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  1. Celtic boss Gordon Strachan is pleased with the strength of his squad but is considering whether to sign USA midfielder Sacha Kljestan. More...
  2. Hope it's ok posting this. Date: 21st January 2009 Location: Scotland, United Kingdom Organisation: Vanguard Bears INVESTIGATION OF STRATHCLYDE POLICE Strathclyde Police are currently being investigated by the Police Professional Standards Department over claims that they are discriminating against and displaying political intolerance towards British Citizens resident in Scotland. The investigation is taking place following complaints raised by Rangers fans enraged by a threatening message from Strathclyde Police being shown on media screens at Ibrox Stadium prior to the Co-operative Insurance Cup tie between Rangers and Hamilton Academicals on the 28th October 2008. The message read as follows: "The club, after consultation with Strathclyde Police, have to advise supporters that the singing of 'The Famine Song' may result in those responsible being arrested". A spokesman for Vanguard Bears (a Rangers supporter's organisation) would offer the following comments: "We believe that Strathclyde Police were reacting to ill-informed antagonists within the Scottish society and Scottish Parliament claiming the chant is both sectarian and racist in a blatant attempt at furthering their own anti-British agenda". "The chant, which contains only 4 lines, is used by Rangers fans to mock an element of Scottish society who prefer to consider themselves Irish, who openly support anti-British terrorist organisations that have been outlawed in the UK and who wish to assist in the downfall of a United Kingdom . The song has no religious undertones whatsoever and is not mocking anyone who actually died in the Irish famine. It asks questions of those who state that they wish they were back in Ireland , but fail to return despite being free to go". "Despite repeated requests, Strathclyde Police has not been able to confirm what crime would be taking place or what charge would be brought against individuals who are heard to be making this political statement, yet they seem to think they can still threaten people with arrest. Unfortunately we now seem to be living in a society where British citizens are treated as 2nd rate within their own country, whereas those who openly attempt to undermine and indeed express hate for British society and the British way of life are allowed to do so without reproach. There are supposed to be anti terrorist laws in place to deal with these people, why aren't they being used?" "Rangers fans are being labelled sectarian bigots for being pro-British and patriotic to the country in which they live. Surely logic dictates that those making anti-British statements are also sectarian bigots? We have yet to see threatening messages warning Celtic fans for singing their disgusting songs in support of the IRA. Where are the threatening messages against Scotland fans for singing 'Flower of Scotland' which contains lines that could be perceived as anti-English or for booing our national anthem 'God Save The Queen'? "In this instance, it is irrelevant whether the 'Famine Chant' is deemed sectarian, racist or not. What we are complaining about is the fact that action is being taken against one body of people because of their political beliefs whilst everyone else is free to say and indeed sing what they please without fear of retribution. Until either Strathclyde Police make a public apology to those they have discriminated against or take similar actions against other clubs and their supporters, their action to date cannot be viewed as anything else other than discrimination and a violation of the Human Rights Act 1998". "An online petition was set up on the 29th December 2009 and in 3 weeks it has generated 893 signatures of support to date. The petition can be viewed via the following link: http://www.gopetition.co.uk/petitions/apol...yde-police.html ââ?¬Å?Mr. Kenny MacAskill MSP (Cabinet Secretary for Justice) and Fergus Ewing (Minister for Community Safety) have both been asked to intervene and ensure that Strathclyde Police carry out their duties within the law and display parity at all timesââ?¬Â. VANGUARD BEARS DEFENDING OUR TRADITIONS Link to website here: http://www.vanguardbears.com/index.html
  3. Coach Neil Lennon says Celtic are better equipped for the SPL race given their title-winning experience. More...
  4. Finishing 5th is a obviously sackable offense. I would say finishing 18pts behind Celtic in third place is a sackable offence. I'd also say being 17 points behind in the league, halfway through the season, out of a cup to a lower division team, and the manager completely losing the dressing room is a sackable offence. Now finishing 3pts behind, winning both cups and getting to the UEFA cup final - is that really in the same ballpark? Five points behind with plenty to play for and still in both cups, is that a sackable offence? Out of Europe at the first attempt is pretty bad but when it's a couple of months after a European final, surely it shouldn't bring the sack? Now I think Walter completely buggered up in the summer, and I don't think he's a brilliant manager who will take us to great heights; but surely he's demonstrated he's a reasonably good manager? He's 3pts in total behind Strachan in his second spell here which isn't the best but not exactly shite. He's won both cups he's entered got to the final of another which is the first time we've done that since 72. You may not agree with his tactics, teamsheets or how we're playing but personal taste for these things by fans are surely irrelevant - a manager just cannot take that into account when he's trying to deliver trophies. He must be judged by results and while Walter hasn't quite delivered what we want - and I would say that's more to do with bad luck than anything else, I can't see how his report card can be an F with so many. B- seems more appropriate. I really think no-one really has earned the right to say he should be sacked until we see what the table looks like at the end of the season. He may not be the best manager around be he looks no worse than Strachan and far better than Le Guen and McLeish. It's no wonder he doesn't take his criticism seriously, would you if you were in his shoes? I don't think the current crisis has to do with Walter's record bar the fact he spent strangely in the summer and that a poor result means the lack of CL football (which is not unusual for RFC) will lead to less cash in the bank. I think the crisis now is about the way the club is being run, where we go from overspending on fringe players to selling off our first team which has a significant chance of negatively affecting our chances in the league and subsequently automatic qualification for the CL. It's financial suicide and incredibly bad running of the club. If we want SDM to listen us we have to stop acting like headless chickens and yeah, get real.
  5. Aberdeen, Dundee Utd and Celtic! These 3 will be massive and decisive as to whether we can win the title or not! Minimum requirement has to be 7 points.
  6. Boruc not in the squad at all today. 10 mins in and still 0-0
  7. Two quick-fire Zander Diamond goals give Aberdeen a victory that prevents Celtic stretching their lead in the Scottish Premier League. More...
  8. Rangers seem to have learned a lesson from last year on how to try and get ahead on goal difference. Last year we were so far behind Celtic in goal difference that in the last few games it was considered as good as an extra point for them. I can't say how important it is to keep ahead in goal difference. The league has been decided in our favour a few times and with Aberdeen denting Celtics bid to increase the points gap to 5 again, the 2 points we are ahead will make us AHEAD of Celtic if we draw two and they lose two. Obviously the points are far more important, but my point is, i'm glad the team has contributed moreover to trying to make our wins more convincing than what they had been recently. Does this indicate that Rangers are playing much more attractive attacking football than Celtic then? I wonder. Keep it up Gers.
  9. Well, now Walter and Ally can't say the fans didn't tell them so, but... We told you so. Yes, it was well over the time to get young Flecky back into the first team. For MONTHS there has been a gaping gap in the left midfield role that was filled expertly by the youngster today. So, is this another tactical error by the Rangers management not to include him earlier? Smith can no longer say it's 'too early 'to play Fleck or they are 'biding their time'. Arsenal have showed time and time again with their young players that at 16 years old, if your good enough your in there. And we have all known Fleck has been good enough. The fans have been crying out for some young talent and a product of Murray park. There have been some, but none ever touted to go so far as wee Fleck. Ally McCoist was quoted before the game saying that Fleck "may not have been picked because of they(the fans telling the management to play Fleck) reasons", but more because he has merited it by good play in the last few reserve games. Your not that naive Ally. Give the fans some credit. We watch the same games as you and Fleck's display in last years youth cup final against Celtic was all the evidence we needed to get the boy into the first team squad and give the lad a deserved chance. So, now he's in it, keep him there. Because he now needs LOTS of first team experience to help nurture him into the excellent player he is destined to be.
  10. So, at the St.Johnstone game there was a sort of flag protest attempting to draw Scotlands attention towards the mismangement of Rangers by David Murray. The time has come to start doing something about this man. Remember this time last year? Our glorious european run. It took us to a European final and it should have been built upon. However, what happened? No one took any action to try and build on that team as most teams would do after winning some success. Instead the instruction was given to apparantly save money until we beat the pub team from Lithuania and one more qualifying tie(that would have been Aalborg) and therefore enter the Champions league group stages. It was a clear money saving scam by David Murray. However, it backfired and we went out as a result of being a poor team. So, had we been given the money to buy a few players in positions that were clearly needing filled, Rangers would have earned the club about �£5m from the qualification into the group stages. Now, Rangers are being forced to sell their top goal scorer to pay for this glaring error and the only person who couldn't see the team needed strengthened was David Murray. However, this is not the first big error from Mr.Murray. During the Alex McLeish years he was found penny pinching as a Rangers manager was left to bring in free transfers and loan signings. For far too long now, many fans have not liked the direction Mr Murray has been steering the club in. And now the fans shouls start to make it known to David Murray that we want him to sell the club. He says we are not "captains of industry " and indicates we don't really know what we're talking about when it comes to running a club like Rangers. Well Mr Murray, i think you'll find thousands of fans who were supporting the club whilst you were scurrying around outside Somerset Park in Ayr, that we were here well before you and the club is in our blood. Unlike yourself who seems to have bought the club to forward yourself as an individual. We the fans want a different direction for Rangers. A club like Rangers should not be selling it's top striker to pay for an error of judgement you made by yourself to balance the books. A club like Rangers should not be on the verge of gifting Celtic a FOURTH succesive league title in a row. Where will it end? We have had 3 years to plan Celtic's downfall, so why has it not yet happened? And,a club like Rangers should be having a half decent run in europe EVERY season. Not being knocked out by pub teams because you decided to keep your cash instead of stregthening a potentially good side(which was left to drift off into an unbelievable decline). Please sign under this post with a short comment of why you want David Murray to leave Rangers alone and sell up. Lets show Mr Murray why we ant him away from Rangers.:rfc::rfc:
  11. Aberdeen host Celtic and Motherwell travel to Dundee United in the SPL. More...
  12. Jon


    Too lightweight for me. A few good moments and a few good goals but has never really looked up for the Scottish game. I cant even remember him taking players on too often, I thought a winger was supposed to go for it. To easily pushed off the ball for me and a bad signing
  13. Who wants Mr.Murray to continue with more of the same and why ? When he took over he undoubtedly began an exciting new era for Rangers. The Souness years were arguably the most successful in our history apart from being very limited in Europe. In order to continue such success the Club had to keep changing with the times and keep on top of all of our main rivals. We failed to do this. The slide began a number of years ago and became obvious during McLeish's time as manager although it must be said that he did very well considering the tight financial restraints. We were now in the bargain basement area of football. Old pal WS came in and went along with the regime knowing full well the club's circumstances and despite this results were more than reasonable. But now, the players were all heart and possessed mediocre skill. Just as he had done with the Scotland team, results improved but we were accused far and wide of playing " anti-football " However, we were only playing to our strengths. How many times were we pummelled in Europe last season only to pull off miraculous victories. We have now been found out as Celtic did the same to us at the recent defeat at Ibrox showed. I'm sure they must have been embarrassed at the nature of their victory. We have been in decline for the past few years both on and off the field and Mr.Murray has either been unable or unwilling to do anything about it. This being the case either he has to change his financial strategy drastically or someone has to come in with a new direction. I have always followed Rangers, 50 years or so, and I want to be proud of my Club when it plays good, exciting football and is admired wherever it travels. Mis-management at different levels has made this now impossible. Big changes are required throughout to prevent further decline. 40 odd thousand season ticket holders (not many clubs in the UK and abroad can boast this) and the many more supporters who can't attend, deserve a team better than the one who struggled against lower division opponents last Tuesday. I want Mr. Murray to continue only if he listens to the support and acts accordingly, and, more importantly, always, always, act in the best interest of the Club and its thousands of followers. If he wants unity then he must be open and honest without fear or favour.
  14. After all the rotten things thats happened to Rangers lately, i.e forced to sell a top player and losing money as fast as Chick Young lost his hair, wouldn't it be so ironic if we won this weekend and Celtic lost to Aberdeen? Down to 2 points after Celtic fans saying they would be 10 points clear of Rangers the week after the old firm game. Whats the chances? Although i'm quite pessimistic about our title chances, football has a strange way of coming up with these twists. Celtic thought they were walking the league and the quote "the league was won before the new year" from Celtic fans has never left my mind. So, lets hope this twist will be one that does come true.
  15. Reading more and more stories about the Rangers mess is getting everyone down. Yet, when i think back to this time last season i was filled with superb optimism which was well and truly fuelled by Rangers run to a major european final, and the thought we were going to win the quadruple. So, just SEVEN months after we reached the finals of the Scottish cup and the UEFA cup, Rangers are selling off their best players, in financial melt down, the laughing stock of Scottish football. And we have a chairman who appears to be sitting in his ivory towers with ear muffs on and a blindfold as he thinks that the less contact with worried supporters, then all his troubles may just 'go away' overnight! Rangers are in the biggest mess i can remember since the year of 1985 when we were a lowly 5th in the league and sacking our manager Jock Wallace. But the speed that a historical institution that is Rangers football club has cracked right through the middle is frightening. It can mean only gross mismanagement and our angry fans should be rewarded with our loyalty of the club by Murray resigning and a new buyer being found immediatly(don't kid yourself that no-one wants to buy is; this is a myth made by Celtic fans). The stagnant stench of David Murray ruling Rangers the way he has for the last 10 years is poisoning our great club and everything in it. So, now is the time to demand action.
  16. Celtic midfielder Shunsuke Nakamura More...
  17. HIGHLAND hero Kris Boyd does not believe Barry Ferguson will be tempted on a return to the Premiership after Newcastle declared a public interest in the Rangers skipper. Boyd, who scored twice in yesterday's 3-0 win at Inverness, feels Ferguson would prefer to remain at Rangers, Barry FergusonBoyd said: "We know in this market everyone has his price and whatever happens happens - that's the way football is "But I'm sure Barry wants to stay here and play his football with Rangers. "He has left the club once before and didn't particularly enjoy his time down south. Now he's enjoying it and he's back to being the player he once was. "We don't want to lose him and I'm sure the manager won't want to lose him either because he's such a huge influence on the team." Walter Smith was disappointed with Joe Kinnear's public comments about Ferguson and Newcastle have also been linked with a move for Madjid Bougherra. However, Boyd insists that speculation did not affect Rangers in a poor first half in the Highlands. He said: "Inverness made it difficult for us in the first half and all credit to them for doing so. They've been struggling recently but still came out and had a go. When we got in at half time we had a chat and basically knew we had to do better. "The message at the break was that a few of us would be coming off if we didn't improve in the first 15 minutes after the break. And it was a great goal from Pedro that set Kris Boyd and Kirk Broadfoot celebrateus up to go on and win." Boyd's double takes him to 20 goals for the season which has thrilled him but he knows that continuing to cut into Celtic's SPL lead is the key. He said: "I'm obviously delighted with the number of goals I've scored so far but the bottom line is we are still five points behind Celtic which isn't good. "We need to go again when the league resumes after the Scottish Cup and get ourselves back within touching distance of Celtic. "I was pleased with my goals but at the other end Allan McGregor was just as important. He made world-class saves and the one just prior to our second goal proved how important he is to our team."
  18. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/7813483.stm The top 20 from the top 100 in the FourFour Two football rich list are: 1. Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nayan - Manchester City - �£15bn 2. Lakshmi Mittal and family - QPR - �£12.5bn. 3. Roman Abramovich - Chelsea - �£7bn 4.Joe Lewis - Tottenham Hotspur - �£2.5bn 5. Bernie and Slavica Ecclestone - QPR - �£2.4bn 6. Stanley Kroenke - Arsenal - �£2.245bn 7. Alisher Usmanov - Arsenal - �£1.5bn 8 = Lord Grantchester & The Moores Family - Everton - �£1.2bn 8 = Dermot Desmond - Celtic - �£1.2bn 10= Lord Ashcroft - Watford - �£1.1bn 10= Malcolm Glazer and family - �£1.1bn 12. Simon Keswick - Cheltenham Town - �£966m 13. Trevor Hemmings - Preston North End - �£900m 14. Mike Ashley - Newcastle United - �£800m 15. Randy Lerner - Aston Villa - �£750m 16. Tom Hicks - Liverpool - �£700m 17. The Walker Family - Blackburn Rovers - �£660m 18. Mohammed Al Fayed - Fulham - �£650m 19. Sir David Murray - Glasgow Rangers - �£600m 20. Steve Morgan - Wolverhampton Wanderers - �£400m Murray is worth 600m yet look at the mess we are in! The top 20 players in the rich list are: (overall position in the main list show in brackets) 1. David Beckham - �£125m (38) 2. Michael Owen - �£40m (56=) 3. Wayne Rooney - �£35m (61) 4= Rio Ferdinand - �£28m (69=) 4= Robbie Fowler - �£28m (69=) 4= Sol Campbell - �£28m (69=) 7. Ryan Giggs - �£23m (77) 8= Michael Ballack - �£20m (80=) 8= Frank Lampard - �£20m (80=) 10.Steven Gerrard - �£19m (86) 11. Cristiano Ronaldo - �£18m (87) 12. John Terry - �£17m (88) 13. Didier Drogba - �£15m (89) 14= Nicolas Anelka - �£14m (92=) 14= Damien Duff - �£14m (92=) 16= Dimitar Berbatov �£13m (96=) 16= Ashley and Cheryl Cole - �£13m (96=) 16= Fernando Torres - �£13m (96=) 19 = Emile Heskey - �£12m ( 100) 20. Gary Neville - �£11.75m (101) Who does Cheryl play for these days?? Watched bits of Beckham playing for Milan last night against Hamburg in the Dubai cup and he was murder! Well out of his depth IMO after playing at a lower level in LA. It will take him a while to get up to speed.
  19. Questions must be asked about this. Complete and utter farce. How can Murray, Bain and Smith justify buying Lafferty for fucking �£3m but only asking for a mere �£800,000 more for Boyd?. It's unreal. I'm livid with Boyd close to being sold. He is the player keeping Lafferty out the team as well! The guy has is crictics but how many strikers out there can compete with his scoring record. He is argubly, infact probably, the best ever finnisher we have had and we sell him half way through the season when he is bang on form which I believe will result in turn the Scum securing 4 in a row is unimaginable. This time last year we sold our best, inform player and the same is happening again. Even with the money for Boyd in the bank we are more than likely not going to spend it and even if we were, no-one out there for that price will score as many goals or as often for us as Kris Boyd. Lafferty is up there in my opinion as one of the worst signings we have made in modern times and now i'm hearing that he has possibly damaged ligaments against Morton today. �£3m is a price that he will alaways have over his head. I still think that his signing was to get one over on Celtic who had outbid/beat us to a few targets previously. Also apparently, we need to pay Burnley an installment for Kyle which is believed to be in the region of �£1m, hence the panic selling trying to raise funds. The sooner Smith goes the better. He has got rid of Boyd, Cousin and Darcheville and left us with Lafferty, Velicka and Miller. When we are struggling to win against the likes of Hamilton, ICT etc who is gonna pop up with a winning goal now?
  20. Hamilton Accies sign Paul McGowan from Celtic and Rangers' Jordan McMillan until the end of the season. More...
  21. Aiden McGeady will not dispute the fine and first-team suspension imposed by Celtic for a breach of club discipline. More...
  22. RANGERS would be committing championship suicide by flogging the family silver in a bid to balance the books. Former Ibrox favourite and SunSport columnist Billy Dodds believes the sale of Barry Ferguson and Kris Boyd would rip the heart out of Gers. Skipper Fergie has been linked with a Ã?£2.5million move to Newcastle while we revealed this morning that Boyd is a Ã?£3m target for Alex McLeishââ?¬â?¢s Birmingham. Dodds knows his cash-strapped old club could be tempted to cash in ââ?¬â? but he has warned them theyââ?¬â?¢d be kissing their SPL title hopes goodbye if they did. He said: ââ?¬Å?The way things are going for Rangers right now you just canââ?¬â?¢t imagine Walter Smith would entertain selling either of them. ââ?¬Å?I could name a few others Iââ?¬â?¢m sure heââ?¬â?¢d like to get shot of first before heââ?¬â?¢d even consider parting with Boyd or Ferguson. ââ?¬Å?The title race is far from over and to win titles you need to have your best players available ââ?¬â? Boyd for his goals and Ferguson for his leadership qualities. ââ?¬Å?Business is business I suppose, but I donââ?¬â?¢t think Rangers can afford to sell them. ââ?¬Å?The only way they would be tempted is if silly money was offered. But the figures being quoted arenââ?¬â?¢t in that bracket, nowhere near it. ââ?¬Å?Rangers themselves are operating in the market weââ?¬â?¢re talking about here. I donââ?¬â?¢t think itââ?¬â?¢s feasible. ââ?¬Å?I donââ?¬â?¢t think itââ?¬â?¢s the right time, the right players or the right money. If they were to sell both players Rangers are 100 per cent certain to lose the title. ââ?¬Å?Itââ?¬â?¢s a massive gamble and one Iââ?¬â?¢m sure Smith wonââ?¬â?¢t entertain. They would lose even more money by losing out on the title.ââ?¬Â Rangers fans will be reeling from the news that Big Eck has his sights set on Boyd to lead Brumââ?¬â?¢s push for promotion back into the Premier League. But Dodds says Gers should throw out his cheeky Ã?£3m bid for a player he rates around Ã?£5m ââ?¬â? and worth his weight in goals. Doddsy explained: ââ?¬Å?If you take Kris Boyd out of the team thereââ?¬â?¢s not another striker at Rangers who comes close to matching his return. Thatââ?¬â?¢s why Iââ?¬â?¢d laugh off Birminghamââ?¬â?¢s bid of Ã?£3m. ââ?¬Å?When you think of the money thatââ?¬â?¢s swilling around the Championship and some of the fees already shelled out then you would have to say Boyd falls into the Ã?£5m category. I think heââ?¬â?¢s worth that easily. ââ?¬Å?Boyd is invaluable to Rangers. His goals can help catch Celtic, Iââ?¬â?¢m sure. Sell him in January and the Gers fans can forget that. Advertisement ââ?¬Å?The other problem would be replacing him. Smith would have to buy someone else if he offloaded Boyd and where do you find a striker like Boyd for Ã?£3m? Players like that are hard to come by. ââ?¬Å?Iââ?¬â?¢m not having these people who judged him on one game against Celtic. Play him three or four times and if he doesnââ?¬â?¢t score then fair enough. ââ?¬Å?But heââ?¬â?¢s scored for his country and is scoring for fun in the SPL. Heââ?¬â?¢s the best finisher in the country by a mile. Thatââ?¬â?¢s why heââ?¬â?¢s worth more than Ã?£3m. Rangers would be mad to sell him for that. ââ?¬Å?Alex McLeish knows what he would be getting, heââ?¬â?¢s the man who signed him for Rangers. ââ?¬Å?Birmingham are struggling to score goals and thereââ?¬â?¢s no doubt Boyd is the answer. But Rangers canââ?¬â?¢t afford to let him go ââ?¬â? and thatââ?¬â?¢s the bottom line.ââ?¬Â Ferguson is another player Dodds reckons Gers canââ?¬â?¢t afford to lose. The captain is edging back to his best after ankle surgery kept him sidelined for the first five months of the campaign. Dodds said: ââ?¬Å?Ferguson is hugely influential at Rangers. I know. I played alongside him. ââ?¬Å?Heââ?¬â?¢s had his critics this season but give the guy a break, heââ?¬â?¢d been out injured for five months. ââ?¬Å?I think you saw the real Barry against Dundee United a few weeks ago. Heââ?¬â?¢s getting back to his best slowly but surely. It was always going to take time. ââ?¬Å?Listen, Barry is a moaning faced so-and-so but thatââ?¬â?¢s only because he loves to control games. ââ?¬Å?He loves to dictate and thatââ?¬â?¢s why he doesnââ?¬â?¢t like to push forward high up the park too early. ââ?¬Å?He doesnââ?¬â?¢t dictate when he pushes up the field and itââ?¬â?¢s no coincidence that in the last few weeks heââ?¬â?¢s been dropping off. ââ?¬Å?Barry is still a Ã?£4-5m player. He went for Ã?£7m a few years ago, remember. ââ?¬Å?Newcastle are talking about a Ã?£2.5m bid but that should be laughed off too. Heââ?¬â?¢s worth at least double.ââ?¬Â Gers boss Smith is bracing himself as Newcastle and Birmingham prepare concrete bids. Dodds said: ââ?¬Å?Rangers would only let them go if it was top dollar we were talking about but itââ?¬â?¢s not. ââ?¬Å?The destination of this seasonââ?¬â?¢s title depends on it, Iââ?¬â?¢m sure.ââ?¬Â http://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/scotsol/homepage/sport/spl/article2097860.ece
  23. Rangers are considering making a loan move for Northern Ireland hero David Healy. The Sunderland striker is one of a number of names on an Ibrox hit-list as Walter Smith attempts to improve a squad that has fallen seven points behind Celtic in the Scottish Premier League title race. Smith is interested in bringing Aberdeen striker Lee Miller and Hearts right-back Robbie Nielson to the club on a permanent basis, but the Gers boss must sell before he can buy in a major clear-out, therefore at the moment is weighing up loan deals. And thatââ?¬â?¢s where Healy comes in. The 29-year-old has been linked previously with a move to Rangers when he was in the middle of that record breaking scoring run for Northern Ireland in the 2008 European Championship qualifying campaign. Last year the Glasgow giants signed two of Healyââ?¬â?¢s international team-mates, Steve Davis and Kyle Lafferty. It would be quite a hat-trick if they recruited Healy, even if it was on a temporary basis. At present though all Healy, who has scored 35 goals for his country, is concerned with is playing on a more regular basis for Sunderland. Since signing for the Black Cats, he has endured a frustrating time, sitting on the sidelines, although he did make a return to first team duty last weekend, coming on as a substitute in the 3-0 Premier League defeat at Everton. Tomorrow Sunderland host Bolton in the third round of the FA Cup and the Killyleagh man is hoping to be involved. Writing in his Belfast Telegraph column today, Healy said: ââ?¬Å?I want to play for Sunderland more in 2009. ââ?¬Å?I was delighted to join Sunderland from Fulham in the summer because it is such a big club with a passionate support, but I have not played nearly as much as I had hoped. ââ?¬Å?I was pleased to come off the bench for 15 minutes against Everton last Sunday, although losing the game 3-0 wasnââ?¬â?¢t in the script. ââ?¬Å?It had been a while since I played in the first team and it was great to get a game again. ââ?¬Å?I donââ?¬â?¢t want to just be playing a game every two or three weeks though. ââ?¬Å?My aim is to be involved all the time. ââ?¬Å?Hopefully I will be involved in our FA Cup tie at the week end against Bolton.ââ?¬Â http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/sport/football/premiership/rangers-consider-loan-move-for-david-healy-14127273.html
  24. Sorry if this has been posted before. But can anyone with 1/2 a brain cell explain why this poor excuse for a turd repeatedly appears on Satan TV commenting on our games this guy is a Rangers hater and spends the show critisizing our players and mention how good Celtic are at every oppurtunity he does my head in and to top it off Butcher is with him the partnership every bear wants to listen to - Aye Right. Hartson latest rant about how Boyd couldnt lace Medusa's boots done my head in i read his colum in the sun and he totally contradicted himself from his previous statement in his colum that Boyd is the best finisher he has seen ever , a few phone calls from some Rabid Tims changed his mind i think. I have to adjust too widescreen everytimr fryer tuck spills his Celtic Propaganda. Get this Rangers hating overweight pie munching bullshitter off my tv screen and keep your snidy comments to yourself or spout them at the Bigotbowl were they belong.
  25. http://www.skysports.com/story/0,19528,12876_4754576,00.html
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