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Posts posted by Briton

  1. On 13/06/2019 at 21:52, pete said:

    I don't really get why you would not want to support your national team to be honest. I support Scotland, not the SFA or the Tartain Army. I won't let these people take my support for my national team away. Do I agree how Scotland is run these days then the answer is no but we can't change things by running away we can only change things by being bigger and louder than the rest. If people want to support Engerland or Ireland then fine but unless you have a connection then they are the ones with the identity crisis. My support is in front of the telly of course.:D

    Well said.  I'm not surrendering my support of Scotland and it's sad to see so many Bears doing so.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Rousseau said:

    We're desperately in need of full-backs. 


    We've been lulled into a false sense of security with Tavernier ever-present... presence (?).


    Barasic and Tavernier are the only full-backs we have, with any quality for the furture. The rest are stop-gaps or not good enough, IMO.


    Barasic has been okay--I don't think he's to blame for the goal.  

    Kamara's fault I think.

  3. 11 minutes ago, buster. said:

    There will always be varying opinions but after this season, I don't think anyone doubts his ability and potential.

    But this season has also thrown another important factor into the mix, which simply can't be ignored.


    The priority for most is a winning team and we are on our most consistent run in the top flight since 2011.

    In other words, currently Morelos isn't getting a game because Defoe deservedly has the shirt and probaly suits more the formation w've been playing.


    The factor I mentioned was discipline and in Scottish fitbaw, his cards have been marked. This means it will take a really big effort on his part to stop falling for opposition efforts to get him sent off. Thus far, we've heard how he'll look to rid this from his game and to be fair you could see an effort being made but come the big game, he succumbed once again.


    I put it to you that he is a cracking player but we can't really trust him.

    Thereafter, does he want to stay or go ?


    If he wants to stay, I'd be more inclined to give him another chance unless offered relative silly money.

    If he wants to go, I'd take a reasonable fee and look for a replacement. 

    Well obviously we'll take silly money, that goes without saying.   He will have to make a big effort on the discipline front but, like you say he deserves another chance.  Did you trust Bud?  We've had our share of fiery/stupid players in the past who haven't received the criticism Morelos has.  At least he has some excuse in his age, unlike, say, McGreggor who has acted idiotically on occasion this season (including in the first 'big game') but I don't see people lacking trust in him. 


  4. On 16/05/2019 at 17:51, ian1964 said:

    Can't understand some Rangers fans that want our most exciting talented young striker in years not being involved in the first team and in fact want rid off him!!.

    Unless there is a huge fee involved I want him to stay and improve his game, he terrifies defences and knows where the goal is.

    A striker we could not afford if we were to try and buy him now!.

    I think there is a section of the support who will never give him reasonable credit.  His potential was evident from day one but there were Bears were calling for him to be replaced by Cummings.  I hope we can keep him.

  5. 4 hours ago, Gaffer said:


    In the past 3 years we've witnessed a collapse in the democratic system.  I don't want to get into a political debate but the point is that once again a huge portion of the public will just sit back and watch a referendum result be overturned by politicians because they didn't like the result anyway.



    If you don't want political debate keep that shit out of here. Hopefully the result will be overturned.

  6. 1 hour ago, Bill said:

    Embarrassing from McGregor, no other word for it. Instead of talking about appeals we should be urging Rangers to fine and suspend him. Can you imagine this sort of indiscipline under Walter Smith or Alex Ferguson? Perhaps what worries me most is Gerrard publicly declaring he is "running out of ideas" to impose discipline. Gerrard needs to take a long hard look at himself.


    Foderingham should be backed to the hilt.

    At 37 years old you'd think he'd have started acting like a professional.  This could have happened on several occasions this season going right back to the opening OF game. 

  7. 23 hours ago, Gaffer said:

    Disgusting, but true.   This is in the Mail today.  How the hell did this get through an editor?


    They are making reference to Morelos' "chimp brain".  Maybe someone can post the link.  If I hadn't seen it for myself I wouldn't have believed this was possible.  This MUST be an open goal for the club to sue them.  One of the most indefensible pieces written.


    The way he is treated in this country makes me ashamed.



    It's the fucking Daily Heil. Scum.

  8. 26 minutes ago, ian1964 said:

    We are all quick to slate refs decisions but that one was an excellent one and credit to the assistant ref for calling it, I also thought the ref got the Killie pen claim right, IMO.

    Touch and go but Brophy's exaggeration gave the ref a reason not to give it.  


    Edit: I also didn't know that the assistant called it.  I was watching with the volume down as the stream was a bit choppy and it was going out of sync and the pundit going on and on and on about the early penalty shout was driving me nuts.

  9. 2 hours ago, JohnMc said:

    It's radio coverage that's missing. For example tonight's match, a big cup tie on a Wednesday night, when a lot of supporter's might struggle to attend and, as far as I know, a match that isn't on TV, would, for any other side get full focus along with commentary. That's something tens of thousands of Rangers supporter's deserve.

    Will anyone be covering the game on radio?

  10. On 13/02/2019 at 09:50, MacK1950 said:

    If it had been Morelos the red card would have been out before the opposing fell after the tackle.

    Looks like a couple on here are succumbing to the all Rangers do is bad scenario by trying to defend that tackle.

    Some of us are able to look at things in isolation and in the cold  light of day, unaffected by  Timification.  I have little doubt Alfredo Morelos would have been sent off for the same challenge but that doesn't change my view on Power's offence.

  11. 1 hour ago, pete said:

    So we can rule out all overhead kicks from the game then. The guy was following the ball and tried to bring it down out the air. I don't believe he even knew Jack was there. Funny how people think it is okay for McGregor to come in with a straight leg and studs showing under the name of protecting himself. 

    Sorry to upset the apple cart but I think the referee and SFA have got this spot on.

    Dead right.  Power was reckless but there was no intent.  Anyone who has played the game knows you sometimes follow the ball like that, unintentionally creating a dangerous situation. Yellow card was correct decision.

  12. 8 hours ago, BlackSocksRedTops said:

    As much as I welcome Defoe and his goalscoring track record, there was always a fear at the back of my head about whether we need 2 up top and how that will effect our team overall. 

    I don't think Defoe is good enough to change the formation for.  He got his tap in, fair enough, but he was dire for the rest of the game and should never have lasted 78 minutes.  I know he has only played a few games this season but I'm doubtful he'll be able to compete in the rough and tumble of the SPL.  Hope I'm wrong.

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