. Rangers win. Gretna v Celtic. can't really say much about this game as i think it is a non-event and only good for celtic to take advantage and build up their goal difference but we live in hope. Celtic win.
  10. Following my thread in BlueNose Lounge about the new members etc How can we get Gersnet bigger, but not too big. For starters i think the banners should be back out at Ibrox, ideal time if anyone can is to get them up tomorow for a big game. Also next week when all the banners are out at the Celtic game Simple thing as well like the Gersnet Bebo account, start using that more to rake in some new members
  11. Guys, lets get the team going against celtic on the 29th for all their hard work. Lets all get down to the pound shop and purchase a few beachballs each and a sombrero to show our appreciation for another trip to Portugal! .......I'm sure the celtic fans will be glad to see that we're still in europe when they've only one cup left to chase!!
  12. Finally the date for the Old Firm game at Parkhead is decided, it will take place on the 16th of April. http://www.rangers.premiumtv.co.uk/page/News/NewsDetail/0,,5~1270812,00.html
  13. pete


    On the way back from Barcelona some Celtic supporters buses got caught up in a blizzard. It is the only chance they got of seeing Sno all season.. Fire fighters were called out to a fire at Parkhead after their annual dinner. They met a distraught Gordon Strachan screaming "The Cups! Save the cups" It is okay Mr Strachan said the chief officer, the fire hasn't reached the canteen yet. Celtic Directors announced today that they would be returfing Parkhead. The new pitch will rest on a specially developed concrete foundation. They hope it will stop the team sinking any further. The pitch will be covered in Bumph for all their home games. A spokesman stated the team looks good on paper but usually turns out shite. Celtic players will be wearing the new Celtic lipstick when they play at Ibrox on the 29th. It is so as they can kiss the league title goodbye. There are even more dubious things going on at Parkhead, going by the quote from Scott Brown in the press today. He stated� "It's been a long campaign, but there's no question of tiredness," he said. "My legs are feeling fresh and all the boys are looking good.� Well stuff sharing a communal bath with him then. Don�t drop the soap! Artur Boruc is seemingly a hot tip to go to Bayern Munchen . The thought of him in his lederhosen thrashing his thighs must have Scott in a right fluster. They are also bringining the new Celtic Bra on the market. After six months the support disappears and the tits drop out the cups. Also available in the Celtic shop is the new Celtic cream. It is easy to beat and you can whip it in a cup. Scott McDonald and Jan Venegoor of Hesselink had to cancel a fishing trip to Aberdeen recently. They couldn�t find the net. Taxi!!!
  14. Both teams are scum and whoever wins this , they should be the team we play in the final at the end of the season Game is live on sky sports if anyone wants to watch it, i wonder how many fans will be dressed up as green seats tonight:fish:
  15. Menu; Starter - Sour Grapes Main Course - Plaice (might be 2nd) Pudding - Selection from (Caldwell, McManus, Donati or Veneegor of Hessledink) Followed by HARD CHEESE & BISCUITS or fresh fruit - ORANGES . Drinks available at bar (mainly TRIPLES) - but NO TROPHY BITTER !! Also a special selection of WHINES from STRACHAN'S vast cellar !!! Coffee or tea served in mugs - SORRY NO CUPS AVAILABLE RIGHT NOW !!! CHARITY AUCTION AT END OF NIGHT; Main item - ONE TROPHY CABINET (surplus to requirements)
  16. Game's off due to a waterlogged pitch. It's on the official Motherwell website.
  17. ---------------------------Time------------TV Motherwell v Celtic---------12:30-----------Setanta Sports Aberdeen v Gretna---------15:00 Hibernian v Kilmarnock------15:00 Inverness CT v Falkirk------15:00 St Mirren v Hearts----------15:00 Celtic travel to Fir park to have another crack at moving to the top of the league. With goal difference being exactly equal a 1-0 win will be enough for them to go top,with Rangers having two games in hand. Rangers will be playing in the CIS cup final on Sunday. Motherwell have played some of the best football in the SPL and play an attacking game so they will certainly have a go at Celtic. Motherwell did us the biggest of favours on Helicopter Sunday ironically with Scott McDonald doing the damage. They could do us another favour by putting us three points clear with two games in hand. I will settle for the draw. Draw. Gretna travel the length of the east coast to visit Pittodrie. The SPL have thrown them a lifeline after they went into administration,and the latest news from their website is that they will be travelling with a full squad of players. Although other reports say many players will not play because of the risk of injury and a lack of insurance, which may leave them redundant and crippled. Arrangements have also been made for the next game against Celtic. Aberdeen have been skydiving out of the top six in recent weeks and have gone from having a good season to being out of Europe and out of the top six. Unless they can climb back up the history books will show their season in a dark light. With Gretna in the position they are in then i can't see them putting up a fight for the points as they will be mentally affected. Aberdeen win. Hibs have been returning to form of late and beat Motherwell in a midweek game on Wednesday.They get a visit from Kilmarnock on Saturday who have only pride to fight for after being made safe by the reduction of points to Gretna. I will go for Hibs in this one. Hibs win. Inverness CT v Falkirk. Falkirk sit up the sixth place at this moment but have Hearts, Aberdeen and Inverness breathing in their neck. Inverness had a disastrous start to the season but came back strongly after Craig Brewster took over. Falkirk have coughed and spluttered all season but have managed to claw their way into a top six place. I will go for an Inverness win as they have home advantage. Inverness win. St. Mirren v Hearts is a difficult game to judge as both teams have had a Jekyll and Hyde season. Hearts have been doing better since Romanov has taken a back-seat and given Stevie Frail the reigns. They are also hot on the neck of Falkirk for the sixth position.St Mirren have given many teams a hard time this year and will be no walk-over for Hearts. I think Hearts will win as they now smell that top six place. which should be enough to see them win. Hearts win. Dundee Utd v Rangers. Just for the books. I think Rangers will win.
  18. Weather is awful right now and there will be a pitch inspection shortly
  19. If Gretna go into administration on Monday and fail to finish the season our lead will be cut to only one point. Lets hope the SPL save them. A warning to other businessmen who try to live the dream.
  20. Wouldnae mind seeing Celtic winning this one. A wee Old Firm Scottish Cup final to round off the season would do me nicely!
  21. DANIEL COUSIN has been ruled out of action for six weeks as he needs an operation on a broken jaw sustained against Werder Bremen. The Gabon striker had to come off 15 minutes from the end of Thursday's wonderful 2-0 win over the German side with the injury. Having scored the first goal and been involved in the second, Cousin had played a key part in a victory which leaves Gers just 90 minutes from the last eight of the UEFA Cup. But now he will miss the second leg at the Weserstadion next week, as well as the home Old Firm meeting with Celtic on March 29. The injury is a significant fracture and Cousin, who played so well against Bremen defenders Naldo and Per Mertesacker, will undergo surgery in the coming days. When at the game i thought the big man was just desperate to get off, obviously i was wrong. Bad time to lose him, hes just coming back to form and with Darchey injury prone it doesn't help losing him!
  22. If we beat Hibs tomorrow and Partick a week on Wednesday we'll play either St Mirren or St Johnstone in the SF of the cup. QOS v Aberdeen/Celtic is the other tie.
  23. THOMAS GRAVESEN will make a shock return to Celtic after failing to impress at Everton. The Dane, 31, was loaned to his former club in August, but has made only three starts. Agent John Sivebaek confirmed: "We expect Thomas to be back in Glasgow in the summer. advertisement "We had hoped he would play more at Everton, as he is fully fit, but it has not worked out that way. "But he will have no problem coming back to Celtic and fighting for his place." Gravesen signed for Celts in 2006 in a �£2m deal from Real Madrid on a staggering �£40,000-per- week wage packet. He is the Hoops' highest earner, and also an expensive reminder of boss Strachan's chequered record in the transfer market, and has a year left on his contract. Despite featuring in 33 games for the Parkhead side in 2006/2007, his debut season was marred by a lack of discipline and the tactical nous expected by Strachan. 40.000 per week for a
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