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    James Tavernier


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  1. Katic should undoubtedly be given a chance. I don't know how Worrall managed to last the full 90 minutes today. **** went and made that mistake and he never looked the same. Looked shaken to fuck. Worrall is the type of player who will show up against better opposition. We've seen that when we played against Villarreal and we've seen it when we played against Celtic. Stick him against any other team in the league, your Kilmarnocks, your Dundees, etc and he looks like a totally different player. Worrall is a good player when he decides to show up. I've said it for quite a while now, he's far too slow on the ball and today it cost us. That being said though. Gerrard has to shoulder some of the blame for fucking about with the formation. 2 upfront has never suited us in recent years and to change it in a game that was always going to be a difficult one is just brain dead fucking stupid.
  2. Fucking sublime performance. That's exactly what Rangers teams looked like pre-2012 when playing Celtic. Fighting for every ball, getting absolutely tore into them. That's what a Rangers team is supposed to look like. We're in a fantastic position at the moment. Level on points with Celtic going into the January transfer window. Get a few solid editions in and we're in with a shout at achieving something in the 2nd half of the season. Whether that be a Scottish Cup win or league title.
  3. I personally don't see the issue. Yeah, Pena wasn't without his issues but I think it's worth a punt tbqh. In the 12 appearances he did make for Rangers he scored 5 goals from midfield and set up numerous more. He could be exactly what our midfield is looking for. We've not exactly got an awful lot to lose by giving him a chance in January. If it doesn't work out, it doesn't work out. Gerrard has been managing to get the best out of players such as Andy Halliday, a player whom almost everyone I spoke to wanted gone at the end of last season. I can't see why the same couldn't happen with Pena. Afaik he's chucked the alcoholism.
  4. Simple problem. We don't score enough, nor do we create an awful lot. The chances we do create we squander. The only player on that park scoring for Rangers on a consistent basis is Morelos, whom we rely far too much on to do our bidding. The likes of Arfield and Kent were fantastic at the start of the season in terms of contributing with goals. Arfield seems to have stopped that and Kent is obviously out injured. Lafferty is basically just the same Kyle Lafferty that Hearts had. Utter gash in the vast majority of games he plays, but scores in the big ones. I bet you he'll come off the bench at some point on Saturday and he'll score an absolute screamer against the Tims. He did that all the time for Hearts. But yeah, I'm not optimistic at all about Saturday. We're without Barisic, Goldson and potentially Arfield if he isn't declared fit within the next few days. Our midfield is dangerously flat. The likes of Callum McGregor and Ntcham are going to have an absolute field day with it. It'd be fantastic if we managed a win, but I can only see us drawing. Which isn't good enough at Ibrox tbh. We've made an absolute dogs mess of this month. We've managed 12 points out of a potential 21 points for December. That's appalling for a Rangers team. What we can all agree on though is that we need few additions in the January window. Hopefully Gerrard gives Pena an opportunity and hopefully we can get another striker in aswell as Steven Davis to hopefully add a bit of creativity to our midfield.
  5. Rangers never ever fail to ruin my mood. Connor Goldson, a truly uncharacteristic performance from him today. He's never usually this bad. Ejaria's passing was fucking criminal. Once Spartak went up 4-3 they sat back a lot more. That's our problem. We can hit teams who play openly against us, hence why we took the lead 3 times today. But the moment a team sits back we have no answers. We are in desperate need of a player who can unlock packed defences. Perhaps if Morelos' goal wasn't chopped off it might have ended differently. But still, conceding the way we did today was fucking criminal. There's ways to lose a game of football. That isn't it. We are very lucky that Villarreal drew 0-0 with Rapid today. Means the group is still anyone's for the taking. Villarreal at home is a must win or there's no chance of us getting to the last 32.
  6. Froze my toes off on Sunday and again today for this utter pish. I'm no joining the sack so and so bandwagon at all, but ffs Gerrard get it sorted. If his name wasn't Steven Gerrard and he hadn't got us into the Europa League then there'd be a lot more questions being asked of his utterly abysmal league form. I think the main reason why we perform better in Europe but not in the league is because we are constantly hitting teams on the break whilst in Europe and those teams generally play a lot more openly against us. In the league however teams seem to have a tendency of just sticking every man behind the ball whilst looking to frustrate us. Aberdeen have done it against us with success, and so have Kilmarnock now. I'd drop Joe Worrall. I don't think he is a bad player at all but he is far too slow on the ball for my liking. Ruins the pace of the game for me. Feel like our back four is desperately missing Katic's aerial prowess. I'd also have Barisic back (I'm fully aware he is injured) Flanagan is a good choice defensively (apart from today) but he is utterly useless when it comes to getting forward. Barisic is a lot more solid going forwards and we could use his crossing ability. Hate to sound negative, but we need to start picking up. If we get beat at Ibrox off of Celtic in December then our season is done. That will be a do or die game imo. So frustrating.
  7. I knew right from the moment we signed Sadiq that he was effectively going to be another meme player, like Dalcio before him. From what I saw of him when he was at NAC Breda, he looked nothing special. An insanely average looking player in a bottom half Dutch team. also a diving bastard. What is the statistic now? 5 games in a row at Hampden and we haven't won any of them? We also haven't been to a cup final, nor have we won a cup since Mark Warburton. Every time we go to Hampden we always fucking bottle it. So fucking frustrating so it is. Winning the League Cup would have provided us with a bit of much needed momentum for the rest of the season and we just blew away any chance of us gaining that momentum. Fucking pish. The hunger for a trophy continues.
  8. Hamilton seems like an ideal team to give him his first start imo. Should be an easy enough team to beat away from home, even in spite of our pretty terrible away form so far. Hamilton is struggling to find form at the minute and was thrashed 6-0 off of Hibs just before the international break.
  9. I myself don't follow the Scotland team so I'm glad that we don't have very many players being called up. 1. Scotland is absolutely dire. In the 19 years I have existed on this planet they have not qualified for a single competition. Feel like our players would be just wasting their time playing for their country. 2. Keeps them fresh for us and the prospect of picking up an injury on international duty isn't there.
  10. Gerrard needs to take full responsibility for this. Why are we changing tactics when we're 1-0 down at HT and in desperate need of the 3 points? He needs to stop this experimenting pish when we're in the middle of a league game, especially when we're losing. Last season, we were pish at home and good away from home. This season is just a reverse. No quality in the final third. Morelos constantly being caught offside, Lafferty nowhere to be seen and our crosses just being headed back out by a Livingston team who were dominant in the air for the entire game. I also don't understand why we continued to pass it into the box when it was quite clear that Livingston was going to go deep when they got that goal + the fact that they were dominant in the air thus making any attempt to cross ineffective. We should have been taking shots from just outside the box. Ejaria, despite how bad he was today, was the only one who tried that from what I saw. The whole team was pish. Worrall just slowed the pace of the game down far too much.
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