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  1. Hearts entertain Celtic in Sunday's SPL clash at Tynecastle. More...
  2. With Celtic playing Hearts on Sunday Rangers can go top of the table if they defeat Inverness CT at Ibrox. More...
  3. KRIS BOYD is thrilled at the impeding return of Barry Ferguson tomorrow but has set a personal target of continuing on the goal trail. Boyd knows the importance and significance of Ferguson's comeback as Rangers aim to draw level at the top with Celtic by beating Inverness tomorrow before the Parkhead men go to Tynecastle on Sunday. However, having notched three times in the past two games, he also knows he has to keep scoring if he hopes to maintain his place in the side. Boyd said: "It's a massive boost for the squad that Barry is back and once he gets his match sharpness he will be a real asset. "Getting the captain back is terrific. Apart from anything else he has fantastic ability and he has a big influence on the team." Many fans are excited at the prospect of seeing Ferguson and Pedro Mendes together and as our picture shows the two men have come across each other before when Fergie faced Pedro during their days with Blackburn and Tottenham. Boyd is not about to predict who will be in the midfield tomorrow. He said: "Whoever the gaffer picks will look to do their best for Rangers. If it is Pedro and Barry then hopefully then can get quickly." Boyd, who had hit the headlines two weeks ago over his decision to quit Scotland, has hit the net in the past two matches and he hopes to continue his run tomorrow against Inverness. He said: "I managed to get a couple of goals last week and I scored again during the week which was good. Hopefully I can continue that tomorrow - if I play. "When you are a striker you want to score week in, week out. The gaffer has options and you have to prove that you deserve your place." The striker knows that Inverness will be tough opponents, despite losing the last four matches. He added: "They are well organised and hard to break down but it's up to us to stamp our authority on the game
  4. Shunsuke Nakamura wants more protection from match officials after coming in for some rough treatment at Kilmarnock. More...
  5. Scott Brown wins the Clydesdale Bank Premier League player of the month award for August after an impressive month for Celtic. More...
  6. Celtic defender Glenn Loovens rules himself out of next week's Champions League visit by Manchester United through injury. More...
  7. Most Rangers fans face a bit of a quandary when it comes to our defensive line up. Whilst Weir currently forms our strongest available centre back partnership with summer signing Madjid Bougherra. However it is suggested that playing the veteran Scot leads to some of our troubles against better quality opposition. Due to Weir's advancing years, whatever pace he once had is beginning to dessert him. Weir was never an exceptionally fast player. But with his reading of the game he was not often exposed for a lack of pace. Weir has performed admirably for the club since Walter Smith brought him back upto Scotland and can be proud of his performances for the club. He formed a water-tight back line with Cuellar and has struck up an excellent understanding with Bougherra already. However many fans have questioned whether his lack of pace causes a back line to sit too deep and invite pressure onto our defence. However Saturday's game at Hamilton exposed another potential issue for our defenders. Hamilton forward Offiong gave both Weir and Bougherra a torrid time with his strength. Every high ball played upto Offiong stuck. Any ball chest or head height was won by Offiong and played off to a team mate. Fortunately Hamilton didn't have the squad to take advantage. Unusually for Weir, who normally relishes the physical battle, and Bougherra who looks like a big strong centre back, they just could not match him for strength. I was actually relieved and a little confused when billy Reid decided to withdraw him when he'd had so much success in the first half. It reminded me a lot of a game in the past few seasons when we played Hearts and the centre backs, I believe they were Weir and Cuellar, again just could not compete in the physical battle. He ran amok and it's not the only such incident. Kenny Deuchar won a move to MLS football off the back of a a bustling centre forward performance against us were he bruised our defence all game and managed to get on the score sheet. Whilst many are worried about David Weir, his lack of pace and who his successor is I think we also need to look at why our back line struggles so much against big bruising centre forwards? With the game in Scotland being very much a physical battle you have to match the work rate and commitment of the opposition before your superior tecchnical and tactical ability can win through. It is also worrying when you look at the forward options available to Celtic, the only other contenders for the league title. Samaras, Hesselink and even Killen are all big guys. And whilst none of them should unduly worry us, if Strachan identifies this potential weakness in our team and lines his team up appropriately we may find ourselves struggling in the OF games.
  8. Japan midfielder Shunsuke Nakamura's former club express their intention to re-sign the player from Celtic. More...
  9. Winning the league is imperative to Celtic's hopes of reaching the quarter-finals of the Champions League, according to boss Gordon Strachan. More...
  10. I think he makes some valid points here, Manu could on any given day certainly have the capability to beat most teams in Europe by the same scoreline. Financially, again we cant even compete with newly promoted teams to the EPL. The top 4 are certainly a class apart, I'd love to see a statement from Ince if the next time they play Manu and they get beat 3-0. Would it still be men against boys?
  11. Team news ahead of Saturday's Scottish Premier League match at Celtic Park. More...
  12. Celtic goalkeeper Artur Boruc is found guilty of improper conduct for a gesture made towards Rangers fans. More...
  13. Hibs manager Mixu Patelainen is confident striker Derek Riordan will be fit to play against former club Celtic on Saturday. More...
  14. Celtic director Brian McBride says the club's business plan does not take account of them reaching the latter stages of the Champions League. More...
  15. I suppose this game deserves a wee thread. Cant see anything other than a home win. It would be nice to see Rooney hit top form and bang a hattrick in.
  16. Chairman John Reid says Celtic will resist any designs on the club from foreign billionaires. More...
  17. Celtic chairman John Reid says fans must act to cut out offensive chants from both sides of the Old Firm. More...
  18. Celtic striker Jan Vennegoor of Hesselink will miss Tuesday's Champions League match against Manchester United through injury. More...
  19. Scott Brown scores his first league goal since December as Celtic beat Inverness to move three points clear at the top of the SPL. More...
  20. Georgios Samaras could be a doubt for Celtic's Champions League clash with Manchester United after missing the SPL encounter with Inverness. More...
  21. Celtic travel to Inverness for Saturday's early kick-off in the SPL, with three more matches to follow this afternoon. More...
  22. Oct 17 2008 By Ian Dow RANGERS star Kevin Thomson's car has been vandalised by thugs outside his Edinburgh home. The slogans "IRA" and "Bobo's gonnae get you" were scratched into the paintwork of his Land Rover He's the second Ibrox player to be targeted by vandals this month. The attack on Thomson's Land Rover happened late on Sunday evening. The midfielder called police to report damage to the valuable vehicle. A Lothian and Borders police spokesman said yesterday: "Our officers are investigating malicious damage to a vehicle in the west of Edinburgh. "It is obvious that this was not a random attack and we would like to hear from anyone who has any knowledge of it." Just over a week ago, vandals scored graffiti on Rangers keeper Allan McGregor's Bentley and the Range Rover of his fiancee, Leah Shevlin. The words "Holly Goaly"- a reference to Celtic's Artur Boruc, who is nicknamed the "Holy Goalie" - were gouged into the Bentley's silver paintwork. It was the second attack on the international keeper's car. In March, acid was poured over it, causing damage which cost thousands of pounds to repair. A spokesman for Rangers said last night: "This is the latest in a line of unacceptable attacks and threats against our playing staff. "The club has been working closely with the police with regard to recent incidents which we strongly condemn." Thomson, who turned 24 on Tuesday, was the victim of an unprovoked attack in an Edinburgh nightclub in March this year. He and his girlfriend were among 150 guests celebrating Hibs' striker Steven Fletcher's 21st birthday. A tumbler was thrown at him, which hit him on the forehead. Gatecrashers were blamed for the incident at the party, which was also attended by Celtic star Scott Brown. A witness said: "Kevin was the target but the glass struck another party-goer before being deflected, which undoubtedly saved him from serious injury." Teetotal Thomson grew up in Peebles in the Borders. Rangers beat Celtic and several English clubs to his signature in January last year. They paid Hibs �£2million for the midfielder. Seems to be a trend developing here.....................
  23. Apologies for not penning these on a regular basis, I promise to make more of an effort..... When Will The Inconsistency End? If we are to be successful in the SPL this season, and we MUST be, we must strive for a level of consistency that has been sadly lacking in our erratic start to the season. Having gone out of Europe tamely, coupled with our jittery start to the SPL campaign, I probably wasnââ?¬â?¢t the only Rangers fan who believed that the impressive performance at The Piggery was the turning point of the season. In truth, that performance has turned out to be the exception rather than the rule. The only other performance that matched the mauling of the MOPEs was the performance at Fester Road which was one the most impressive in Leith for a while. Hibs created a few chances, but in truth, we ran out easy and convincing winners on the day. Those two performances apart, we have been ordinary in our performances this season and this must improve and improve soon. I was surprised to hear Walter Smith claim that he still doesnââ?¬â?¢t know what our strongest and best 11 is or what our strongest formation is, or which 11 and which formation will be utilised this season. Again, this is something that has to be resolved and resolved soon. Some of the concerns for this Bear include the fact that we are still employing 4 centre halves in our back four (due to injury and lack of strengthening in this area), no leadership on the pitch (Davie Weir is a great player with wonderful experience, but a leader he is not), we have no natural width in our midfield (again due to injuries and lack of strengthening in this area) and our forwards havenââ?¬â?¢t found their shooting boots (on a consistent basis) as yet. Hopefully the fullback areas will become less of an issue if and when Stevie Whittakar and Stevie Smith regain full fitness. In saying that, you canââ?¬â?¢t fault Sasa Papac and Kirk Broadfoot for their effort in the full back areas, but they arenââ?¬â?¢t natural full backs. Hopefully either Sasa or Kirk will become the ââ?¬Ë?long termââ?¬â?¢ centre partner to Bougherra who has fitted seamlessly into the heart of our defence. The wide areas of midfield are a little more difficult to fill at the moment and Walter appears to be keen to use ââ?¬Ë?forwardsââ?¬â?¢ for this role ââ?¬â?? Novo and Lafferty. The natural selections would be young Aaron and Beasley, but a combination of injuries and ââ?¬Ë?fitnessââ?¬â?¢ has curtailed this area of the team as well. As for a leader, well all this Bear can say is ââ?¬Ë?hurry back Barryââ?¬â?¢. Ferguson isnââ?¬â?¢t everyoneââ?¬â?¢s cup of tea, but the team is badly missing him at times. When the team require a ââ?¬Ë?shakeââ?¬â?¢ and ââ?¬Ë?urged onââ?¬â?¢, we currently donââ?¬â?¢t have anyone that will drive the team forward like Ferguson can. As for the forwards, credit where credit is due, Kenny Miller has been the most consistent forward in our team (performance level) and heââ?¬â?¢s scored 4 very decent goals this term. Kris Boyd remains an enigma, Lafferty has been plagued by injuries, JCD is just rank rotten at the moment, ditto Nacho Novo (although no one can fault his passion) and Velicka has turned into the invisible man. So hopefully from today onwards, we can see a level of consistency that can ensure that we regain our title from the MOPES as we simply canââ?¬â?¢t allow them to win another league title this season. Racism and Sectarianism ââ?¬â?? Main Offenders. Yip the MOPES have re-instigated their moral campaign on racist and sectarian songs sung at football games, whilst completely ignoring the fact that they are in fact the worst offenders. Since the mauling of the MOPES they have turned the spotlight onto the ââ?¬Ë?famine songââ?¬â?¢ and even politicians have gotten involved in the debate about this ditty. Now, take away all the hysteria and hyperbole surrounding this ditty, there is no way that it can be classed as racist or sectarian. However Bears, watch yourselves on this one. As this song has been elevated to the new ââ?¬Ë?Billy Boys, and whilst our club dithers around not defending us (in fact, they prefer to make public statements claiming that we are to blame as we constantly sing and post bile), this song could come back to haunt us big-time. There is no way on Gods Earth that the ââ?¬Ë?unbiasedââ?¬â?¢ Scottish media are going to douse the flames fanned by the MOPES, John Reid and the politicians, they are more than happy to portray us as the big, bad bigots ââ?¬â?? it is their agenda after all. However, it appears that we have some support in some quarters, including Southern Ireland where the Irish Independent penned the following : http://www.independent.ie/opinion/co...y-1491629.html UM, SLIGHT DISCONNECT, ANYONE? Two scenarios -- two different results. Rangers fans are reported to the police, politicians go mental and everyone is upset after they sing, to the tune of Sloop John B, "The famine's over; why don't you go home." It's quite funny and, in the context of the poisonous atmosphere between the clubs, verging on the affectionate. Spurs fans, on the other hand, have a chant about Sol Campbell which makes out that he is mental, has HIV and should be lynched. So, one chant about an event that happened over 100 years ago becomes a political hot potato, while another one which manages to evoke slavery, is racist and homophobic and threatening, is treated as little more than an unpleasant example of fan passions. It is indicative of Scotland at the moment that we are continually dragged over the coals for perceived indiscretions whilst the MOPES can sing their vile and repulsive songs and have banners commissioned and made by a convicted IRA terrorist with impunity. Why will no one ask for clarity on the above, or take them to task? F*** You Celtic Youââ?¬â?¢ll Never Win Away I understand that we are in no position to slate anyoneââ?¬â?¢s woeful European record this season given our nightmare against Kanuas, but this is more about the press reaction to the MOPES latest CL away defeat, rather than a gloating at another away day defeat. I was down in deepest, darkest Staffordshire when the MOPES travelled to Villarreal for their latest CL defeat, sorry game. Given this, there was very little pre-match coverage and I had to make do with listening to Paul Dumbertââ?¬â?¢s commentary of the game on ââ?¬Ë?SKY Sportsââ?¬â?¢ football programme. For the duration of the game, Dumbert was praising the Spaniards and claiming that Celtc were in for a ââ?¬Ë?tonkingââ?¬â?¢. When the goal eventually came, Dumbert proceeded to state that Celtc couldnââ?¬â?¢t get back into the game as they couldnââ?¬â?¢t get the ball back from Villarreal. Given this, I was astounded to read on my return of how unlucky Celtc were and that this was their best CL away performance of all time. Now imagine the fun the media would have if we had their CL away record. Hell, we got to the UEFA Cup Final last year and got WORSE press for our performances that they have received for 1 solitary point from 18 CL away games. Cammy F ââ?¬â?? Support The Dublin Loyal - We Are The Peopleââ?¬Â¦.
  24. By Andrew Dickson MARTIN BAIN has urged SPL clubs to accept the merits of the 5% away ticket surcharge implemented on them by Rangers and Celtic this season. The Old Firm announced their intention to impose the handling fee for the distribution of their fans' tickets at other grounds on behalf of opposition clubs in the summer. While some agreed to the plan, others have added to the price of away seats to supplement the new expense or begun selling the briefs themselves to avoid paying it. Gers chief executive Bain has stressed the levy was introduced to lessen the price of following Rangers and Celtic for supporters when they go on the road. While it has had the opposite effect in some cases, he still believes it is a scheme clubs that are currently against it could soon go along with. Bain admits a rethink may be needed to bring the situation to a satisfactory conclusion which suits all parties. But for the moment, he is intent on persevering with the Old Firm's stance as he feels it is one which is best for all concerned. Bain has previously stated he would be happy for other clubs to charge the same cost to the Old Firm for selling away tickets at Ibrox and Parkhead on their behalf. Speaking at the club's AGM today, he said: "The 5% levy was introduced and promoted by this football club to advantage Rangers supporters, not disadvantage them. "A total of �£2.5million worth of tickets is sold (by Rangers) on behalf of other SPL clubs which benefit them and their economy. "Rangers supporters, in recent times, have paid for that by way of a booking fee and it was our sole intention to alleviate that cost to our supporters. "We also want to make other clubs in the SPL wake up and smell the coffee and realise this football club and our supporters will not subsidise them without recognition. "SPL clubs do not recognise what the number of travelling Rangers supporters bring to the economy. "It is about time they did and it is my intention to make sure they stop disadvantaging our supporters by putting prices up.Martin Bain "If they can't recognise that is not the way to go, they need to have a long, hard think to themselves. "At the weekend, for St Mirren to put prices up for Rangers supporters with a difference of �£6 or �£7 to other parts of the ground was shocking. "You have my absolute assurance that I'm trying to hold firm with the other clubs on the 5% levy. "I have spoken to the SPL about this issue and to many other directors of other football clubs. "Now I am sitting at the juncture where I either persevere in the hope clubs recognise what I've set out to do or have to revisit the 5% levy in relation to prices. "It is all very well at the start of the season when the weather is a little better and clubs can sell debt to our supporters. "But when the winter comes and our supporters don't have the convenience of a ticket delivered to their doorstep things could change. "These clubs could then look at numbers and a possible drop in sales - which I hope doesn't happen - and they'll then realise the 5% levy is a good deal." Bain also promised to look into the allocation of tickets for major matches following questions about the distribution of UEFA Cup final seats.
  25. http://www.newsnow.co.uk/A/303696369?-11344 If, like me, you received your copy of the accounts a few weeks back then you’ll know that this Thursday sees the yearly charade that is the annual general shareholders’ meeting. In a year that has seen Rangers reach the UEFA Cup Final, lose the SPL on the final day, go out of Europe to a Lithuanian banker’s hobby and just be beaten by St Mirren for the first time since Paisley Town centre was still seen as modern; then late morning at Ibrox Stadium this week should be interesting. Certainly the chairman could be forgiven for thinking that had he held it a week ago the pressure may not have been quite so much as it will be now. The loss on Sunday just goes to show how the Old Firm are always one bad result away from a crisis. Nonetheless, even if we had won at the weekend, there are still many relevant and important questions for the board of directors to answer. To begin, while all the latest online debate seems again to be concentrating on the merits and intentions behind the current attempt at terracing banter, I think there are much more concerning issues. As we read two weeks ago from Bluedell’s excellent accounts breakdown, the club debt has risen once more. Essentially, despite the superb run to the UEFA Cup Final – coupled with a reasonable showing in the CL Group Stage – if it wasn’t for the sale of Alan Hutton (and latterly Carlos Cuellar), there’s no way we’d have been able to see the spending we have over the last year or so. Indeed, such was the fall-out from the Cuellar sale, one wonders just how upset some fans will become when they realise that unless we make the same kind of sale(s) every year, we simply cannot afford to sustain Ã?£10million+ in transfer spending every summer. It’s actually surprising just how many hands go over eyes and ears when the undeniable facts about the financial limitations of playing in Scotland can be found in our accounts. Don’t believe me? Then simply look across the Clyde to Celtic who haven’t spent much money either despite certain CL qualification this season and an active part in the last two. As such, the single most important question for Thursday morning isn’t asking about the latest complaint about whatever journalist/TV star/radio presenter has said but what is the financial direction of our club? Ten years ago our club had just embarked on a rebuilding programme after losing the chance of a record 10 titles in a row. From being around Ã?£30million in the black and a hugely successful domestic period; we quickly went from this era of dominance to being Ã?£80million in the red and struggling to stop Celtic from matching our modern 9IAR. Sure, we’ve managed to win a few titles since and the necessary financial downsizing has worked to a reasonable degree. However, with debt increasing for the second year on the trot, no European football this year and far from being guaranteed for next; what is the outlook for the club? I appreciate I am being rather depressingly negative here – especially when we’re joint top of the SPL after a difficult start. However, sometimes one needs to be cruel to be kind. Rangers Football Club needs leadership. It needs organisation. It needs cohesion. It needs motivation. It needs debate. It needs structure. It needs ambition. It needs planning. It needs passion. From all levels of the club such virtues seem to be lacking. Indeed, because of this, I see the current Rangers FC as a house of cards. On the pitch, morale seems continually low leading to inconsistency and a dearth of commitment. Off the pitch, fans are divided and the board of directors seem isolated and even absent from dealing with the valid of concerns we have. Worryingly, I see no-one taking the lead to address this. Our chairman and owner wants to sell the club; our manager sits in the stand while our players go unmotivated; our perennially injured club captain doesn’t attend games to help off the park and fan organisations are rife with problems. Surely even a great 4-2 win away to Celtic shouldn’t gloss over these obvious and long-standing issues? The club AGM is where such topics must be debated. Let’s not be side-tracked by media red herrings about songs. Don’t allow non-stories caused by trouble-makers to detract from the main business. Rangers are second best and have been now for over 3 years. There isn’t much to suggest that is changing. That’s should be the main worry. The challenge is how to we get out of this negative vicious circle? Let’s ask the questions to ensure our responsible parties meet this challenge head on. Don’t let these people have an easy ride. It’s time for us all to stand up and be counted.
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