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Posts posted by Briton

  1. 20 minutes ago, Rousseau said:

    I'm not able to see it, but we're winning 2-1. Tavernier with the equaliser; Morelos with the 2nd. 


    Livingston are now down to ten men. 

    3-1 in the end. Great finish from Barker  following an excellent break from Rangers.  Tav's was straight in from a free-kick in similar fashion to the game against Celtic at Ibrox last season.  Morelos' goal was a bullet header after a very good near post flick on of Tav's corner by Aribo.   


    Missed their penalty though.  

  2. 21 minutes ago, der Berliner said:

    Tav gifted them the opener...

    But for inept finishing you could have been writing that about the Legia game.   I love Tav but if Barasic, Halliday or Flanagan had made as many  errors as the captain had this season they'd be getting dog's abuse.  He needs to up his game.

  3. 9 hours ago, 917 said:

    I thought it looked like JP. Shows you how stupid these Uefa raps are. Do Legia fans take 50 foot Popes to other games? No, they brought it tonight hoping we would respond & get thrown out of the competition. Still, we beat them fair & square. Unlike that other mob..

    I assumed it was a club hero; a former player perhaps.  Stupid attempt at a wind up that may backfire, although they're probably in trouble for stopping the game in any case.

  4. 1 hour ago, DMAA said:

    Maybe I’m the only one but bar a couple of decisions I think this ref is the best we’ve had in Europe since we’ve been back. Yes he’s given a couple but there have been plenty he hasn’t given that other European refs would have given in a heartbeat, and he actually let the game flow too and kept his cards in his pocket. 

    I agree.  Bar the terrible decision to pull play back when Tav was through I think he did okay.  Yes he was fussy but that's European football.   A Scottish referee may have sent Morelos off as well.

    We also had our share of decisions going our way.  


    Anyway; a well deserved win in what was a tough challenge.   Always dodgy 0-0 away first game.  Came through it again though, was thinking before the game how similar it was to when we played Maritimo and Red Star but I didn't want to tempt fate.  ?

  5. 13 hours ago, gaspard said:

    Tried to stop what I thought was a direct debit to Premier sports, turns out the payments are called authorised debits (or something) they are not amendable like DD or SO and cannot be cancelled by the payee.

    Strikes me that anyone using this company is asking for trouble.  Rip them off by watching an illegal stream.


    1 hour ago, Bill said:

    According to my bank it’s true. People should check for themselves 

    A quote from St Martin of Lewis:



    Cancelling recurring payments: It's best to contact the company taking the payment first and ask it to cancel it. If it refuses, you can also contact your bank or card provider and tell it to cancel it.


  7. On 08/08/2017 at 16:25, Bill said:

    Be careful. If you set up a direct debit with Premier Sports then it has to be cancelled by both parties. 

    I don't think that's true of DD.  One thing you should never do unless you are absolutely sure of the company you are signing up with is use a credit card for recurring payments.  They can need both parties to cancel.

  8. 6 minutes ago, Frankie said:

    I assume gambling regulations in Poland meant we couldn't display 32Red.

    Seems the most reasonable explanation.   I've asked the question before; how much would we actually lose if treated the shirt with respect and didn't have the sponsor's name on the shirt?  My guess is it would not be that much in the great scheme of things.  I detest it and was disappointed that Barca folded but they get £40 million a year for prostituting their shirt.

  9. I noticed last night that we didn't have a sponsor's name splashed across the front of the shirt.  Don't know why that was but it looked so much better.  If only we could get rid of that permanently, and dispense with all the 'flair', we'd have a great shirt.

  10. This isn't aimed at anyone but can we stop moaning about synthetic pitches?  They are part of the game and have been for years and everyone has to play on them.  I think the issues with them are exaggerated anyway.  Okay it might not apply at this time of the season but I know which I would choose between a SP and the mud bath of yesteryear.   

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