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Posts posted by Briton

  1. 8 hours ago, ian1964 said:

    Morelos was silly and does have temper issues and could have cost the club big time tonight, he is continually targeted in every match he plays in but he needs to learn to control his temper, he let his team mates down tonight and he knows that and has apologised to his team mates.


    This wasn't a case of him reacting to being 'targeted' though.  He kicked the ball away and then showed dissent.  He's got to cut it out.   

  2. No matter how you look at it....this is another two points lost.  The manager was at fault for once but looking on the bright side; as many have pointed out, we'd have lost this game last season.

    My main worry about the team is we seem totally incapable of hogging possession and closing a game down when we need to which has resulted in several late goals conceded.

  3. 7 hours ago, cooponthewing said:

    I have to agree 100%. I have been following the conversation and thinking about the two ties (Osijek and Maribor).

    Watching the matches I was caught between to trains of thought. Were we very good or they poor? I hope I’m not getting ahead of myself but after deliberating I felt we were fantastic.


    Maribor were a good side middle to front but we coped. Osijek were an irgibised side too and we coped. We look determined, composed and resolute. Maribor are a highly ranked European side, if it were up to me I would ban all the MSM from Ibrox except a chosen few!


    Okay Donald.  Whilst I'm delighted with the way we've started the season I think we need to keep our feet on the ground.  Both Osijek and Maribor had opportunities against us that better players would probably done more with.  Saying that...I can be a terrible pessimist when it comes to Rangers.

  4. Tom Miller, although a great guy who obviously loves Rangers, is a terrible commentator.  Actually, too often, he's failing to commentate on what's actually happening to the point where I have to turn the volume down as I get totally pissed off with his ramblings about bygone days of yore during the game.  I'm wound up trying to watch the match while he  often seems disinterested and starts asking stupid questions of his side kick.  This week, for example , it was 'that Paul Gascoingne was some player wasn't he?' Sometimes it appears he wants to talk about anything but the match at hand. 

    There's also way to much input from the pundit  (nine times out of ten making a pointless bleedin' obvious observation) with him but this a common annoyance with all football commentary these days.


  5. 6 hours ago, Bluedell said:

    It's more about Glasgow than the fans. Glasgow is our city!


    5 hours ago, Gonzo79 said:

    I remember a Rangers fan from Govan telling me people not from Govan aren't real Rangers men.  



    Well we've played in Govan longer than in Glasgow I guess.  :)   I still don't get what  the point of what is being  said here other than the bleeding obvious that we are a Glasgow based club. 

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