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Everything posted by colshy18

  1. leyts hope so. that cuntoid ricksen is getting a kick in the sacks for that!
  2. no way lehman is a donkey of the highest order!
  3. hmn i think YES but he`s not replied since so maybe he`s away to try out the theory! or maybe he realises he`s a knobend after all:p
  4. i didn`t start this daft topic it was ribz! and his childish lets all lauff at chelsea pish! he should know better to do that than try wind up half a forum of chelsea fans:mad:
  5. yeah i`ve actually heard you do this then get a short train ride to copenhagen:)
  6. good signing for a team like them imo
  7. hate that guy with a passion:mad:
  8. ok craig, how about this one then? chelsea to finish on top of barcelona in the group stages of the champions league?
  9. i`ll take yer bet too gribz, if u want!
  10. all the nglish sides have got a tough draw except newcastle. we should see off molde easily! hopefully the jambos will get fucked
  11. middle aged? think you should check my date of birth wee man! i can take it aswell mate;)
  12. bitter over WHAT? being league champions?
  13. nope more likely to be from your shite talking crap mouth;)
  14. don`t really want to waste my time saying anything about the guy!
  15. and i can smell someone spouting even more shite about arsenal!!!!
  16. ha ha "arsenals record" why do you have to research into bygone years for you to come up with something arsenal can compare with chelsea in the league? face it you support one of the shittest teams in london right now! and go on any chelsea haters...slag away whatever you want cause I KNOW wholl be on here at the end of the season bringing back up whatever you say on here>. so choose yer words very, very carefully!
  17. and btw i`ll bet EVERYONE of yous sado`s any money that chelsea still win the league, or treble or quits if you want craig for you alone!! it doesn`t matter how far man.utd are ahead of us with TWO silly games. this just makes it more exciting for us cause it was so boring last year because there was NO competition! we`ll STILL win the league even if we give them this start!
  18. ha ha ha what a bunch of sad pricks you lot are! imagine remembering what i said about `arsenal` 4 days ago!!! geo, rino, gav and craig= sad pricks for being SO SAD to remember what someone said nearly a week ago about ARSENAL! hope yous feel better now you`ve got that pish out your daft wee boy system... ...SADO`S!!
  19. ha! not a chance in hell of that craig;)
  20. again... ...go fuck yourself lennon ya baldy, fat, ginger, gypo, scumbag, i.r.a sympathising whore:flipa: :flipa:
  21. i can`t wait till we play united! it`ll shut a few folk up;)
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