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Posts posted by Briton

  1. 15 hours ago, barca72 said:

    It would appear that the OO is ready to stand witness to the alleged incident ...





    Statement by Jim McHarg, Grand Master of the Grand Orange Lodge of Scotland,

    “I, like so many others, was appalled to hear the reports of the incident that happened outside St Alphonsus Church in Glasgow on Saturday.  Verbal abuse is in itself unacceptable, but allegations of spitting is vile and disgusting, and we hope those involved are brought to justice.  Whilst I am assured that no members of the parade were involved in any of the incidents, we understand that it was carried out by a small group of young men who turned up to watch the parade go past.

    “The Orange Order is founded on the principal of religious liberty for all.  This includes the right of other faiths to celebrate their own heritage and history, just as we celebrate ours.  Unfortunately, there are a small number of people in society who seem unwilling to accept this tolerant approach.  Indeed, many of them allude to beliefs and sing songs about a time in the past which they probably know very little about or fail to understand completely.  I have only one message for them, you are not welcome at any of our parades!

    “I have today asked our Executive Officer to call Canon White to express our sadness at what he had to endure.  We have also written to the Archdiocese.  We have contacted the Police to offer our full support in their investigations.  A number of members of the parade witnessed the incident on Saturday, and senior members intervened at the time to stand up for Canon White.  Those members will be key witnesses for the Police and stand ready to assist.

    “Whilst it may be said that the Orange Order has different opinions to the Roman Catholic Church, I have no hesitation in stating that today we stand with Canon White in saying that this sort of behaviour has no place in society.”


    Of course it still remains to be seen just  where the allegencies of the alleged nerds belong to.

    I detest religious organisations but that's an admirable statement from the Orange Order.

  2. 3 hours ago, Darthter said:

    I just find it completely ironic, that gambling within the sport is frowned upon, but many of the major sponsors/investors are gambling companies....

    It's not just frowned upon...it's banned for those who participate in the sport.

  3. 5 hours ago, Bill said:

    You're right, sometimes having principles does cost money. It's not something I expect to happen, only a personal preference not to have our children running around advertising things they're not actually allowed to participate in because ... well it's obvious isn't it. 

    I understand the point.  I really don't think it would cost us much to not have a company's name on the shirt.  Who knows? A principled stand might sell a lot more shirts.

  4. 8 hours ago, Gonzo79 said:

    Quite simply, I'm encouraging you to share your worldly wisdom amongst Bears - messages are better heard in person than online.  

    Grow the fuck up.  

  5. 5 hours ago, Bill said:

    Meaning ... there's no point preaching to the converted on here, why not take your message where it might do some good.

    I'm not preaching to anybody and I'm going nowhere.


  6. 14 hours ago, Bill said:

    Money will always talk and we’re in no position to turn money away but I’d like to see us refuse sonsprships that advertise addiction products - alcohol, tobacco or gambling 

    That's basically saying you'd refuse some money.  I doubt it would be a significant sum to go a little further and adopt the principle of keeping the shirt clean.

  7. On 04/07/2018 at 08:28, pete said:

    I called my daughter Joanne because it came into my head after the birth. Some say that is a catholic name. It was not important to me. Aidens mother is a Rangers supporter and a regular on here so lets not start insulting people because of their names.

    People who fret about names because they sound Catholic/Irish are total arseholes.

  8. 7 hours ago, Ser Barristan Selmy said:

    I would far rather have Nike or Adidas, but the orange kit looks great. I think 32Red is a tacky looking sponsor, but you can't have everything. 

    They're all tacky.  We shouldn't let any sponsor splatter their name across the shirt.  The money we'd lose would be peanuts and we'd probably sell more shirts.

  9. 3 hours ago, Darthter said:

    While I can understand (& generally agree) why many folk didn't wan't the orange strip, due to obvious connotations.....it does look an absolute belter of a top.

    Orange (tangerine) is my favourite colour kit but I wish we didn't have it.  Love the 'home' top...I hate it when they have red on the main shirt.  They all look nice barring the sponsor's name being emblazoned across the front.

  10. 8 hours ago, Gaffer said:



    There's a reason most top teams score goals in the last 8 minutes of games.  It takes about an hour of intensive work to tire a pro player.  After that they don't concentrate as well and gaps open up.  We need to get back to that, and being in our opponents' faces from second one of the game will help us win more games, even if it is towards the end of the match.  That's a big part of what the football winning mentality is.


    It looks like Stevie G has got that into their heads now.

    Didn't we score a lot of late goals last season?

  11. 6 hours ago, JFK-1 said:

    To be fair who does give a rational opinion? Look at the forums of any other club and all they talk about each time we make a signing is how skint we are, where does the money come from, liquidation soon. Incidentally Gerrard was going to quit just last week because he has "been sold a pup" apparently.

    If we take off running I predict this simple minded insanity will if anything crank up a notch if that's even possible. We need to demand more money from shirt sponsors. Point out that we have more non fans than fans obsessing over our every move.

    So why I don't look at the forums of other clubs?

  12. On 6/6/2018 at 12:56, alexscottislegend said:

    It's a pity we didn't secure a season-long loanback deal at the time like Keltic did with Morgan. As it is it may take him years to get into the Chelsea team.

    I'm glad that didn't happen. Why should we risk playing  youngsters for the benefit of other clubs?  The only loan players I want to see (if we must have them) are those that will instantly strengthen the squad.  Hope this lad from Liverpool is not another  Zalalem.



  13. 2 minutes ago, Gaffer said:

    I don't think anyone would argue with that.  The logos really do make a mess of the shirts these days.  I've noticed how big and ugly the logos are in snooker too and it makes the smart attire look stupid.  As for how much we'd lose, right now I'd have a logo on every part of our strips (even tattooed on the players) if it brought in enough money to rebuild the club.  It's just a necessary evil these days.

    I'm not convinced it's a huge amount we'd loose from a sponsor like Red32 if we didn't let them plaster their name on the shirt.  I think there could be a boost in sales and we could still have sponsorship. 

  14. Going off on a bit of a tangent but I was watching a lot of 70's football last night and I was thinking how great the kits were, they're so fugging messy these days. That (hopefully fake) kit in the OP is a good example; just horrible.  Would love Rangers to play a season in the 60's or 70's shirt.  I wonder how much money we would loose by not having a sponsor's name emblazoned across the front?  

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