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Posts posted by Briton

  1. On 20/09/2019 at 07:53, Frankie said:

    They're basically trolling us at every turn, including these kind of comments and the deliberate errors with stats and scores etc.  It's the behaviour of children.

    I thought they were trolling us with the 'errors' but I noticed yesterday in a BBC report they referred to Hibs' 1-0 draw with Celtic.  

  2. 20 minutes ago, Bill said:

    If we're being fair here, Morelos squandered enough chances of his own. In fact at times his decision making in front of goal was poor.

    He was heavily involved in the vital opening goal and the second before scoring  himself.  I thought he just shaded it from Stewart overall, although I've only seen the highlights of the first 20 minutes.  

  3. 4 minutes ago, der Berliner said:

    What a game ... and Stewart alone had at least three more golden, nay platimun chances to score ... plus Arfield's and Ojo's.


    Hard to pick a man of the match, though I'd say Stewart and Davis were both just that very very little bit better than the rest.

    Stewart was good but those misses means I'd give another MotM to Alfredo Morelos.

  4. 1 minute ago, Frankie said:

    Obviously the opening goal made all the difference as the game opened up after that and we took advantage by playing the ball quicker and took the chances when they came along.


    Dallas did well at the opener to play advantage (not sure if the tackler was booked but should have been) but to not give a penalty for the handball is unforgivable.  Even the BT Sport ref thought it was and that's unusual when it comes to us.


    After that Davis did brilliantly on the line to block what looked like a certain goal and squeaky bums for the last 5mins but we went up the park and scored two superb goals, though Defoe's second looked offside.

    Davis did very well not to handle that. 

  5. 59 minutes ago, onevision said:

    I do prefer my penalty taker to lift the ball from the ground about 1 metre to give the keeper less if a chance when they guess correctly where as if not mistaken Tav likes to hit his low.

    Not sure i'd drop him from duty as he does have a very good record from the spot.

    Surely it's easier to save a metre high shot than a grass cutter?  

  6. 11 minutes ago, JFK-1 said:

    More goals would have been nice given the chances they created but at the end of the night the most important thing is the 3 points are in the bag and we're sharing top spot in the group.  Plus a €570,000 bonus for a win.

    Little boost for the coefficient too.

  7. 2 hours ago, Uilleam said:

    De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum...


    ....unless you are a complete cu nt

    Sorry don't want to derail this thread in particular but we had this kind of nonsense said when one of the scumbag Koch brothers died last week and it's absolute bollocks, unless you are a hypocritical cu nt.

  8. 12 hours ago, pete said:

    One thing I wish is that goalkeepers had less time on the ball and had to take a goal-kick within a certain time. sometimes more than a minute is lost. Cut 6 seconds to 4 seconds and start actually giving free-kicks for holding the ball too long.

    Just one of many things that could be done.  Another that bugs me is when the ball goes through to the keeper but there's been an offside flagged; the ref should wave play on regardless but they invariably stop the game.  

  9. On 17/09/2019 at 14:26, MacK1950 said:

    So would I if 4th official could be trusted to handle it.Would also like to see similar to rugby,American Football etc. time clock being used to start stop games in case of injury,substitions so that correct amount of time is played instead of fourth official making decision.

    I'm surprised more people involved in the game aren't up in arms about the amount of time wasted.  The referees are amongst the worst offenders. Not only do they let teams get away with deliberate time wasting, they take way too long getting the game going again at free-kicks and corners.   

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